On the intuitive right side of the brain astrologers and mystics have researched the effects of Pluto since its discovery by astronomers in 1930… and on the logical left side of the brain scientists of late have declared it an insignificant ice cube of the cosmos. Yet, its position in the zodiac map is quite often… and quite accurately… a fore telling of cataclysms and catastrophes.
Within the astrology community many entire books of interpretation have been written about its influences… both in individual’s natal chart… and in the mundane charts of World history. Two of the most famous authors of books about Pluto, Jeff Green and Steven Forrest, are nicknamed “the Pluto brothers” within the astrology lecture community… and they are currently co-authoring another Pluto reference book. I too, in my humble research… continue to be astounded …almost daily …by the awesome influence of this little ‘cosmic ice cube’ and the effects that it has on our lives.
To the left brain it is just a bit of cosmic fluff. If you approach it with the intuitive right brain its awesome energy can scare one silly… with some of the images seen during meditations. Yes, dear reader, you too see the obvious answer… to get and understand Pluto’s message one has to be somewhere in the middle brain… the ancient ones call it, “the third eye.”
Pluto, as I see and experience it… represents raw power. The penis enlargement industry with its propaganda, “size does matter,” and left brain oriented scientists opinions of it being a mere ‘cosmic ice cube’… may well be among the many in shear panic when they soon encounter it… Yes, I am seeing very potential anarchy and rebellion forming throughout the world… all in a struggle with the ‘Plutocracy’ that is running the World currently… and Pluto rules corruption… and anarchy.
Size doesn’t matter… How big is a piece of Uranium that produces enough power to make a nuclear weapon? Pluto rules atomic energy… and bombs. How big is an HIV or Ebola virus? Pluto rules infectious diseases… which can and has taken out 30% of a nation’s population. A piece of plutonium smaller than this dot, → • …can kill you. Nations and governments often fall during adverse Pluto transits to the nation’s natal Sun location.
MUNDANE ASTROLOGY, was written and published by three astrologers, Michael Baignet, Nicholas Campion, and Charles Harvey, and published by The Aquarian Press in 1984. Michael Baigent did a few pages of predictions concerning the Soviet Union in 1984. His description and prediction of the 1989-91 transiting Pluto’s effect when it conjuncts with the natal Sun location of the former Soviet Union’s November 9, 1917 natal chart is so astoundingly accurate that I want to quote it exactly from page 445, Chapter 15, THE ASTROLOGY OF NATIONS,
“…The transit of Pluto across the Sun would suggest some basic restructuring of the nation – preceded by a hardline period. It may well involve the emergence of some underground or exiled alternative leadership. The three-planet conjunction opposing the natal Pluto similarly indicates a change for the nation, again with regard to the leadership and style of rule. It would appear possible that this period will herald some new revolution in Russia which would restructure the country dramatically. Given the activation of the energies symbolized by the T-square, then it is likely that the tight command structure will fail and that the country will collapse back into the numerous autonomous states that it once was. It is rare for an administration to survive a Pluto transit.”
In 1989 through 1991, those of us in my generation witnessed it happen… just as he described it would.
Between now and 2015 we are going to be living through a transiting ‘pulling apart influence’ as Pluto opposes the USA natal Sun at 13° of Cancer… the recent elections are an example of how the country is dividing… The longer the current Plutocracy continues their pursuit of absolute power… and the wealthy 1% has them bought… the faster and bigger the gap between the rich and the poor gets… with no middle class… At some point nature seeks a balance and the pendulum swings the other way… as seen by the transits… and maybe the frustrated and angry ‘storm the Bastille’ again… and have a revolution… and cut a few heads off… or perhaps groups of states will begin to secede from the Union… Pluto can be quite ruthless in destroying that which is obsolete.
The transiting conjunction of Pluto over the natal Sun in the Soviet Union’s chart was a shattering and bankrupting influence. They over extended themselves in the arms race… and fought and lost a ten year war in Afghanistan…
The current transiting Pluto at 3° of Capricorn… in 2015 will be at 13° of Capricorn… and in OPPOSITION to the Sun at 13° of Cancer in the United States July 4, 1776 birth chart. With the approaching opposition we are living through the ‘pulling apart’ influence of this opposition… and like the former Soviet Union we have over extended ourselves… with the various market manipulations, corporate greed… and their bailout corruptions… and the bankrupting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan …and the corruption in all those governments… In general we are living in a ‘Plutocracy’ that parades itself as ‘Democracy’ in this country.

Guillotine: between 18,000 and 40,000 people were executed during the Reign of Terror. Pluto and Mars rules the Guillotine in mundane astrology.
I watched the recent movie MARIE ANTOINETTE… and what struck me was of course the wasteful extravagance of the French monarchy… and how today the ruling corporate/political monarchy owns multiple houses… cars, feasts on $5000 bottles of champagne, etc… the middle class is vanishing… and you’re either one of the 1% rich… or you’re one of the 99% poor employees or immigrant servants of the Plutocracy.
It doesn’t have to be that way… The mega rich could change… and use the power to transform (the positive use of Plutonian energy) and separate from the obsolete… and begin to build things and enterprises with their money that benefits all… including themselves… or they can continue with their egotistical gluttonous greed… and be doomed to fail as the storm gathers… and once again a ‘Bastille’ is stormed and some folks lose their heads… what do we choose to do?
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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