Monday, September 7, 2009


…says Phillip Marlowe …one of the archetype characters that reside in my mental universe… Raymond Chandler’s classic private detective character Phillip Marlowe… which I sometimes therapeutically play out… with trench coat and a Fedora hat… as an astrological shamus solving the crimes of the world.

I’ve been looking at how the current troublesome transits line up with the nation’s natal chart based on what is known in the astrology community as the “Sibley chart,” with the DOB being July 4th, 1776, 5:10 PM Philadelphia, PA. There are many theoretical charts with various times… however, late historical events like 9/11 are proving the Sibley version to be rather accurate.

Who’s Sibley? Dr. Ebenezer Sibley was an English Astrologer living and practicing at the time… and his chart is based on information he received later… that the signing of the Declaration of Independence was finished around 5:00 PM.

…why did he add ten minutes? …It probably wasn’t officially announced until Sam Adam’s ale wagon arrived and they opened a couple of kegs… and then they probably celebrated with a summer evening barbeque, music… and some fire works…

Which is still part of the spirit of the U.S.of A. …and it’s still a part that most of us enjoy… say what you will about the political and world mess… go to any hardware store and you’ll find that the USA makes the finest outdoor barbeque grills on the planet!

…whoa… I do get side tracked now and then… and again…

...applying the same individual natal astrology principals to nations gives us an interesting hypothesis… currently transiting Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn is now approaching exact oppositions to the USA natal Venus at 3 degrees of Cancer and Natal Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer…

The conjunct of Venus and Jupiter (luxury and abundance, wasteful if negatively expressed) is in the early degrees of Cancer which both then conjunct by orb allowance to the Sun at 13 degrees of Cancer… and that triplet trines to both Saturn and the Moon… which has given the USA up and down… but over all… prosperity for a couple hundred years now…

This powerful conjunct occurs in the 7th House (significant others, also open enemies)… and the USA has shared its luxuries and wealth development in various ‘mistress’ states (allies who love money) throughout the world for decades now…

….now as Pluto transits into opposition to the USA natal Venus and Jupiter… there will be a separation from excess and luxuries… cut backs in aid money simply because it’s not there anymore… no more war toys… etc… ‘Sugar Daddy’ USA is broke, sweetheart…

…and what do abandoned mistresses do? …they find another ‘Sugar Daddy’ …maybe they’ll cuddle with China …or have a sudden interest in India …or a romance with Russia …and the melodrama of life goes on… as the planets spin…

…so …keep you sense of humor …we’re going to need it …pull up a chair… and have a shot of rye with me and Phil.

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