Sunday, September 13, 2009


“9/11 panic on Potomac”

Fortunately nothing major happened… just a bunch cable TV journalists trying to get the ‘scoop’ on an anniversary terrorist attack story… and the Coast Guard’s lack of forethought in picking a somewhat sensitive day to have a terrorist attack drill… and only a few hundred yards from where the President is giving a memorial address!

It was simply a lack of clear thinking and confused or no communication …and thus a typical retrograde Mercury misunderstanding. You would think with President Obama nearby… even with retrograde Mercury… that there would some sort of communication between the Secret Service and the Coast Guard on that particular day?!? …perhaps I expect too much?

Be alert… there will be all sorts of miscommunication and confusion like this until the 29th when Mercury goes direct again.

The football charts for the first week of the regular season are an equal muddle …nothing really clear cut …just squared up energies that can explode or fizzle either way… So, don’t bet the farm on this one… I’m treating this like a fiver that fell out of my pocket… maybe I find it and more… or maybe I don’t… I put down a fiver to win on the Philadelphia Eagles over the Carolina Panthers this Sunday…

…we shall see…

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