Charles Bukowski - writer/poet 1920 -1994
Social values and morals change… swinging in generational cycles from conservative and restrictive (Saturn) to Jupiter (wild expansion, especially of the egos). People like Charles Bukowski, Lenny Bruce, and John Mayer are the rebellious messengers and voices of those changes.
The potential is there in all of our charts for us to play much bigger roles in life than most of us do… most of us fall short of our potentials because of our insecurities… it’s a matter of choices. As the planets transit through one’s chart over the years one has various life experiences… often very predictable.
He wrote from his element, cheap bars and poor neighborhoods, and of the grime, violence, and hard life… in very carnal terms… When one has challenging aspects like squares and oppositions… the energies may be delayed and channeled into challenging directions… nonetheless, the energies will manifest in one’s life… it’s simply a matter of scale and style…
During the same era, Truman Capote, used very proper vocabulary, spelling, and grammar… and he wrote about equally disturbing subjects like the killers of an innocent family, in his documentry written from lengthy prison interviews and personal involvement with the convicted killers while they awaited their execution, in his book, IN COLD BLOOD …and he drank champagne and expensive liquors.
Charles Bukowski wrote gritty pornography columns, books of poetry, six novels, and the screenplay BARFLY… and he drank cheap booze and beer …same game …and both were famous substance abusing writers.
The aspects in his chart tell the story… A tremendous stellium of the Sun (writer essence) Jupiter (publishing, prolific) Venus (arts, writing) Saturn (harsh, poverty) in the 11th (social) House… and as a group are in opposition to Uranus (rebel) in the 5th House (creativity, writing) …which makes for an erratic off and on creative bursts… with the frequent drinking bouts in between which is indicated by the Mars square to Neptune (a common substance abuse aspect)… and Mercury is then tied by orb into the square to Mars… thus, the harsh, direct, blunt …yet honest, as seen from his reality, communication.
Four planets in one sign is also considered a stellium and a major influence and Charles has Mercury (writing) Neptune (alcohol, and creativity) Sun, and Jupiter (fame) in Leo (the performer)… Mercury (writing) at 4 degrees Leo (performance, writing) is inconjunct (150 degrees, inharmoneous, the 'adjustment' is usually with the reader adjusting to the unusually blunt and harsh style of writing) Uranus (which is the rebel) at 4 degrees of Pisces (Neptune ruled, booze, creativity) in the 5th House (creativity, the arts, etc)… and his 'ace in the hole'... Saturn (endurance) sextiles Pluto (raw and dark subjects) and Pluto trines Uranus (rebellious, shocking)... and for a sextile and a trine to work their luck and benefits… one has to make the efforts… which he did. He left an impressive body of work and despite his self abusive lifestyle, he lived to the age of 73 and died of leukemia in 1994.
[click chart for details]

Biography sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Bukowski
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