Saturday, March 6, 2010


From March predictions; “The Moon in Virgo would represent health care issues and it is conjunct Saturn (restriction, blockage, cold, harsh) and part of the base of the ‘Yod’… pointing to the on going congressional quagmire of a health coverage bill… perhaps more scandal there…”

“AP-Philip Elliot, …Washington – President Barack Obama is trying to persuade a weary public and wavering Democrats to get behind his frantic, late stage push on health care, while Republicans dig in and demand starting from scratch after a year’s worth of work”

I’ll have to search the archives… but as I recall I made the prediction sometime last year that this would happen… when they began the drafting of the bill during a Mercury retrograde cycle.

…and further, “…and the other side of the Yod base is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo… an Inconjunct to Neptune could indicate assassination news… either a prominent one… or more scandal of Israel’s security forces involvement in clandestine assassinations…”

…and the assassination scandal and details continue to surface,

“Dubai seeks Israeli PM’s arrest over hotel murder”

…and the small details (Mercury) are piling up… and scam, hype, and number manipulating fraud (Neptune)… conjunct Mercury (news, details) and Neptune are conjunct at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus, shock) and Pisces (Neptune, fraud, hype, lies, manipulating) and there are more and more of Al Gore’s financial motivations and manipulation of science data and obvious scam, or massive self delusion, to get the world to switch to his, profitable to him, plans… paid for with your tax money, etc…

…and after shocks from the earthquakes continue as does the extreme weather in some parts of the world…

…and all this controversy is distracting attention away from the real data… yes, there is global warming… and there is global cooling… we are experiencing extremes of both… we are living through what may be some continent, weather pattern, and pole shifting… which the planet has a 25 to 26,000 year cyclic history of doing… give or take a few hundred years… the major ‘T-Bar’ transits over the past and next few years are the same that occurred around 536 CE …when there occurred major climate changes that led to the dark ages… and major restructuring of political and social structures throughout the world…

…and people survived it …as some will survive all the current madness …so, check your kits …and be alert …it’s getting tense again.

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