“Intense Wind and Rain Blast the New York Region”
…and the predicted entertainment scandals are back, as part of the Mars (sex) transit is still at the ‘station' hot 0 degrees of Leo side of the ‘Yod’ that focuses on the point at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus, shock, sudden, ‘blindsided’, separate) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, film, entertainment, scandal…)
…poor Sandra …these transits are certainly working on this person’s birth chart. I won’t discuss her chart because… I don’t have an accurate birth time… and because I respect her privacy at this time, and because I simply respect her for the fine actress that she is. I will say that it is indeed a powerful chart… the remarkable and hot lady got all the awards this year… from the Razzie to the Oscar… beat that, Meryl …
…and more predicted entertainment scandal as little details (Mercury at the focal point of the March 1st ‘Yod”) …and secrets emerge …yes, YouTube is a pirate …and the public, after decades of being ripped off everyway conceivable… is getting into what is FREE… or a mutually win/win barter exchange…
“Smoking guns, dark secrets aplenty in YouTube-Viacom filings”
Moving toward the 20th through to the end of the month these tensions are building… and we have seen what they can do. Very possible… more severe storms… and seismic activity in the 5M+ and up ranges during these transits.
I have yet to purchase the computer program… however, Bill Nolle’s www.astropro.com astrology predictions site does report the path of these transits as determined by what is known as Astrocartography which prints a global map of the various planet’s transits closest path across the Earth as it rotates…
I highly recommend Richard’s website… his work has influenced mine a great deal… a very brilliant astrologer. He’s more on the technical side, but presented in layman’s terms, and with humor… with monthly and annual predictions… and he is amazingly accurate!
In short… this month, Richard Nolle, reports that the lines pass down through Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and South America again… and then back up through the Middle East areas…
…check your kits …be alert …the 4.4 shaker in East Los Angeles may have been just a warm up pitch.
On the positive side… by conscious choice… there is a lot of energy available for ‘Spring Cleaning’… what do we choose to do?
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you...
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