I’ve been away a few days avoiding rants during this holiday season… to give myself and others room to try and have a little joy, and gathering, and a day off from all the madness currently going on world wide… war, bombings, security breaches, scandal, fraud, flu, assassinations, accidents, ferry sinking… all previously predicted during these stressful transits … and most of it happening within the first week of the month… to the point of it being redundant now… why go on about it?
Scandalous events of late… which are increasing as transiting Jupiter approaches conjunction with Neptune again… are revealing even more decadent values of our society.
What is so significant about two party crashers? …an official White House State Dinner party is blatantly crashed by Michaele and Tareq Salahi,
“Party Crashers: Pay Us $500K, We'll Talk”
“…representatives for Michaele and Tareq Salahi contacted networks to urge them to "get their bids in" for an interview.”
There were times I have seen… maybe a few decades ago… when the couple would have simply been spotted, handcuffed, and discreetly led away… and would probably still be in holding cell under intense interrogation… and would more than likely get some jail time for it.
…today it’s just another finger pointing scandal …and the perps will more than likely get their ‘high’ bid for one or more of the talk show interviews… what has Levi really done? …other than play hockey and get his girlfriend pregnant… and then pose naked for Playgirl Magazine? …and he makes the interview rounds and squeezes all that he can get out the Palin circus…
The fact is… if you’re reading about it now… there have been bids already made… by all the networks… and one of them will get the high bid… and this party crashing couple will get more money for their chit chat ‘tell all’ than some average honest people make in their life time… and or a lucrative book deal… Sarah and others have shown us that it really doesn’t take a lot of brains… just be a rouge… and you’re on your way to millions.
I’ve turned off my ancient tube television… for over a year now… still I must shift through all the internet articles for information that confirms my mundane astrology research… and I find that I’m even being repelled by that… it’s really difficult to be an impartial observer lately…
…and sometimes I find myself more interested now in the study of the astrological influences on the growing of plants… flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit…
…if the roots are good, the plants will come back to life after the winter months. There in nature is the answer… and it begs the question, what are the real conditions of this nation’s financial roots?
…another bubble pops …the over loaning financing hype real estate debacle… now in Dubai… is this the final crack that the pressures of Saturn opposition Uranus… and now Saturn square Pluto… transits over the past three months have caused… as perhaps more and more loan and financial fraud are revealed… perhaps even leaking into the World Bank itself?
…I’m thinking I’ll get some more tomatoes plants this season… the Roma did well this past year… and I must trim back the grapevine a bit… it has taken over the back fence to point of separating the wood… strong roots… and maybe some Saint Augustine turf squares… the grass seed I put out seems to just feed the birds…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Students of this era… when and if they graduate… already have 20 years or more of debt (Saturn) in student loans… and a diploma that might get them an intern job… and now their already outrageous tuition costs go up another 32%! …and you wonder why they riot?
“Students take over UC Berkeley building”
…and the predicted severe (Saturn/Pluto) weather comes back around,
“Floods devastate UK Lake District; much of Ireland”
Just when you think maybe there is some change… a ‘King’ still influences a country’s policies? (Jupiter/Neptune)
“Belgian King Starts Search for Prime Minister: Leterme Favorite”
“Belgium’s King Albert II began sounding out party leaders as the country, torn by tensions between Dutch and French speakers, seeks a new prime minister following Herman Van Rompuy’s appointment as the European Union’s first president.”
…and the flu hype (Neptune),
“Did U.S. make a swine flu mistake?”
“H1N1 swine flu has infected an estimated 22 million Americans and killed 3,900, but it so far does not appear to be any deadlier than seasonal influenza.”
Is the over due stock market correction near? (Saturn)
“Stocks extend 2-day slide”
I don’t think these people are impressed with the ‘recovery hype’…
Florida’s unemployment rate nearly unchanged
California unemployment rate hits 12.5 percent
…and we all muddle along as best we can. Stressful transits will continue for some months yet… try to stay calm.
“Students take over UC Berkeley building”
…and the predicted severe (Saturn/Pluto) weather comes back around,
“Floods devastate UK Lake District; much of Ireland”
Just when you think maybe there is some change… a ‘King’ still influences a country’s policies? (Jupiter/Neptune)
“Belgian King Starts Search for Prime Minister: Leterme Favorite”
“Belgium’s King Albert II began sounding out party leaders as the country, torn by tensions between Dutch and French speakers, seeks a new prime minister following Herman Van Rompuy’s appointment as the European Union’s first president.”
…and the flu hype (Neptune),
“Did U.S. make a swine flu mistake?”
“H1N1 swine flu has infected an estimated 22 million Americans and killed 3,900, but it so far does not appear to be any deadlier than seasonal influenza.”
Is the over due stock market correction near? (Saturn)
“Stocks extend 2-day slide”
I don’t think these people are impressed with the ‘recovery hype’…
Florida’s unemployment rate nearly unchanged
California unemployment rate hits 12.5 percent
…and we all muddle along as best we can. Stressful transits will continue for some months yet… try to stay calm.
Friday, November 20, 2009
“Bomber kills 16 outside Pakistan courthouse”
…yet amidst the madness and violence …these transiting energies take new directions in politics and the media industries… the current ‘Saturn opposition Uranus effect’ as I refer to it…
…for instance the new directions of the ‘media industry’… as I see it from a media specialist technician’s view point from inside the illusion machine… Media stars like Howard Stern, Bill Mahr, Jon Stewart, Colbert… and now Oprah… go cable and cater to their audience of followers by subscription (basically back to theatre tickets in principal)… thus being free of the meddlesome spread sheet profit/loss ratings mentality of advertiser sponsors… and thus more in control of their creativity… which is always good for the arts.
The Oprah effect: Winners and losers
...and now a new European leader… without a war?
“Is the new EU President a good choice?”
Whether or not, this ‘appointed’ president of the European Union, a Belgian, Herman van Rompuy, is a good idea remains to be seen. What surprises me is the fact that there is a leader of all Europe now… without there having been a world war fought about it. European countries have been trying to dominate one another since the dark ages.
Perhaps we’re witnessing the beginning of a major change in world attitude as predicted by these recent major life changing transits such as the triple transiting conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune and the five time opposition transits of Saturn and Uranus that are still occurring and will continue on through 2010-11.
Perhaps the people of Europe want results… from people who know what they’re doing. Instead of a corporate political parties fronting charismatic actors to be elected in staged elections to be the front man and or fall guy for their personal and profitable agendas. The corporate powers that be have made hundreds of billions of profits off of the Bush administration’s insane Middle East war policies.
…or perhaps, the conspiracy theorists are right …the secret corporate powers aren’t bothering with rigged elections anymore and will simply ‘appoint’ leaders. Instead of bungling inept ‘straw men’ like George ‘W’… and Tony Blair being elected in a rigged ballyhoo circus of primaries, conventions, and voter fraud allegations… simply appoint an efficient clerk and administrator of policy and get on with business.
…Is this the new world order? …interesting times that we’re living in, dear reader…
…may the and love of the cosmos be with you…
“Bomber kills 16 outside Pakistan courthouse”
…yet amidst the madness and violence …these transiting energies take new directions in politics and the media industries… the current ‘Saturn opposition Uranus effect’ as I refer to it…
…for instance the new directions of the ‘media industry’… as I see it from a media specialist technician’s view point from inside the illusion machine… Media stars like Howard Stern, Bill Mahr, Jon Stewart, Colbert… and now Oprah… go cable and cater to their audience of followers by subscription (basically back to theatre tickets in principal)… thus being free of the meddlesome spread sheet profit/loss ratings mentality of advertiser sponsors… and thus more in control of their creativity… which is always good for the arts.
The Oprah effect: Winners and losers
...and now a new European leader… without a war?
“Is the new EU President a good choice?”
Whether or not, this ‘appointed’ president of the European Union, a Belgian, Herman van Rompuy, is a good idea remains to be seen. What surprises me is the fact that there is a leader of all Europe now… without there having been a world war fought about it. European countries have been trying to dominate one another since the dark ages.
Perhaps we’re witnessing the beginning of a major change in world attitude as predicted by these recent major life changing transits such as the triple transiting conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune and the five time opposition transits of Saturn and Uranus that are still occurring and will continue on through 2010-11.
Perhaps the people of Europe want results… from people who know what they’re doing. Instead of a corporate political parties fronting charismatic actors to be elected in staged elections to be the front man and or fall guy for their personal and profitable agendas. The corporate powers that be have made hundreds of billions of profits off of the Bush administration’s insane Middle East war policies.
…or perhaps, the conspiracy theorists are right …the secret corporate powers aren’t bothering with rigged elections anymore and will simply ‘appoint’ leaders. Instead of bungling inept ‘straw men’ like George ‘W’… and Tony Blair being elected in a rigged ballyhoo circus of primaries, conventions, and voter fraud allegations… simply appoint an efficient clerk and administrator of policy and get on with business.
…Is this the new world order? …interesting times that we’re living in, dear reader…
…may the and love of the cosmos be with you…
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
As transiting Jupiter and Neptune continue their conjunct travel through the sign of Uranus ruled Aquarius we are daily seeing hopeful optimism about the economy… the DJIA back over 10,000 and still on an up trend line making higher highs and higher lows… in defiance of reality …how prosperous are you feeling? …me, I’m on the verge of bankruptcy like thousands of others.
I witness people getting laid off simply because their wages are too high… and their skills can be replaced by a cheaper freelance temp who gets half the salary and no benefits other than a paycheck… The creative and experience skills are no longer needed as quality and content is no longer cost effective on some MBA’s spread sheet… only allowing for more units for cheaper and faster…
Take for instance, Hugh Hefner and Playboy magazine… which he recently sold. He started in 1953 with $600 and a magazine with a partially nude starlet centerfold… Marilyn Monroe. Over the decades he built a playboy lifestyle industry… and it did help break our society out of it’s sexual repression… but then as all corporate things do… it clones and mutates… into Penthouse… and then Hustler… and today one finds ‘sexting’… the sending of sexually explicit photos over a cell phone…
Whether you accept it as the word of God… or as an allegory that describes these transiting cycles… one must admit we’re getting a little out of control with it all… and it’s beginning to look like Sodom and Gomorrah more and more…
Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston tour the talk show circuit… and don’t kid yourself, they get paid for it… why? …ratings, advertising revenues, spread sheet profit projections, etc… where is the logical end… Sarah and Levi do the ‘Jerry Springer Show’? …that’s what Oprah, and all the other shows are turning into by hosting them… and Levi didn’t go ‘full frontal’ in his Playgirl magazine shoot… are you feeling conned yet?
The world leader meetings come to naught… they can’t make up their minds as to what to do about the climate, economy, or any of it… China doesn’t want to cooperate because they’re just entering their consumerism and playboy lifestyle cycle. Our cycle is burning out… look at the mess our population of 2 to 300 million has created… now visualize at the mess that the billion or so new consumers in China are going to potentially make… with intermittent terrorist bombings and wars… and pirate ransoms will be figured into corporate budgets… the money comes back around as the pirates become affluent consumers of televisions, laptops, cell phones, SUVs, more guns, and faster boats…
…and here we are… all of us are trying to make some sense of it all. The historical facts are that nothing goes in a straight line or up forever… empires come and go… and they all dream of saving and or conquering the world.
All the while… Gaia, Mama Earth… may have other plans, like rearranging Atlantis and Mu and various other continents some eons back… and today the crack in the Ethiopian desert slowly widens and lengthens…
…and during these whacky transits forget about predicting football games… I only got one of three on the parley this past Sunday with the Dolphins beating the Buccaneers… maybe it’s time to look at basketball game charts?
These are frustrating transits of ill temper… do try and focus your attention to the task at hand… and chill out …and try to be calm.
I know it’s hard… just because astrologers know about these transits doesn’t make them immune to them… I feel the same frustrations as you do, dear reader…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
I witness people getting laid off simply because their wages are too high… and their skills can be replaced by a cheaper freelance temp who gets half the salary and no benefits other than a paycheck… The creative and experience skills are no longer needed as quality and content is no longer cost effective on some MBA’s spread sheet… only allowing for more units for cheaper and faster…
Take for instance, Hugh Hefner and Playboy magazine… which he recently sold. He started in 1953 with $600 and a magazine with a partially nude starlet centerfold… Marilyn Monroe. Over the decades he built a playboy lifestyle industry… and it did help break our society out of it’s sexual repression… but then as all corporate things do… it clones and mutates… into Penthouse… and then Hustler… and today one finds ‘sexting’… the sending of sexually explicit photos over a cell phone…
Whether you accept it as the word of God… or as an allegory that describes these transiting cycles… one must admit we’re getting a little out of control with it all… and it’s beginning to look like Sodom and Gomorrah more and more…
Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston tour the talk show circuit… and don’t kid yourself, they get paid for it… why? …ratings, advertising revenues, spread sheet profit projections, etc… where is the logical end… Sarah and Levi do the ‘Jerry Springer Show’? …that’s what Oprah, and all the other shows are turning into by hosting them… and Levi didn’t go ‘full frontal’ in his Playgirl magazine shoot… are you feeling conned yet?
The world leader meetings come to naught… they can’t make up their minds as to what to do about the climate, economy, or any of it… China doesn’t want to cooperate because they’re just entering their consumerism and playboy lifestyle cycle. Our cycle is burning out… look at the mess our population of 2 to 300 million has created… now visualize at the mess that the billion or so new consumers in China are going to potentially make… with intermittent terrorist bombings and wars… and pirate ransoms will be figured into corporate budgets… the money comes back around as the pirates become affluent consumers of televisions, laptops, cell phones, SUVs, more guns, and faster boats…
…and here we are… all of us are trying to make some sense of it all. The historical facts are that nothing goes in a straight line or up forever… empires come and go… and they all dream of saving and or conquering the world.
All the while… Gaia, Mama Earth… may have other plans, like rearranging Atlantis and Mu and various other continents some eons back… and today the crack in the Ethiopian desert slowly widens and lengthens…
…and during these whacky transits forget about predicting football games… I only got one of three on the parley this past Sunday with the Dolphins beating the Buccaneers… maybe it’s time to look at basketball game charts?
These are frustrating transits of ill temper… do try and focus your attention to the task at hand… and chill out …and try to be calm.
I know it’s hard… just because astrologers know about these transits doesn’t make them immune to them… I feel the same frustrations as you do, dear reader…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The are currently two very stressful ‘T-Bar’ formations developing in the transits that may be triggered as the New Moon arrives (conjunct to Sun) today and tomorrow. In addition the Sun is also squaring Neptune… which all equates to war, violence, scandal, corruption, fraud, etc…
…some of today’s samples,
Once in awhile they catch one - corruption;
“Corruption lands ex-Louisiana congressman 13 years”
The daily bombings continue - violence, war;
“Pakistan bomb targets checkpoint”
More scandal? …with Sarah and Oprah tomorrow? A $1.2 million book deal? …for that kind of money, a lot of people would quit the governorship of Alaska… unless they were already a millionaire… which over 200 of our senators and representatives are… and you thought they represented ‘us’, the average guy…
“’Going Rouge’ is Sarah Palin’s shot at redemption and revenge”
…and maybe some more big time fraud;
“Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower”
…and so it goes. On the fun side these transits may provide some interesting football games. The only good aspect tomorrow is a trine between the Sun and Uranus… which is in the 1st House of the home teams… ergo, I’m going with a $5 win parley on the Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Jets, and the Miami Dolphins… we shall see…
…some of today’s samples,
Once in awhile they catch one - corruption;
“Corruption lands ex-Louisiana congressman 13 years”
The daily bombings continue - violence, war;
“Pakistan bomb targets checkpoint”
More scandal? …with Sarah and Oprah tomorrow? A $1.2 million book deal? …for that kind of money, a lot of people would quit the governorship of Alaska… unless they were already a millionaire… which over 200 of our senators and representatives are… and you thought they represented ‘us’, the average guy…
“’Going Rouge’ is Sarah Palin’s shot at redemption and revenge”
…and maybe some more big time fraud;
“Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower”
…and so it goes. On the fun side these transits may provide some interesting football games. The only good aspect tomorrow is a trine between the Sun and Uranus… which is in the 1st House of the home teams… ergo, I’m going with a $5 win parley on the Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Jets, and the Miami Dolphins… we shall see…
Friday, November 13, 2009

Since my November 1st Predictions post, there has been mad gunmen, suicide bombers, foul weather, financial fraud, etc., reported in the news media everyday… except for the ongoing stock market madness and the Chicago Bears blowing it… all the predicted depressing stuff has happened in the first week …enough!
I want to write about a much happier storm today… and an inspirational one. The legendary pin-up model, actress, and stripper… the legendary, Tempest Storm.
She was hot in the 1950’s… some of us juvenile delinquents would steal magazines with her photos from newsstands …she was an ‘inspiration’ to millions of us adolescents of the sexually repressed 1950’s era.
…and today she is still performing in Las Vegas as a stripper! …at the age of 80! …The Grande Dame of Burlesque… and as hot as ever… and again living proof that ‘age is just another number.’
She was born, Annie Blanche Banks, in Eastman, GA, February 29, 1928. No birth time… but a Noon style chart reveals the key aspects… a Venus/Mars conjunction in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) which then is beneficially in sextile to a Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Aries (ruled by Mars) Mutual reception between Mars and Uranus… Aries = Mars rules and deposits Uranus. Aquarius = Uranus rules and deposits Mars.
My theory… a ‘double sextile’ equals a trine… and again beneficial… and as always, trines and sextiles can be very ‘lucky’… but one has to make the efforts to use them, otherwise their potentials are wasted. She used this positive energy by simply working hard on her dance routines, showing up for auditions, photo shoots, and performing wherever the opportunity opened up and her agents booked her…
The Conjuncts themselves also define the nature of the ‘fame and fortune’… Venus at 8 degrees of Aquarius conjuncts Mars at 1 degree by a 7 degree orb. The famous 1950’s era astrologer Grant Lewi, defined the Venus/Mars conjunct aspect in a natal chart as the “It” aspect… the one’s who have ‘it’ are hot… and they often become sex icons in our entertainment culture.
The other conjunction, Uranus at 2 degrees and Jupiter at 7 degrees of Aries is the ‘shocking in your face’ Uranus… combined with Jupiter (a lot of flash)… and again in your face energy… and this is confirmed by her nickname in the 1950’s… “The Girl with the fabulous front”
…and then both of these conjunct power packages are further strengthened by the beneficial sextile and mutual reception… She has her share of squares and oppositions and has had her problems just like the rest of us… and is a marvelous example of how a remarkable person made the most out their natural talents… and by choosing to do what they enjoy… has lived a full and incredible life… She even dated JFK and Elvis.
…another interesting mutual reception …her Sun (essence) is in Neptune (glamour, entertainment) ruled Pisces …and her Neptune (entertainment) is in the ‘exhibitionist’ sign of Leo ruled by the Sun… ergo, again the mutual reception theme… for a third time… thus a very strong inclination to perform and entertain.
…and she is still doing it! Just Google her name… there are many delightful articles about her and videos of her current and past performances available online… check her out her history just for the fun of it.
Sources; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_Storm

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
There’s this fairytale in LaLaland… once upon a time, a beauty pageant queen… who gets asked a loaded question, by the wicked witch judge of the East… that will cause controversy no matter how she answers it… so, she answers with her opinion and gets clobbered by the media… but Donald Trump declares her Queen anyway and that’s that… until a naked sexually arousing video tape is found that she made when she was seventeen… shocking… then the pillar of moral values, Donald… dethrones her… and she’s written a book, STILL STANDING …and is pals with another new best selling author Sarah Palin, GOING ROUGE… and it goes on and on… and nobody really lives happily ever after…
…now the scandals start up again,
“Miss California Carrie Prejean sex masturbation tape”
…as Jupiter (a lot) gets closer to its conjunct with Neptune (scandal) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled and often with surprising and shocking effects) …but at least no one has been killed or assaulted …yet.
…silly, but good circulation …and as the old saw goes in LaLaland, ‘Any publicity is better than no publicity…’ The honest reality is… most of us silly people will eventually make naughty pictures with our video toys… the problem is that if you don’t erase them after you’ve had fun with them… they have a way of getting ‘found’… especially if you are any sort of public figure…
…and if one’s notoriety is sagging …one can arrange to have it ‘stolen’ …and there you are …notoriety again …and more book sales to the millions of curious ‘scandal’ junkies.
…odd lot we humans are …we’re a world of illusion and gossip.
…now the scandals start up again,
“Miss California Carrie Prejean sex masturbation tape”
…as Jupiter (a lot) gets closer to its conjunct with Neptune (scandal) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled and often with surprising and shocking effects) …but at least no one has been killed or assaulted …yet.
…silly, but good circulation …and as the old saw goes in LaLaland, ‘Any publicity is better than no publicity…’ The honest reality is… most of us silly people will eventually make naughty pictures with our video toys… the problem is that if you don’t erase them after you’ve had fun with them… they have a way of getting ‘found’… especially if you are any sort of public figure…
…and if one’s notoriety is sagging …one can arrange to have it ‘stolen’ …and there you are …notoriety again …and more book sales to the millions of curious ‘scandal’ junkies.
…odd lot we humans are …we’re a world of illusion and gossip.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The tensions build world wide as the exact conjunction nears the exact point the 15th… it is less than one degree and can be considered exact right now… and has been since the first.
“South Korea Fires on North Korean Warship Near Border”
Rhetoric… bluster… saber rattling… missile testing… and now Navy ships fire at each other. I’d call that a bit of escalation.
…and some more severe weather to come… check you kits…
“Rains Hitting Gulf Coast Ahead of Tropical Storm”
Despite all the madness, and weather… it helps to keep a sense of humor… so… to it… the important question of the day,
“Did Neanderthals have sex with modern man?”
…or course they did! …we really do flatter ourselves …today, right now …some ‘evolved’ humanoid somewhere on the planet is having sex with a sheep. Way back when… if we could do Harry Humanoid’s natal horoscope and compare it to Nancy Neanderthal’s natal chart… a synastry chart would tell us the answer for sure.
If his natal Mars was conjunct her natal Venus… it probably didn’t matter to him that she was a little taller, outweighed him, had big feet, and had a thick brow with bushy eyebrows… he found her attractive and she him… and here we are 24,000 years later… whoa, hold on… what about that Garden place 6000 years ago… the guy, the girl, and the serpent?
…whacky transits for football …I get the spread on the two hard ones… and the easy one blows it! …two out of three again …doesn’t count in parleys …pooh, I lose.
“South Korea Fires on North Korean Warship Near Border”
Rhetoric… bluster… saber rattling… missile testing… and now Navy ships fire at each other. I’d call that a bit of escalation.
…and some more severe weather to come… check you kits…
“Rains Hitting Gulf Coast Ahead of Tropical Storm”
Despite all the madness, and weather… it helps to keep a sense of humor… so… to it… the important question of the day,
“Did Neanderthals have sex with modern man?”
…or course they did! …we really do flatter ourselves …today, right now …some ‘evolved’ humanoid somewhere on the planet is having sex with a sheep. Way back when… if we could do Harry Humanoid’s natal horoscope and compare it to Nancy Neanderthal’s natal chart… a synastry chart would tell us the answer for sure.
If his natal Mars was conjunct her natal Venus… it probably didn’t matter to him that she was a little taller, outweighed him, had big feet, and had a thick brow with bushy eyebrows… he found her attractive and she him… and here we are 24,000 years later… whoa, hold on… what about that Garden place 6000 years ago… the guy, the girl, and the serpent?
…whacky transits for football …I get the spread on the two hard ones… and the easy one blows it! …two out of three again …doesn’t count in parleys …pooh, I lose.
Sunday, November 8, 2009

“Ida kills 42 in El Salvador, heads for U.S. Gulf Coast”
The recent Full Moon on the 2nd, and at its extreme declination… a stressful pulling influence… Now the transiting Moon moves into conjunct with Mars (force) and actives the T-square of Mars oppostion Jupiter (a lot) in Aquarius (Air) squared by the Sun and Mercurcy in Scorpio (water) …follow the key words and add up all the stressful aspects in the signs …a lot of stressful wind, water, and force = hurricane.
…whacky transits for football charts as well …but maybe enough to squezze some upsets. I’m going for a $5 three game parley on the spread for Houstan Texans +8½, Chicago Bears to win, and the San Diego Chargers spread +5…
…we shall see.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fourteen killed by a US Army Major… a psychiatrist… allegedly saying “Allahu Akbar..” as he shoots soldiers… in the middle of the country’s largest Army base, Fort Hood, Texas.
The on going details can be found at;
The mundane event chart for November 5, 2009, 1330 hrs, Ft. Hood, Texas has transiting Moon in exact square to Uranus, an erratic emotional ‘flipping out’ type of influence… transiting Mars (violence) in the 6th House (rules armies, navies)… and the Moon in the 4th …rules home, family… home base for two divisions and 65,000 personnel and families.
Most unfortunately… though the suspect is of Palestinian descent, he is a native born citizen born in Virginia… a Muslim… and an obviously deranged… psychiatrist? …all this will simply add fuel to the already paranoid, religious hatred, prejudiced fires of anger and violence… FOX News will have a field day with this for weeks… as the orbit of Mars is gets closer to the orbit of the Earth… and this close proximity will go on for about a year. Anger will be an issue we all have to deal with for awhile.
…and the daily propaganda will do just that… make you angry… One day you’re hearing that the economic recovery is underway… the DJIA is back at 10,000… everything is just peaches… and then you read,
“Jobless Rate Hits 10.2%”
…now we’re into the double digets …and why? The corruption rolls on,
"14 charged with insider trading"
Others can play with the DJIA yo-yo... me, I'm out of it... I'll keep my spare cash in my online bookie account... markets crash... and banks go belly up every Friday... but my bookie is always flush... and will mail me a check any time.
...and despite our folly ...Gaia, Mother Earth has her way of gradually fixing things... re-modeling, re-decorating, making new oceans, continents, mountains, etc.
"Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean"
The dear readers who follow my rambling astrological pontifications may recall past posts in which I have alluded to much bigger forces like Mother Earth responding to these stressful transits with Teutonic plate shifting... which can cause one some inconvenience... depending on where you live and which parts of the Earth move...

…as our egos …national, political, religious debates, wars …and various other forms of madness rages on… Mother Earth may have other plans… and the impoverished Ethiopians may be the new owners of very valuable beach property… and here come the real estate developers… buying up large tracks of the desert… then casinos, night clubs, marinas… banks… malls… IPO stocks will be issued…
…check you kits… it’s getting whacky again…
…1030 AM …now 10:38 AM
…it’s happening all over …faster than I can write and post about it,
“Gunman on loose at Orlando high-rise”
…enough! …I’m not going anywhere today.
The on going details can be found at;
The mundane event chart for November 5, 2009, 1330 hrs, Ft. Hood, Texas has transiting Moon in exact square to Uranus, an erratic emotional ‘flipping out’ type of influence… transiting Mars (violence) in the 6th House (rules armies, navies)… and the Moon in the 4th …rules home, family… home base for two divisions and 65,000 personnel and families.
Most unfortunately… though the suspect is of Palestinian descent, he is a native born citizen born in Virginia… a Muslim… and an obviously deranged… psychiatrist? …all this will simply add fuel to the already paranoid, religious hatred, prejudiced fires of anger and violence… FOX News will have a field day with this for weeks… as the orbit of Mars is gets closer to the orbit of the Earth… and this close proximity will go on for about a year. Anger will be an issue we all have to deal with for awhile.
…and the daily propaganda will do just that… make you angry… One day you’re hearing that the economic recovery is underway… the DJIA is back at 10,000… everything is just peaches… and then you read,
“Jobless Rate Hits 10.2%”
…now we’re into the double digets …and why? The corruption rolls on,
"14 charged with insider trading"
Others can play with the DJIA yo-yo... me, I'm out of it... I'll keep my spare cash in my online bookie account... markets crash... and banks go belly up every Friday... but my bookie is always flush... and will mail me a check any time.
...and despite our folly ...Gaia, Mother Earth has her way of gradually fixing things... re-modeling, re-decorating, making new oceans, continents, mountains, etc.
"Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean"
The dear readers who follow my rambling astrological pontifications may recall past posts in which I have alluded to much bigger forces like Mother Earth responding to these stressful transits with Teutonic plate shifting... which can cause one some inconvenience... depending on where you live and which parts of the Earth move...

…as our egos …national, political, religious debates, wars …and various other forms of madness rages on… Mother Earth may have other plans… and the impoverished Ethiopians may be the new owners of very valuable beach property… and here come the real estate developers… buying up large tracks of the desert… then casinos, night clubs, marinas… banks… malls… IPO stocks will be issued…
…check you kits… it’s getting whacky again…
…1030 AM …now 10:38 AM
…it’s happening all over …faster than I can write and post about it,
“Gunman on loose at Orlando high-rise”
…enough! …I’m not going anywhere today.
As Saturn transits into Libra we have interesting examples of the shifting influence as it ingresses into another sign… the continuing back and forth struggle of the healthcare bill. This past Halloween (humm… what kind of omen is that?) Saturn transited over the cusp of Virgo into the sign of Libra.
Saturn entered the sign of Virgo in September 2007. For the past two years… during the election campaigns and thru the first year of a Democratic President and majority in the Senate and House… healthcare reform has been one of the big three issues and struggles… war, economy, and healthcare. Follow the keywords… Saturn = reform, Healthcare = Virgo, Compassionate movements for the welfare and rights of others = Pisces
Saturn has an orbit cycle of approximately 30 years (29.6)… with a half cycle of 15 (14.8) years. It takes approximately 2 years for Saturn to transit through a sign. Thus, when Saturn transits through Pisces… and then 15 years later through Virgo… healthcare and human welfare and rights issues become prominent for a couple of years… let’s follow past transits and some of the history…
Saturn’s transits through Pisces and Virgo;
Jun 1949 - Sept 1951 Virgo: President Harry Truman pushed for national healthcare and civil rights issues in his “Fair Deal” proposals, which failed to pass.
Mar 1964 - Mar 1967 Pisces: President Lyndon Johnson finally got Medicare and civil rights bills passed.
Nov 1977 - Sept 1980 Virgo: President Jimmy Carter’s healthcare reform efforts fail.
May 1993 – Apr 1996 Pisces: President Bill Clinton’s healthcare reform attempt fails.
Sep 2007 – Oct 2009 Virgo: President Barack Obama… ???
Will meaningful and effective healthcare reform come about? Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo from April 2010 until going back into Libra in July 0f 2010… Ergo, it will appear to fail for awhile and then come back in April 2010 as an issue… for once last chance to get an effective Bill passed or to amend and re-do whatever is passed during this tricky mixed energy cusp transit.
…if not, then maybe 15 more years of the… ‘same ole, same ole…’
This time around war and economic issues may cause real reform to flounder once more… or something of a mess may be passed… only to be another reform issue in 2023-25.
…we shall see…
Saturn entered the sign of Virgo in September 2007. For the past two years… during the election campaigns and thru the first year of a Democratic President and majority in the Senate and House… healthcare reform has been one of the big three issues and struggles… war, economy, and healthcare. Follow the keywords… Saturn = reform, Healthcare = Virgo, Compassionate movements for the welfare and rights of others = Pisces
Saturn has an orbit cycle of approximately 30 years (29.6)… with a half cycle of 15 (14.8) years. It takes approximately 2 years for Saturn to transit through a sign. Thus, when Saturn transits through Pisces… and then 15 years later through Virgo… healthcare and human welfare and rights issues become prominent for a couple of years… let’s follow past transits and some of the history…
Saturn’s transits through Pisces and Virgo;
Jun 1949 - Sept 1951 Virgo: President Harry Truman pushed for national healthcare and civil rights issues in his “Fair Deal” proposals, which failed to pass.
Mar 1964 - Mar 1967 Pisces: President Lyndon Johnson finally got Medicare and civil rights bills passed.
Nov 1977 - Sept 1980 Virgo: President Jimmy Carter’s healthcare reform efforts fail.
May 1993 – Apr 1996 Pisces: President Bill Clinton’s healthcare reform attempt fails.
Sep 2007 – Oct 2009 Virgo: President Barack Obama… ???
Will meaningful and effective healthcare reform come about? Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo from April 2010 until going back into Libra in July 0f 2010… Ergo, it will appear to fail for awhile and then come back in April 2010 as an issue… for once last chance to get an effective Bill passed or to amend and re-do whatever is passed during this tricky mixed energy cusp transit.
…if not, then maybe 15 more years of the… ‘same ole, same ole…’
This time around war and economic issues may cause real reform to flounder once more… or something of a mess may be passed… only to be another reform issue in 2023-25.
…we shall see…
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
“Iranian Opposition Protesters Hijack Government Rally”
Like I’ve said before… I don’t see Iran as that big of a threat… they’re going to have their hands full with their own civil war.
“British MP calls for Afghanistan withdrawal as five UK soldiers are killed”
Local law enforcement have successfully detained would be terrorists… while large armies still flounder in the field…
“Howells argued for a phased pullout of British forces from Helmand and said that money would be better spent on expanding overseas intelligence operations and securing Britain from terrorist attack at home.”
…maybe things will lighten up for awhile,
“Two wild and crazy guys go to the Oscars”
…we do need some laughs …this might be fun to watch …and of course I’ll do some charts and try to predict the winners, just for the fun of it.
…another entertainer could enter politics,
“On Monday night’s show, Colbert announced that the Colbert Nation will be sponsoring the US Speedskating team in the 2010’s Vancouver Winter Olympics.”
…and people are noticing effective and innovative leadership,
"This sponsorship shows breathtaking brilliance on Stephen's part, so much so that I now regard him as Presidential timber and will seriously consider voting for him in 2012," Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports and Olympics, told The TV Column in a statement.”

President Colbert?
We’ve had an actor, Ronald Reagan as a President… actors as State Governors, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura… and mayors, Clint Eastwood… and now Al Frankel as a U.S. Senator… so, yeah…why not a comedian for president?
…and again, a movie has already predicted it with Robins Williams’ brilliant performance in ‘Man of the Hour’… which, just like the movie… would probably lead to another computer scandal…
“Intel charged with antitrust - NY attorney general”
…be it monarchy, communist or capitalist …bribes and kickbacks basically run everything.
Are you ready for the remake of “V” to air soon? …a remake of the 1982 Sci-fi series about the ‘Lizard’ aliens that look human taking over the world? This is the main theme of conspiracy advocate David Icke… and the best way to discredit something is to make a movie about it… thus people confuse fact and fiction… and then forget about it.
Remember Olive Stone’s movie JFK? One fact… the pristine unscratched ‘magic bullet’ that went through President Kennedy, through the car seat, and then through Governor Donnelly… and then lands in the floor of the car to be recovered later… Anyone who has served in the military… or even fired guns on a range into sandbags knows that when a bullet strikes anything… be it a sandbag or human…it distorts. If one fact is covered up… how many others are… and why?
I’m beginning to be convinced that all of life is one big hologram like MOVIE illusion in the mind… and your natal horoscope is the ‘script’ for the part that you’ll play in this MOVIE… which is multi-dimensional and all a ‘free will choice improvisation’…
…if I get fired or laid off …and have the free time …I may start another blog in the future… ‘Cosmosism’ …a ‘new time’ philosophy/religion/world view… what the hey, why not another ‘ism’… things can’t get much worse… or can they?
…we shall see…
“Iranian Opposition Protesters Hijack Government Rally”
Like I’ve said before… I don’t see Iran as that big of a threat… they’re going to have their hands full with their own civil war.
“British MP calls for Afghanistan withdrawal as five UK soldiers are killed”
Local law enforcement have successfully detained would be terrorists… while large armies still flounder in the field…
“Howells argued for a phased pullout of British forces from Helmand and said that money would be better spent on expanding overseas intelligence operations and securing Britain from terrorist attack at home.”
…maybe things will lighten up for awhile,
“Two wild and crazy guys go to the Oscars”
…we do need some laughs …this might be fun to watch …and of course I’ll do some charts and try to predict the winners, just for the fun of it.
…another entertainer could enter politics,
“On Monday night’s show, Colbert announced that the Colbert Nation will be sponsoring the US Speedskating team in the 2010’s Vancouver Winter Olympics.”
…and people are noticing effective and innovative leadership,
"This sponsorship shows breathtaking brilliance on Stephen's part, so much so that I now regard him as Presidential timber and will seriously consider voting for him in 2012," Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports and Olympics, told The TV Column in a statement.”

President Colbert?
We’ve had an actor, Ronald Reagan as a President… actors as State Governors, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura… and mayors, Clint Eastwood… and now Al Frankel as a U.S. Senator… so, yeah…why not a comedian for president?
…and again, a movie has already predicted it with Robins Williams’ brilliant performance in ‘Man of the Hour’… which, just like the movie… would probably lead to another computer scandal…
“Intel charged with antitrust - NY attorney general”
…be it monarchy, communist or capitalist …bribes and kickbacks basically run everything.
Are you ready for the remake of “V” to air soon? …a remake of the 1982 Sci-fi series about the ‘Lizard’ aliens that look human taking over the world? This is the main theme of conspiracy advocate David Icke… and the best way to discredit something is to make a movie about it… thus people confuse fact and fiction… and then forget about it.
Remember Olive Stone’s movie JFK? One fact… the pristine unscratched ‘magic bullet’ that went through President Kennedy, through the car seat, and then through Governor Donnelly… and then lands in the floor of the car to be recovered later… Anyone who has served in the military… or even fired guns on a range into sandbags knows that when a bullet strikes anything… be it a sandbag or human…it distorts. If one fact is covered up… how many others are… and why?
I’m beginning to be convinced that all of life is one big hologram like MOVIE illusion in the mind… and your natal horoscope is the ‘script’ for the part that you’ll play in this MOVIE… which is multi-dimensional and all a ‘free will choice improvisation’…
…if I get fired or laid off …and have the free time …I may start another blog in the future… ‘Cosmosism’ …a ‘new time’ philosophy/religion/world view… what the hey, why not another ‘ism’… things can’t get much worse… or can they?
…we shall see…
Monday, November 2, 2009
Pepper… and Salt

…marvelous! …more and more people are realizing that the Stonehenge was an ancient outdoor astrology calculator… I often refer to as such in my historical articles… they must be reading my column.
…and the famous contemporary astrologer Robert Hand’s joke, the hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet, “Bogus” that rules everything that astrologers can not explain… is perhaps on the verge of being discovered,
“GALAXY PICTURE: Cosmic Ray Mystery Solved?”

…yeah, that must have been the problem this past Sunday …those mysterious cosmic rays must have bombarded Philadelphia …what else could explain the 40-17 beating the NY Giants took from the Philadelphia Eagles?
…and the funny thing about Mercury retrogrades …and the not so funny Jay Leno… Do you recall the post and prediction of September 17, 2009?
“…Rude seems to rule this particular Mercury retrograde cycle… with the additional squares by Pluto to Saturn and Uranus… making things a bit more nasty than usual… and all about ‘ME’ …the egos in this world are really getting a little out of control …and social etiquette is dead… and still boring and not so funny anymore, Jay Leno… is back with high ratings hosting these rude jerks…
Leno’s program has launched during this retrograde cycle… It will interesting to see if it bombs…”
…and sure enough, things launched during retrograde Mercury phases often do not fair well,
“Jay Leno on poor ratings: I would have stayed in later time slot”

…oh, well …maybe TV producers and casting directors could use the services of a good astrologer?
Pepper… and Salt

…marvelous! …more and more people are realizing that the Stonehenge was an ancient outdoor astrology calculator… I often refer to as such in my historical articles… they must be reading my column.
…and the famous contemporary astrologer Robert Hand’s joke, the hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet, “Bogus” that rules everything that astrologers can not explain… is perhaps on the verge of being discovered,
“GALAXY PICTURE: Cosmic Ray Mystery Solved?”

…yeah, that must have been the problem this past Sunday …those mysterious cosmic rays must have bombarded Philadelphia …what else could explain the 40-17 beating the NY Giants took from the Philadelphia Eagles?
…and the funny thing about Mercury retrogrades …and the not so funny Jay Leno… Do you recall the post and prediction of September 17, 2009?
“…Rude seems to rule this particular Mercury retrograde cycle… with the additional squares by Pluto to Saturn and Uranus… making things a bit more nasty than usual… and all about ‘ME’ …the egos in this world are really getting a little out of control …and social etiquette is dead… and still boring and not so funny anymore, Jay Leno… is back with high ratings hosting these rude jerks…
Leno’s program has launched during this retrograde cycle… It will interesting to see if it bombs…”
…and sure enough, things launched during retrograde Mercury phases often do not fair well,
“Jay Leno on poor ratings: I would have stayed in later time slot”

…oh, well …maybe TV producers and casting directors could use the services of a good astrologer?
Transiting Saturn square to Pluto leaves it’s violent and corrupt calling call,
“Suicide bomber kills 35 near Pakistan's capital”
“At Least 8 Killed in Iraq Bombings”

“Afghan Election Officials Declare Karzai Winner”

…the irony …another corrupt puppet that will undoubtedly cause even more strife …and people lost their index fingers and lives voting in a rigged election… and for what? …more lies, hypocrisy, war, and corruption…
…ah, but it’s all good business …and things are just ducky and the markets are up …and so is the speed of the Treasury’s printing press…
“U.S. Stocks Gain as Ford Profit, Economic Data Top Estimates”
…despite all this depressing stuff …there are a few bright spots …like my correct reading of the transits to Brett Favre’s chart yesterday …and with a $4.84 payout …HOOYAH! Minnesota Vikings 38 – Green Bay Packers 26,
“Brett Favre in aftermath of win vs. Packers: 'It's worth it'”
…now if we all could say that things might turn around …what do we commit to? …and with how much determination?

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
“Suicide bomber kills 35 near Pakistan's capital”
“At Least 8 Killed in Iraq Bombings”

“Afghan Election Officials Declare Karzai Winner”

…the irony …another corrupt puppet that will undoubtedly cause even more strife …and people lost their index fingers and lives voting in a rigged election… and for what? …more lies, hypocrisy, war, and corruption…
…ah, but it’s all good business …and things are just ducky and the markets are up …and so is the speed of the Treasury’s printing press…
“U.S. Stocks Gain as Ford Profit, Economic Data Top Estimates”
…despite all this depressing stuff …there are a few bright spots …like my correct reading of the transits to Brett Favre’s chart yesterday …and with a $4.84 payout …HOOYAH! Minnesota Vikings 38 – Green Bay Packers 26,
“Brett Favre in aftermath of win vs. Packers: 'It's worth it'”
…now if we all could say that things might turn around …what do we commit to? …and with how much determination?

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Now transiting Saturn and Pluto square up and add more tensions to a very stressed world of late. The transiting square will be exact around the 15th…another ‘Beware the Ides of…’ month… with transiting Saturn at 1 degree of Libra and Pluto at 1 degree of Capricorn…
Pluto (transformation, with your cooperation or not) in Capricorn (represents the status quo, governments, establishment, regulations, restrictions)… in square (obstacles, challenges)… to Saturn (which rules Capricorn) in Libra (rules negotiations, partners, luxuries)… By following the keywords we can see the probable difficulties coming this month…
Negotiations of treaties, requests for bail, hearings, business dealings will be met with obstacles… perhaps even ruthless (Pluto) response… as authority figures (Capricorn) are challenged… Saturn is limitation thus, what little credit there is may be restricted even more…
Libra is ruled by Venus which represents luxuries, the buying public… holiday shoppers… and with Saturn transiting here… holiday sales may sag significantly as people are forced to cut back on expenses. The market correction (in my opinion) is over due by a month… and this Saturn/Pluto square isn’t a positive transit…
However, market manipulation and corruption being what it is… it’s really difficult to predict what the markets will do. With this on going stress… I would think that the DJIA would begin to correct to the 8-9000 levels… or if the government keeps printing money, maybe it will go up some more …only to come crashing back down later… we shall see…
Also around the Ides of November transiting Venus at 14 degrees of Scorpio and Mars at 14 degrees of Leo will spice things up a bit with another square… there can be sudden hot attractions… but not necessarily harmonious… one or the other may be giving the other cab fare home soon after the fireworks fizzle out…
Squares are always potential flash points for violence… ergo, it will continue and perhaps even escalate as anger and frustration continues to build world wide… Besides nations going to war, and terrorists causing mayhem… we must all watch our tempers… Mars is slowing down and also moving closer to the Earth in its elliptic orbit… and this condition will go on for some months more… so do be aware and try to chill out and not get into fights… Things may get a lot worse in the Middle East this month.
These stressful oppositions and squares may bring some more 6+ earthquakes this month… It is the season and there may be a turn for the worse in the weather with these stressful mid month aspects. The various powers that be have been planning the ‘swine flu’ and their vaccine business for months now… and now these transits will probably help it along.
…and that leads to the other aspect developing …the now 4-5 degree orb separating the approaching conjunct again of Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius (Uranus, media, television)… more messy scandals or details of existing ones will more than likely surface…
While these are difficult times… it’s not the end of the world… nor do I see it ending any time soon… check you kits and be alert…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Pluto (transformation, with your cooperation or not) in Capricorn (represents the status quo, governments, establishment, regulations, restrictions)… in square (obstacles, challenges)… to Saturn (which rules Capricorn) in Libra (rules negotiations, partners, luxuries)… By following the keywords we can see the probable difficulties coming this month…
Negotiations of treaties, requests for bail, hearings, business dealings will be met with obstacles… perhaps even ruthless (Pluto) response… as authority figures (Capricorn) are challenged… Saturn is limitation thus, what little credit there is may be restricted even more…
Libra is ruled by Venus which represents luxuries, the buying public… holiday shoppers… and with Saturn transiting here… holiday sales may sag significantly as people are forced to cut back on expenses. The market correction (in my opinion) is over due by a month… and this Saturn/Pluto square isn’t a positive transit…
However, market manipulation and corruption being what it is… it’s really difficult to predict what the markets will do. With this on going stress… I would think that the DJIA would begin to correct to the 8-9000 levels… or if the government keeps printing money, maybe it will go up some more …only to come crashing back down later… we shall see…
Also around the Ides of November transiting Venus at 14 degrees of Scorpio and Mars at 14 degrees of Leo will spice things up a bit with another square… there can be sudden hot attractions… but not necessarily harmonious… one or the other may be giving the other cab fare home soon after the fireworks fizzle out…
Squares are always potential flash points for violence… ergo, it will continue and perhaps even escalate as anger and frustration continues to build world wide… Besides nations going to war, and terrorists causing mayhem… we must all watch our tempers… Mars is slowing down and also moving closer to the Earth in its elliptic orbit… and this condition will go on for some months more… so do be aware and try to chill out and not get into fights… Things may get a lot worse in the Middle East this month.
These stressful oppositions and squares may bring some more 6+ earthquakes this month… It is the season and there may be a turn for the worse in the weather with these stressful mid month aspects. The various powers that be have been planning the ‘swine flu’ and their vaccine business for months now… and now these transits will probably help it along.
…and that leads to the other aspect developing …the now 4-5 degree orb separating the approaching conjunct again of Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius (Uranus, media, television)… more messy scandals or details of existing ones will more than likely surface…
While these are difficult times… it’s not the end of the world… nor do I see it ending any time soon… check you kits and be alert…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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