The earthquakes continue with severe aftershocks in Chile… and a 6.4 quake jolted Taiwan… and the recent earthquakes have moved the Earth's axis… shift has tilted the axis of the Earth… a very little bit… and has shortened our day 1.26 micro seconds… A micro second is a millionth of a second.
The Tsunami of 2004 moved it even more and shortened the day by 6.8 microseconds… another .999,992 micro seconds and the day will be a whole 1 second shorter…
…and 26,000 years ago the North Pole of the Earth’s axis may have been in Hudson Bay and the continent arrangement was a bit different …things change …sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly… but in the end that is really the only thing that is consistent… change… and hopefully evolution to something better…
I am beginning to see the significance of the ‘Yod’ Mercury focal point on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces that occurred on the 1st… seemingly small things and details (Mercury) may gradually reveal much bigger things… perhaps shocking (Uranus in Pisces) and bizarre (Neptune in Aquarius).
…like today we’re all surrounded by security cameras everywhere and now the Dubai police allegedly have evidence of Mossad agents and assassination in Dubai …and the agents are part of the world wide power structure that brought about all this surveillance and paranoia into being in the first place… just like Nixon was caught by his own tape recorders… it’s all their ego… they think they can get away with it… bizarre how it all eventually works out…
…as duped as the public has been by the various media …they are getting wise to the credit card, investment markets, and bank scams that have bankrupted the country and perhaps within a year or so, the entire world… and people are bankrupting their credit card debts and bailing on their mortgages… across the country… they have no choice… no job… no money.
For me… the funniest part about the tearful performances of Glenn Beck and others like him… is they’re crying about the loss of the ‘good ole U. S. of A… and how it’s all Obama’s fault, etc’
The era they whine for wasn’t that great… I know because I’ve lived through 65 years of it… and that country he whines over is long gone… If one has any powers of observation at all… it’s obvious by now… the USA went on sale in the 1990’s… to India and China… and various other sources of cheap and or slave labor… which was how the old original USA was built in the first place… back in the 18th and 19th century…
When I was a kid the USA made everything… cars in Detroit… airplanes in Southern California… ships in the Northeast and Northwest… steel in Pennsylvania… washing machines, televisions, toasters… just everything you can think of… and if something had a ‘Made in Japan’ label on it… it was a joke…
We don’t make anything anymore… just paper work… data entry… and bad loans… credit card debt for foreign made stuff and junk… and movies… and celebrities… and various investment bubbles… Try it, walk down the isle of any store… check the labels… how many ‘Made in USA’ labels do you find?
…now …do you want to really fix it? …make a new USA? …1st do not give another penny to any bank… they created the greed mentality and the current mess… now let them choke on it. If you’re going to print and hand out more Federal money… then give to industry to hire people and make things again… by Federal law cap executive salaries… forbid all stock and option grants in lieu of salary and restrict all shares of stocks and bonds to strictly regulated… and enforced… free market public trading…
By Federal law disband and outlaw Monsanto and any similar corrupt ‘land barons’… there can be no patents on what belongs to nature… hybrid seeds are nothing new… nature has been doing it for billions of years… it’s called evolution… leave things alone and you might find frogs with fangs some day… like they did in that lost isolated jungle valley explorers found in Papua New Guinea last year… In short return the land to the farmers… if there’s no work for awhile… a yard garden will keep you fed …and a goat or cow will give you milk and cheese… and mow the lawn…
…get serious about alternate energy sources …Brazil has been driving on sugar cane gasoline for couple of decades now… so what’s the problem? …we have a lot of hot humid land around the Gulf Coast that would grow it just like it does ninety miles away in Cuba… and there is already a lot of it in Hawaii… there is a big Ocean on each side of the country where the tides go in and out… hydro generators could produce electric energy without any fuels necessary… some countries are already doing it…
…ah, yes… getting all this through Congress and the House… that’s the problem… Solution… face the reality, the bulk of both the Republican and Democratic parties are totally corrupt and cow tow to any all lobbyists of corporate and special interests, with obscene amounts of money… and ‘fun time’ girls…
Solution, a massive grass roots movement of a 3rd independent party that truly represents the people with a candidate who is perhaps a proven ethical business leader… who actually knows how to produce quality and at a fair profit to all… or a truly wise and smart person, like maybe a teacher… No more professional politicians! …term limits …and relative limits, no more ‘dynasties’
By Federal law ban all lobbying… make it a punishable crime to offer money and or favors… of any kind to any government representative… fair sealed bid contacts only.
…Vote on …and read aloud any proposed bill… to all in the House and Senate… with mandatory attendance… and an immediate or next day at least… mandatory roll call and immediate ‘yea or nay’ vote with live non commercial public television broadcasting of the proceedings… simple majority passes it or sends it back for a re-write… no amendments or special attachments of ‘bridges to nowhere’ just to secure a vote. Vote on one thing at a time… in short, do what you’re elected to do… pass laws and bills that the people want… and then don’t mess with it!... and if you can’t get with the program… with a significant collection of registered voters petition signatures your state can and will hold special elections and recall and replace you within a 30 day notice… for any reason like corruption, bad behavior, etc. and this is applied to all political office from town council all the way up to the president…no more of the entire country suffering for four to eight years… and then only to have one corrupt idiot puppet replaced by another corrupt idiot puppet…
…taxes? …a flat 10% tax for everyone …to include corporations …and no loop holes …and if it’s taken out of one’s payroll… no need to file again… they have already got the 10% tax… why bug people with the redundant and obsolete IRS?
Home security? …just stop all these crazy, stupid, expensive, corrupt wars …quit making new enemies and future martyr suicide bombers with your collateral damage …border security? …bring home the 3rd Armored Division and put them and some of the other military Divisions all along our boarders… and give them a truly honorable way to serve and defend their country… you got a pocket of corrupt gangsters?… send in a battalion of Marines… they’ll kick their ass and arrest them...
…smuggling stuff across the border? …I severed with the 3rd Armored from 1966-68 …those self propelled 155MM Howitzers …could put some serious hurt on an intruder … I knew some guys in Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, with the 3rd Herd… while in moving convoy… they could receive fire mission coordinates by radio, stop, lower spade braces, adjust turret and barrel, fire an accurate battery salvo, raise spades… and move on down the road… in less than a minute… those cowboys were good… and 6 incoming 155mm high explosive rounds can really ruin a smuggler’s day.
…and maybe …if the rest of the world is left to settle their differences …they might suddenly realize …the USA is no longer there to bail them out or help fix them up …hopefully they’ll realize that there is no profit in on going war… and if they kill themselves… let them… until they’re all gone… or they get tired of it… and no more weapons… no more money… no more enabling their on going madness…
…we have an airplane now armed with lasers that can knock down an incoming missile… and the fire power to immediately annihilate whoever fired it… why not stop all this living in fear and simply go about fixing ourselves and allow our neighbors to fix themselves… and sort of mind our own business for awhile… and rebuild ourselves back into a great nation… quit letting gluttony and greed run our lives… push away from the table… get off the couch and go fix it…
…and internationally? …as the ‘Crocodile Dundee’ character said in the movie, “they’re like fleas arguing over who owns the dog they all live on.”
…yes, this has been a long rant …and a harmless release of the tension and anger that all of us and the entire planet are feeling. Next Wednsday, the 10th transiting Mars will make its station at 0 degrees of Leo and then begins to slowly move forward again… its two year cycle of its close orbit to Earth will phase out around May. this aspect approaches on occasion some of the severely stressed with mental and emotional issues will snap… shoot their colleges …fly their airplane into a building… try to shoot up the Pentagon, etc…
…for the rest of us? …try to avoid confrontation… don’t feed the other person’s anger… try to use the energy physically by conscious choice… work out in the gym… work in the yard… clean and fix things… use iron and steel tools (ruled by Mars)… work with the energies… instead of them working you…
It is… what it is… work it out… try and stay calm… I’m going to go weed whack my small yard now… before the rains come back…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…