My ever curious astrological nature immediately erected an event chart for midnight… when the events began. The reports of gun fire and the car crash were allegedly reported at 12:22 AM by nearby residents. In horary astrology when the time is near midnight or noon… or sunrise and sunset… I round it off to those points… as those are what I term the ‘markers’ for that period of the day… and that midnight chart is loaded with the ‘bizarre’…

At that period of time in Beverly Hills the 7th House is packed with troublesome aspects like Moon (often the ‘trigger’ in mundane astrology events) conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus… and by 10° orb allowance given to the Moon (because of its close proximity to the Earth)… it also ties in with Lilith (calamity) and Black Moon Lilith (treachery)… and with Uranus (sudden, shocking) just at the 8th House (death) cusp… I won’t speculate on those details and I will leave it in the hands of the police homicide investigators.

The bizarre part… that hit me like a shot… is the fixed star Algol… conjunct the Median Coli (the Mid Heaven) at the top of the chart… which represents the world or stage of the event. This is an ill omen.

Algol is a fixed star that takes around 90 years to move 1° in our zodiac map as seen from the Earth… Here’s what astrologers have said about it over the millenniums… The ancient Arab astrologers named it “Al-Ghul,” which translates to “The Ghoul,” or “Demon Star,” …early Hebrew astrologers called it, “Rosh ha Sitan,” or “Satan’s Head,”…and ancient Chinese astrologers refer to it as “Tseih She” which translates to, “Piled-up Corpses”…ergo, it has a bit of a bad rep in astrology circles. Here is a text book definition by Vivian Robson, a famous past astrologer who researched fixed stars,
“Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the Heavens.”
The fact that it is early by a week in my prognostications… there may be more bizarre yet to come as Algol doesn’t move much… it will be at the Mid Heaven location …around about midnight, for a week or two here in California… all of which proves there is no such thing as a ‘safe neighborhood’ …not with Algol hanging around.
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