Monday, September 14, 2009


Through these posts over the past year I’ve tried to show from daily current events… that reflect the nature of the energies… that there is the positive and the negative side in all these planetary energies… at whatever positions they are in… It’s all a matter of free will choice.

Currently we’re all dealing with the retrograde movement of Mercury until the 29th of this month.

If we have rushed along for months now, or years, putting off something… like replacing a worn fan belt… now is the time that retrograde Mercury makes you deal with it… the belt breaks, your car over heats immediately, and your plans are interrupted and you’re stuck at the side of the road waiting for a tow truck.

…and you re-think while sitting there at the side of the road …and you may vow to yourself that in the future you will have your car serviced more often …or perhaps you re-think keeping the old car versus buying a new car. Or maybe you just sit there stewing in frustration and anger… or fearful if you’re alone…

It can be a time of re-direction, re-view, re-pair… What’s wrong in my life and how do I fix it? …whatever answers you find and plans that you make will work out better if you wait until after the 29th to initiate them. Now is the time to repair and rethink things.

One of the main things in our country that we’re trying to sort out is this universal health care question…

At this point in my life I can be impartial… for once… in one thing… I’ve got all the bases covered… I’m employed and have a company provided PPO which costs me around $10 a paycheck which is reasonable… and if I get laid off or fired, I am 65 next month and I now have a Medicare Card… and when I die I’ve got my Veterans Card to get buried with.

Most of the time I don’t need any of them… as I keep myself healthy with homeopathic methods. However, there are other things like cataracts and broken bones that require surgery and allopathic methods… so… it’s good to be insured.

Many years ago I was visiting a girlfriend in Sweden and witnessed socialized medicine. I went with her to a neighborhood clinic where she had a minor out patient surgery for the removal of a cyst on her foot.

She paid a reasonable Co-pay fee at the office equivalent (adjusted for inflation) to the $15 co-pay I make when I see my PPO eye doctor. Later she told me that I could go their clinic… just show my passport… and the Co-pay would be about $20… because I was a foreigner…

So what’s the big problem with socialized medicine? It’s already here… it’s called Medicare… why not have it for everybody?

It would put doctors on an honest payroll… It seems to me that all the noise is being made by the lobbyists and bought politicians of the insurance sharks, the pharmaceutical pushers, and the ‘Doctor Feel Goods’…who are the drug dealers for people like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Jackson… and for all the other rich junkies and hypochondriacs who believe they need them.

…my solution? …stay active, resist and try to transform negative emotions, eat smaller meals (we don’t need as much as we think we do) ...have as many loving relationships as you can …and read and think more …you have to exercise the brain …which someday mainstream science may figure out is probably the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease, the brain atrophies from lack of use… so turn off the TV …or at least limit the viewing to only a few hours a week instead of a few hours a night…

…alright …enough ranting …on to more fun things

HOOYAH! The Philadelphia Eagles 38 – Carolina Panthers 10! …the chart indicated a slight edge, at least enough to make the -3 point spread… and they certainly made that! If you check the scores there were 6 games today in which the winners scored 28 or more points… due to (my theory) the powerful squared up energy…

When there are a lot of easy trines and sextiles that seems to be when we see the last minute touchdown and a one point win… or the last few seconds three point field goal winning games…

Nothing like a win bet to cheer one’s mood …now on to next week’s charts …humm, more squares …this is going to take some brain stretching …I love it …it’s fun! …almost as much fun as riding a motorcycle.

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