Sunday, September 6, 2009


President Obama advised our children to pursue their educations and to learn to be responsible… and some Republicans are accusing him of using taxpayer money to indoctrinate the youth with ‘Socialist Ideology’?! …

…look at the current mess the entire planet is in …because of lack of education… like Bush with his ‘C’ average… and somewhere along the line too many of our current adults missed the lectures on accepting responsibility and commitment to improving oneself as a human being… and other little things… like honesty and ethics… the Bill of Rights… and the Geneva Convention Military Code of Conduct.

In all the administrations that my 64 years have witnessed …there’s has never been such a bunch… of any party… like these desperate frantic fringe Republicans …who, almost on a daily basis …shoot themselves in the foot …and then stick their bloody foot in their mouth!

The inspiration of this rant comes from a good article… and an opinion that I agree with… by Clarence Page of the Houston Chronicle,

“Politics, not race, likely behind Obama speech uproar”

…astrologically? …I see it as the over all trend of the current, now only 3 degrees from exact, ‘shaker breaker’ transit of Saturn in opposition to Uranus… The corrupt and obsolete… are beginning to crumble and fall… and it is necessary… if we are to survive as a species.

…and as Uranus (revolution) transits into Aries (action) ruled by Mars (war) …there will be more and more revolts. The last time Pluto transited through Capricorn was 1763 thru 1780… the years of the American Revolution (1776-1781)…

…yes, there will be revolutions …let’s hope for and start a revolution in higher consciousness and awareness… and start using what is already there… like Nikola Tesla’s patents on totally free energy by harnessing the positive charge of the atmosphere and the negative of the earth… the planet and it’s atmosphere are an unlimited battery… there to be tapped by all…

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