Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
...not the best time for the Yemen tour vacation... Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Many mundane astrologers, including myself… have predicted the arrival of fantastic new inventions heralded by the continuing… by orb allowance… and due for one more exact conjunction this coming January 6th 2011… of Jupiter and Uranus.
Perhaps a simple cheap herbal cure for Cancer? …finally free energy from re-discovered and long suppressed Nikola Tesla theories? …or maybe a miracle food that cheaply feeds the world?
…but, no …not yet…
But… there are some really nifty new ways of blowing each other to pieces… The US Army has already distributed this new weapon to some units now in combat… for real live combat testing… The soldier aims this new rifle grenade weapon… the weapon’s laser directed sites determine the range of the target… and the soldier can adjust the round to go just past the wall you’re hiding behind and then explode over your head… or to simply go through the wall… and if you run before then… it automatically adjusts the range on a moving target… To put it simply… you can’t hide from it… or run away from it.
“New Smart Weapon Being Tested in Afghan Theater”

…and a new and improved sniper rifle,
“Snipers Will Soon Shoot Taliban Three Quarters of a Mile Away”

…and that’s if the US Navy hasn’t already blown you up with their new magnetic cannon …that can fire a slug the size of car at mach 7… and with their laser sites …put it in your hip pocket from 100 miles away.
“Navy's Mach 7 gun can kill from 100 miles away”

…and you can bet other countries are busy making their own versions and or copies… like the Chinese copying, manufacturing, and selling Russian MIGs …spooky stuff, huh…
And the aspects fit… Jupiter (big guns) conjunct Uranus (new, inventions, technology, ‘smart’ weapons) and influencing these weapon inventions is the conjunct of Mars (war) and Pluto (catastrophic war)… that is exact this Monday the 13th…
…check your kits…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Perhaps a simple cheap herbal cure for Cancer? …finally free energy from re-discovered and long suppressed Nikola Tesla theories? …or maybe a miracle food that cheaply feeds the world?
…but, no …not yet…
But… there are some really nifty new ways of blowing each other to pieces… The US Army has already distributed this new weapon to some units now in combat… for real live combat testing… The soldier aims this new rifle grenade weapon… the weapon’s laser directed sites determine the range of the target… and the soldier can adjust the round to go just past the wall you’re hiding behind and then explode over your head… or to simply go through the wall… and if you run before then… it automatically adjusts the range on a moving target… To put it simply… you can’t hide from it… or run away from it.
“New Smart Weapon Being Tested in Afghan Theater”

…and a new and improved sniper rifle,
“Snipers Will Soon Shoot Taliban Three Quarters of a Mile Away”

…and that’s if the US Navy hasn’t already blown you up with their new magnetic cannon …that can fire a slug the size of car at mach 7… and with their laser sites …put it in your hip pocket from 100 miles away.
“Navy's Mach 7 gun can kill from 100 miles away”

…and you can bet other countries are busy making their own versions and or copies… like the Chinese copying, manufacturing, and selling Russian MIGs …spooky stuff, huh…
And the aspects fit… Jupiter (big guns) conjunct Uranus (new, inventions, technology, ‘smart’ weapons) and influencing these weapon inventions is the conjunct of Mars (war) and Pluto (catastrophic war)… that is exact this Monday the 13th…
…check your kits…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Friday, December 10, 2010
12/9/10 ABC News, “Wikileaks: Stop Us? You’ll Have to Shut Down the Web?”
No violence… no bombs… no bullets… yet the government and corporate powers that continue to perpetrate these illegal and corrupt wars for profit and control… have experienced the first cyber volley of fire. And it hit them where they will pay attention… their money… and their corrupt credit empire. In just a few hours… the unknown legion of ‘Hacktivists’ shut down Mastercard, Visa, Amazon, a government site… and Sarah Palin.
They’re organized and with leaders, a recent quote about they’re mission, “In an online letter, Anonymous, a loose-knit group, said its activists were neither vigilantes nor terrorists. It added: "The goal is simple: Win the right to keep the Internet free of any control from any entity, corporation, or government."
The rebellious are saying, ‘…you can lie to me …swindle my tax money …tap my phone …snoop my email …watch me day and night with surveillance cameras …keep secret files on me …scan, radiate, and molest me at the airport …but enough is enough! YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY WORDS!’
A few… nonviolent cyber warriors have hit the Government, Banker, Corporate Giants with cyber rocks …and have given them a few hours of computer headaches. The pendulum swings the other way… perhaps a small elite force of hackers… will bring down the small secret elite group that has been trying to control the world for centuries now?
And more and more are rebelling against that elite… the rioting students attacked the Rolls Royce of Prince Charles and Camilla… why? …their already expensive school tuitions are going to triple… and their government still wastes millions every year lavishly supporting this meaningless royalty… whose family, sex, and relationship scandals show them to be just ordinary… but very rich… human beings… why? …because of some ancient legend, of a guy named Arthur, who pulled a stuck sword out of a rock?!?

As the rebellious and revolutionary Uranus transits into Aries in March of 2011… this could be known as the ‘…first shot heard round the world.’ …of a sudden worldwide uprising …and or a true shift in consciousness for all of us …we shall see.
…and this could be a historic mundane astrology event chart …thus, I shall post it again …for those dear readers, like myself …who enjoy book marking such items,

This cyber war will get bigger… as all wars do. This time the battle cry is… transparency and truth! Those who fear the truth are those who have something to hide… and they reveal themselves in such ordinary and common behavior… such as demanding the immediate imprisonment… even execution… and or assassination… of Julian Assange.
It’s much bigger than one individual… already there is division in his ranks and rival leak sites are being developed by those who have left him… it’s thousands of world citizens crying out… STOP THE LIES!
For instance, could this be true? …mercenaries may be responsible for many ‘terrorist’ bombings?

“Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism”
Yes, that reference is from an Iranian source… the question is which sources are true? In following world news to update the CONFIRMATIONS YouTube show of my predictions feature of November 28th for the week around December 13th… I’ve been on my computer search engine throughout the world… and you find different stories… different points of view… and you find that, yes… your local news is a bit controlled… Did CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or Reuters… make a big story about the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on December 9th?
No… the big story in the west was Charlie and Camilla getting bounced around in their car in London by student rioters.
If someone suddenly bombed your neighborhood… that’s a big story in your local media… and if Iran is your neighbor… they will report it… journalists are journalists… that’s what they do… write, report about events, and take pictures.
People around the world are waking up to their… ‘power’ …and most honest sane people want peace… and now they know… a few thousand of them …and perhaps tens of thousands soon …with a few strokes on their computer keypads …and ZAP! …the minority ‘elite’ world …and their lies …are exposed. …I recollect the old proverb… “The pen… is mightier than the sword.”
“…be it a poison pen …or a truthful one,” …I said that part.
No violence… no bombs… no bullets… yet the government and corporate powers that continue to perpetrate these illegal and corrupt wars for profit and control… have experienced the first cyber volley of fire. And it hit them where they will pay attention… their money… and their corrupt credit empire. In just a few hours… the unknown legion of ‘Hacktivists’ shut down Mastercard, Visa, Amazon, a government site… and Sarah Palin.
They’re organized and with leaders, a recent quote about they’re mission, “In an online letter, Anonymous, a loose-knit group, said its activists were neither vigilantes nor terrorists. It added: "The goal is simple: Win the right to keep the Internet free of any control from any entity, corporation, or government."
The rebellious are saying, ‘…you can lie to me …swindle my tax money …tap my phone …snoop my email …watch me day and night with surveillance cameras …keep secret files on me …scan, radiate, and molest me at the airport …but enough is enough! YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY WORDS!’
A few… nonviolent cyber warriors have hit the Government, Banker, Corporate Giants with cyber rocks …and have given them a few hours of computer headaches. The pendulum swings the other way… perhaps a small elite force of hackers… will bring down the small secret elite group that has been trying to control the world for centuries now?
And more and more are rebelling against that elite… the rioting students attacked the Rolls Royce of Prince Charles and Camilla… why? …their already expensive school tuitions are going to triple… and their government still wastes millions every year lavishly supporting this meaningless royalty… whose family, sex, and relationship scandals show them to be just ordinary… but very rich… human beings… why? …because of some ancient legend, of a guy named Arthur, who pulled a stuck sword out of a rock?!?

As the rebellious and revolutionary Uranus transits into Aries in March of 2011… this could be known as the ‘…first shot heard round the world.’ …of a sudden worldwide uprising …and or a true shift in consciousness for all of us …we shall see.
…and this could be a historic mundane astrology event chart …thus, I shall post it again …for those dear readers, like myself …who enjoy book marking such items,

This cyber war will get bigger… as all wars do. This time the battle cry is… transparency and truth! Those who fear the truth are those who have something to hide… and they reveal themselves in such ordinary and common behavior… such as demanding the immediate imprisonment… even execution… and or assassination… of Julian Assange.
It’s much bigger than one individual… already there is division in his ranks and rival leak sites are being developed by those who have left him… it’s thousands of world citizens crying out… STOP THE LIES!
For instance, could this be true? …mercenaries may be responsible for many ‘terrorist’ bombings?

“Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism”
Yes, that reference is from an Iranian source… the question is which sources are true? In following world news to update the CONFIRMATIONS YouTube show of my predictions feature of November 28th for the week around December 13th… I’ve been on my computer search engine throughout the world… and you find different stories… different points of view… and you find that, yes… your local news is a bit controlled… Did CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or Reuters… make a big story about the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on December 9th?
No… the big story in the west was Charlie and Camilla getting bounced around in their car in London by student rioters.
If someone suddenly bombed your neighborhood… that’s a big story in your local media… and if Iran is your neighbor… they will report it… journalists are journalists… that’s what they do… write, report about events, and take pictures.
People around the world are waking up to their… ‘power’ …and most honest sane people want peace… and now they know… a few thousand of them …and perhaps tens of thousands soon …with a few strokes on their computer keypads …and ZAP! …the minority ‘elite’ world …and their lies …are exposed. …I recollect the old proverb… “The pen… is mightier than the sword.”
“…be it a poison pen …or a truthful one,” …I said that part.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Now Uranus ruled computers... join in the world wide revolution...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Everything hit except the tsunami... surprised even me! Enjoy!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The tensions build as the aspects tighten... another artillery attack... and again we see as the Moon transits opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto... it seems to 'trigger' the event... as I said on the 1st, this is not a good time to play 'war games'
"South Korea fired on by North Korea"
"South Korea fired on by North Korea"
As predicted 2010 has certainly been an eventful year of conflict, terrorists, weather extremes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, the biggest oil spill in history, wide swings in the stock markets, further worldwide financial quagmire, major electoral shifts in the elections… much of it predicted here… and by many other mundane astrologers as… or more… proficient than me.
We have more yet to come in December… which may send the year out with a bang… big and dangerous ones. Once again we have very stressful conjunctions, tied into stressful T-Square formations… and an Eclipse to put an exclamation mark on the end of this volatile year! Once again these forces are starting to manifest early… as the transiting conjunctions and squares begin to form. Thus, I have begun the release of my slide show YouTube prediction features early… so as not to waste a month of work predicting things that have already happened before I post them… an example being the North Koreans shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this past November.
Due to a standard orb allowance of 8-10 degrees in transits, it is often very difficult to narrow events down to specific days… as a rule of thumb allow 3 to 4 days either way from a prediction date. What is an orb allowance?... and why? When you hear an airplane flying overhead… you begin to hear it perhaps a mile away from you… as it gets closer the engine noise is louder… and at its loudest when it flies directly over you… and you continue to hear it until it is perhaps a mile away. That’s the principal of orb allowance… the influence (airplane sound, or planet vibration) begins up to 10 degrees before the exact aspect… and is the strongest as it makes the exact aspect… and then may still have an influence for a few degrees and days afterward.
That is the mundane astrologer’s dilemma this month. These transiting stressful aspects stay within orb allowance throughout the entire month… the orb allowance of one set of aspects bleeds into the next… and there may be a lot of bleeding… literally… this month. The recent North Korean artillery shelling of a South Korean island is an example… the exact mundane astrology aspects for that type of event would be December 3rd, 13th, and the 21st …which are the key stressful dates that I have charted in detail and have based my slide show presentations on.
I don’t mean to sound like an angry movie director who is barking at the N. Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… before I say, “action” …but in a way that is what is happening… these aspects are potent enough to begin early.
My YouTube slide shows are titled “DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS”… and the first troublesome aspect, which may be already manifesting in Korea, occurs December 3rd… as transiting Mars makes an exact square to Uranus … and is applying toward a conjunction with Pluto… potentially a very explosive mix!
This Mundane Astrology Feature may be viewed at
Ironically… perhaps an even bigger paper bomb exploded the next day… a bunker buster of a quarter of million secret government and diplomatic cables and documents was dropped on the media… and is stirring up some angst among world leader types… it seems nobody likes Iran… and the Saudis have been nagging us to bomb Iran for years… How about this? We pull all US and NATO forces out of the Middle East and you folks in the Middle East do your own bombing of each other… we have certainly sold you enough weapons for you to do that… and you can buy more from China, Germany, North Korea, Russia… a host of others …or just about any local freelance black market weapons dealer…
All in all… in my opinion… it’s a rotten barrel of lies… that world leaders and their banker backers have been duping the world with for more than a couple of centuries now… eventually, the truth of 9/11 will out… by leak… independent sleuthing by legions of truth seekers… or perhaps a death bed confession… from one who’s conscience has awakened… and that is the world’s ‘secret’ government’s biggest fear…
I’ll close with a post-production update of a future slide chart of the transits of the 3rd and the possibilities, the blue lines are a positive influence… very probable attempts at negotiations… and if they fail and the energy goes to the negative expression… then the easy trines and sextiles… just makes it all ‘easy’ to happen… Some of the world’s most famous criminals have a ‘Grand Trine,’ in their natal chart… and they are talented and ‘lucky’… and they get away with it… it’s all a matter of how one chooses to use the energy… what do we chose to do… here and now?
Besides all the wacko political and military stress… there will more than likely be some more severe weather and storms, and with squares like these very possible earthquakes in the 5+ magnitudes and higher, and perhaps more volcano activity… with attendant tsunamis if occurring near or in the oceans on and around these stressful transit dates of the 3rd, 13th, and 21st.
As always, dear reader … I wish for the peace and love of the cosmos to be with you… nonetheless, check your kits… this may be a very volatile month.
We have more yet to come in December… which may send the year out with a bang… big and dangerous ones. Once again we have very stressful conjunctions, tied into stressful T-Square formations… and an Eclipse to put an exclamation mark on the end of this volatile year! Once again these forces are starting to manifest early… as the transiting conjunctions and squares begin to form. Thus, I have begun the release of my slide show YouTube prediction features early… so as not to waste a month of work predicting things that have already happened before I post them… an example being the North Koreans shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this past November.
Due to a standard orb allowance of 8-10 degrees in transits, it is often very difficult to narrow events down to specific days… as a rule of thumb allow 3 to 4 days either way from a prediction date. What is an orb allowance?... and why? When you hear an airplane flying overhead… you begin to hear it perhaps a mile away from you… as it gets closer the engine noise is louder… and at its loudest when it flies directly over you… and you continue to hear it until it is perhaps a mile away. That’s the principal of orb allowance… the influence (airplane sound, or planet vibration) begins up to 10 degrees before the exact aspect… and is the strongest as it makes the exact aspect… and then may still have an influence for a few degrees and days afterward.
That is the mundane astrologer’s dilemma this month. These transiting stressful aspects stay within orb allowance throughout the entire month… the orb allowance of one set of aspects bleeds into the next… and there may be a lot of bleeding… literally… this month. The recent North Korean artillery shelling of a South Korean island is an example… the exact mundane astrology aspects for that type of event would be December 3rd, 13th, and the 21st …which are the key stressful dates that I have charted in detail and have based my slide show presentations on.
I don’t mean to sound like an angry movie director who is barking at the N. Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… before I say, “action” …but in a way that is what is happening… these aspects are potent enough to begin early.
My YouTube slide shows are titled “DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS”… and the first troublesome aspect, which may be already manifesting in Korea, occurs December 3rd… as transiting Mars makes an exact square to Uranus … and is applying toward a conjunction with Pluto… potentially a very explosive mix!
This Mundane Astrology Feature may be viewed at
Ironically… perhaps an even bigger paper bomb exploded the next day… a bunker buster of a quarter of million secret government and diplomatic cables and documents was dropped on the media… and is stirring up some angst among world leader types… it seems nobody likes Iran… and the Saudis have been nagging us to bomb Iran for years… How about this? We pull all US and NATO forces out of the Middle East and you folks in the Middle East do your own bombing of each other… we have certainly sold you enough weapons for you to do that… and you can buy more from China, Germany, North Korea, Russia… a host of others …or just about any local freelance black market weapons dealer…
All in all… in my opinion… it’s a rotten barrel of lies… that world leaders and their banker backers have been duping the world with for more than a couple of centuries now… eventually, the truth of 9/11 will out… by leak… independent sleuthing by legions of truth seekers… or perhaps a death bed confession… from one who’s conscience has awakened… and that is the world’s ‘secret’ government’s biggest fear…
I’ll close with a post-production update of a future slide chart of the transits of the 3rd and the possibilities, the blue lines are a positive influence… very probable attempts at negotiations… and if they fail and the energy goes to the negative expression… then the easy trines and sextiles… just makes it all ‘easy’ to happen… Some of the world’s most famous criminals have a ‘Grand Trine,’ in their natal chart… and they are talented and ‘lucky’… and they get away with it… it’s all a matter of how one chooses to use the energy… what do we chose to do… here and now?
Besides all the wacko political and military stress… there will more than likely be some more severe weather and storms, and with squares like these very possible earthquakes in the 5+ magnitudes and higher, and perhaps more volcano activity… with attendant tsunamis if occurring near or in the oceans on and around these stressful transit dates of the 3rd, 13th, and 21st.
As always, dear reader … I wish for the peace and love of the cosmos to be with you… nonetheless, check your kits… this may be a very volatile month.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
“Wikileaks sparks worldwide diplomatic crisis”
I predicted some months back… after the first Wikileaks… that there would be more fallout to come for all the world wide governments. As Uranus transits back into Aries in March of 2011 some of the things revealed about world corruption and conniving may be bring more revolution in the various streets of the world… as people rise up in anger at the lies and propaganda that the world leaders and governments have perpetrated for decades… that has brought the world to this perilous point.
Admittedly, a lot of Mundane Astrology is research ‘after the fact’… there are so many possibilities. What one astrologer misses another will see… Like yesterday, I’m looking for the missile or bomb in Korea… and the bomb goes off over the internet… a bunker buster of a quarter of a million secret documents and cables between diplomats and governments… and all their ‘backroom’ dealings that are bringing the world to the edge of annihilation…
With practice at reading the symbols and aspect patterns… it is truly fascinating to follow day by day… what’s been said over various controlled media networks… and what is reality as seen in the mundane chart of the moment… I used the Noon birth time of the event because that’s when it appeared on my ‘refresh’ of the news screen. In Horary astrology the rule is; the moment the question is clear in the astrologer’s mind… ‘what’s really going on here?’… is the birth time of the chart… and I used New York as the location because it is the hub of the UN and business wheeler dealers of the world… and it’s all there, check it out

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
December has many stressful transits… and some predictions are already beginning to happen… like the North Korean’s recent artillery shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this month. I don’t mean to sound like a frustrated movie director… angry at the North Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… the 3rd of December… but that is what is beginning to happen. Between now and on into and perhaps throughout December these kinds of incidents and tensions could very possibly escalate quickly into a major conflict.
I simply don’t want to waste a month of work… predicting things that happen a few days earlier than my posts… ergo, the three part series of DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS begins tonight… with the December 3rd predictions… and will be followed tomorrow and the next night with presentations for December 13th and the 21st.
Without any further wiseacreing… here it is,
I simply don’t want to waste a month of work… predicting things that happen a few days earlier than my posts… ergo, the three part series of DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS begins tonight… with the December 3rd predictions… and will be followed tomorrow and the next night with presentations for December 13th and the 21st.
Without any further wiseacreing… here it is,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
On both sides of the time period predicted some bizarre crime and death in the entertainment world. A few days early there was the bizarre killing of the well known Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen in quiet very rich Beverly Hills… and two days after the passage of the ‘Yod” another bizarre killing. The “Ugly Betty,” actor Michael L Brea, allegedly stabs his mother to death with a sword…

...bizarre days indeed

...bizarre days indeed
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

“(Reuters) - The United States condemned an artillery attack by North Korea on a South Korean island on Tuesday but said it was too soon to discuss ways the U.S. military might deter the reclusive state from another strike”
Transiting Mars approaches squares to Uranus Jupiter and a conjunction with Pluto. I am producing three separate videos for release on the dates prior to Dec 3rd, 13th, and 21-22nd as being very hazardous transits… whether they manifest in severe weather, natural disasters, and or of new war fronts remains to be seen… one can already sense the tensions building… How’s your holiday spirit doing?
As we have seen in the past, ‘T-Bars” also known as ‘T-Squares’ are formations of tension and often explosive actions, explosions, accident, etc… notice the ‘T-Square’… again with the transiting Moon is the ‘trigger’ of the event… as it is in opposition from 19° of Gemini to Mars at 18° and Mercury at 20° of Sagittarius… and all that is at square angle to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction by 8°orb allowance at 23-26° of Pisces…the tension of the focal point of the ‘T-Square’…just follow the big red lines in the chart… you can’t miss it. Artillery is ruled by Uranus and Mars… this tension will continue to build as November moves into December…
…tense times, check your kits…

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
In the predictions post of the 1st… I saw potential violence or death to a Hollywood celebrity on or around the Lunar eclipse of the 21st… and as it often happens, I am a week early or late sometimes… and yesterday, the 16th, just after midnight… a well known Hollywood Publicist Ronni Chasen, was murdered in the quiet and very rich Beverly Hills section of Los Angeles,

My ever curious astrological nature immediately erected an event chart for midnight… when the events began. The reports of gun fire and the car crash were allegedly reported at 12:22 AM by nearby residents. In horary astrology when the time is near midnight or noon… or sunrise and sunset… I round it off to those points… as those are what I term the ‘markers’ for that period of the day… and that midnight chart is loaded with the ‘bizarre’…

At that period of time in Beverly Hills the 7th House is packed with troublesome aspects like Moon (often the ‘trigger’ in mundane astrology events) conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus… and by 10° orb allowance given to the Moon (because of its close proximity to the Earth)… it also ties in with Lilith (calamity) and Black Moon Lilith (treachery)… and with Uranus (sudden, shocking) just at the 8th House (death) cusp… I won’t speculate on those details and I will leave it in the hands of the police homicide investigators.

The bizarre part… that hit me like a shot… is the fixed star Algol… conjunct the Median Coli (the Mid Heaven) at the top of the chart… which represents the world or stage of the event. This is an ill omen.

Algol is a fixed star that takes around 90 years to move 1° in our zodiac map as seen from the Earth… Here’s what astrologers have said about it over the millenniums… The ancient Arab astrologers named it “Al-Ghul,” which translates to “The Ghoul,” or “Demon Star,” …early Hebrew astrologers called it, “Rosh ha Sitan,” or “Satan’s Head,”…and ancient Chinese astrologers refer to it as “Tseih She” which translates to, “Piled-up Corpses”…ergo, it has a bit of a bad rep in astrology circles. Here is a text book definition by Vivian Robson, a famous past astrologer who researched fixed stars,
“Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the Heavens.”
The fact that it is early by a week in my prognostications… there may be more bizarre yet to come as Algol doesn’t move much… it will be at the Mid Heaven location …around about midnight, for a week or two here in California… all of which proves there is no such thing as a ‘safe neighborhood’ …not with Algol hanging around.

My ever curious astrological nature immediately erected an event chart for midnight… when the events began. The reports of gun fire and the car crash were allegedly reported at 12:22 AM by nearby residents. In horary astrology when the time is near midnight or noon… or sunrise and sunset… I round it off to those points… as those are what I term the ‘markers’ for that period of the day… and that midnight chart is loaded with the ‘bizarre’…

At that period of time in Beverly Hills the 7th House is packed with troublesome aspects like Moon (often the ‘trigger’ in mundane astrology events) conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus… and by 10° orb allowance given to the Moon (because of its close proximity to the Earth)… it also ties in with Lilith (calamity) and Black Moon Lilith (treachery)… and with Uranus (sudden, shocking) just at the 8th House (death) cusp… I won’t speculate on those details and I will leave it in the hands of the police homicide investigators.

The bizarre part… that hit me like a shot… is the fixed star Algol… conjunct the Median Coli (the Mid Heaven) at the top of the chart… which represents the world or stage of the event. This is an ill omen.

Algol is a fixed star that takes around 90 years to move 1° in our zodiac map as seen from the Earth… Here’s what astrologers have said about it over the millenniums… The ancient Arab astrologers named it “Al-Ghul,” which translates to “The Ghoul,” or “Demon Star,” …early Hebrew astrologers called it, “Rosh ha Sitan,” or “Satan’s Head,”…and ancient Chinese astrologers refer to it as “Tseih She” which translates to, “Piled-up Corpses”…ergo, it has a bit of a bad rep in astrology circles. Here is a text book definition by Vivian Robson, a famous past astrologer who researched fixed stars,
“Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the Heavens.”
The fact that it is early by a week in my prognostications… there may be more bizarre yet to come as Algol doesn’t move much… it will be at the Mid Heaven location …around about midnight, for a week or two here in California… all of which proves there is no such thing as a ‘safe neighborhood’ …not with Algol hanging around.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The dear readers and friends who have followed this column for three years now, starting with Blogit, and now also with Blogspot and Astrology World News… have followed my various rants and wisearceings, mundane astrology prognostications… and Super Bowl predictions (three win bets in a row)… and occasional spot on earthquake, storm, and bomb predictions… and from your many comments… we’ve all had fun with it. Like anything else… the more you do it… the more proficient the craft/art becomes… and with that… hopefully… some bit of maturity and spiritual evolution.
I’m getting deeper into mundane events concerning governments, natural disasters, threats to humanity, dangerous and stressful periods of time, etc… the heavy stuff. To accurately divine in those areas one must be totally impartial and without want of personal gain or results… When one can get one’s ego out of the way… meditate on the chart… and then impartially listen… and let the chart and its symbols… and perhaps one’s spiritual guides… speak to one… and then accurately record the data… that’s when the magic starts to happen… and sometimes it can be astoundingly accurate.
I am trying to get this column more serious… and more oriented toward being simply a public service… and I will try to keep the posts of my rants and opinions in the MUSINGS OF AN URBAN MYSTIC blog… but you’ll still be stuck with my fragmented… early college influence of James Joyce style… flow of thought… rambling… I try and write like I’m sitting and having a conversation with YOU, dear reader… which includes all the pauses… changes of thought… additions… asides… banter… at a sidewalk bistro over cups of espresso, cappuccino, pastries… whatever you like… which is my natal Libra nature… and, yes… my teasing and rebellious Aries Moon personality enjoys being your pontificating friend who dominates the reading… hopefully, for your entertainment, knowledge, and pleasure.
NEW THINGS ARE COMING! …probably around the last week of November I’ll be posting my first mundane astrology movies… well, slide shows for now… I’m branching out into the YouTube digital cyber space… I’ve been having fun learning about my Photoshop, Windows Movie Maker, and Power Point slide presentation computer programs…
I enjoyed my Veteran’s Day… thank you all for remembering… and here’s my salute… to my brother and sister Veterans… and to all those currently serving… wherever you are…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
I’m getting deeper into mundane events concerning governments, natural disasters, threats to humanity, dangerous and stressful periods of time, etc… the heavy stuff. To accurately divine in those areas one must be totally impartial and without want of personal gain or results… When one can get one’s ego out of the way… meditate on the chart… and then impartially listen… and let the chart and its symbols… and perhaps one’s spiritual guides… speak to one… and then accurately record the data… that’s when the magic starts to happen… and sometimes it can be astoundingly accurate.
I am trying to get this column more serious… and more oriented toward being simply a public service… and I will try to keep the posts of my rants and opinions in the MUSINGS OF AN URBAN MYSTIC blog… but you’ll still be stuck with my fragmented… early college influence of James Joyce style… flow of thought… rambling… I try and write like I’m sitting and having a conversation with YOU, dear reader… which includes all the pauses… changes of thought… additions… asides… banter… at a sidewalk bistro over cups of espresso, cappuccino, pastries… whatever you like… which is my natal Libra nature… and, yes… my teasing and rebellious Aries Moon personality enjoys being your pontificating friend who dominates the reading… hopefully, for your entertainment, knowledge, and pleasure.
NEW THINGS ARE COMING! …probably around the last week of November I’ll be posting my first mundane astrology movies… well, slide shows for now… I’m branching out into the YouTube digital cyber space… I’ve been having fun learning about my Photoshop, Windows Movie Maker, and Power Point slide presentation computer programs…
I enjoyed my Veteran’s Day… thank you all for remembering… and here’s my salute… to my brother and sister Veterans… and to all those currently serving… wherever you are…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
1 each, standard military issue, FIM-92 (Stinger, circa 1984)
…yeah, right…
Maybe you should go take an inventory of your MANPADS [Man-Portable Air-Defense System] …like, maybe …you might be missing one of the old Stingers?
It looks sort of similar, huh…

…I’m telling you, General …the Deputy Sheriffs will fine you for those firecrackers and rockets on the beach. The Soviets also made some good ones… I read somewhere there is estimated to be over 50,000 of the former Soviet Arrow-2’s on the arms black market…

…airplane …that’s a good one, General.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No… I was in the house making myself a sandwich and I didn’t actually see it… but a CBS news helicopter did… and they aired the footage of it before anyone told them not to. Nobody in the local military seems to know anything about it. Nobody could set up and launch a missile this size from Catalina Island… without the local Deputy Sheriffs noticing it… and they are rather strict about their various campfire permits… and for what one is allowed to have on the beaches of Catalina Island… and such a big firecracker rocket is simply not permitted.
From a ship? …whether surface or submerged …we’ve all seen the movies …no one accidentally pushes a button. There’s always at least two officers… inserting launch keys, verifying codes, target, etc. …before a missile that size gets launched for any reason… and the Navy thus far says they had nothing to do with it…
The same is said by all the local military. This is an interesting Horary event chart (a chart that is erected for that moment and location) …let’s see what we find,

[click chart for detail]
The exact square from the transiting Moon at 23° of Sagittarius to Jupiter at 23° of Pisces, and then by orb of 3° to Uranus at 26° and Black Moon Lilith (osc.L) sandwiched between them at 25°… is again the ‘trigger’ of the event… as it squares this bizarre (Uranus) conjunction of Jupiter, Uranus, and Black Moon Lilith… in the Water sign of Pisces (ruled by the often mysterious and deceptive Neptune)…

The mystery is locked up in this expansive big (Jupiter) bizarre (Uranus) missile (Uranus) sea launch (Neptune, mysterious… and it rules Pisces where the aspect occurs)… and by 1° orb it all is conjunct to Black Moon Lilith (oscL.)… which is associated with lies and treachery.
Lies to whom? …the square is from the Moon …and the Moon represents us, the general public which is in the secretive 8th House suggesting that secrets are being withheld from us the public… or another ‘shock and awe’ tactic… with the very predictable ‘problem-reaction-solution’ results… and then more of our ‘alleged’ freedoms are curtailed… a tactic that the current world powers manipulate us with?
The conjunction is in the 11th House… representing friends and alliances. Are our friends lying to us? …UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia?… or is it NSA, MI5, Mossad?… or does Blackwater Inc. have missiles and ships now? There will be lies and cover ups all around it… but please… this time… don’t try to blame it on a gay sailor… like you did with the USS Iowa accidental gun turret explosion back in 1989.
With Black Moon Lilith …this warrants watching closely… like the distracting hand movements of a stage magician illusionist… this could be but a distraction… for something even bigger.
We shall see… check your kits…
Sunday, November 7, 2010

On the intuitive right side of the brain astrologers and mystics have researched the effects of Pluto since its discovery by astronomers in 1930… and on the logical left side of the brain scientists of late have declared it an insignificant ice cube of the cosmos. Yet, its position in the zodiac map is quite often… and quite accurately… a fore telling of cataclysms and catastrophes.
Within the astrology community many entire books of interpretation have been written about its influences… both in individual’s natal chart… and in the mundane charts of World history. Two of the most famous authors of books about Pluto, Jeff Green and Steven Forrest, are nicknamed “the Pluto brothers” within the astrology lecture community… and they are currently co-authoring another Pluto reference book. I too, in my humble research… continue to be astounded …almost daily …by the awesome influence of this little ‘cosmic ice cube’ and the effects that it has on our lives.
To the left brain it is just a bit of cosmic fluff. If you approach it with the intuitive right brain its awesome energy can scare one silly… with some of the images seen during meditations. Yes, dear reader, you too see the obvious answer… to get and understand Pluto’s message one has to be somewhere in the middle brain… the ancient ones call it, “the third eye.”
Pluto, as I see and experience it… represents raw power. The penis enlargement industry with its propaganda, “size does matter,” and left brain oriented scientists opinions of it being a mere ‘cosmic ice cube’… may well be among the many in shear panic when they soon encounter it… Yes, I am seeing very potential anarchy and rebellion forming throughout the world… all in a struggle with the ‘Plutocracy’ that is running the World currently… and Pluto rules corruption… and anarchy.
Size doesn’t matter… How big is a piece of Uranium that produces enough power to make a nuclear weapon? Pluto rules atomic energy… and bombs. How big is an HIV or Ebola virus? Pluto rules infectious diseases… which can and has taken out 30% of a nation’s population. A piece of plutonium smaller than this dot, → • …can kill you. Nations and governments often fall during adverse Pluto transits to the nation’s natal Sun location.
MUNDANE ASTROLOGY, was written and published by three astrologers, Michael Baignet, Nicholas Campion, and Charles Harvey, and published by The Aquarian Press in 1984. Michael Baigent did a few pages of predictions concerning the Soviet Union in 1984. His description and prediction of the 1989-91 transiting Pluto’s effect when it conjuncts with the natal Sun location of the former Soviet Union’s November 9, 1917 natal chart is so astoundingly accurate that I want to quote it exactly from page 445, Chapter 15, THE ASTROLOGY OF NATIONS,
“…The transit of Pluto across the Sun would suggest some basic restructuring of the nation – preceded by a hardline period. It may well involve the emergence of some underground or exiled alternative leadership. The three-planet conjunction opposing the natal Pluto similarly indicates a change for the nation, again with regard to the leadership and style of rule. It would appear possible that this period will herald some new revolution in Russia which would restructure the country dramatically. Given the activation of the energies symbolized by the T-square, then it is likely that the tight command structure will fail and that the country will collapse back into the numerous autonomous states that it once was. It is rare for an administration to survive a Pluto transit.”
In 1989 through 1991, those of us in my generation witnessed it happen… just as he described it would.
Between now and 2015 we are going to be living through a transiting ‘pulling apart influence’ as Pluto opposes the USA natal Sun at 13° of Cancer… the recent elections are an example of how the country is dividing… The longer the current Plutocracy continues their pursuit of absolute power… and the wealthy 1% has them bought… the faster and bigger the gap between the rich and the poor gets… with no middle class… At some point nature seeks a balance and the pendulum swings the other way… as seen by the transits… and maybe the frustrated and angry ‘storm the Bastille’ again… and have a revolution… and cut a few heads off… or perhaps groups of states will begin to secede from the Union… Pluto can be quite ruthless in destroying that which is obsolete.
The transiting conjunction of Pluto over the natal Sun in the Soviet Union’s chart was a shattering and bankrupting influence. They over extended themselves in the arms race… and fought and lost a ten year war in Afghanistan…
The current transiting Pluto at 3° of Capricorn… in 2015 will be at 13° of Capricorn… and in OPPOSITION to the Sun at 13° of Cancer in the United States July 4, 1776 birth chart. With the approaching opposition we are living through the ‘pulling apart’ influence of this opposition… and like the former Soviet Union we have over extended ourselves… with the various market manipulations, corporate greed… and their bailout corruptions… and the bankrupting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan …and the corruption in all those governments… In general we are living in a ‘Plutocracy’ that parades itself as ‘Democracy’ in this country.

Guillotine: between 18,000 and 40,000 people were executed during the Reign of Terror. Pluto and Mars rules the Guillotine in mundane astrology.
I watched the recent movie MARIE ANTOINETTE… and what struck me was of course the wasteful extravagance of the French monarchy… and how today the ruling corporate/political monarchy owns multiple houses… cars, feasts on $5000 bottles of champagne, etc… the middle class is vanishing… and you’re either one of the 1% rich… or you’re one of the 99% poor employees or immigrant servants of the Plutocracy.
It doesn’t have to be that way… The mega rich could change… and use the power to transform (the positive use of Plutonian energy) and separate from the obsolete… and begin to build things and enterprises with their money that benefits all… including themselves… or they can continue with their egotistical gluttonous greed… and be doomed to fail as the storm gathers… and once again a ‘Bastille’ is stormed and some folks lose their heads… what do we choose to do?
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Republicans only needed 218 to take control of The House Of Representatives… and the last I looked it was Elephants 243 – Donkeys 186… and the Senate is almost even now with 47 Republicans and 52 Democrats… and I think it’s six new Republican state Governors. The aspects did favor Jupiter which rules the Republican Party.
The dangers still persist as Jupiter (expansion) and Uranus (Volcanoes, also ruled by Pluto) are conjunct in late Pisces and now by orb transiting Mars approaches a square to Uranus… and yesterday there was yet another eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia

With the current stressful transit of the Moon in opposition to this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction this may continue for a few days …or more …as transiting Mars approaches Pluto. With volcanoes the choices are few… you can stand around and worship it with offerings …or you hang out and measure it with your gadgets and take photos… or you can fire up your motorcycle and get the heck outa there!

If one is inclined to pray and or donate… these folks are going to need some help. When Gaia, Mother Earth lets loose some gas… and shifts her Teutonic plates to a more comfortable position… surface events will manifest… and if you are in that location …suddenly race, religion, political views, etc. …are put into their proper perspective …and the important question is …do we have enough gas?
The dangers still persist as Jupiter (expansion) and Uranus (Volcanoes, also ruled by Pluto) are conjunct in late Pisces and now by orb transiting Mars approaches a square to Uranus… and yesterday there was yet another eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia

With the current stressful transit of the Moon in opposition to this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction this may continue for a few days …or more …as transiting Mars approaches Pluto. With volcanoes the choices are few… you can stand around and worship it with offerings …or you hang out and measure it with your gadgets and take photos… or you can fire up your motorcycle and get the heck outa there!

If one is inclined to pray and or donate… these folks are going to need some help. When Gaia, Mother Earth lets loose some gas… and shifts her Teutonic plates to a more comfortable position… surface events will manifest… and if you are in that location …suddenly race, religion, political views, etc. …are put into their proper perspective …and the important question is …do we have enough gas?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This has not occurred in some mining or oil drilling area where one would expect such hollowed out earth catastrophes… but in an average town, Schmalkalden, in the middle of Germany.
…and just last May 2010 this one allegedly swallowed a three story building in Guatemala City,

…and April 27, 2010, outside Yinbin City, China;

Those of you who have followed my posts over the past few months will recall the long period when the slow moving planets Saturn and Pluto where at square angles from Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn… and though Saturn has moved some they are still within a 6-8 degree orb range. The physical Earth is ruled by Saturn… and deep holes and caverns are ruled by Pluto
As transiting Mars heads toward the December square to Uranus and conjunct with Pluto… we may see more of Mother Earth’s shifting around with more earthquakes and volcanoes blowing UP… and now holes sinking DOWN… check your kits.
Monday, November 1, 2010
The mundane chart of the November 2nd elections agrees with the majority of the polls… and the Republicans are clearly favored. The voters, represented by the Moon and Mercury… are clearly disillusioned and rebellious as expressed by the Mercury (votes) square to Neptune… and Moon (people) opposition to Uranus (change).
Jupiter traditionally rules the Republican party… and Jupiter conjuncts Uranus (upsets, change) and gets a supportive trine from Mercury (the votes) and a supportive sextile to the Moon (people)… which may pull apart (opposition aspect) the current majority.
Saturn traditionally rules the Democrats… and Saturn has no major Ptolemy aspects that day… and is sitting alone at 11 degrees of Libra. Thus, Jupiter is the stronger vibration and the Republicans probably will win many significant elections throughout the nation tomorrow.

[click charts fr detail]
Readers may recall past posts that discussed the mutual reception aspect between the transiting Uranus and Neptune positions… again by retrograde movement Uranus is in the sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) and Neptune is still in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)… thus mutual reception… which has been the signature of radical (Uranus) religious fanatics (Neptune) and political movements that we’ve all been living through for the past decade.
One can see this angry fanaticism …not just in the Middle East …but now, right here in this country… to confirm that simply listen to the angry rhetoric of the election commercials of both parties. It’s gotten to the point where comedians are having rallies to ’restore sanity.’ …good luck, Jon.
This aspect is still with us and may be quite dangerous next month as transiting Mars squares Uranus and then while still in orb to that aspect it begins to conjunct with Pluto… this can be a very violent and warlike transit. The recent Mars transit squaring Neptune has revealed new bomb threats… now on UPS cargo planes… and new pirate activities.
The same dangers may also reflect in more violent wind and water storms… and with Mars nearing Pluto, more possible volcano activity and earthquakes. These developing tensions can be seen in the Full Moon chart of the 21st …check you kit.
There is also formed for a short time (due to the Moon’s rapid 12 degree per day movement) a ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God” destiny formation with the sextile between the Moon and Uranus forming the Inconjunct 150 degree angles that make the ‘pointer’ to the focal planet, Venus (celebrity, entertainment). With the Moon also square to Neptune (drugs, scandal)… there might be a notable celebrity suicide or drug/alcohol/overdose/accident… making the news again around the Full Moon.
Jupiter traditionally rules the Republican party… and Jupiter conjuncts Uranus (upsets, change) and gets a supportive trine from Mercury (the votes) and a supportive sextile to the Moon (people)… which may pull apart (opposition aspect) the current majority.
Saturn traditionally rules the Democrats… and Saturn has no major Ptolemy aspects that day… and is sitting alone at 11 degrees of Libra. Thus, Jupiter is the stronger vibration and the Republicans probably will win many significant elections throughout the nation tomorrow.

[click charts fr detail]
Readers may recall past posts that discussed the mutual reception aspect between the transiting Uranus and Neptune positions… again by retrograde movement Uranus is in the sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) and Neptune is still in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)… thus mutual reception… which has been the signature of radical (Uranus) religious fanatics (Neptune) and political movements that we’ve all been living through for the past decade.
One can see this angry fanaticism …not just in the Middle East …but now, right here in this country… to confirm that simply listen to the angry rhetoric of the election commercials of both parties. It’s gotten to the point where comedians are having rallies to ’restore sanity.’ …good luck, Jon.
This aspect is still with us and may be quite dangerous next month as transiting Mars squares Uranus and then while still in orb to that aspect it begins to conjunct with Pluto… this can be a very violent and warlike transit. The recent Mars transit squaring Neptune has revealed new bomb threats… now on UPS cargo planes… and new pirate activities.
The same dangers may also reflect in more violent wind and water storms… and with Mars nearing Pluto, more possible volcano activity and earthquakes. These developing tensions can be seen in the Full Moon chart of the 21st …check you kit.
There is also formed for a short time (due to the Moon’s rapid 12 degree per day movement) a ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God” destiny formation with the sextile between the Moon and Uranus forming the Inconjunct 150 degree angles that make the ‘pointer’ to the focal planet, Venus (celebrity, entertainment). With the Moon also square to Neptune (drugs, scandal)… there might be a notable celebrity suicide or drug/alcohol/overdose/accident… making the news again around the Full Moon.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
If indeed the alleged publication by the Swiss man, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier, of August 25, 1958, addressed to all European governments is true… then they are and continue to be some of the most accurate and astounding predictions of all recorded history. Read it for yourself;
…and he continues with prophecies in 1981 and 1987, again read for yourselves and make your own judgments;

…then there is the controversy of his ‘fake photos’… have the real ones been substituted with fakes by men ‘dressed in black’ …to discredit him? …and on and on …back and forth within the illusion …within the illusion …so, what’s the real deal?

Now from the prognostication papers… in regard to the cyborg wars and military machines rebelling and taking over the world… did the soothsayer see the actual wars… or did they time trip into the series of Arnold Schwarzenegger TERMINATOR movies… and take that to be the ‘future’ reality… and on further about Europe and the church… is it reality to come? …or did they time trip into Ron Pearlman chasing them in the MUTANT CHRONICLES movie…

…and of course the latest MATRIX movies… and other recent and current movies regarding cloning problems and future desolation … or did the scriptwriters of those films recognize the commercial possibilities of Billy Meier’s little known publications back in the 1950-80s… and they simply lifted the material and created their hit movies from it? …or is there a clandestine influence in the movie business to tell the truth through movies… or to use the movies for subliminal preconditioning?… for the eventual real takeover of everything and everyone by the fascist ‘new world order’?

It is my theory that… once a movie is released and viewed by millions of people… their combined psychic projection of their mass mental visualization… created by their voluntary suspension of disbelief… while viewing the scenes and sitting passively in a darkened room … can and probably does… set up and create an alternate reality that can be accurately read… by those sensitive enough to tune into it… when they are in a meditative trance state viewing a reality in the past, present, or future… which of course is their particular view of the past, present, and or future realities… from their reality, whatever that is…
But what is real? …what the reader is reading? …or even …is the reader himself …real?
Have you got your brain wrapped around all those possibilities? …it is sort of hard to get to the real deal, huh? …Of late …I simply put it all down …by mentally visualizing the closing of an overstuffed scrap book of old photos and newspaper article clippings… then getting out of the lazy chair of my mind… and then opening and walking out the back door of my mind… into the rain wet patio clean air freshness… and into the unlimited possibilities of the universal mind… and I take a cosmic smoke break from it all…
…yes, we are all a mass and maze of contradictions, huh…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
…and he continues with prophecies in 1981 and 1987, again read for yourselves and make your own judgments;

…then there is the controversy of his ‘fake photos’… have the real ones been substituted with fakes by men ‘dressed in black’ …to discredit him? …and on and on …back and forth within the illusion …within the illusion …so, what’s the real deal?

Now from the prognostication papers… in regard to the cyborg wars and military machines rebelling and taking over the world… did the soothsayer see the actual wars… or did they time trip into the series of Arnold Schwarzenegger TERMINATOR movies… and take that to be the ‘future’ reality… and on further about Europe and the church… is it reality to come? …or did they time trip into Ron Pearlman chasing them in the MUTANT CHRONICLES movie…

…and of course the latest MATRIX movies… and other recent and current movies regarding cloning problems and future desolation … or did the scriptwriters of those films recognize the commercial possibilities of Billy Meier’s little known publications back in the 1950-80s… and they simply lifted the material and created their hit movies from it? …or is there a clandestine influence in the movie business to tell the truth through movies… or to use the movies for subliminal preconditioning?… for the eventual real takeover of everything and everyone by the fascist ‘new world order’?

It is my theory that… once a movie is released and viewed by millions of people… their combined psychic projection of their mass mental visualization… created by their voluntary suspension of disbelief… while viewing the scenes and sitting passively in a darkened room … can and probably does… set up and create an alternate reality that can be accurately read… by those sensitive enough to tune into it… when they are in a meditative trance state viewing a reality in the past, present, or future… which of course is their particular view of the past, present, and or future realities… from their reality, whatever that is…
But what is real? …what the reader is reading? …or even …is the reader himself …real?
Have you got your brain wrapped around all those possibilities? …it is sort of hard to get to the real deal, huh? …Of late …I simply put it all down …by mentally visualizing the closing of an overstuffed scrap book of old photos and newspaper article clippings… then getting out of the lazy chair of my mind… and then opening and walking out the back door of my mind… into the rain wet patio clean air freshness… and into the unlimited possibilities of the universal mind… and I take a cosmic smoke break from it all…
…yes, we are all a mass and maze of contradictions, huh…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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