“Petters Sentenced to 50 Years for $3.5 Billion Fraud”
…again the ‘Headline’ is an example of the ‘collective subconscious’ expression of the working aspect… These are the nuggets of research data… that as an mundane astrologer, I find fascinating…
Amplified by the powerful ‘Yod’ formation that it is part of , thus; Saturn = 50 years, hard time, Karma ...Neptune = Fraud …and Jupiter by Neptune ‘deposit’ in Pisces = excessive, $3.5 Billion
…also fascinating, for me …is the simplicity of the prognostication method of simple ‘Keywords’ …and the intuitive, what I call …the astrology “Key Word Search Puzzle” game that reveals probable events …that will occur …usually within a fortnight or so of the aspect’s exact formation.
…the accuracy seems to be related to one’s mental and emotional spirit …during the meditation reading …of it being a ‘game, fun, play, puzzle, etc’… relaxed, child like play… and let the intuition form the mental pictures… and you see it fit… the fraud news and conviction… it’s all there…
…and all part of what I term, ‘God’s Mechanics’ that makes everything happen. William Lilly, the famous 17th Century Astrologer to royalty, whose original works influence mine, termed it, ‘Christian Astrology’.
The parts about astrology have been long ago edited out of your current ‘Bibles’ by the corrupt and political clergy over the centuries, especially during the ‘Dark Ages’ from circa 500-1000 CE…but a lot of the parables and symbology is still there in the text (King James Version)… Like 12 Signs of the Zodiac and 12 apolstles… Equinoxes, Solstices that are the death and rebirth cycles of all living things… and on and on… and with ‘keywords’ you can find a lot of the hidden parts of all religions… most of which were originally based on astrology principles… and from the ‘pre-Stonehenge’ days…
…again the mundane chart for April 1st 2010. I often find that the 1st day of the month High Noon chart can indicate the probable month’s major events…
[click chart for details]

All part of the ‘Yod’ formation of the April 1st Chart… the Neptune (Fraud) Inconjunct Saturn (Karma, hard time) corner to the focal point of Saturn in the 4th House (Horary Mundane aspect for ‘end of the matter’ and traditional astrology, the Home)
…and on the positive and fascinating side... intriguing (Neptune) Neptune transiting through Aquarius (Uranus ruled, and new discoveries)… more old bones are found by anthropologists in South Africa… we keep getting older… now 1.9 million years.
...and the Saturn themes repeat ...Saturn = old ...and Saturn = bones ... and Saturn = co-ruler, and ancient astrology ruler of Aquarius ...three times, a strong Horary confirmation.

Two 1.9 million-year-old skeletons found in a South African cave have added a new and intriguing member to the primate family.
Read More http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/04/australopithecus-sediba/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29#ixzz0kZ2SEYxe
…the six day creation …and 6000 year old world theroy is getting kind of weak… of course they could all be ‘Satan’s plants… just to fool us,’ etc… whatever works in your realty… just keep it there, please… and don’t try and ram it into my reality… I have read your views of reality and are very familiar with them... and I in turn will share, if you choose to read… but I will not push you to read… views from my indiviual reality… and thus, we can peacefully co-exist…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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