…and my client.
Nicki is another marvelous example of a person who by shear determination over comes and uses the power in the harsh aspects in her natal horoscope …to her advantage …and for the benefit of others.
The main aspect in her natal chart that relates to involvement in the adult entertainment industry is the Venus (arts, beauty, glamour) at 25 degrees of Capricorn (practical, steady, determined) SQUARE to Pluto (sex, erotica, pornography) at 21 degrees of Libra… a very strong aspect… and often this aspect has strong sexual expressions.
Other examples of people with a natal Venus square Pluto aspect would be Larry Flynt …the “King of Porn and Publisher of HUSTLER magazine …Woody Allen, of film and sex scandal fame …all his classic films have strong and humorous sexual themes …Irving Klaw, the pioneer bondage photographer who made Bettie Page famous as the “Pinup and Bondage Queen” of the 1950’s… and the writer of this article… a sex astrologer…
It’s just energy… and it will find an outlet for its expression… we are given the marvelous gift of free will… what do you choose to do with it? …Nicki chose to become involved in the adult film industry as a performer…sort of like a professional sexual athlete …its just another job …and she’s very good at it.
It is a difficult aspect… even with fame and fortune… as it has been in the personal lives of all those that I’ve mentioned… and it also brings about their eventual transformation…
Larry Flynt, crippled at an early age by an assassin’s bullet, dealt with political harassment, lawsuits, prison, etc …and yet continues on …and now has often been a guest lecturer at universities …truly a survivor with incredible determination!
In the aftermath of all the scandal Woody Allen eventually married his former adopted step daughter… they have a child and he claims now that as it has worked out… it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Irving Klaw was forced out of business at it’s peak by government and political persecution… and died a few years later from untreated appendicitis… and Bettie Page went into seclusion.
…and I’ve had my adventures with the aspect as well… to include near death experiences… which eventually led me to the practice of Tantric Sexual Meditation… as a means of using the energy for spiritual awakening… a point to which many of us with the Venus square Pluto natal aspect are eventually led to.
Nicki has courageously met and dealt with her Pluto challenge… in early 2007 at the age of 27… at the peak of her career which was then going into producing and directing… she was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma… a form of cancer that attacks the lymph system.
The harsh transit at the time was transiting Pluto conjunct to her natal Sun (vitality and life force) and Moon… this is a powerful and often threatening transit aspect… an example being when Pluto transited over the natal Sun of the natal chart of the former Soviet Union in 1997… their Communist government collapsed… and a much better Russia is now emerging.
The transit struck Nicki physically… as it often does in some individuals … but she is a survivor… and she takes advantage of another stressful natal aspect, her Sun square Saturn… though often challenged, she is determined. She did recover and is currently the co-hostess with Christy Canyon of Playboy Radio’s Sirius – Xm channel 99… evening call-in program, NIGHT CALLS.
…and the transformation? Her medical bills went into the hundreds of thousands… and the adult entertainment industry pulled together and held fund raisers for her… an example of how often socially ostracized groups pull together in mutual support… they have to… and it is with genuine love and compassion for each other… an example that the politicians of the world should take note of… they might learn something of true value…
She was deeply moved by this… and after her recovery she created the non-profit organization C.A.R.E., a non-profit organization which assists other cancer survivors in the adult entertainment industry.
World, put your hypocrisy aside… if you didn’t watch those adult cable channels and web sites… these people wouldn’t be doing it for you… they’re just entertainers… and often they are very courageous, passionate, and loving people.
…just like the rest of us …it is what it is …in the moment of now.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all.
Biography sources; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicki_Hunter
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