Monday, March 1, 2010


I discussed the "YOD" formation occuring today with the focal planet being Mercury at the Aquarius Pisces Cusp... as the red warning band to disconnect due to a virus attack... I immediately powered the computer down and it hit me like a shot! ...follow the Keywords, the base of the Yod is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo sextile to Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra... Mars and Saturn together in any aspect can be malicious, with a sextile opportunity and ease... both inconjunct to Mercury, rules computer network... at the cusp of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus which rules computers... and Pisces, Neptune ruled which rule viruses...

...the next two to three days be on the alert for hacker attacks and computer viruses.

(for details of yesterdays predictions refer to February 28 Archive)

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