This image taken by Roddy Erickson
Neptune is one of the corner planets in the Yod formation than I discussed in the April 1st predictions post. It points to the focal planet… Saturn… the ‘Finger of God’ point as it is often referred to in classic astrology terms, and Saturn rules harshness, judgment, foundations, structure…
…and Neptune has a dissolving influence… and in these cases that I shall quote today… it is clearly evident that this influence is dissolving the ‘false’ images of many institutions and individuals… and revealing the ugly truths of their realities…
Let’s look at some of the dictionary keywords from the standard astrologer’s reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, by Rex E. Bills. According to the reference book Neptune rules or influences the following subjects in this weekend’s news headlines,
“Catholicism, liars, fraud, scandals, refineries, assassins… and plots against one”
“Catholic church hotline in meltdown over pedophile priests”
“…4000 alleged victims…”
The former kindergarten teacher is claiming Tiger Woods lied about racial incident
“Tiger Woods' kindergarten teacher hires celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, vowing to tell her story”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2010/04/02/2010-04-02_tiger_woods_kindergarten_teacher_hires_celebrity_lawyer_gloria_allred_vowing_to_.html#ixzz0jxsJGDBl
“Pa. Investment Manager Charged in Ponzi Scheme”
“US to probe fire at Tesoro Anacortes refinery”
“Sandra Bullock 'definitely' wants divorce; Jesse James a 'broken man': reports”
Assassins… plots against one
"McDonnell, other govenors recieve letter threatening 'removal' if they don't resign"
Throughout this month the YOD formation... is going to put 'The Finger of God' point of the destiny formation on a lot of nefarious people... and it's just the 5th day of the month!
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