Twin suicide bombs kill 43 in Pakistani city
As that war continues… now India… with all it’s new wealth from taking many of our jobs given to them by our own sellout corporations… wants to be a ‘world power’ … and has bought from Russia an Aircraft carrier, a fleet of MIG-29 Fighters, and 12 Nuclear reactors…,0,7959861.story
“India embraces Russia arms”

$7 Billion in military and nuclear hardware to protect themselves against whom? Pakistan? …they can’t even hold an election yet without almost an all out civil war… maybe they’re afraid Afghanistan is going to attack them? …or an invasion from Sri Lanka?
…it reminds me of the typical jerk …who suddenly gets a windfall of big money …and the first thing he does is go out and buy a new big red pickup truck …and a new gun.
This is going to cause me to have to do a lot of charts …I get the feeling they are being set up …with just enough weapons to get themselves hurt …they’re the only nation with an equal amount of population as China… who could spare a few hundred million casualties in an all out war with them… and who is the dealer? …the guys who lost the last big war in Afghanistan… and the one that bankrupted them… Russia.
Do you think the Russians are good guys now that they’ve dumped Communism?… or that the Chinese are good now that they have embraced Capitalism? Those two were the major players in the ‘Cold War’ that they both lost… a couple decades ago…
With our forces leaving the area… after we are bankrupted from making the same stupid 10 year mistake that the former Soviet Union made… that also bankrupted them… India may well be used as the new ‘Middle East Policeman’…and of course there is Israel… who keeps building new settlements for the angry Palestinians to fire rockets at…
…and the insanity goes on …they keep buying more weapons and nothing ever changes. One definition of insanity says, ‘…repeating the same action over and over… and always expecting a different result’…When, throughout world history, did the building and selling of weapons… and stock piling of arms ever lead to peace?
…and how does it all fit into mundane astrology? It is all typical of this type of close and retrograde/ station/ and forward transits of Mars. On the positive side, a lot of hard physical work can be constructively done… or on the negative side you can argue, fight, blow things up… and kill people… or be neutral and duck…and get out of the way…
These are strong and major transits this year that will set patterns into the future… and they are the same astrological forces that may release the forces of nature… that may temporally neutralize any maniacal ‘world conquering.’ activity…
Gaia, Mother Earth may have other plans…starting with what may perhaps be a severe and perhaps record setting hurricane season… starting this coming June… Mother Earth will turn on her big leaf blower…
…and throughout the years, decades, or centuries to come …perhaps more earthquake storms and continental plate shifting… and tsunami washing of the polluted coastlines… defrosting of the North and South freezers… a forty day and night planet rain wash… turn the freezers back on at the new locations of the magnetic poles… and maybe drain all the water with some new cracks and channels here and there to let water into some former deserts… then pop a few volcanoes here and there… make some new pretty islands… and spread the new clean planet with a layer of nutritious volcanic ash… to grow some new plants for the hungry survivors… of Mother Earth’s 26,000 year cycle of planetary ‘spring cleaning’…
…this all demands our watching …serious and quick decisions may have to be made… and the right ones, hopefully… check your kits…
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