Jupiter traditionally rules the Republican party… and Jupiter conjuncts Uranus (upsets, change) and gets a supportive trine from Mercury (the votes) and a supportive sextile to the Moon (people)… which may pull apart (opposition aspect) the current majority.
Saturn traditionally rules the Democrats… and Saturn has no major Ptolemy aspects that day… and is sitting alone at 11 degrees of Libra. Thus, Jupiter is the stronger vibration and the Republicans probably will win many significant elections throughout the nation tomorrow.

[click charts fr detail]
Readers may recall past posts that discussed the mutual reception aspect between the transiting Uranus and Neptune positions… again by retrograde movement Uranus is in the sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) and Neptune is still in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)… thus mutual reception… which has been the signature of radical (Uranus) religious fanatics (Neptune) and political movements that we’ve all been living through for the past decade.
One can see this angry fanaticism …not just in the Middle East …but now, right here in this country… to confirm that simply listen to the angry rhetoric of the election commercials of both parties. It’s gotten to the point where comedians are having rallies to ’restore sanity.’ …good luck, Jon.
This aspect is still with us and may be quite dangerous next month as transiting Mars squares Uranus and then while still in orb to that aspect it begins to conjunct with Pluto… this can be a very violent and warlike transit. The recent Mars transit squaring Neptune has revealed new bomb threats… now on UPS cargo planes… and new pirate activities.
The same dangers may also reflect in more violent wind and water storms… and with Mars nearing Pluto, more possible volcano activity and earthquakes. These developing tensions can be seen in the Full Moon chart of the 21st …check you kit.
There is also formed for a short time (due to the Moon’s rapid 12 degree per day movement) a ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God” destiny formation with the sextile between the Moon and Uranus forming the Inconjunct 150 degree angles that make the ‘pointer’ to the focal planet, Venus (celebrity, entertainment). With the Moon also square to Neptune (drugs, scandal)… there might be a notable celebrity suicide or drug/alcohol/overdose/accident… making the news again around the Full Moon.

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