“BEIJING — A powerful earthquake in northwest China killed at least 300 people, injured 8,000 and left many others buried under debris on Wednesday, Chinese state media reported.”
“The quake, which struck at 7:49 a.m. in Qinghai Province, had a magnitude of 7.1 according to China’s earthquake administration.”

The mundane chart of the event shows the main stress factors to be the now 1 degree orb in the tightening Saturn (rules earth), at 29 degrees of Virgo, opposition to Uranus (rules earthquakes), at 28 degrees of Pisces… and the approaching New Moon to the Sun by a 5 degree orb.
The New and Full Moons can both be stress transits due to the gravitational pull of the Sun, Moon, Earth, two day alignment. Another indicator is Mars which is in mutual reception with the Sun… Mars at 8 degrees of Sun ruled Leo… and the Sun at 23 degrees of Mars ruled Aries… which adds more stressful energy to the Moon “trigger” of the event…
Mars also squares the Ascendant, more stress… and it’s in the 4th House (rules home, and in earthquakes, property damage)… and it is Inconjunct Pluto (also rules earthquakes) at 5 degrees of Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn… and the Capricorn Mid Heaven… and Pluto is within orb to square Saturn… more and more stress on the planet… and bang!... a 7.1 magnitude earthquake…
These aspects and more to come make it very hazardous throughout the remainder of the month…
…check your kits …and be alert.
[click chart for details]

How scary! I hope the world pulls together once again in order to help the victims of this quake.