Saturday, September 19, 2009


“Baucus health insurance plan aimed at priciest policies. But critics see cost for elderly, middle class”

Some critics and pundits have called this new health bill package a, “BJ for insurance companies.”

How are more taxes taken from an over taxed poor and middle class going to fix things? …you can’t tax the jobless and homeless which are growing daily throughout the country… 12.5% here in California and nearing the 14% level of the 1932-33 Depression.

An economy based on the ever increasing production and consumption of throw away crap, entertainment, fast food/garbage, and the expensive treatment of mental and physical illness that all this madness perpetuates… and all financed by ‘Ponzi’ scheme unending credit scams and valueless money printing with no collateral backing it up… will eventually collapse.

It just a question of when. …will the current transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus crack the already feeble foundation to the critical collapsing point …or will it simply slow the ever increasing growth of another valueless bubble …that pops and collapses later, possibly April or July 2010?

…they keep bailing out the ones who make the problems …the banks, the corporate behemoths, the insurance scammers, the ‘Ponzi’ financers… with our taxes! …how does this fix anything?

We’ve tried colonialism, capitalism, communism, fascism… all sorts of ‘isms’ …and a Hodge podge of mythical and manipulative religions that have plagiarized from each other and made stuff up for a couple of millennia …and they’ve all just made a mess of the planet… and are driving everyone crazy.

More and more I see the only real solution… has got to be a reversal of direction… a movement inward to higher consciousness and beyond the outer illusions… created by those who understand the illusion and manipulate it to their whim and personal egotistic gratification… whose wants and desires are endless… and at our cost.

Yes, I have to fix me first… I certainly can not depend on ‘them’ to do it…

…this bill has been written during a retrograde Mercury phase, as was the original bailout package in September-October 2008. Retrograde Mercury phases are not a good time to sign bills and contracts… as we have seen in the results. They will have to be rewritten at a later time when saner minds prevail.

When will that be? …maybe sometime after 2012 …as the survivors of the financial train wreak pick up the pieces of their lives and go on.

In the meantime… small pleasures… and just for the fun and therapy of it… The stronger charts are with the favorites and short money again… so… what the hey… l have put down a $5 win… 3 game parley on the Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, and the Denver Broncos tomorrow…

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