No… I was in the house making myself a sandwich and I didn’t actually see it… but a CBS news helicopter did… and they aired the footage of it before anyone told them not to. Nobody in the local military seems to know anything about it. Nobody could set up and launch a missile this size from Catalina Island… without the local Deputy Sheriffs noticing it… and they are rather strict about their various campfire permits… and for what one is allowed to have on the beaches of Catalina Island… and such a big firecracker rocket is simply not permitted.
From a ship? …whether surface or submerged …we’ve all seen the movies …no one accidentally pushes a button. There’s always at least two officers… inserting launch keys, verifying codes, target, etc. …before a missile that size gets launched for any reason… and the Navy thus far says they had nothing to do with it…
The same is said by all the local military. This is an interesting Horary event chart (a chart that is erected for that moment and location) …let’s see what we find,

[click chart for detail]
The exact square from the transiting Moon at 23° of Sagittarius to Jupiter at 23° of Pisces, and then by orb of 3° to Uranus at 26° and Black Moon Lilith (osc.L) sandwiched between them at 25°… is again the ‘trigger’ of the event… as it squares this bizarre (Uranus) conjunction of Jupiter, Uranus, and Black Moon Lilith… in the Water sign of Pisces (ruled by the often mysterious and deceptive Neptune)…

The mystery is locked up in this expansive big (Jupiter) bizarre (Uranus) missile (Uranus) sea launch (Neptune, mysterious… and it rules Pisces where the aspect occurs)… and by 1° orb it all is conjunct to Black Moon Lilith (oscL.)… which is associated with lies and treachery.
Lies to whom? …the square is from the Moon …and the Moon represents us, the general public which is in the secretive 8th House suggesting that secrets are being withheld from us the public… or another ‘shock and awe’ tactic… with the very predictable ‘problem-reaction-solution’ results… and then more of our ‘alleged’ freedoms are curtailed… a tactic that the current world powers manipulate us with?
The conjunction is in the 11th House… representing friends and alliances. Are our friends lying to us? …UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia?… or is it NSA, MI5, Mossad?… or does Blackwater Inc. have missiles and ships now? There will be lies and cover ups all around it… but please… this time… don’t try to blame it on a gay sailor… like you did with the USS Iowa accidental gun turret explosion back in 1989.
With Black Moon Lilith …this warrants watching closely… like the distracting hand movements of a stage magician illusionist… this could be but a distraction… for something even bigger.
We shall see… check your kits…
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