We have more yet to come in December… which may send the year out with a bang… big and dangerous ones. Once again we have very stressful conjunctions, tied into stressful T-Square formations… and an Eclipse to put an exclamation mark on the end of this volatile year! Once again these forces are starting to manifest early… as the transiting conjunctions and squares begin to form. Thus, I have begun the release of my slide show YouTube prediction features early… so as not to waste a month of work predicting things that have already happened before I post them… an example being the North Koreans shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this past November.
Due to a standard orb allowance of 8-10 degrees in transits, it is often very difficult to narrow events down to specific days… as a rule of thumb allow 3 to 4 days either way from a prediction date. What is an orb allowance?... and why? When you hear an airplane flying overhead… you begin to hear it perhaps a mile away from you… as it gets closer the engine noise is louder… and at its loudest when it flies directly over you… and you continue to hear it until it is perhaps a mile away. That’s the principal of orb allowance… the influence (airplane sound, or planet vibration) begins up to 10 degrees before the exact aspect… and is the strongest as it makes the exact aspect… and then may still have an influence for a few degrees and days afterward.
That is the mundane astrologer’s dilemma this month. These transiting stressful aspects stay within orb allowance throughout the entire month… the orb allowance of one set of aspects bleeds into the next… and there may be a lot of bleeding… literally… this month. The recent North Korean artillery shelling of a South Korean island is an example… the exact mundane astrology aspects for that type of event would be December 3rd, 13th, and the 21st …which are the key stressful dates that I have charted in detail and have based my slide show presentations on.
I don’t mean to sound like an angry movie director who is barking at the N. Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… before I say, “action” …but in a way that is what is happening… these aspects are potent enough to begin early.
My YouTube slide shows are titled “DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS”… and the first troublesome aspect, which may be already manifesting in Korea, occurs December 3rd… as transiting Mars makes an exact square to Uranus … and is applying toward a conjunction with Pluto… potentially a very explosive mix!
This Mundane Astrology Feature may be viewed at
Ironically… perhaps an even bigger paper bomb exploded the next day… a bunker buster of a quarter of million secret government and diplomatic cables and documents was dropped on the media… and is stirring up some angst among world leader types… it seems nobody likes Iran… and the Saudis have been nagging us to bomb Iran for years… How about this? We pull all US and NATO forces out of the Middle East and you folks in the Middle East do your own bombing of each other… we have certainly sold you enough weapons for you to do that… and you can buy more from China, Germany, North Korea, Russia… a host of others …or just about any local freelance black market weapons dealer…
All in all… in my opinion… it’s a rotten barrel of lies… that world leaders and their banker backers have been duping the world with for more than a couple of centuries now… eventually, the truth of 9/11 will out… by leak… independent sleuthing by legions of truth seekers… or perhaps a death bed confession… from one who’s conscience has awakened… and that is the world’s ‘secret’ government’s biggest fear…
I’ll close with a post-production update of a future slide chart of the transits of the 3rd and the possibilities, the blue lines are a positive influence… very probable attempts at negotiations… and if they fail and the energy goes to the negative expression… then the easy trines and sextiles… just makes it all ‘easy’ to happen… Some of the world’s most famous criminals have a ‘Grand Trine,’ in their natal chart… and they are talented and ‘lucky’… and they get away with it… it’s all a matter of how one chooses to use the energy… what do we chose to do… here and now?
Besides all the wacko political and military stress… there will more than likely be some more severe weather and storms, and with squares like these very possible earthquakes in the 5+ magnitudes and higher, and perhaps more volcano activity… with attendant tsunamis if occurring near or in the oceans on and around these stressful transit dates of the 3rd, 13th, and 21st.
As always, dear reader … I wish for the peace and love of the cosmos to be with you… nonetheless, check your kits… this may be a very volatile month.

Always interesting read. Someday the truth about 9/11 will come out.