Perhaps a simple cheap herbal cure for Cancer? …finally free energy from re-discovered and long suppressed Nikola Tesla theories? …or maybe a miracle food that cheaply feeds the world?
…but, no …not yet…
But… there are some really nifty new ways of blowing each other to pieces… The US Army has already distributed this new weapon to some units now in combat… for real live combat testing… The soldier aims this new rifle grenade weapon… the weapon’s laser directed sites determine the range of the target… and the soldier can adjust the round to go just past the wall you’re hiding behind and then explode over your head… or to simply go through the wall… and if you run before then… it automatically adjusts the range on a moving target… To put it simply… you can’t hide from it… or run away from it.
“New Smart Weapon Being Tested in Afghan Theater”

…and a new and improved sniper rifle,
“Snipers Will Soon Shoot Taliban Three Quarters of a Mile Away”

…and that’s if the US Navy hasn’t already blown you up with their new magnetic cannon …that can fire a slug the size of car at mach 7… and with their laser sites …put it in your hip pocket from 100 miles away.
“Navy's Mach 7 gun can kill from 100 miles away”

…and you can bet other countries are busy making their own versions and or copies… like the Chinese copying, manufacturing, and selling Russian MIGs …spooky stuff, huh…
And the aspects fit… Jupiter (big guns) conjunct Uranus (new, inventions, technology, ‘smart’ weapons) and influencing these weapon inventions is the conjunct of Mars (war) and Pluto (catastrophic war)… that is exact this Monday the 13th…
…check your kits…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Thanks for your article! I have been looking for quite a long time and fortunately I read this article!