“Marijuana use by seniors goes up”
“...either for recreation or as a way to cope with the aches and pains of aging.”
…“In her 88 years, Florence Siegel has learned how to relax: A glass of red wine. A crisp copy of The New York Times, if she can wrest it from her husband. Some classical music, preferably Bach. And every night like clockwork, she lifts a pipe to her lips and smokes marijuana.”…

WHITE WIDOW - a prize winning Cannabis Hybrid
In California and 25 other other states where local governments have come to some sane rational thinking… they legally either purchase their ancient herbal medicine at a secure pharmacy and by legal prescription… and or they legally grow their allowed six plants on their patio for their own personal use… and the criminals, corrupt polititians, and some corrupt police don’t like it… because they lose ther power of confiscation… and the very profitable clandistine re-sale business to other dealers they control through kick backs and bribes.
The pain relief is needed NOW… by those suffering with painful terminal illness, or life long painful disabilities, and or mental and emotional stress, insomnia, etc… that isn’t covered by any insurance… and some can’t and won’t wait for the debacles that the health care bill will take to get passed… or the decades of long court battles throughout various states that will hold it up well beyond the current projected date of 2014 when it will allegedly kick in…
“UPDATE 1-U.S. states launch lawsuits against healthcare plan”
Some states already have secession movements that are growing. California has the 6th largest economy on the planet. If they did not have to pay disproportionate Federal taxes… that is given away to the crooks who have caused the country’s economic problems… they could be an independent thriving country on their own… exporting movies and oranges… and drilling, pumping, and refining their own oil reserves…
…and a lot of other states are seeing possible and perhaps better potentials as independent sovereign states of sanity… with real and effective democratic self governing.
…I’m not advocating such a movement …I’m just saying that a lot of the people are seeing through …and getting very tired of the same old corrupt bullshit from both of the obsolete political parties in this country. Some are simply facing the realities and taking care of themselves on their own… simply because public trust is evaporating… and their survival instincts are kicking in.
Does a professional politician, who gets $500 haircuts… and whose wardrobe they wear, as they appear in pubic, costs more than the average citizen earns in a year of labor… really relate to your reality… or care about your welfare?
…or do they spend your donated money to win a 3 to 4 day a week part time job …from which they line their pockets with lobbyists bribe money and spend the rest of their time pursuing their sexual appetites… with each other, hookers, or their mistresses… and all at taxpayer expense?
They’re all losing their credibility daily… and Uranus, the rebel… edges closer to the cusp of Aries… ruled by Mars, which is still at its closet to Earth’s orbit… still in slow 1st gear… and cooking all these aspects from the power point of 1 degree of Leo…
The flash point is nearing… and there may be explosive rebellion faster than the various corrupt governments throughout the planet can deal with… as the planet does some ‘shake and bake’ with earthquake storms, volcanoes, and flooding… then maybe wrap it all in volcanic ash… and put in the freezer for a few centuries… then defrost for a couple of centuries.
Then the 1 out of 4 survivors …can start all over with their evolution… on fresh, clean, new continents and big islands…
…spark it up …kick back …and enjoy the ride …things may get really wild and crazy for awhile... April 1st… the ‘Fools’ day transit chart, that I’m currently studying, starts off the month with another 'Yod' formation that is energized by the ‘Grand Cross’… the big ‘X’… the week before on the 23rd... that is some tension again…
…and we’ve seen what it can influence… earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, out break of war (more), severe storms, weather… scandal, market panic reversals, revolution, general craziness, and random violence …in various combinations of any and all of the above …at any time …and anywhere on the planet.
…check your kits …top off the gas tank …and stash some ‘get outa town’ money… other bartering items of value… gold coins, jewelry, letters of transit, etc… like in the classic movie of 1942, CASABLANCA, with Bogart and Bergman… it can be romantic, it’s all a state of mind… “…play it again, Sam… ‘As time goes by’…”
…Sweetheart, …I’ll be waiting for you at the train station …five o’clock… we’ll get to Lisbon… then a Clipper to Cuba… We can hide out there with this guy I know, Ernie Hemingway… a writer I met in Spain… when I fought with the Lincoln Brigade during their civil war… back in 38’…
…meditative inter dimensional time tripping can be so much fun… and therapeutic…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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