Thursday, April 15, 2010


Now Government cover up scandal, more scandal and threat to the Pope, and Charlie sneaks out of rehab on a date… all part of the Sun sextile to scandalous Neptune in this month’s ‘Yod’ formation.

“Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers”

“Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict XVI”

I won’t cut and paste from the gossip sites, because I don’t want to get a ‘social’ virus in my computer again… but you can read the gossip of Charlie Sheen… sneaking out of rehab and meeting with another ‘girlfriend’… For celebs… ‘Re-hab’… is often simply a hideout from the media… until it focuses on someone else…

Whether any of the above is true or not… or to what degree… is always a muddle… and there will be supporters of both sides and all points of view. What I find fascinating is that by astrology ‘keyword’ association… they’re all caught up in the Neptune scandal net… the Sun (a ruler of government, authorities, clelebs) sextile to Neptune (scandal, religion, film stars)… both forming the base of the ‘Yod’ that points to Saturn (harsh, judgment, karma, loss of stature)… as predicted on the April 1st by the “Yod’ formation made that day.

It is my theroy, that the High Noon Horary chart of the 1st of the month… sets an over all pattern or tone that will work throughout the month… and the various news headlines throughout the month… are these forces expressed by us in our daily reality… like actors on the cosmic stage… who enter… play their ‘part’ as expressed by the headlines… and exit and enter another player… and often, right on cue… as these planets make exact aspects to one another… and are expressed unconsciously by the mass of humanity… in the areas ruled by those planets… for good… and more often it seems… for ill.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

That was 11:30 AM… now I am home from work at 11:30 PM

…just after I get home from work, and I’m about to post this …I find a bit more, the predicted volcano eruption just occoured today in Iceland again… a new eruption is now melting ice again and threatening flooding,

“The ash cloud came from an eruption of a volcano beneath Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier early Wednesday.

The eruption -- the latest in a series that began on March 20 -- blew a hole in the mass of ice.”

Things are still under stress as the New Moon transits over this ‘T-bar’ formation as the transiting Moon squares the opposing Saturn and Uranus… and now the Moon transits into opposition to Pluto… more stress…

…check your kits …and be alert.

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