[click charts for detail]

This time the focal planet is Mercury at 0 degrees of Pisces… as the little planets speeds across the Aquarius Pisces Cusp by orb allowance it will be the focal point for a day or two… from the inconjuncts and base of the pointer which is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo sextile to Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra, makes a solid ‘Yod’…
Mercury is news, media, communication, travel, contracts… and it is conjunct Neptune… religious… and with Uranus currently in Pisces ruled Neptune that equates to the on going ‘religious fanatics that plague the peace of the world… thus more of the same madness (the wounding as represented by Chiron that also conjuncts Neptune, as does ‘Dark Moon Lilth’ which indicates treachery and lying) continuing… throughout the Middle East
…Neptune is also related to drugs and suicide and celebrities, there can be noticeable news and or scandal here as well during this 1st week transit… Neptune is water, thus the storms will persist for a while…
The Moon in Virgo would represent health care issues and it is conjunct Saturn (restriction, blockage, cold, harsh) and part of the base of the ‘Yod’… pointing to the on going congressional quagmire of a health coverage bill… perhaps more scandal there…
…and the other side of the Yod base is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo… an Inconjunct to Neptune could indicate assassination news… either a prominent one… or more scandal of Israel’s security forces involvement in clandestine assassinations…
The transiting Venus to conjunct Uranus and in opposition to the Moon conjunct Saturn… is an interesting aspect… let’s look a this one on a more personal level… one or the other might suddenly break it off with that exciting person you met during the past couple of weeks as Venus transited over the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter… with Moon conjunct Saturn… there can be a chilling of the hot passions… and one turns toward a more stable (Saturn) conventional relationship… the affair is over (re-read the scandal part above… and be discreet…).
…on the other hand, if you missed those delightful transits …this might also be the ‘sudden meeting’ of someone interesting , fascinating, or unique in some way, who may become an affair or a significant other in one’s life… good luck… it can be fun and magic and all the film noir stuff… and again, be discreet, scandal aspects abound this month…
Whatever it is that occurs during this week… it will come to a flash point on the 10th of March… the Mars ‘stations’ where it appears to stop in the sky for a day or so… as its retrograde movement goes direct again… it sort of cooks and intensifies that particular degree… which just happens to be a power point this time at, 0 degrees of Leo… a big ego involvement here… be it on the personal or international level…

The transiting Moon will oppose Mars… and the transits of Venus at 3 degrees of Aries, opposing Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra and both square to Pluto at 5 degrees Capricorn… a big ‘T-Bar’ of stress… I don’t see peace negotiations fairing well this week… perhaps crimes of passion, sexual assaults, money/bank scandal failings, and market panic by investors… more nuclear threats… There any number of possibilities with these combinations… stay alert…
As the Sun crosses over Uranus and moves into this ‘T-Bar’ it may get quite shaky and explosive again toward the end of the month… be aware.
So far… the January 1st 2010 prediction… of it being …’an eventful year’… is holding true… and we’re not out of the 1st quarter yet…