Is it the oft rumored ‘secret’ force that messes with everything that you want to do? …that turns people into bizarre jerks… the hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet… that the famous astrologer Robert Hand… when one of his predictions didn’t pan out, said to his client “…maybe it was a harsh aspect from the planet Bogus.”
“I’ve never heard of the planet Bogus…” says the client.
To which Robert deadpans, “It’s a hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet that rules everything that astrologers can not explain.”
Is this that mysterious force… the planet… Bogus?
“Hubble Maps Matter of Universe, Finds Further Evidence of Mysterious Dark Energy”
…nah, it’s just the joker Mason …sharing the famous Astrologer’s joke. Print it out if you like and play a trick on your friend tomorrow… “Hey, check it out… the planet Bogus… that Robert and Mason said is messing everything up!…”
…and then laugh at their concerned looks… APRIL FOOL!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
The transit tensions persist as 36 are killed in a terrorist suicide bombing in a Moscow Metro…
“Russia Suspects Northern Caucasus in Moscow Subway Bombing”
…and the negatives sides of Neptune and Uranus are still very much a part of our on going March madness. With corruption still rampant in areas where our government is trying to export their form of ‘democracy’ …what does that say about our influence?
“Pentagon puts pressure on Karzai over corruption”
…and now we’re have to deal more and more …with fanatical (Neptune) crazies (Uranus)… in our own backyard…
“Michigan Militia Group Preparing for Antichrist, Web Site Says”
…is this a preview of the possible angry revolutions to come as Uranus transits into the sign of Mars ruled Aries this coming May 28th?
…we shall see…
Sunday, March 28, 2010
We seem to have escaped major earthquakes and volcano eruptions and the high waters in the Midwest didn’t do any major flood damage during the final phase of the current stressful ‘T-Bar’ transits of the Sun opposition Saturn and square Pluto.
There have been some bad highway accidents… with all the war news and terrorist bombings and victims, and celebrity and church scandal… no one seems to notice that annually we have more fatalities occur on our streets and highways than the total military deaths in the Korean War (33,685)… and some years almost as many as we lost in Vietnam… However things are improving… 2009 was a lower total than the previous year with only 33,963 highway fatalities…
Where’s the outrage? …the protest demonstrations? …and yet you’re driving to work in what amounts to a ‘commuting war’ everyday… to and from… two half hour convoy patrols a day… and when you’re stalled in traffic… often it’s another fatal casualty.
…and there’s been some trouble at sea …with the loss at sea of a South Korean Navy ship and 46 of their crew still missing.
I don’t mind being wrong about earthquakes and volcanoes… and if that’s what it takes to prevent them… I will gladly play the ‘fool’ and predict one every week. But we did get the scandal parts right, huh!
Consistent celebrity bad boy… and Catholic bad boy… behavior persists with Jesse James now giving Tiger Woods some ‘stiff’ competition in the ‘cad’ category… and those small Mercury details I forewarned about in this month’s ‘Yod’ formation pointing to… are daily revealing… that the Pope knew… and was part of the heinous and on going child abuse and rape cover-ups by the members of their clergy. Why aren’t they standing trial in local civil court? You or me would have been locked up a long time ago.
I can’t say it any better than Richard Dawkins has in his article… thus, I will list the source… and cut and paste, quote him,
…“No, Pope Ratzinger should not resign. He should remain in charge of the whole rotten edifice - the whole profiteering, woman-fearing, guilt-gorging, truth-hating, child-raping institution - while it tumbles, amid a stench of incense and a rain of tourist-kitsch sacred hearts and preposterously crowned virgins, about his ears.”
The peak of this transit is tomorrow …is it the quiet before the storm?
…we shall see…
There have been some bad highway accidents… with all the war news and terrorist bombings and victims, and celebrity and church scandal… no one seems to notice that annually we have more fatalities occur on our streets and highways than the total military deaths in the Korean War (33,685)… and some years almost as many as we lost in Vietnam… However things are improving… 2009 was a lower total than the previous year with only 33,963 highway fatalities…
Where’s the outrage? …the protest demonstrations? …and yet you’re driving to work in what amounts to a ‘commuting war’ everyday… to and from… two half hour convoy patrols a day… and when you’re stalled in traffic… often it’s another fatal casualty.
…and there’s been some trouble at sea …with the loss at sea of a South Korean Navy ship and 46 of their crew still missing.
I don’t mind being wrong about earthquakes and volcanoes… and if that’s what it takes to prevent them… I will gladly play the ‘fool’ and predict one every week. But we did get the scandal parts right, huh!
Consistent celebrity bad boy… and Catholic bad boy… behavior persists with Jesse James now giving Tiger Woods some ‘stiff’ competition in the ‘cad’ category… and those small Mercury details I forewarned about in this month’s ‘Yod’ formation pointing to… are daily revealing… that the Pope knew… and was part of the heinous and on going child abuse and rape cover-ups by the members of their clergy. Why aren’t they standing trial in local civil court? You or me would have been locked up a long time ago.
I can’t say it any better than Richard Dawkins has in his article… thus, I will list the source… and cut and paste, quote him,
…“No, Pope Ratzinger should not resign. He should remain in charge of the whole rotten edifice - the whole profiteering, woman-fearing, guilt-gorging, truth-hating, child-raping institution - while it tumbles, amid a stench of incense and a rain of tourist-kitsch sacred hearts and preposterously crowned virgins, about his ears.”
The peak of this transit is tomorrow …is it the quiet before the storm?
…we shall see…
Thursday, March 25, 2010
“House Dems report vandalism, threats”
“Richmond police investigate shot fired at Cantor's office”
…and continuing details are being revealed in the church scandals …they’ve all known about it …and covered it up for centuries …time to come out of denial about it all …step down …reorganize with some sincere honest leaders …and start over.
“Church faces another charge”
…and another recent and on going celeb scandal …as more details are revealed,
“Jesse James' Marital Problems Grow”
Guys, get this …emails, tweets, text, and cell phone messages, etc.… girls keep this stuff… like they used to stash away old ‘love letters’ in my time… and if you cheat… the cyber trails are there… and easy to find and or hack into… and they will hang you with it!
…the planetary transit tensions are builing, check your kits …chill out …and try to play nice.
…may the peace and love the cosmos be with you…
“House Dems report vandalism, threats”
“Richmond police investigate shot fired at Cantor's office”
…and continuing details are being revealed in the church scandals …they’ve all known about it …and covered it up for centuries …time to come out of denial about it all …step down …reorganize with some sincere honest leaders …and start over.
“Church faces another charge”
…and another recent and on going celeb scandal …as more details are revealed,
“Jesse James' Marital Problems Grow”
Guys, get this …emails, tweets, text, and cell phone messages, etc.… girls keep this stuff… like they used to stash away old ‘love letters’ in my time… and if you cheat… the cyber trails are there… and easy to find and or hack into… and they will hang you with it!
…the planetary transit tensions are builing, check your kits …chill out …and try to play nice.
…may the peace and love the cosmos be with you…
Monday, March 22, 2010
“Marijuana use by seniors goes up”
“...either for recreation or as a way to cope with the aches and pains of aging.”
…“In her 88 years, Florence Siegel has learned how to relax: A glass of red wine. A crisp copy of The New York Times, if she can wrest it from her husband. Some classical music, preferably Bach. And every night like clockwork, she lifts a pipe to her lips and smokes marijuana.”…
WHITE WIDOW - a prize winning Cannabis Hybrid
In California and 25 other other states where local governments have come to some sane rational thinking… they legally either purchase their ancient herbal medicine at a secure pharmacy and by legal prescription… and or they legally grow their allowed six plants on their patio for their own personal use… and the criminals, corrupt polititians, and some corrupt police don’t like it… because they lose ther power of confiscation… and the very profitable clandistine re-sale business to other dealers they control through kick backs and bribes.
The pain relief is needed NOW… by those suffering with painful terminal illness, or life long painful disabilities, and or mental and emotional stress, insomnia, etc… that isn’t covered by any insurance… and some can’t and won’t wait for the debacles that the health care bill will take to get passed… or the decades of long court battles throughout various states that will hold it up well beyond the current projected date of 2014 when it will allegedly kick in…
“UPDATE 1-U.S. states launch lawsuits against healthcare plan”
Some states already have secession movements that are growing. California has the 6th largest economy on the planet. If they did not have to pay disproportionate Federal taxes… that is given away to the crooks who have caused the country’s economic problems… they could be an independent thriving country on their own… exporting movies and oranges… and drilling, pumping, and refining their own oil reserves…
…and a lot of other states are seeing possible and perhaps better potentials as independent sovereign states of sanity… with real and effective democratic self governing.
…I’m not advocating such a movement …I’m just saying that a lot of the people are seeing through …and getting very tired of the same old corrupt bullshit from both of the obsolete political parties in this country. Some are simply facing the realities and taking care of themselves on their own… simply because public trust is evaporating… and their survival instincts are kicking in.
Does a professional politician, who gets $500 haircuts… and whose wardrobe they wear, as they appear in pubic, costs more than the average citizen earns in a year of labor… really relate to your reality… or care about your welfare?
…or do they spend your donated money to win a 3 to 4 day a week part time job …from which they line their pockets with lobbyists bribe money and spend the rest of their time pursuing their sexual appetites… with each other, hookers, or their mistresses… and all at taxpayer expense?
They’re all losing their credibility daily… and Uranus, the rebel… edges closer to the cusp of Aries… ruled by Mars, which is still at its closet to Earth’s orbit… still in slow 1st gear… and cooking all these aspects from the power point of 1 degree of Leo…
The flash point is nearing… and there may be explosive rebellion faster than the various corrupt governments throughout the planet can deal with… as the planet does some ‘shake and bake’ with earthquake storms, volcanoes, and flooding… then maybe wrap it all in volcanic ash… and put in the freezer for a few centuries… then defrost for a couple of centuries.
Then the 1 out of 4 survivors …can start all over with their evolution… on fresh, clean, new continents and big islands…
…spark it up …kick back …and enjoy the ride …things may get really wild and crazy for awhile... April 1st… the ‘Fools’ day transit chart, that I’m currently studying, starts off the month with another 'Yod' formation that is energized by the ‘Grand Cross’… the big ‘X’… the week before on the 23rd... that is some tension again…
…and we’ve seen what it can influence… earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, out break of war (more), severe storms, weather… scandal, market panic reversals, revolution, general craziness, and random violence …in various combinations of any and all of the above …at any time …and anywhere on the planet.
…check your kits …top off the gas tank …and stash some ‘get outa town’ money… other bartering items of value… gold coins, jewelry, letters of transit, etc… like in the classic movie of 1942, CASABLANCA, with Bogart and Bergman… it can be romantic, it’s all a state of mind… “…play it again, Sam… ‘As time goes by’…”
…Sweetheart, …I’ll be waiting for you at the train station …five o’clock… we’ll get to Lisbon… then a Clipper to Cuba… We can hide out there with this guy I know, Ernie Hemingway… a writer I met in Spain… when I fought with the Lincoln Brigade during their civil war… back in 38’…
…meditative inter dimensional time tripping can be so much fun… and therapeutic…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, March 21, 2010
“Volcano Erupts in Southern Iceland”
That of course will melt some ice… Is Gaia, Mother Earth, defrosting another one of her freezers? …we shall see …these close and stressful squared transits are creating a lot of stress…
Check your kits… the stress continues on through the month.
The natural disasters that may happen… we haven’t any choice except to prepare for… and endure as best we can wherever they occur… Unfortunately, with Neptune also involved… on the negative side there will be various scandals, frauds, assassinations, etc.
…but also there is …a personal visciousness in some people now, like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, in regard to their remarks about the 11 year old boy, who lost his Mother due to a lack of insurance coverage… and the Democrat’s lack of respect as well, for exploiting the child… there’s just something yucky and slimy creeping around lately… like a kiss and tell tattoo model breaking up a celeb marriage… why? …for the $30,000 she got for the tabloid story …and instant media fame.
It comes with the transits… and they repeat… There is nothing new about political and entertainment scandals… for instance, in it’s day, Anthony and Cleopatra was a really big political ‘sex scandal’ that even led to a war… and a few centuries later Bill Shakespeare wrote a hit play about it… and a few centuries after that, Hollywood spent a lot of money making a movie about it starring Liz Taylor and Richard Burton… and they had a ‘sex scandal’ on the set while making the movie… google it, it’s another of the negative slimy side of Neptune examples of what some wrong choices can lead one into.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
“Intense Wind and Rain Blast the New York Region”
…and the predicted entertainment scandals are back, as part of the Mars (sex) transit is still at the ‘station' hot 0 degrees of Leo side of the ‘Yod’ that focuses on the point at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus, shock, sudden, ‘blindsided’, separate) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, film, entertainment, scandal…)
…poor Sandra …these transits are certainly working on this person’s birth chart. I won’t discuss her chart because… I don’t have an accurate birth time… and because I respect her privacy at this time, and because I simply respect her for the fine actress that she is. I will say that it is indeed a powerful chart… the remarkable and hot lady got all the awards this year… from the Razzie to the Oscar… beat that, Meryl …
…and more predicted entertainment scandal as little details (Mercury at the focal point of the March 1st ‘Yod”) …and secrets emerge …yes, YouTube is a pirate …and the public, after decades of being ripped off everyway conceivable… is getting into what is FREE… or a mutually win/win barter exchange…
“Smoking guns, dark secrets aplenty in YouTube-Viacom filings”
Moving toward the 20th through to the end of the month these tensions are building… and we have seen what they can do. Very possible… more severe storms… and seismic activity in the 5M+ and up ranges during these transits.
I have yet to purchase the computer program… however, Bill Nolle’s astrology predictions site does report the path of these transits as determined by what is known as Astrocartography which prints a global map of the various planet’s transits closest path across the Earth as it rotates…
I highly recommend Richard’s website… his work has influenced mine a great deal… a very brilliant astrologer. He’s more on the technical side, but presented in layman’s terms, and with humor… with monthly and annual predictions… and he is amazingly accurate!
In short… this month, Richard Nolle, reports that the lines pass down through Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and South America again… and then back up through the Middle East areas…
…check your kits …be alert …the 4.4 shaker in East Los Angeles may have been just a warm up pitch.
On the positive side… by conscious choice… there is a lot of energy available for ‘Spring Cleaning’… what do we choose to do?
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just a few hours ago I went to bed about 2 AM… only to be rocked awake at around 4AM… by a 4.4 shaker just north of me by about 20 miles in East Los Angeles… and the closing paragraph I wrote last night was, “the earthquakes could hit California again…”
No major damage here… just one turned over flower pot… Now if I could get this accurate with basketball games!
No major damage here… just one turned over flower pot… Now if I could get this accurate with basketball games!
Beginning around the 20th and on through the remainder of this month… may be an eventful time… and significantly it is also the day of the Spring Equinox… when the Sun transits to the 1st Cardinal point of the zodiac map at 0 degrees of Aries. It is ruled by Mars… and Mars is still in its close orbit to the Earth… and the 1 degree area that it still occupies as it picks up speed slowly… is still highly charged from the Mars station on the 10th… the station influence can last 10 days or so either way… and it is all under stress from other aspects…
Three days later on the 23rd the transiting Moon will form a ‘Grand Cross’ formation… the big ‘X’ from the Sun at 2 degrees 0f Aries in opposition to Saturn at 1 degree of Libra and both square to the Moon moving into the sign of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) in opposition to Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn… the two lights, Sun and Moon… in opposition and square to the two malefic ones, Saturn and Pluto… this is a heavy tension… bringing perhaps another string of 6M+ earthquakes and severe weather again…
…and at the end of the month another curious ‘Yod’ formation… the base being Venus (pleasure) at 28 Aries in sextile to Neptune (scandal) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, sudden shock… with the focal point as Saturn (harsh, authority) at 0 degree of Libra (Venus ruled, relationships)…
…perhaps now new scandal and harsh judgments from the details that last month’s Mercury focal point revealed… something more in the John Massa scandal… or a new scandal? …Neptune also rules, poisons and assassination? …or pirates capturing a luxury ship or another yacht? …or with Saturn and Uranus moving toward opposition again… there could be another serious turn in the stock market?
…all of these transits from the 20th to the end of the month are building in stress again… it can release all sorts of major happenings… check you kits… the earthquakes could hit California again…
[click charts for detail] Spring Equinox T-Bar
…and a ‘Grand Cross’ three days later, alert… check you kits…
Three days later on the 23rd the transiting Moon will form a ‘Grand Cross’ formation… the big ‘X’ from the Sun at 2 degrees 0f Aries in opposition to Saturn at 1 degree of Libra and both square to the Moon moving into the sign of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) in opposition to Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn… the two lights, Sun and Moon… in opposition and square to the two malefic ones, Saturn and Pluto… this is a heavy tension… bringing perhaps another string of 6M+ earthquakes and severe weather again…
…and at the end of the month another curious ‘Yod’ formation… the base being Venus (pleasure) at 28 Aries in sextile to Neptune (scandal) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, sudden shock… with the focal point as Saturn (harsh, authority) at 0 degree of Libra (Venus ruled, relationships)…
…perhaps now new scandal and harsh judgments from the details that last month’s Mercury focal point revealed… something more in the John Massa scandal… or a new scandal? …Neptune also rules, poisons and assassination? …or pirates capturing a luxury ship or another yacht? …or with Saturn and Uranus moving toward opposition again… there could be another serious turn in the stock market?
…all of these transits from the 20th to the end of the month are building in stress again… it can release all sorts of major happenings… check you kits… the earthquakes could hit California again…
[click charts for detail] Spring Equinox T-Bar
…and a ‘Grand Cross’ three days later, alert… check you kits…
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Here’s the Howard Stern chart that I promised you… and with a bonus chart …as we review some aspects in Rush Limbaugh’s natal chart.
Howard has Uranus (rules Radio and Television broadcasting) at 21 degrees of Cancer in the 3rd House (rules communications)… and the harsh aspect this time is Mercury at 20 degrees of Capricorn in opposition to Uranus by a 1 degree orb… thus a very strong part of Howard’s wiring… the definition from the textbook, THE ASTROLOGER’S HANDBOOK, by Sakoian & Acker,
Mercury Opposition Uranus = …“Their speech is usually blunt and tactless…” and, “…They are arrogant and conceited. They may consider themselves geniuses or, at worst, extremely gifted mentally, while others regard them as impractical and strange.”
If you recognize some of that definition… you read the post I wrote last year on Rush Limbaugh’s chart… Rush has the same Mercury opposition to Uranus aspect in his natal chart… and now back to Howard. He has the Sun at 22 degrees of Capricorn that is square to Neptune at 26 degrees of Libra… from the same textbook,
Sun Square Neptune = “This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence.”…
[click charts for details]
Now let’s review Rush Limbaugh’s natal chart,
Rush has the same Mercury opposition to Uranus, the same Sun square to Neptune, and they’re both Capricorns… and they are both born on January 12th.
They are both outrageous media commentators… and you either love them or hate them… depending on how far right… or how far left one’s views are…
The reality… they are both simply two sides of the same outrageous communication coin… and both are simply out to make a buck with their act… and they’re both needed to keep the U.S Constitution’s 1st Amendment alive… so, enjoy their antics… like you would a fight at a hockey game.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The violence… and preparation for more war and violence continues as Mars is still within its close orbit to the Earth’s until May/June,
Twin suicide bombs kill 43 in Pakistani city
As that war continues… now India… with all it’s new wealth from taking many of our jobs given to them by our own sellout corporations… wants to be a ‘world power’ … and has bought from Russia an Aircraft carrier, a fleet of MIG-29 Fighters, and 12 Nuclear reactors…,0,7959861.story
“India embraces Russia arms”
$7 Billion in military and nuclear hardware to protect themselves against whom? Pakistan? …they can’t even hold an election yet without almost an all out civil war… maybe they’re afraid Afghanistan is going to attack them? …or an invasion from Sri Lanka?
…it reminds me of the typical jerk …who suddenly gets a windfall of big money …and the first thing he does is go out and buy a new big red pickup truck …and a new gun.
This is going to cause me to have to do a lot of charts …I get the feeling they are being set up …with just enough weapons to get themselves hurt …they’re the only nation with an equal amount of population as China… who could spare a few hundred million casualties in an all out war with them… and who is the dealer? …the guys who lost the last big war in Afghanistan… and the one that bankrupted them… Russia.
Do you think the Russians are good guys now that they’ve dumped Communism?… or that the Chinese are good now that they have embraced Capitalism? Those two were the major players in the ‘Cold War’ that they both lost… a couple decades ago…
With our forces leaving the area… after we are bankrupted from making the same stupid 10 year mistake that the former Soviet Union made… that also bankrupted them… India may well be used as the new ‘Middle East Policeman’…and of course there is Israel… who keeps building new settlements for the angry Palestinians to fire rockets at…
…and the insanity goes on …they keep buying more weapons and nothing ever changes. One definition of insanity says, ‘…repeating the same action over and over… and always expecting a different result’…When, throughout world history, did the building and selling of weapons… and stock piling of arms ever lead to peace?
…and how does it all fit into mundane astrology? It is all typical of this type of close and retrograde/ station/ and forward transits of Mars. On the positive side, a lot of hard physical work can be constructively done… or on the negative side you can argue, fight, blow things up… and kill people… or be neutral and duck…and get out of the way…
These are strong and major transits this year that will set patterns into the future… and they are the same astrological forces that may release the forces of nature… that may temporally neutralize any maniacal ‘world conquering.’ activity…
Gaia, Mother Earth may have other plans…starting with what may perhaps be a severe and perhaps record setting hurricane season… starting this coming June… Mother Earth will turn on her big leaf blower…
…and throughout the years, decades, or centuries to come …perhaps more earthquake storms and continental plate shifting… and tsunami washing of the polluted coastlines… defrosting of the North and South freezers… a forty day and night planet rain wash… turn the freezers back on at the new locations of the magnetic poles… and maybe drain all the water with some new cracks and channels here and there to let water into some former deserts… then pop a few volcanoes here and there… make some new pretty islands… and spread the new clean planet with a layer of nutritious volcanic ash… to grow some new plants for the hungry survivors… of Mother Earth’s 26,000 year cycle of planetary ‘spring cleaning’…
…this all demands our watching …serious and quick decisions may have to be made… and the right ones, hopefully… check your kits…
Twin suicide bombs kill 43 in Pakistani city
As that war continues… now India… with all it’s new wealth from taking many of our jobs given to them by our own sellout corporations… wants to be a ‘world power’ … and has bought from Russia an Aircraft carrier, a fleet of MIG-29 Fighters, and 12 Nuclear reactors…,0,7959861.story
“India embraces Russia arms”
$7 Billion in military and nuclear hardware to protect themselves against whom? Pakistan? …they can’t even hold an election yet without almost an all out civil war… maybe they’re afraid Afghanistan is going to attack them? …or an invasion from Sri Lanka?
…it reminds me of the typical jerk …who suddenly gets a windfall of big money …and the first thing he does is go out and buy a new big red pickup truck …and a new gun.
This is going to cause me to have to do a lot of charts …I get the feeling they are being set up …with just enough weapons to get themselves hurt …they’re the only nation with an equal amount of population as China… who could spare a few hundred million casualties in an all out war with them… and who is the dealer? …the guys who lost the last big war in Afghanistan… and the one that bankrupted them… Russia.
Do you think the Russians are good guys now that they’ve dumped Communism?… or that the Chinese are good now that they have embraced Capitalism? Those two were the major players in the ‘Cold War’ that they both lost… a couple decades ago…
With our forces leaving the area… after we are bankrupted from making the same stupid 10 year mistake that the former Soviet Union made… that also bankrupted them… India may well be used as the new ‘Middle East Policeman’…and of course there is Israel… who keeps building new settlements for the angry Palestinians to fire rockets at…
…and the insanity goes on …they keep buying more weapons and nothing ever changes. One definition of insanity says, ‘…repeating the same action over and over… and always expecting a different result’…When, throughout world history, did the building and selling of weapons… and stock piling of arms ever lead to peace?
…and how does it all fit into mundane astrology? It is all typical of this type of close and retrograde/ station/ and forward transits of Mars. On the positive side, a lot of hard physical work can be constructively done… or on the negative side you can argue, fight, blow things up… and kill people… or be neutral and duck…and get out of the way…
These are strong and major transits this year that will set patterns into the future… and they are the same astrological forces that may release the forces of nature… that may temporally neutralize any maniacal ‘world conquering.’ activity…
Gaia, Mother Earth may have other plans…starting with what may perhaps be a severe and perhaps record setting hurricane season… starting this coming June… Mother Earth will turn on her big leaf blower…
…and throughout the years, decades, or centuries to come …perhaps more earthquake storms and continental plate shifting… and tsunami washing of the polluted coastlines… defrosting of the North and South freezers… a forty day and night planet rain wash… turn the freezers back on at the new locations of the magnetic poles… and maybe drain all the water with some new cracks and channels here and there to let water into some former deserts… then pop a few volcanoes here and there… make some new pretty islands… and spread the new clean planet with a layer of nutritious volcanic ash… to grow some new plants for the hungry survivors… of Mother Earth’s 26,000 year cycle of planetary ‘spring cleaning’…
…this all demands our watching …serious and quick decisions may have to be made… and the right ones, hopefully… check your kits…
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The stress of the Mars station and change of direction has triggered another series of earthquakes the day after,
Strong Earthquakes Rock Chile as Pinera Takes Office
…and the health bill is still in a sticky struggle,
“Democrats try to finish health care reform”
…some how …I don’t see the Repubicans supporting this one either,
“Dodd to Offer Financial Regulation Bill Without G.O.P.”
…and more sticky Neptune political sex scandal,
“Pelosi's Office in the Loop on Massa Months Ago, Sexual Allegations Persist”
…and Howard is always getting his shots in,
“Howard Stern blasts 'Tonight' show's Jay Leno: 'Just the mention of his name makes me want to vomit'”
Read more:
…along with cheap shots about the Oscar nominee actress Gabourey Sidibe, and a tasteless crowning of ‘Miss mistress’ from among the alleged former girlfriends of Tiger Woods… so, what makes this legendary radio ‘shock jock’ tick?
This will be fun for the long time readers of my astrology pontificating …we’ve done a few verbal ‘bad boy’ charts in last month’s posts. I’ll present Howard’s in a day or two… now here’s a quiz for you, dear reader. …now what aspects from the other planets would we expect to find that would be similar to aspects in the charts of Lenny Bruce, Charles Brokowski, and John Mayer?
Here’s a hint… Howard has Uranus (rules, radio, and shocking things) in the 3rd House (rules communication).
Strong Earthquakes Rock Chile as Pinera Takes Office
…and the health bill is still in a sticky struggle,
“Democrats try to finish health care reform”
…some how …I don’t see the Repubicans supporting this one either,
“Dodd to Offer Financial Regulation Bill Without G.O.P.”
…and more sticky Neptune political sex scandal,
“Pelosi's Office in the Loop on Massa Months Ago, Sexual Allegations Persist”
…and Howard is always getting his shots in,
“Howard Stern blasts 'Tonight' show's Jay Leno: 'Just the mention of his name makes me want to vomit'”
Read more:
…along with cheap shots about the Oscar nominee actress Gabourey Sidibe, and a tasteless crowning of ‘Miss mistress’ from among the alleged former girlfriends of Tiger Woods… so, what makes this legendary radio ‘shock jock’ tick?
This will be fun for the long time readers of my astrology pontificating …we’ve done a few verbal ‘bad boy’ charts in last month’s posts. I’ll present Howard’s in a day or two… now here’s a quiz for you, dear reader. …now what aspects from the other planets would we expect to find that would be similar to aspects in the charts of Lenny Bruce, Charles Brokowski, and John Mayer?
Here’s a hint… Howard has Uranus (rules, radio, and shocking things) in the 3rd House (rules communication).
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Another unfortunate confirmation of the Predictions made in the February 28th post for the month of March,
“…Neptune is also related to drugs and suicide and celebrities, there can be noticeable news and or scandal here as well during this 1st week transit… Neptune is water, thus the storms will persist for a while…
“…actor Corey Haim, 38, was found dead Wednesday morning (March 10) of an apparent drug overdose.”
…and it occurs on the Mars ‘station’ day …at 0 degrees of Leo (the sign of the entertainer) and Mars is part of the ‘Yod’ formation of the 1st …and the focal point of the ‘Yod’ is at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus ruled, sudden, accident, suicides) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, drugs, suicide, film) and the conjunct of Mercury (news) and Neptune (drugs, scandal, suicide, film actors)
…and the weather …it’s stopped raining off and on …and now cold winds blow …at my location here on the planet… in Long Beach.
“…Neptune is also related to drugs and suicide and celebrities, there can be noticeable news and or scandal here as well during this 1st week transit… Neptune is water, thus the storms will persist for a while…
“…actor Corey Haim, 38, was found dead Wednesday morning (March 10) of an apparent drug overdose.”
…and it occurs on the Mars ‘station’ day …at 0 degrees of Leo (the sign of the entertainer) and Mars is part of the ‘Yod’ formation of the 1st …and the focal point of the ‘Yod’ is at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus ruled, sudden, accident, suicides) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, drugs, suicide, film) and the conjunct of Mercury (news) and Neptune (drugs, scandal, suicide, film actors)
…and the weather …it’s stopped raining off and on …and now cold winds blow …at my location here on the planet… in Long Beach.
Monday, March 8, 2010
“At least 40 killed, dozens injured in Iraq as militants attack on election day”
“American al Qaeda spokesman arrested in Pakistan, official says”
Hopefully they will simply throw him into a Pakistan prison and save the USA the problem of trying to make up their mind as to where to hold his trial…
…you can’t even have a friendly million dollar poker game anymore,
“Berlin Poker Heist Captured on Camera”
…this is news?
“Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse”
…as do all religions …since the Spanish Inquisition.
…and a preview of the May/June transiting Mars opposition to Neptune (Pirates) …I never realized that Piracy was seasonal …it seems they’re out in force now that the monsoon season is over,
“Pirate Swarm Raises Fears Of More Violence”
…and the “Joker” Uranus (co-rules the Aquarius/Pisces cusp that conjuncts Mercury as the focal point of the ‘Yod’ on the 1st ) …makes surprises in Hollywood (Neptune/Pisces) …after being panned by most film critics (Mercury-negative) ALICE IN WONDERLAND …sets a box office record (Mercury-positive),
“…earned an estimated $116.3 million, the highest grossing weekend ever for a spring release.”
…and the economic recovery is booming right along, with the DJIA poping back up to 10,500 …not much volume though… which gives me the feeling it’s action between the brokers and the banks trying to chern the market… and sucker us back in.
Not only will I not get back into the market until it double bottoms… me and most other folks don’t have any extra money to get back in with… so, DJIA… have fun blowing your bubble… I’m not buying it. I like to follow something a little more realistic like,
“Bank Failures on Pace This Year to Surpass 2009 Tally”
…and the tensions will persist on to and a few days after the Mars station this Wednesday the 10th…
“Earthquake Kills 17 People in Eastern Turkey”
These tense transits aren’t over for a week or so… There may be a a week or so lull… then more tension towards the end of the month… check you kits…
…may the peace and love the cosmos be with you..
“At least 40 killed, dozens injured in Iraq as militants attack on election day”
“American al Qaeda spokesman arrested in Pakistan, official says”
Hopefully they will simply throw him into a Pakistan prison and save the USA the problem of trying to make up their mind as to where to hold his trial…
…you can’t even have a friendly million dollar poker game anymore,
“Berlin Poker Heist Captured on Camera”
…this is news?
“Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse”
…as do all religions …since the Spanish Inquisition.
…and a preview of the May/June transiting Mars opposition to Neptune (Pirates) …I never realized that Piracy was seasonal …it seems they’re out in force now that the monsoon season is over,
“Pirate Swarm Raises Fears Of More Violence”
…and the “Joker” Uranus (co-rules the Aquarius/Pisces cusp that conjuncts Mercury as the focal point of the ‘Yod’ on the 1st ) …makes surprises in Hollywood (Neptune/Pisces) …after being panned by most film critics (Mercury-negative) ALICE IN WONDERLAND …sets a box office record (Mercury-positive),
“…earned an estimated $116.3 million, the highest grossing weekend ever for a spring release.”
…and the economic recovery is booming right along, with the DJIA poping back up to 10,500 …not much volume though… which gives me the feeling it’s action between the brokers and the banks trying to chern the market… and sucker us back in.
Not only will I not get back into the market until it double bottoms… me and most other folks don’t have any extra money to get back in with… so, DJIA… have fun blowing your bubble… I’m not buying it. I like to follow something a little more realistic like,
“Bank Failures on Pace This Year to Surpass 2009 Tally”
…and the tensions will persist on to and a few days after the Mars station this Wednesday the 10th…
“Earthquake Kills 17 People in Eastern Turkey”
These tense transits aren’t over for a week or so… There may be a a week or so lull… then more tension towards the end of the month… check you kits…
…may the peace and love the cosmos be with you..
Saturday, March 6, 2010
From March predictions; “The Moon in Virgo would represent health care issues and it is conjunct Saturn (restriction, blockage, cold, harsh) and part of the base of the ‘Yod’… pointing to the on going congressional quagmire of a health coverage bill… perhaps more scandal there…”
“AP-Philip Elliot, …Washington – President Barack Obama is trying to persuade a weary public and wavering Democrats to get behind his frantic, late stage push on health care, while Republicans dig in and demand starting from scratch after a year’s worth of work”
I’ll have to search the archives… but as I recall I made the prediction sometime last year that this would happen… when they began the drafting of the bill during a Mercury retrograde cycle.
…and further, “…and the other side of the Yod base is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo… an Inconjunct to Neptune could indicate assassination news… either a prominent one… or more scandal of Israel’s security forces involvement in clandestine assassinations…”
…and the assassination scandal and details continue to surface,
“Dubai seeks Israeli PM’s arrest over hotel murder”
…and the small details (Mercury) are piling up… and scam, hype, and number manipulating fraud (Neptune)… conjunct Mercury (news, details) and Neptune are conjunct at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus, shock) and Pisces (Neptune, fraud, hype, lies, manipulating) and there are more and more of Al Gore’s financial motivations and manipulation of science data and obvious scam, or massive self delusion, to get the world to switch to his, profitable to him, plans… paid for with your tax money, etc…
…and after shocks from the earthquakes continue as does the extreme weather in some parts of the world…
…and all this controversy is distracting attention away from the real data… yes, there is global warming… and there is global cooling… we are experiencing extremes of both… we are living through what may be some continent, weather pattern, and pole shifting… which the planet has a 25 to 26,000 year cyclic history of doing… give or take a few hundred years… the major ‘T-Bar’ transits over the past and next few years are the same that occurred around 536 CE …when there occurred major climate changes that led to the dark ages… and major restructuring of political and social structures throughout the world…
…and people survived it …as some will survive all the current madness …so, check your kits …and be alert …it’s getting tense again.
“AP-Philip Elliot, …Washington – President Barack Obama is trying to persuade a weary public and wavering Democrats to get behind his frantic, late stage push on health care, while Republicans dig in and demand starting from scratch after a year’s worth of work”
I’ll have to search the archives… but as I recall I made the prediction sometime last year that this would happen… when they began the drafting of the bill during a Mercury retrograde cycle.
…and further, “…and the other side of the Yod base is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo… an Inconjunct to Neptune could indicate assassination news… either a prominent one… or more scandal of Israel’s security forces involvement in clandestine assassinations…”
…and the assassination scandal and details continue to surface,
“Dubai seeks Israeli PM’s arrest over hotel murder”
…and the small details (Mercury) are piling up… and scam, hype, and number manipulating fraud (Neptune)… conjunct Mercury (news, details) and Neptune are conjunct at the cusp of Aquarius (Uranus, shock) and Pisces (Neptune, fraud, hype, lies, manipulating) and there are more and more of Al Gore’s financial motivations and manipulation of science data and obvious scam, or massive self delusion, to get the world to switch to his, profitable to him, plans… paid for with your tax money, etc…
…and after shocks from the earthquakes continue as does the extreme weather in some parts of the world…
…and all this controversy is distracting attention away from the real data… yes, there is global warming… and there is global cooling… we are experiencing extremes of both… we are living through what may be some continent, weather pattern, and pole shifting… which the planet has a 25 to 26,000 year cyclic history of doing… give or take a few hundred years… the major ‘T-Bar’ transits over the past and next few years are the same that occurred around 536 CE …when there occurred major climate changes that led to the dark ages… and major restructuring of political and social structures throughout the world…
…and people survived it …as some will survive all the current madness …so, check your kits …and be alert …it’s getting tense again.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The earthquakes continue with severe aftershocks in Chile… and a 6.4 quake jolted Taiwan… and the recent earthquakes have moved the Earth's axis…
The shift has tilted the axis of the Earth… a very little bit… and has shortened our day 1.26 micro seconds… A micro second is a millionth of a second.
The Tsunami of 2004 moved it even more and shortened the day by 6.8 microseconds… another .999,992 micro seconds and the day will be a whole 1 second shorter…
…and 26,000 years ago the North Pole of the Earth’s axis may have been in Hudson Bay and the continent arrangement was a bit different …things change …sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly… but in the end that is really the only thing that is consistent… change… and hopefully evolution to something better…
I am beginning to see the significance of the ‘Yod’ Mercury focal point on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces that occurred on the 1st… seemingly small things and details (Mercury) may gradually reveal much bigger things… perhaps shocking (Uranus in Pisces) and bizarre (Neptune in Aquarius).
…like today we’re all surrounded by security cameras everywhere and now the Dubai police allegedly have evidence of Mossad agents and assassination in Dubai …and the agents are part of the world wide power structure that brought about all this surveillance and paranoia into being in the first place… just like Nixon was caught by his own tape recorders… it’s all their ego… they think they can get away with it… bizarre how it all eventually works out…
…as duped as the public has been by the various media …they are getting wise to the credit card, investment markets, and bank scams that have bankrupted the country and perhaps within a year or so, the entire world… and people are bankrupting their credit card debts and bailing on their mortgages… across the country… they have no choice… no job… no money.
For me… the funniest part about the tearful performances of Glenn Beck and others like him… is they’re crying about the loss of the ‘good ole U. S. of A… and how it’s all Obama’s fault, etc’
The era they whine for wasn’t that great… I know because I’ve lived through 65 years of it… and that country he whines over is long gone… If one has any powers of observation at all… it’s obvious by now… the USA went on sale in the 1990’s… to India and China… and various other sources of cheap and or slave labor… which was how the old original USA was built in the first place… back in the 18th and 19th century…
When I was a kid the USA made everything… cars in Detroit… airplanes in Southern California… ships in the Northeast and Northwest… steel in Pennsylvania… washing machines, televisions, toasters… just everything you can think of… and if something had a ‘Made in Japan’ label on it… it was a joke…
We don’t make anything anymore… just paper work… data entry… and bad loans… credit card debt for foreign made stuff and junk… and movies… and celebrities… and various investment bubbles… Try it, walk down the isle of any store… check the labels… how many ‘Made in USA’ labels do you find?
…now …do you want to really fix it? …make a new USA? …1st do not give another penny to any bank… they created the greed mentality and the current mess… now let them choke on it. If you’re going to print and hand out more Federal money… then give to industry to hire people and make things again… by Federal law cap executive salaries… forbid all stock and option grants in lieu of salary and restrict all shares of stocks and bonds to strictly regulated… and enforced… free market public trading…
By Federal law disband and outlaw Monsanto and any similar corrupt ‘land barons’… there can be no patents on what belongs to nature… hybrid seeds are nothing new… nature has been doing it for billions of years… it’s called evolution… leave things alone and you might find frogs with fangs some day… like they did in that lost isolated jungle valley explorers found in Papua New Guinea last year… In short return the land to the farmers… if there’s no work for awhile… a yard garden will keep you fed …and a goat or cow will give you milk and cheese… and mow the lawn…
…get serious about alternate energy sources …Brazil has been driving on sugar cane gasoline for couple of decades now… so what’s the problem? …we have a lot of hot humid land around the Gulf Coast that would grow it just like it does ninety miles away in Cuba… and there is already a lot of it in Hawaii… there is a big Ocean on each side of the country where the tides go in and out… hydro generators could produce electric energy without any fuels necessary… some countries are already doing it…
…ah, yes… getting all this through Congress and the House… that’s the problem… Solution… face the reality, the bulk of both the Republican and Democratic parties are totally corrupt and cow tow to any all lobbyists of corporate and special interests, with obscene amounts of money… and ‘fun time’ girls…
Solution, a massive grass roots movement of a 3rd independent party that truly represents the people with a candidate who is perhaps a proven ethical business leader… who actually knows how to produce quality and at a fair profit to all… or a truly wise and smart person, like maybe a teacher… No more professional politicians! …term limits …and relative limits, no more ‘dynasties’
By Federal law ban all lobbying… make it a punishable crime to offer money and or favors… of any kind to any government representative… fair sealed bid contacts only.
…Vote on …and read aloud any proposed bill… to all in the House and Senate… with mandatory attendance… and an immediate or next day at least… mandatory roll call and immediate ‘yea or nay’ vote with live non commercial public television broadcasting of the proceedings… simple majority passes it or sends it back for a re-write… no amendments or special attachments of ‘bridges to nowhere’ just to secure a vote. Vote on one thing at a time… in short, do what you’re elected to do… pass laws and bills that the people want… and then don’t mess with it!... and if you can’t get with the program… with a significant collection of registered voters petition signatures your state can and will hold special elections and recall and replace you within a 30 day notice… for any reason like corruption, bad behavior, etc. and this is applied to all political office from town council all the way up to the president…no more of the entire country suffering for four to eight years… and then only to have one corrupt idiot puppet replaced by another corrupt idiot puppet…
…taxes? …a flat 10% tax for everyone …to include corporations …and no loop holes …and if it’s taken out of one’s payroll… no need to file again… they have already got the 10% tax… why bug people with the redundant and obsolete IRS?
Home security? …just stop all these crazy, stupid, expensive, corrupt wars …quit making new enemies and future martyr suicide bombers with your collateral damage …border security? …bring home the 3rd Armored Division and put them and some of the other military Divisions all along our boarders… and give them a truly honorable way to serve and defend their country… you got a pocket of corrupt gangsters?… send in a battalion of Marines… they’ll kick their ass and arrest them...
…smuggling stuff across the border? …I severed with the 3rd Armored from 1966-68 …those self propelled 155MM Howitzers …could put some serious hurt on an intruder … I knew some guys in Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, with the 3rd Herd… while in moving convoy… they could receive fire mission coordinates by radio, stop, lower spade braces, adjust turret and barrel, fire an accurate battery salvo, raise spades… and move on down the road… in less than a minute… those cowboys were good… and 6 incoming 155mm high explosive rounds can really ruin a smuggler’s day.
…and maybe …if the rest of the world is left to settle their differences …they might suddenly realize …the USA is no longer there to bail them out or help fix them up …hopefully they’ll realize that there is no profit in on going war… and if they kill themselves… let them… until they’re all gone… or they get tired of it… and no more weapons… no more money… no more enabling their on going madness…
…we have an airplane now armed with lasers that can knock down an incoming missile… and the fire power to immediately annihilate whoever fired it… why not stop all this living in fear and simply go about fixing ourselves and allow our neighbors to fix themselves… and sort of mind our own business for awhile… and rebuild ourselves back into a great nation… quit letting gluttony and greed run our lives… push away from the table… get off the couch and go fix it…
…and internationally? …as the ‘Crocodile Dundee’ character said in the movie, “they’re like fleas arguing over who owns the dog they all live on.”
…yes, this has been a long rant …and a harmless release of the tension and anger that all of us and the entire planet are feeling. Next Wednsday, the 10th transiting Mars will make its station at 0 degrees of Leo and then begins to slowly move forward again… its two year cycle of its close orbit to Earth will phase out around May. this aspect approaches on occasion some of the severely stressed with mental and emotional issues will snap… shoot their colleges …fly their airplane into a building… try to shoot up the Pentagon, etc…
…for the rest of us? …try to avoid confrontation… don’t feed the other person’s anger… try to use the energy physically by conscious choice… work out in the gym… work in the yard… clean and fix things… use iron and steel tools (ruled by Mars)… work with the energies… instead of them working you…
It is… what it is… work it out… try and stay calm… I’m going to go weed whack my small yard now… before the rains come back…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
The shift has tilted the axis of the Earth… a very little bit… and has shortened our day 1.26 micro seconds… A micro second is a millionth of a second.
The Tsunami of 2004 moved it even more and shortened the day by 6.8 microseconds… another .999,992 micro seconds and the day will be a whole 1 second shorter…
…and 26,000 years ago the North Pole of the Earth’s axis may have been in Hudson Bay and the continent arrangement was a bit different …things change …sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly… but in the end that is really the only thing that is consistent… change… and hopefully evolution to something better…
I am beginning to see the significance of the ‘Yod’ Mercury focal point on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces that occurred on the 1st… seemingly small things and details (Mercury) may gradually reveal much bigger things… perhaps shocking (Uranus in Pisces) and bizarre (Neptune in Aquarius).
…like today we’re all surrounded by security cameras everywhere and now the Dubai police allegedly have evidence of Mossad agents and assassination in Dubai …and the agents are part of the world wide power structure that brought about all this surveillance and paranoia into being in the first place… just like Nixon was caught by his own tape recorders… it’s all their ego… they think they can get away with it… bizarre how it all eventually works out…
…as duped as the public has been by the various media …they are getting wise to the credit card, investment markets, and bank scams that have bankrupted the country and perhaps within a year or so, the entire world… and people are bankrupting their credit card debts and bailing on their mortgages… across the country… they have no choice… no job… no money.
For me… the funniest part about the tearful performances of Glenn Beck and others like him… is they’re crying about the loss of the ‘good ole U. S. of A… and how it’s all Obama’s fault, etc’
The era they whine for wasn’t that great… I know because I’ve lived through 65 years of it… and that country he whines over is long gone… If one has any powers of observation at all… it’s obvious by now… the USA went on sale in the 1990’s… to India and China… and various other sources of cheap and or slave labor… which was how the old original USA was built in the first place… back in the 18th and 19th century…
When I was a kid the USA made everything… cars in Detroit… airplanes in Southern California… ships in the Northeast and Northwest… steel in Pennsylvania… washing machines, televisions, toasters… just everything you can think of… and if something had a ‘Made in Japan’ label on it… it was a joke…
We don’t make anything anymore… just paper work… data entry… and bad loans… credit card debt for foreign made stuff and junk… and movies… and celebrities… and various investment bubbles… Try it, walk down the isle of any store… check the labels… how many ‘Made in USA’ labels do you find?
…now …do you want to really fix it? …make a new USA? …1st do not give another penny to any bank… they created the greed mentality and the current mess… now let them choke on it. If you’re going to print and hand out more Federal money… then give to industry to hire people and make things again… by Federal law cap executive salaries… forbid all stock and option grants in lieu of salary and restrict all shares of stocks and bonds to strictly regulated… and enforced… free market public trading…
By Federal law disband and outlaw Monsanto and any similar corrupt ‘land barons’… there can be no patents on what belongs to nature… hybrid seeds are nothing new… nature has been doing it for billions of years… it’s called evolution… leave things alone and you might find frogs with fangs some day… like they did in that lost isolated jungle valley explorers found in Papua New Guinea last year… In short return the land to the farmers… if there’s no work for awhile… a yard garden will keep you fed …and a goat or cow will give you milk and cheese… and mow the lawn…
…get serious about alternate energy sources …Brazil has been driving on sugar cane gasoline for couple of decades now… so what’s the problem? …we have a lot of hot humid land around the Gulf Coast that would grow it just like it does ninety miles away in Cuba… and there is already a lot of it in Hawaii… there is a big Ocean on each side of the country where the tides go in and out… hydro generators could produce electric energy without any fuels necessary… some countries are already doing it…
…ah, yes… getting all this through Congress and the House… that’s the problem… Solution… face the reality, the bulk of both the Republican and Democratic parties are totally corrupt and cow tow to any all lobbyists of corporate and special interests, with obscene amounts of money… and ‘fun time’ girls…
Solution, a massive grass roots movement of a 3rd independent party that truly represents the people with a candidate who is perhaps a proven ethical business leader… who actually knows how to produce quality and at a fair profit to all… or a truly wise and smart person, like maybe a teacher… No more professional politicians! …term limits …and relative limits, no more ‘dynasties’
By Federal law ban all lobbying… make it a punishable crime to offer money and or favors… of any kind to any government representative… fair sealed bid contacts only.
…Vote on …and read aloud any proposed bill… to all in the House and Senate… with mandatory attendance… and an immediate or next day at least… mandatory roll call and immediate ‘yea or nay’ vote with live non commercial public television broadcasting of the proceedings… simple majority passes it or sends it back for a re-write… no amendments or special attachments of ‘bridges to nowhere’ just to secure a vote. Vote on one thing at a time… in short, do what you’re elected to do… pass laws and bills that the people want… and then don’t mess with it!... and if you can’t get with the program… with a significant collection of registered voters petition signatures your state can and will hold special elections and recall and replace you within a 30 day notice… for any reason like corruption, bad behavior, etc. and this is applied to all political office from town council all the way up to the president…no more of the entire country suffering for four to eight years… and then only to have one corrupt idiot puppet replaced by another corrupt idiot puppet…
…taxes? …a flat 10% tax for everyone …to include corporations …and no loop holes …and if it’s taken out of one’s payroll… no need to file again… they have already got the 10% tax… why bug people with the redundant and obsolete IRS?
Home security? …just stop all these crazy, stupid, expensive, corrupt wars …quit making new enemies and future martyr suicide bombers with your collateral damage …border security? …bring home the 3rd Armored Division and put them and some of the other military Divisions all along our boarders… and give them a truly honorable way to serve and defend their country… you got a pocket of corrupt gangsters?… send in a battalion of Marines… they’ll kick their ass and arrest them...
…smuggling stuff across the border? …I severed with the 3rd Armored from 1966-68 …those self propelled 155MM Howitzers …could put some serious hurt on an intruder … I knew some guys in Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, with the 3rd Herd… while in moving convoy… they could receive fire mission coordinates by radio, stop, lower spade braces, adjust turret and barrel, fire an accurate battery salvo, raise spades… and move on down the road… in less than a minute… those cowboys were good… and 6 incoming 155mm high explosive rounds can really ruin a smuggler’s day.
…and maybe …if the rest of the world is left to settle their differences …they might suddenly realize …the USA is no longer there to bail them out or help fix them up …hopefully they’ll realize that there is no profit in on going war… and if they kill themselves… let them… until they’re all gone… or they get tired of it… and no more weapons… no more money… no more enabling their on going madness…
…we have an airplane now armed with lasers that can knock down an incoming missile… and the fire power to immediately annihilate whoever fired it… why not stop all this living in fear and simply go about fixing ourselves and allow our neighbors to fix themselves… and sort of mind our own business for awhile… and rebuild ourselves back into a great nation… quit letting gluttony and greed run our lives… push away from the table… get off the couch and go fix it…
…and internationally? …as the ‘Crocodile Dundee’ character said in the movie, “they’re like fleas arguing over who owns the dog they all live on.”
…yes, this has been a long rant …and a harmless release of the tension and anger that all of us and the entire planet are feeling. Next Wednsday, the 10th transiting Mars will make its station at 0 degrees of Leo and then begins to slowly move forward again… its two year cycle of its close orbit to Earth will phase out around May. this aspect approaches on occasion some of the severely stressed with mental and emotional issues will snap… shoot their colleges …fly their airplane into a building… try to shoot up the Pentagon, etc…
…for the rest of us? …try to avoid confrontation… don’t feed the other person’s anger… try to use the energy physically by conscious choice… work out in the gym… work in the yard… clean and fix things… use iron and steel tools (ruled by Mars)… work with the energies… instead of them working you…
It is… what it is… work it out… try and stay calm… I’m going to go weed whack my small yard now… before the rains come back…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Monday, March 1, 2010
I discussed the "YOD" formation occuring today with the focal planet being Mercury at the Aquarius Pisces Cusp... as the red warning band to disconnect due to a virus attack... I immediately powered the computer down and it hit me like a shot! ...follow the Keywords, the base of the Yod is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo sextile to Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra... Mars and Saturn together in any aspect can be malicious, with a sextile opportunity and ease... both inconjunct to Mercury, rules computer network... at the cusp of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus which rules computers... and Pisces, Neptune ruled which rule viruses...
...the next two to three days be on the alert for hacker attacks and computer viruses.
(for details of yesterdays predictions refer to February 28 Archive)
...the next two to three days be on the alert for hacker attacks and computer viruses.
(for details of yesterdays predictions refer to February 28 Archive)
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