Friday, September 18, 2009


Dear reader… the cosmic writing forces have possessed me of late… thoughts and voices in my madcap mind won’t shut up until I write them down… and there is so much that can be written about… three articles have poured forth from the keystrokes of an astrologer writer possessed… and I can’t make up my mind as to which one to post…

…so… for those dear readers who may enjoy my wiseacrings …here they are …all three …Damn the torpedoes! …ahead full speed!


The clues to approaching financial disaster (transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus) are all around… just jump on your computer internet search engines and scoot around…

Here’s a very enlightening article… that explains why approximately 12% of the world’s cargo and tanker ships are anchored and rusting off the coast of Malaysia,

The only new ships being built are the deliveries for orders placed three years ago (the length of time it takes to build a giant tanker) in the prosperous times…

Due to a lack of credit… there’s no boat loads of goods coming in… stores can’t stock up for Christmas, etc. What they have on the shelf is all they got… first come, first gets, this season… ergo, less consumerism… less profits… more businesses go belly up… more people get laid off…

Now, I ask you, dear reader… where is the recovery that Bernanke is talking about? How’s the job hunting going?

…but wait ...there’s more


“U.S. to Shelve Nuclear-Missile Shield”

You may recall a few posts back… where I was being humorous about “Suger Daddy USA” giving up his ‘mistress states’ because he was broke? …well, sweetheart …it’s no joke …the government people are saying they see Iran’s missles as not that serious of a threat anymore …so, they’re going to shelve the missle shield deal in Poland and the Czech Republic…

…she’s heard better lines than that, Sugar Daddy …you’re broke and she knows it …and we know it …and everybody knows it.

Iran is not a threat and never will be… they’re going to have their hands full with their own rebelious public soon enough.

The corrupt insider and special interests just wanted to make some more defense/war bucks with another contrived war with their ‘kickback’ and ‘everybody’s got a share’ Haliburton construction and Blackwater pals… it’s all corrupt to the core… and if it all crumbles down… well, they brought it upon themselves with their greed and stupidity.

…life will go on …in new ways …maybe as we pick up the pieces many of us will by choice… especially if it’s the only real choice left… choose to pursue simpler and saner lifestyles. Do I really need to impress someone with a $100,000 suit? …or a $900 hair cut? …or an $5000 watch?

People may lose their jobs… but they don’t just go away… they will find something to do… and those in power may not like it… as Uranus (revolt) transits into Aries (ruled by Mars, violence, war, etc) on May 28th 2010…

It doesn’t have to be that way… we could choose to use the energy constructively building solar panels, wind turbines, sea/tide turbines, salt water purification plants, hydroponic farming in abondoned high rise buildings to feed us and the world, and maybe try Nikole Tesla’s ideas for free energy… the technology is there for all… who is keeping it from us?

…history does seem to repeat a lot… we’ll just have to keep trying to do better…


“China's "cancer villages" bear witness to economic boom”

It’s not just the inhuman and irresponsible Chinese government that is to blame. You can also blame our greedy corporations ‘more profit by any means’… who have farmed out your jobs to these nations of cheap slave labor… where there are no safety regulations protecting their environment, or the workers, or the general population… or the world.

…according to the article …460,000 die prematurely in China every year now… that’s more than the total American combat casualties of WWII… The threat of over population may ease as the pollutants create a sterile and early death population… perhaps that’s Mother nature’s way dealing with the problem?

Yes, the world is in danger… as their water table gets more and more polluted the toxins end up in the food… China’s main staple of rice is also contaminated now… and they export mega tons of it all over the planet.

…and again it’s the corrupt minority business people and politicians who enjoy the wealth while poor villagers living along side the polluted rivers die of various cancers… adults in their 30’s-40’s and even children.

You can ban the toxic toys with lead based paint… but it’s harder to ban basic food and water… the obvious solution is to boycott all Chinese products until they clean up their act… and that would probably lead to war as it did when the west boycotted Japan from oil imports during the 1930’s, in an attempt to stem their militarism, which then led to Pearl Harbor and WWII…

The west has had their share of pollution problems and has dealt with them… like the ‘killer fog’ of the coal burning London factory pollution during 1952 …and even a hundred miles or so from where I live in a place called Hinkley, California …that one very brave woman, Erin Brockovich, (portrayed by Julia Roberts in the movie about the scandal) brought an end to with massive lawsuits against the polluters, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company… and forced them to clean it up.

…it’s simply a question of being responsible adults …and not greedy selfish children credit card consumers clutching at every shiny babble they see…

Gaia, mother earth… has her ways of cleaning things up …like earthquakes and sink holes swallowing up polluted areas …massive volcano eruptions that spread rich nutritional ash fertilizer all over the globe… all of which chills things out for a few hundred years… the last time was appropriately called “The Dark Ages” around 546 to 900 something…

…the astrology of it? …let’s check Rex E. Bills’ reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK,

“Pollution = Pluto, Neptune… and Capricorn = …governments, authorities, establishment, business…”

…and Saturn (rules Capricorn) is now opposite Uranus (rules upheaval, revolt, change)

Pluto (destruction and resurrection) now at 1 degree of Capricorn… begins its transit through the sign of Capricorn… that will last until 2024 when it enters the sign of Aquarius…

It reminds me of the classic Stanley Kubrick movie “2001 A Space Odessy” …the opening scenes where an early humanoid discovers the use of an animal femur bone as a weapon… and then two groups… the first ‘us and them’ …have their first little war… over drinking rights… at a water hole.

We may very well see wars over… water. Ironic to the max!… as I can remember in my childhood during the 1950’s… safely playing in the lawn sprinkler water during the summer… and opening my mouth and getting a drink from the spray… and my cousins who lived in the hot muggy city… where friendly firemen would open the curb hydrants… and let the neighborhood kids play in the gushing water and cool off for awhile…

Those were simpler and naïve fun times… Batman was just a comic… and the Bat Plane had a propeller… but then ‘Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe… and me and my pal Jimmy tore up his baseball card… and it’s been a down hill slide of disillusionment ever since…

…okay, enough of my weekly day off rants! ...thank goodness for blogs …and the valuable therapy that they can provide ...and there by, hopefully… harmlessly releasing the current retrograde Mercury energies …and who knows? …maybe even finding solutions …as concerned human beings world wide begin to honestly communicate with each other through the internet.

If you, dear reader …can relate to or agree with any of this …no matter where you live, what race, or nationality you are …you are not my enemy… and I am not your enemy… as we reach out, communicate and spread the word of truth as we experience things around us… we constructively use these energies… and we will begin to change… from within ourselves… where the only true change can begin… Deep within most of us know this truth.

…and as our 16th and wise President Abe Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time… but you can not fool all the people all of the time.”

…and I say, ‘…whew! …maybe it’s time to have some fun …and play with this Sunday’s football game horary astrology charts …and have a bowl of ice cream and cookies.’

...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all...

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