From an opinion column by, Adele Stan
“April 19th marks the date in which the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at Lexington and Concord in 1775. It is also the date on which the FBI burned the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, to the ground in 1993. And it is the date on which Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people, including 19 children.”
I have been working on a series of mid April’s mundane charts and have already determined that the 18th-19th will be potentially very hazardous days… and then by amazing sychroniscity… I’m web surfing this Sunday morning for news articles relating to the planetary transits and I ran across the article that I’ve quoted from… citing historical bloody events that have occurred in our nation’s history on the 19th of April.
On that day the 19th of April, every year the transiting Sun will be within 1 or 2 degrees of the Aries/Taurus cusp… 28-29 degrees of Aries. This is the power point of the sign of Aries… maximum Mars influence… and on the dates sited, Mars has been in the sign of Leo which is ruled by the Sun… thus, the Mars and Sun are in what is astrologically termed, ‘mutual reception'… Sun ruled Leo deposits Mars… and Mars ruled Aries deposits the Sun… and in influence it is similar to a Sun/Mars conjunction… powerful.
On the historical dates citied transiting Mars, or the Sun, or both… are in harsh aspect to Uranus (explosive)… 4/19/1775 = Mars square Uranus… 4/19/1993 = Mars opposition Uranus with Sun squaring both in a ‘T-Bar’ formation… 4/19/95 = Sun square Uranus, with Mars in mutual reception in the sign of Leo… which is equal to a Sun/Mars conjunction square to Uranus… and all very stressfu… as the events proved.
Now let’s examine the approching April 19th 2010 mundane Horary chart for the day, High Noon, New York City, NY

[click chart for detail]
I see more potential danger in this chart than any of the past three historical charts of 1775, 1993, and 1995…
The Sun again at the Aries power point of 29 degrees Aries, is one corner of another ‘Yod’ formation… that we’ve witnessed is a powerful destiny pointer… The Sun sextiles and makes the other corner of the pointer shape with Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius… and then they both make Inconjuncts to the focal planet of the pointer shape… which is Saturn at 29 degrees of Virgo.
What makes this potentially very dangerous is the fact that Saturn is also the focal point of a ‘T-Bar’ formed by the transiting Moon at 2 degrees of Cancer in opposition to Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn… and within orb allowance they both square Saturn.
Thus, a double whammy stressful influence with Saturn as the focal point of both a ‘Yod’ and a ‘T-Bar’ formation… and within 2 degrees of exact opposition to Uranus, all together it looks like the red shaft of the green arrowhead shape…and the red pointer shape of the ‘T-Bar’ aspect… literally a big red and green pointer to Saturn (harsh, restriction, limtation, cruel, debt, bankruptcy, structure)…
The ‘trigger’ may be the transiting Moon, as the focal planet, squaring the opposition of Uranus and Saturn in a two day long ‘T-Bar’…all on the same day… the 19th of April, 2010… next Monday.
There are dozens of keywords that could be tossed into this toxic mix… and they’re all dangerous… involving many possible scenarios, government collaspes, take overs, market panics, revolts, bombings, terrorists, pirates, assassinations, more war outbreaks, earthquakes, volcano eruption, tsnamis, severe weather, big scandals, bad accidents, perhaps government cover ups exposed, more church scandal… mayhem, etc.
Whatever it may be… it could be sudden and very significant… and perhaps historical… and more than likely violent… This month started off with a stressful ‘Yod’… re-read the past posts since the 1st… and then add two ‘T-Bar’ formations… I do hope I’m wrong about all this.
If one is inclined toward praying for divine intervention… this might be a very appropriate day for it.
I am posting this early because the 19th is also the first day of the next Mercury retrograde cycle that lasts until May 11th… and with this formation the keywords could also read, Sun = government, authorities, Neptune = virus, sabotage, Uranus = computers, communication networks, Saturn = system, stabilty… it could be a massive world wide computer hack and virus infestation… and we may all lose internet connection for a few days…
…check you kits …and be alert.
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