AP Photo
“Tax Protester Crashes Plane Into IRS Office”
As Mars continues its close orbit to the Earth’s and now slows down to make its retrograde ‘station’ (at 0 degree Leo March 10th) when it appears to stop for a few days)… as I’ve related in past posts… it tends to sit and ‘cook’ those particular degrees and the aspects made to it… and with Mars it can be a ‘trigger’ for some mentally unbalanced individuals… those ready to snap often do during these close Mars transits… and its stations.
Besides the daily war and Middle East violence… we have witnessed this tension building in this country this past week… with a teacher rampage killing of three at a university… a shooting of two in a church service… a horrendous train wreck in Belgium… and now this tragedy in Austin, Texas.
With such a public event we have an accurate time and location of the event, 10 AM Austin, Texas… which gives us a mundane event chart that reveals once again the powerful ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’ aspect that I’ve been writing about in recent posts… follow the red dashed lines that point to Mars at 2 degrees of Leo. It is in the 4th House (rules home)… and he allegedly set his nearby house on fire (Mars) at 9:40 AM… and then drove to the air field and took off in his airplane and then crashed it into the IRS Office building in Austin at approximately 10:00 AM.
The base of the ‘Yod’ is formed by the combined Stellium that stretches across the cusp of Aquarius (rebellious, shock) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, and here misguided idealism, martyr, suicide, etc) from Neptune (idealist, martyr) at 26 degrees of Aquarius (rebellious) and Chiron (wounding) at 26, and the Sun at the most intense point of the sign at 29 degrees… and “Dark Moon Lilth’ conjuncts the Stellia from 2 degrees of Aquarius and is sextile to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn... which squares Saturn, thus more stress...
…the rarely used, but often potent indicator in mundane astrology, the ‘Dark Moon Lilth’ point which is a mathematical hypothetical point… often indicates ‘treachery and lying’ along with ‘Lilth Moon’ which indicates ‘calamity’… thus, there will more than likely be various conspiracy theories speculated in the future in regard to this event.
We see the ‘trigger’ again as the transiting Moon… The North Moon Node conjuncts the Mid Heaven at 19 degrees of Capricorn (Capricorn, Saturn ruled authorities, MC the public event)… the South Node at the Illium Coli… in Cancer (rules the home, of both the attacker and the local ‘Home’ office of the IRS)… both destroyed by fire and crash (Mars in the 4th and focal point of the ‘Yod’)… and the transiting Moon square to these Node (destiny) points at 20 degrees of Aries (Mars ruled, attack, fire, explosion).
For the moment I choose to stay away from the politics of it all… and simply study the transit aspects… yes, by following the point of the “Yod” as the Earth rotates… one can see various potential flash points during these stressful transits… and violent things will more than likely happen at those points… and in the past astrologers have lost their heads… for knowing such things…
…ergo, let’s pass on to something less dangerous… basketball games… the transiting ‘Yod’ is pointing to some interesting possibilities… check out my post tomorrow for some interesting prognostications… the Oklahoma City Thunder may be rolling…
[click chart for detail view]

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