One of my therapeutic drawings from;
World values are in a knot of contradictions and absurdities…
“The "recent events" was a reference to the celebratory reception Abdel Basset al-Megrahi received on his return to Libya last month after being freed by Scottish authorities on compassionate grounds because of his terminal cancer.”
“Manson follower Susan Atkins dies at 61”
Abdel Basset al-Megrahi blew up an Airliner and killed 270 innocent people and is released in an oil deal for compassionate reasons because he is terminally ill… and is greeted at his home in Libya as a celebrity.
The Charles Mansion follower Susan Atkins served 38 years of her life sentence and died today in prison at the age of 61 due to terminal illness… because she killed a Hollywood ‘celebrity’…actress Sharon Tate …and she has no connections to the oil industry.
…and a ‘celebrity’ like OJ Simpson can get acquitted …for the obvious murder of his ex-spouse Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman …then is convicted of wrongful death of both in civil court… and through various scams and deals keeps a lot of his money and continues to live a better life style than most… and finally he goes to prison for armed robbery.
Whether you’re a murderer of one or many… your release seems to depend on who you kill… and/or if it is profitable for business to release you.
…and the recent G-20 meeting world leaders are calling for China to take a bigger role in world economic development?! ..have they seen the pictures of the rust red and green yuck polluted rivers in China that are killing 460,000 Chinese per year now with early cancer deaths of adults in their 30-40’s and children?!
China as a leader? …yeah, right! …lead the planet to an even quicker death following their style of slave labor and dump the waste in the river policies of manufacturing… really great leaders you’re picking, G-20! …and you wonder why a mood of anarchy is developing… even among intelligent educated people?
Astrologically? I see it all as an expression of the energies in ‘mutual reception’ between Uranus and Neptune that has been on going since 2003 when transiting Uranus entered the sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) as Neptune transits through Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)…
…in astrology lingo ‘mutual reception’ means that the sign rulers deposit each other’s ruling planet… thus it is a mixture of both elements that on the negative side can produce extremes.
…simply juggle the keywords of the negative side; Uranus = shocking, explosive, revolutionary, catastrophes, fanatics of religion… Neptune = assassination, deceit, fraud, bizarre, religious fanatics …now stir and mix thoroughly since 2003 …and you’ve got the world mess we’re all living in today.
…on May 28th 2010 Uranus enters the fire sign of Aries… thus putting this explosive and bizarre mix ‘on the grill’ …what insanity will this cook up for the next decade?
It doesn’t have to be that way… it is a matter of free will choice… the positive side of Uranus is ‘inventive’ and the positive side of Neptune is ‘inspiration’
What do we choose to do? …transform the negativity …or do we go bust?
…we shall see…
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