Another predicted violent close of the month… due to the on going pressures of the opposition of transiting Saturn and Uranus and then the week or so of stationary Pluto forming a square by orb to both… with an 7.5M Earthquake in Indonesia… and a Tsunami in Samoa,
“Powerful Earthquake Kills 75 in Indonesia, Traps Thousands”
“Samoa tsunami: at least 100 feared dead on Pacific islands”
And though it’s drifted sideways and brushed at the 10,000 mark… it doesn’t look like the stock market is going much higher… and may be poised for another big drop.
…short post today …I’m working on the October predictions …and it does look like another eventful month, indeed.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
“Polanski faces months behind bars as extradition battle unfolds”
Had he been my client I definitely would have advised him to stay at home in France, where he is protected from extradition, and to send a representative to accept his life time achievement award in Switzerland last week… there are restrictive transits all over his chart! …along with the last of the troublesome Mercury retrograde influence that goes direct today…
…and it was his petitioning for the old charges to be dropped (made during the retrograde Mercury cycle)… that brought the issue back to the authorities’ attention… they read the papers about the award and then called the Swiss police and had him busted…
The first and most noticeable aspect is the transiting Venus (arts, glamour, entertainment) conjunct Neptune (film, scandal) in the 11th House (social, society)… and transiting Saturn (restrictions, confinement) conjunct Jupiter in the 12th (self undoing, prison, secrets, hidden enemies)… the theme repeats as now transiting retrograde Jupiter approaches a conjunct with his natal Saturn in the 4th House (final outcome of the matter)…
…and the final stages of his latest film are now halted as he sits in a Swiss jail (transiting Sun in the 12th House) fighting extradition to the United States on an arrest warrant from 1978 after fleeing the country to avoid prosecution for unlawful sex with a minor…
…and again… as with Mackenzie Phillips… an entertainment world scandal involving taboo sex… and again the ongoing Uranus Neptune mutual reception influence is there… as Neptune = entertainment, scandal, and Uranus = shocking, revelations…
…and transiting Mars (fighting, challenge, struggle) approaches a conjunct with the Mid Heaven… also conjunct to his Moon/Pluto Conjunct at the MC (his public fame indicator)… reflecting the nasty legal battles and publicity to come…
…and the media scandal melodrama goes on… as the planets spin…
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Astrid Thoenig - AP Photo
“NJ woman celebrates 100th birthday – at work”
Instead of dwelling on the predicted storms and violence that are so easy to find these days… let’s follow the miracles for awhile longer…
Not only did the Lions win Sunday… but last week Astrid Thoenig celebrated her 100th birthday! …and she’s still working! Let’s all wish her a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …and of course let’s look at her chart …it takes a story about age to get reporters to report the date of birth.
I bet she can remember the days when DOB’s were a standard part of journalism that stated in the first paragraph, …who, what, when, where, and why. …so… let’s do a basic Noon chart (no time available yet)… for a lovely Libra lady born September 24th 1909 in Parsippany NJ…
Those with a ‘Grand Square’ and ‘T-bars’ in their chart… take heart because Astrid has survived them all… and is still around. The strength to balance these squares is the Sun conjunct Jupiter = strong life force, and in trine to Moon in Saturn ruled Capricorn = disciplined emotions …and she has certainly made the efforts to use these supportive trines (effort is what makes them work) to meet her challenges…
…as a survivour of the 1918 flu that took her father and a sister… the death of two husbands… Being that she’s not my client, I won’t go any further into the personal details of her life that can clearly be seen in the chart.
…the real secret? …in her own words,
“It’s another day – it’s hard to explain… I don’t feel old, and I don’t think old.”
Maybe it’s all just a state of mind? Let’s take the example from this marvelous person who has survived the Flu epidemic of 1918-19, two World Wars, the Great Depression, various other wars, viruses, storms, and all the financial booms and busts over the past century.
She has seen a lot of politicians and celebrities come and go… and has been typing since the iron Underword manual typewriters to the modern soft touch computer keyboard… witnessed the propeller driven biplanes evolve into the Space Shuttle Ships…
…and I occasionally boast of remembering when the Bat Plane had a propeller… she could be the sweet Grandmother that bought me the Batman comic! With the liberal attitude, ‘well, it does encourage his reading… and art appreciation’… Love and hugs from all of us, Astrid! …you go, Girl!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Any Soothsayer worth a sooth… has got to know how to read omens and signs. We had a great one Saturday in that incredible video of the Lioness adopting an Antelope calf… and a Cat playing with a Crow… along with an Orangutan and a Dog and a Hippo with a Giant Tortoise that aired on ABC the day before the Sunday games…
The cats and the crow were the benevolent and auspicious signs. I only caught the Lion part of it… and just bet the Detroit Lions… at the 6½+ spread …and HOOYAH! ...they finally won! …$4.84
But the Oracle was indeed deeper… and yes, it is always easier to see it after the fact. The key signs were the Cats and the Crow.
Take note… all the Cat teams won…
Detroit Lions 19 – Washington Redskins 14
Jacksonville Jaguars 31 – Houston Texans 24
Cincinnati Bangels 23 – Pittsburgh Steelers 20 !?!?
…and all three Cat teams were the underdogs (..hum ..or would it be undercats?)
…and the Crow? …a bit more subtle, but there nonetheless …the Crow or large black bird, ergo… the favorite…
Baltimore Ravens 34 – Cleveland Browns 3
What about the Orangutan and the Dog… and the Hippo and the Giant Tortoise? If there were teams like the Atlanta Antelopes, Orlando Orangutans, Dallas Dogs, Harrisburg Hippos, and the Tulsa Tortoises… that woulda been one heck of a parley payoff!
…the most illogical …thus standing out as the Oracle …were the Cats with the Antelope and the Crow… so simple to see after the fact …wow, three underdogs with a favorite four game parley …that would have been a nice payoff! …oh, well …shoulda, coulda, woulda
Coincidence? …no, sweetheart …cosmic synchronicity!
…may you all have a miracle …and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
The cats and the crow were the benevolent and auspicious signs. I only caught the Lion part of it… and just bet the Detroit Lions… at the 6½+ spread …and HOOYAH! ...they finally won! …$4.84
But the Oracle was indeed deeper… and yes, it is always easier to see it after the fact. The key signs were the Cats and the Crow.
Take note… all the Cat teams won…
Detroit Lions 19 – Washington Redskins 14
Jacksonville Jaguars 31 – Houston Texans 24
Cincinnati Bangels 23 – Pittsburgh Steelers 20 !?!?
…and all three Cat teams were the underdogs (..hum ..or would it be undercats?)
…and the Crow? …a bit more subtle, but there nonetheless …the Crow or large black bird, ergo… the favorite…
Baltimore Ravens 34 – Cleveland Browns 3
What about the Orangutan and the Dog… and the Hippo and the Giant Tortoise? If there were teams like the Atlanta Antelopes, Orlando Orangutans, Dallas Dogs, Harrisburg Hippos, and the Tulsa Tortoises… that woulda been one heck of a parley payoff!
…the most illogical …thus standing out as the Oracle …were the Cats with the Antelope and the Crow… so simple to see after the fact …wow, three underdogs with a favorite four game parley …that would have been a nice payoff! …oh, well …shoulda, coulda, woulda
Coincidence? …no, sweetheart …cosmic synchronicity!
…may you all have a miracle …and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A most amazing video from ABC News;
A Lioness adopts an Antelope calf, an Orangutan and a Hound Dog are playful friends, a Crow and a Cat play together, and a Hippopotamus and a Giant Tortoise snuggle…
…while we humans …who egotistically claim to be the most evolved and intelligent specie on the planet… continues to rob and blow each other to pieces over religious and political views… for greed… and for various other insane reasons…
Astrologically? Honestly, I’m just guessing at this point …maybe it is a positive expression of the current mutual reception between Uranus (deposited in Pisces rule by Neptune) and Neptune (deposited in Aquarius ruled by Uranus)…
Uranus = unusual, and Neptune = compassion...
…if animals can choose not to harm each other why can’t we?
…maybe something HIGHER is trying to tell us something? Now if we can just stop… get quiet and watch and listen… miracles are all around us all the time… we just don’t notice… as our egos get in the way with their various and endless ‘wants and desires.’
Okay… just for the fun and maybe miracle of it… since the charts are once again a mixed up muddle that can flip either way… let’s see if the Detroit Lions can beat the Washington Redskins this Sunday… or get within the 6½+ point spread… I’ll bet a fiver on the spread and the miracle!
A Lioness adopts an Antelope calf, an Orangutan and a Hound Dog are playful friends, a Crow and a Cat play together, and a Hippopotamus and a Giant Tortoise snuggle…
…while we humans …who egotistically claim to be the most evolved and intelligent specie on the planet… continues to rob and blow each other to pieces over religious and political views… for greed… and for various other insane reasons…
Astrologically? Honestly, I’m just guessing at this point …maybe it is a positive expression of the current mutual reception between Uranus (deposited in Pisces rule by Neptune) and Neptune (deposited in Aquarius ruled by Uranus)…
Uranus = unusual, and Neptune = compassion...
…if animals can choose not to harm each other why can’t we?
…maybe something HIGHER is trying to tell us something? Now if we can just stop… get quiet and watch and listen… miracles are all around us all the time… we just don’t notice… as our egos get in the way with their various and endless ‘wants and desires.’
Okay… just for the fun and maybe miracle of it… since the charts are once again a mixed up muddle that can flip either way… let’s see if the Detroit Lions can beat the Washington Redskins this Sunday… or get within the 6½+ point spread… I’ll bet a fiver on the spread and the miracle!
Friday, September 25, 2009

One of my therapeutic drawings from;
World values are in a knot of contradictions and absurdities…
“The "recent events" was a reference to the celebratory reception Abdel Basset al-Megrahi received on his return to Libya last month after being freed by Scottish authorities on compassionate grounds because of his terminal cancer.”,0,4942953.story
“Manson follower Susan Atkins dies at 61”
Abdel Basset al-Megrahi blew up an Airliner and killed 270 innocent people and is released in an oil deal for compassionate reasons because he is terminally ill… and is greeted at his home in Libya as a celebrity.
The Charles Mansion follower Susan Atkins served 38 years of her life sentence and died today in prison at the age of 61 due to terminal illness… because she killed a Hollywood ‘celebrity’…actress Sharon Tate …and she has no connections to the oil industry.
…and a ‘celebrity’ like OJ Simpson can get acquitted …for the obvious murder of his ex-spouse Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman …then is convicted of wrongful death of both in civil court… and through various scams and deals keeps a lot of his money and continues to live a better life style than most… and finally he goes to prison for armed robbery.
Whether you’re a murderer of one or many… your release seems to depend on who you kill… and/or if it is profitable for business to release you.
…and the recent G-20 meeting world leaders are calling for China to take a bigger role in world economic development?! ..have they seen the pictures of the rust red and green yuck polluted rivers in China that are killing 460,000 Chinese per year now with early cancer deaths of adults in their 30-40’s and children?!
China as a leader? …yeah, right! …lead the planet to an even quicker death following their style of slave labor and dump the waste in the river policies of manufacturing… really great leaders you’re picking, G-20! …and you wonder why a mood of anarchy is developing… even among intelligent educated people?
Astrologically? I see it all as an expression of the energies in ‘mutual reception’ between Uranus and Neptune that has been on going since 2003 when transiting Uranus entered the sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) as Neptune transits through Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)…
…in astrology lingo ‘mutual reception’ means that the sign rulers deposit each other’s ruling planet… thus it is a mixture of both elements that on the negative side can produce extremes.
…simply juggle the keywords of the negative side; Uranus = shocking, explosive, revolutionary, catastrophes, fanatics of religion… Neptune = assassination, deceit, fraud, bizarre, religious fanatics …now stir and mix thoroughly since 2003 …and you’ve got the world mess we’re all living in today.
…on May 28th 2010 Uranus enters the fire sign of Aries… thus putting this explosive and bizarre mix ‘on the grill’ …what insanity will this cook up for the next decade?
It doesn’t have to be that way… it is a matter of free will choice… the positive side of Uranus is ‘inventive’ and the positive side of Neptune is ‘inspiration’
What do we choose to do? …transform the negativity …or do we go bust?
…we shall see…
Are these protesters at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh the first sparks of revolution? …with transiting Uranus (rebellion) approaching its ingress (astrology lingo for entry) into the sign of Mars (anger, war) ruled Aries… that’s right around the corner on May 28th 2010 …just nine months away …the gestation and birth of massive revolts… whose seeds were spawned today?
With chants of, "Ain't no power like the power of the people, 'cause the power of the people don't stop." …and, "No borders, no banks," …and, many of the protesters were wearing the circled ‘A’ symbol of anarchy. All are rather chilling omens that my prognostications of very possible revolutions may come to pass.
These current protests are an expression of the current opposition of transiting Saturn (governments, establishment) and Uranus (revolt, anarchy)… This opposition will begin to separate for awhile… but then it reforms again in April-May of 2010… as Mars enters Aries… that’s when it may get really violent.
It doesn’t have to be that way… it’s a matter of choice. Mahatma Gandhi urged his people to work their home spinning wheels and to weave their own clothes rather than buy their own cotton back as high priced English fabrics imported to them… and instead of buying salt from the English run salt mines… simply march to the sea shore in mass and pick it up for free… a movement of simple and peaceful none cooperation.
During the last century India was the first former colony to gain its independence… and gradually the English empire… and other European colony empires that once dominated a big part of the world… simply unraveled.
…or are these revolts secretly organized and led by agent provocateurs (Pluto and Neptune) to provide the excuse for more draconian ‘Chaney’ style government clamp downs on it’s people’s freedoms? …which would be a Pluto in square to Saturn expression.
…we are living in interest times indeed...
Are these protesters at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh the first sparks of revolution? …with transiting Uranus (rebellion) approaching its ingress (astrology lingo for entry) into the sign of Mars (anger, war) ruled Aries… that’s right around the corner on May 28th 2010 …just nine months away …the gestation and birth of massive revolts… whose seeds were spawned today?
With chants of, "Ain't no power like the power of the people, 'cause the power of the people don't stop." …and, "No borders, no banks," …and, many of the protesters were wearing the circled ‘A’ symbol of anarchy. All are rather chilling omens that my prognostications of very possible revolutions may come to pass.
These current protests are an expression of the current opposition of transiting Saturn (governments, establishment) and Uranus (revolt, anarchy)… This opposition will begin to separate for awhile… but then it reforms again in April-May of 2010… as Mars enters Aries… that’s when it may get really violent.
It doesn’t have to be that way… it’s a matter of choice. Mahatma Gandhi urged his people to work their home spinning wheels and to weave their own clothes rather than buy their own cotton back as high priced English fabrics imported to them… and instead of buying salt from the English run salt mines… simply march to the sea shore in mass and pick it up for free… a movement of simple and peaceful none cooperation.
During the last century India was the first former colony to gain its independence… and gradually the English empire… and other European colony empires that once dominated a big part of the world… simply unraveled.
…or are these revolts secretly organized and led by agent provocateurs (Pluto and Neptune) to provide the excuse for more draconian ‘Chaney’ style government clamp downs on it’s people’s freedoms? …which would be a Pluto in square to Saturn expression.
…we are living in interest times indeed...
Thursday, September 24, 2009

click chart for detail view - chart source:
“Mackenzie Phillips says she had sex with her dad”
During the past few months of daily scandal pushed forth by the transiting conjunct of Jupiter and Neptune there has also been sandwiched in between them the planetoid Chiron which represents where we are wounded… and also healed.
…they are still in conjunct aspect at 24 and 21 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, sometimes shocking influence) …and MacKenzie Phillips is in the scandal limelight again…
At first glance at all the squares and no aspect of Venus to Neptune… you wonder what made this person so noteworthy in the entertainment world of Hollywood… other than being just another rich child of famous entertainment people… thus having easy entry into employment as an entertainer… often they use their parent’s agents and connections… who are sometimes also close friends of the family… they all make money off each other… real talent has very little to do with it… as we see in their performances…
MacKenzie is known for her role in the 1970’s TV series “One Day At A Time” …portraying a troubled and rebellious teenager …no acting necessary, because that’s exactly what she was! …you might say the series was an early version of ‘Reality TV.’
…and then she quit …and went on with her rebellious and troubled life …and now she’s back and famous again as she appears on what has become the ‘Mother Oprah True Confessions,’ public forum for troubled celebrities… why?
…now for the second glance, after I put my glasses on and squint through my one good eye… Hello, there it is… at her birth the Moon is at 0 degrees of Aries! …since the days of William Lilly (17th Century astrologer) the 0 point of Aries is defined as the starting and important power point of the Zodiac… and the common astrology definition for a person with natal Moon at 0 degrees of Aries = …”will come into public prominence” …for good or ill… and she has done just that!
The public prominence of being a TV star… the public fall from grace as she rebelled and somehow lived through her drug problems… and now she publicly confesses a very troubled childhood with family abuse of drugs and sex… and now is trying to rehabilitate and turn her life around.
Yes, it’s all there… the triplet conjunct of Neptune (drugs) Mars (anger, abuse) Sun (a father influence) in Scorpio (sex, taboo, secrets) and in the 4th House… which represents the home environment. …And Chiron? …the wounding and the healing, in the 8th House… rules sex.
Now check the transits (the planets on the outer ring of the chart) the triple transiting conjunct of Jupiter, Chiron (wounding/healing) and Neptune (scandal, drugs) has been transiting over her natal Chiron at 21 degrees of Aquarius… all summer long… she’s given this a lot of thought and it’s no publicity stunt.
…again, the transformation …often experienced by those with stressful natal Pluto placements (also her ruling planet, as a Scorpio). In her own words, “It’s time to put a face on this problem”
That we must honor and respect… she is a human being like the rest of us… has made her share of mistakes and worked through a difficult life and karma… and now publicly becomes part of the solution… by simply speaking the truth.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The current opposition tension between transiting Saturn and Uranus is beginning to shake, stir, and dirty up things up again,
…another 6.0 earthquake in the Macquarie Island region.
…and Australia is getting buried in dust storms,
…and flooding
“Georgia flooding takes at least 6 lives; more rain falling”
…and even though the orb is now a wide 7 degrees between Jupiter and Neptune… we’re still seeing fraud and drug scandals,
“U.S. charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud”
“Anna Nicole prescription was "pharmaceutical suicide"
Elvis, Anna Nicole, and Michael… it’s getting rather obvious this country needs some health care reform of the “Dr. Feel Goods.”
It will be interesting to see how the hyped recovery and markets get past this one,
"Option" mortgages to explode, officials warn”
…we shall see…
…another 6.0 earthquake in the Macquarie Island region.
…and Australia is getting buried in dust storms,
…and flooding
“Georgia flooding takes at least 6 lives; more rain falling”
…and even though the orb is now a wide 7 degrees between Jupiter and Neptune… we’re still seeing fraud and drug scandals,
“U.S. charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud”
“Anna Nicole prescription was "pharmaceutical suicide"
Elvis, Anna Nicole, and Michael… it’s getting rather obvious this country needs some health care reform of the “Dr. Feel Goods.”
It will be interesting to see how the hyped recovery and markets get past this one,
"Option" mortgages to explode, officials warn”
…we shall see…
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Now mandatory vaccines? …and what’s the over all side effect of some of these drugs in the long term? …like maybe brain diseases going up after decades of over vaccinating? (Jupiter = a lot, maybe too much) conjunct (still in orb) Neptune = medicine, drugs. Is there a connection here? Are the pharmaceutical industry drug pushers behind this? …sorry, I still don’t believe the pig started this flu.
I also suspect brain corrosion may be caused by too much commercial television… it’s an extremely passive experience… not much brain activity, just emotional reactions to the hypnotic influence that is called entertainment… If one doesn’t exercise the brain it atrophies like any other muscle.
It’s not all bad… as silly as it is… trying to pick the right suitcase that will win the contestant a lot of money is a good exercise for one’s intuition… and at least quiz programs engage the brain as you try and think of the correct answers along with the guest contestants on the show… The cable and PBS documentaries and nature programs make you think… and you learn things.
…USGS counts 18 earthquakes worldwide in the 5.0 to 5.9 range and two at 6.1 and 6.2M since the 16th …the Saturn opposition to Uranus transit is causing some stress… and the DJIA average dipped 41 points today… watch that next step…
…we shall see…
Now mandatory vaccines? …and what’s the over all side effect of some of these drugs in the long term? …like maybe brain diseases going up after decades of over vaccinating? (Jupiter = a lot, maybe too much) conjunct (still in orb) Neptune = medicine, drugs. Is there a connection here? Are the pharmaceutical industry drug pushers behind this? …sorry, I still don’t believe the pig started this flu.
I also suspect brain corrosion may be caused by too much commercial television… it’s an extremely passive experience… not much brain activity, just emotional reactions to the hypnotic influence that is called entertainment… If one doesn’t exercise the brain it atrophies like any other muscle.
It’s not all bad… as silly as it is… trying to pick the right suitcase that will win the contestant a lot of money is a good exercise for one’s intuition… and at least quiz programs engage the brain as you try and think of the correct answers along with the guest contestants on the show… The cable and PBS documentaries and nature programs make you think… and you learn things.
…USGS counts 18 earthquakes worldwide in the 5.0 to 5.9 range and two at 6.1 and 6.2M since the 16th …the Saturn opposition to Uranus transit is causing some stress… and the DJIA average dipped 41 points today… watch that next step…
…we shall see…
Monday, September 21, 2009
“Volunteers remove 150 tons of trash from L.A. County coast”
…and there are thousands of others …in 127 other countries joining the movement. A fantastic positive use of the current retrograde Mercury energy… Re-fuse, RE-move, Re-cycling… all a positive use of the energy …by a conscious free will choice!
The most impressive part of it all… It is not a GOVERNMENT program! …these are simply ordinary people like you and me …simply taking responsibility and doing something about it!
Politicians of both parties take note! …many of you are obsolete! …and some are outright trash …these people that are cleaning up things by there own choice and initiative may be the new ‘3rd Party’ that finally makes you corrupt bunglers… an extinct specie in the government environment!
You forget… the people are the real power… who can both RE-elect and RE-call… maybe even RE-volt… ergo, the people are the ones who should be your “special interests,” group …and not the ones who are robbing them with your help.
…alright!…enough ranting…
…it does make one feel better to know that there are good moments and a lot of good people still around… they just don’t make a lot of noise about it… they just do it.
…and the games? Green Bay didn’t quite do it… so… I got two out of three… but that doesn’t count with parleys… pooh I lost.
“Volunteers remove 150 tons of trash from L.A. County coast”
…and there are thousands of others …in 127 other countries joining the movement. A fantastic positive use of the current retrograde Mercury energy… Re-fuse, RE-move, Re-cycling… all a positive use of the energy …by a conscious free will choice!
The most impressive part of it all… It is not a GOVERNMENT program! …these are simply ordinary people like you and me …simply taking responsibility and doing something about it!
Politicians of both parties take note! …many of you are obsolete! …and some are outright trash …these people that are cleaning up things by there own choice and initiative may be the new ‘3rd Party’ that finally makes you corrupt bunglers… an extinct specie in the government environment!
You forget… the people are the real power… who can both RE-elect and RE-call… maybe even RE-volt… ergo, the people are the ones who should be your “special interests,” group …and not the ones who are robbing them with your help.
…alright!…enough ranting…
…it does make one feel better to know that there are good moments and a lot of good people still around… they just don’t make a lot of noise about it… they just do it.
…and the games? Green Bay didn’t quite do it… so… I got two out of three… but that doesn’t count with parleys… pooh I lost.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
“Baucus health insurance plan aimed at priciest policies. But critics see cost for elderly, middle class”
Some critics and pundits have called this new health bill package a, “BJ for insurance companies.”
How are more taxes taken from an over taxed poor and middle class going to fix things? …you can’t tax the jobless and homeless which are growing daily throughout the country… 12.5% here in California and nearing the 14% level of the 1932-33 Depression.
An economy based on the ever increasing production and consumption of throw away crap, entertainment, fast food/garbage, and the expensive treatment of mental and physical illness that all this madness perpetuates… and all financed by ‘Ponzi’ scheme unending credit scams and valueless money printing with no collateral backing it up… will eventually collapse.
It just a question of when. …will the current transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus crack the already feeble foundation to the critical collapsing point …or will it simply slow the ever increasing growth of another valueless bubble …that pops and collapses later, possibly April or July 2010?
…they keep bailing out the ones who make the problems …the banks, the corporate behemoths, the insurance scammers, the ‘Ponzi’ financers… with our taxes! …how does this fix anything?
We’ve tried colonialism, capitalism, communism, fascism… all sorts of ‘isms’ …and a Hodge podge of mythical and manipulative religions that have plagiarized from each other and made stuff up for a couple of millennia …and they’ve all just made a mess of the planet… and are driving everyone crazy.
More and more I see the only real solution… has got to be a reversal of direction… a movement inward to higher consciousness and beyond the outer illusions… created by those who understand the illusion and manipulate it to their whim and personal egotistic gratification… whose wants and desires are endless… and at our cost.
Yes, I have to fix me first… I certainly can not depend on ‘them’ to do it…
…this bill has been written during a retrograde Mercury phase, as was the original bailout package in September-October 2008. Retrograde Mercury phases are not a good time to sign bills and contracts… as we have seen in the results. They will have to be rewritten at a later time when saner minds prevail.
When will that be? …maybe sometime after 2012 …as the survivors of the financial train wreak pick up the pieces of their lives and go on.
In the meantime… small pleasures… and just for the fun and therapy of it… The stronger charts are with the favorites and short money again… so… what the hey… l have put down a $5 win… 3 game parley on the Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, and the Denver Broncos tomorrow…
“Baucus health insurance plan aimed at priciest policies. But critics see cost for elderly, middle class”
Some critics and pundits have called this new health bill package a, “BJ for insurance companies.”
How are more taxes taken from an over taxed poor and middle class going to fix things? …you can’t tax the jobless and homeless which are growing daily throughout the country… 12.5% here in California and nearing the 14% level of the 1932-33 Depression.
An economy based on the ever increasing production and consumption of throw away crap, entertainment, fast food/garbage, and the expensive treatment of mental and physical illness that all this madness perpetuates… and all financed by ‘Ponzi’ scheme unending credit scams and valueless money printing with no collateral backing it up… will eventually collapse.
It just a question of when. …will the current transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus crack the already feeble foundation to the critical collapsing point …or will it simply slow the ever increasing growth of another valueless bubble …that pops and collapses later, possibly April or July 2010?
…they keep bailing out the ones who make the problems …the banks, the corporate behemoths, the insurance scammers, the ‘Ponzi’ financers… with our taxes! …how does this fix anything?
We’ve tried colonialism, capitalism, communism, fascism… all sorts of ‘isms’ …and a Hodge podge of mythical and manipulative religions that have plagiarized from each other and made stuff up for a couple of millennia …and they’ve all just made a mess of the planet… and are driving everyone crazy.
More and more I see the only real solution… has got to be a reversal of direction… a movement inward to higher consciousness and beyond the outer illusions… created by those who understand the illusion and manipulate it to their whim and personal egotistic gratification… whose wants and desires are endless… and at our cost.
Yes, I have to fix me first… I certainly can not depend on ‘them’ to do it…
…this bill has been written during a retrograde Mercury phase, as was the original bailout package in September-October 2008. Retrograde Mercury phases are not a good time to sign bills and contracts… as we have seen in the results. They will have to be rewritten at a later time when saner minds prevail.
When will that be? …maybe sometime after 2012 …as the survivors of the financial train wreak pick up the pieces of their lives and go on.
In the meantime… small pleasures… and just for the fun and therapy of it… The stronger charts are with the favorites and short money again… so… what the hey… l have put down a $5 win… 3 game parley on the Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, and the Denver Broncos tomorrow…
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dear reader… the cosmic writing forces have possessed me of late… thoughts and voices in my madcap mind won’t shut up until I write them down… and there is so much that can be written about… three articles have poured forth from the keystrokes of an astrologer writer possessed… and I can’t make up my mind as to which one to post…
…so… for those dear readers who may enjoy my wiseacrings …here they are …all three …Damn the torpedoes! …ahead full speed!
The clues to approaching financial disaster (transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus) are all around… just jump on your computer internet search engines and scoot around…
Here’s a very enlightening article… that explains why approximately 12% of the world’s cargo and tanker ships are anchored and rusting off the coast of Malaysia,
The only new ships being built are the deliveries for orders placed three years ago (the length of time it takes to build a giant tanker) in the prosperous times…
Due to a lack of credit… there’s no boat loads of goods coming in… stores can’t stock up for Christmas, etc. What they have on the shelf is all they got… first come, first gets, this season… ergo, less consumerism… less profits… more businesses go belly up… more people get laid off…
Now, I ask you, dear reader… where is the recovery that Bernanke is talking about? How’s the job hunting going?
…but wait ...there’s more
“U.S. to Shelve Nuclear-Missile Shield”
You may recall a few posts back… where I was being humorous about “Suger Daddy USA” giving up his ‘mistress states’ because he was broke? …well, sweetheart …it’s no joke …the government people are saying they see Iran’s missles as not that serious of a threat anymore …so, they’re going to shelve the missle shield deal in Poland and the Czech Republic…
…she’s heard better lines than that, Sugar Daddy …you’re broke and she knows it …and we know it …and everybody knows it.
Iran is not a threat and never will be… they’re going to have their hands full with their own rebelious public soon enough.
The corrupt insider and special interests just wanted to make some more defense/war bucks with another contrived war with their ‘kickback’ and ‘everybody’s got a share’ Haliburton construction and Blackwater pals… it’s all corrupt to the core… and if it all crumbles down… well, they brought it upon themselves with their greed and stupidity.
…life will go on …in new ways …maybe as we pick up the pieces many of us will by choice… especially if it’s the only real choice left… choose to pursue simpler and saner lifestyles. Do I really need to impress someone with a $100,000 suit? …or a $900 hair cut? …or an $5000 watch?
People may lose their jobs… but they don’t just go away… they will find something to do… and those in power may not like it… as Uranus (revolt) transits into Aries (ruled by Mars, violence, war, etc) on May 28th 2010…
It doesn’t have to be that way… we could choose to use the energy constructively building solar panels, wind turbines, sea/tide turbines, salt water purification plants, hydroponic farming in abondoned high rise buildings to feed us and the world, and maybe try Nikole Tesla’s ideas for free energy… the technology is there for all… who is keeping it from us?
…history does seem to repeat a lot… we’ll just have to keep trying to do better…
“China's "cancer villages" bear witness to economic boom”
It’s not just the inhuman and irresponsible Chinese government that is to blame. You can also blame our greedy corporations ‘more profit by any means’… who have farmed out your jobs to these nations of cheap slave labor… where there are no safety regulations protecting their environment, or the workers, or the general population… or the world.
…according to the article …460,000 die prematurely in China every year now… that’s more than the total American combat casualties of WWII… The threat of over population may ease as the pollutants create a sterile and early death population… perhaps that’s Mother nature’s way dealing with the problem?
Yes, the world is in danger… as their water table gets more and more polluted the toxins end up in the food… China’s main staple of rice is also contaminated now… and they export mega tons of it all over the planet.
…and again it’s the corrupt minority business people and politicians who enjoy the wealth while poor villagers living along side the polluted rivers die of various cancers… adults in their 30’s-40’s and even children.
You can ban the toxic toys with lead based paint… but it’s harder to ban basic food and water… the obvious solution is to boycott all Chinese products until they clean up their act… and that would probably lead to war as it did when the west boycotted Japan from oil imports during the 1930’s, in an attempt to stem their militarism, which then led to Pearl Harbor and WWII…
The west has had their share of pollution problems and has dealt with them… like the ‘killer fog’ of the coal burning London factory pollution during 1952 …and even a hundred miles or so from where I live in a place called Hinkley, California …that one very brave woman, Erin Brockovich, (portrayed by Julia Roberts in the movie about the scandal) brought an end to with massive lawsuits against the polluters, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company… and forced them to clean it up.
…it’s simply a question of being responsible adults …and not greedy selfish children credit card consumers clutching at every shiny babble they see…
Gaia, mother earth… has her ways of cleaning things up …like earthquakes and sink holes swallowing up polluted areas …massive volcano eruptions that spread rich nutritional ash fertilizer all over the globe… all of which chills things out for a few hundred years… the last time was appropriately called “The Dark Ages” around 546 to 900 something…
…the astrology of it? …let’s check Rex E. Bills’ reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK,
“Pollution = Pluto, Neptune… and Capricorn = …governments, authorities, establishment, business…”
…and Saturn (rules Capricorn) is now opposite Uranus (rules upheaval, revolt, change)
Pluto (destruction and resurrection) now at 1 degree of Capricorn… begins its transit through the sign of Capricorn… that will last until 2024 when it enters the sign of Aquarius…
It reminds me of the classic Stanley Kubrick movie “2001 A Space Odessy” …the opening scenes where an early humanoid discovers the use of an animal femur bone as a weapon… and then two groups… the first ‘us and them’ …have their first little war… over drinking rights… at a water hole.
We may very well see wars over… water. Ironic to the max!… as I can remember in my childhood during the 1950’s… safely playing in the lawn sprinkler water during the summer… and opening my mouth and getting a drink from the spray… and my cousins who lived in the hot muggy city… where friendly firemen would open the curb hydrants… and let the neighborhood kids play in the gushing water and cool off for awhile…
Those were simpler and naïve fun times… Batman was just a comic… and the Bat Plane had a propeller… but then ‘Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe… and me and my pal Jimmy tore up his baseball card… and it’s been a down hill slide of disillusionment ever since…
…okay, enough of my weekly day off rants! ...thank goodness for blogs …and the valuable therapy that they can provide ...and there by, hopefully… harmlessly releasing the current retrograde Mercury energies …and who knows? …maybe even finding solutions …as concerned human beings world wide begin to honestly communicate with each other through the internet.
If you, dear reader …can relate to or agree with any of this …no matter where you live, what race, or nationality you are …you are not my enemy… and I am not your enemy… as we reach out, communicate and spread the word of truth as we experience things around us… we constructively use these energies… and we will begin to change… from within ourselves… where the only true change can begin… Deep within most of us know this truth.
…and as our 16th and wise President Abe Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time… but you can not fool all the people all of the time.”
…and I say, ‘…whew! …maybe it’s time to have some fun …and play with this Sunday’s football game horary astrology charts …and have a bowl of ice cream and cookies.’
...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all...
…so… for those dear readers who may enjoy my wiseacrings …here they are …all three …Damn the torpedoes! …ahead full speed!
The clues to approaching financial disaster (transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus) are all around… just jump on your computer internet search engines and scoot around…
Here’s a very enlightening article… that explains why approximately 12% of the world’s cargo and tanker ships are anchored and rusting off the coast of Malaysia,
The only new ships being built are the deliveries for orders placed three years ago (the length of time it takes to build a giant tanker) in the prosperous times…
Due to a lack of credit… there’s no boat loads of goods coming in… stores can’t stock up for Christmas, etc. What they have on the shelf is all they got… first come, first gets, this season… ergo, less consumerism… less profits… more businesses go belly up… more people get laid off…
Now, I ask you, dear reader… where is the recovery that Bernanke is talking about? How’s the job hunting going?
…but wait ...there’s more
“U.S. to Shelve Nuclear-Missile Shield”
You may recall a few posts back… where I was being humorous about “Suger Daddy USA” giving up his ‘mistress states’ because he was broke? …well, sweetheart …it’s no joke …the government people are saying they see Iran’s missles as not that serious of a threat anymore …so, they’re going to shelve the missle shield deal in Poland and the Czech Republic…
…she’s heard better lines than that, Sugar Daddy …you’re broke and she knows it …and we know it …and everybody knows it.
Iran is not a threat and never will be… they’re going to have their hands full with their own rebelious public soon enough.
The corrupt insider and special interests just wanted to make some more defense/war bucks with another contrived war with their ‘kickback’ and ‘everybody’s got a share’ Haliburton construction and Blackwater pals… it’s all corrupt to the core… and if it all crumbles down… well, they brought it upon themselves with their greed and stupidity.
…life will go on …in new ways …maybe as we pick up the pieces many of us will by choice… especially if it’s the only real choice left… choose to pursue simpler and saner lifestyles. Do I really need to impress someone with a $100,000 suit? …or a $900 hair cut? …or an $5000 watch?
People may lose their jobs… but they don’t just go away… they will find something to do… and those in power may not like it… as Uranus (revolt) transits into Aries (ruled by Mars, violence, war, etc) on May 28th 2010…
It doesn’t have to be that way… we could choose to use the energy constructively building solar panels, wind turbines, sea/tide turbines, salt water purification plants, hydroponic farming in abondoned high rise buildings to feed us and the world, and maybe try Nikole Tesla’s ideas for free energy… the technology is there for all… who is keeping it from us?
…history does seem to repeat a lot… we’ll just have to keep trying to do better…
“China's "cancer villages" bear witness to economic boom”
It’s not just the inhuman and irresponsible Chinese government that is to blame. You can also blame our greedy corporations ‘more profit by any means’… who have farmed out your jobs to these nations of cheap slave labor… where there are no safety regulations protecting their environment, or the workers, or the general population… or the world.
…according to the article …460,000 die prematurely in China every year now… that’s more than the total American combat casualties of WWII… The threat of over population may ease as the pollutants create a sterile and early death population… perhaps that’s Mother nature’s way dealing with the problem?
Yes, the world is in danger… as their water table gets more and more polluted the toxins end up in the food… China’s main staple of rice is also contaminated now… and they export mega tons of it all over the planet.
…and again it’s the corrupt minority business people and politicians who enjoy the wealth while poor villagers living along side the polluted rivers die of various cancers… adults in their 30’s-40’s and even children.
You can ban the toxic toys with lead based paint… but it’s harder to ban basic food and water… the obvious solution is to boycott all Chinese products until they clean up their act… and that would probably lead to war as it did when the west boycotted Japan from oil imports during the 1930’s, in an attempt to stem their militarism, which then led to Pearl Harbor and WWII…
The west has had their share of pollution problems and has dealt with them… like the ‘killer fog’ of the coal burning London factory pollution during 1952 …and even a hundred miles or so from where I live in a place called Hinkley, California …that one very brave woman, Erin Brockovich, (portrayed by Julia Roberts in the movie about the scandal) brought an end to with massive lawsuits against the polluters, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company… and forced them to clean it up.
…it’s simply a question of being responsible adults …and not greedy selfish children credit card consumers clutching at every shiny babble they see…
Gaia, mother earth… has her ways of cleaning things up …like earthquakes and sink holes swallowing up polluted areas …massive volcano eruptions that spread rich nutritional ash fertilizer all over the globe… all of which chills things out for a few hundred years… the last time was appropriately called “The Dark Ages” around 546 to 900 something…
…the astrology of it? …let’s check Rex E. Bills’ reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK,
“Pollution = Pluto, Neptune… and Capricorn = …governments, authorities, establishment, business…”
…and Saturn (rules Capricorn) is now opposite Uranus (rules upheaval, revolt, change)
Pluto (destruction and resurrection) now at 1 degree of Capricorn… begins its transit through the sign of Capricorn… that will last until 2024 when it enters the sign of Aquarius…
It reminds me of the classic Stanley Kubrick movie “2001 A Space Odessy” …the opening scenes where an early humanoid discovers the use of an animal femur bone as a weapon… and then two groups… the first ‘us and them’ …have their first little war… over drinking rights… at a water hole.
We may very well see wars over… water. Ironic to the max!… as I can remember in my childhood during the 1950’s… safely playing in the lawn sprinkler water during the summer… and opening my mouth and getting a drink from the spray… and my cousins who lived in the hot muggy city… where friendly firemen would open the curb hydrants… and let the neighborhood kids play in the gushing water and cool off for awhile…
Those were simpler and naïve fun times… Batman was just a comic… and the Bat Plane had a propeller… but then ‘Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe… and me and my pal Jimmy tore up his baseball card… and it’s been a down hill slide of disillusionment ever since…
…okay, enough of my weekly day off rants! ...thank goodness for blogs …and the valuable therapy that they can provide ...and there by, hopefully… harmlessly releasing the current retrograde Mercury energies …and who knows? …maybe even finding solutions …as concerned human beings world wide begin to honestly communicate with each other through the internet.
If you, dear reader …can relate to or agree with any of this …no matter where you live, what race, or nationality you are …you are not my enemy… and I am not your enemy… as we reach out, communicate and spread the word of truth as we experience things around us… we constructively use these energies… and we will begin to change… from within ourselves… where the only true change can begin… Deep within most of us know this truth.
…and as our 16th and wise President Abe Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time… but you can not fool all the people all of the time.”
…and I say, ‘…whew! …maybe it’s time to have some fun …and play with this Sunday’s football game horary astrology charts …and have a bowl of ice cream and cookies.’
...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Within a week of the Mercury retrograde cycle we have examples of its negative influence with N.C. Representative Joe Wilson’s rude outburst during the President’s address, “You lie!”
…and now Kanye West …after his rude interruption of the VMA awards is doing a daily tap dance with both feet in his mouth! …and the once darling of the professional Tennis, Serena Williams has shown the world that she is a fallible and sometimes rude human after all… blowing it under pressure and threatening a referee… which is not appropriate behavior for a tennis goddess.
Rude seems to rule this particular Mercury retrograde cycle… with the additional squares by Pluto to Saturn and Uranus… making things a bit more nasty than usual… and all about ‘ME’ …the egos in this world are really getting a little out of control …and social etiquette is dead… and still boring and not so funny anymore, Jay Leno… is back with high ratings hosting these rude jerks…
Leno’s program has launched during this retrograde cycle… It will interesting to see if it bombs…
…it gets funnier yet …World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon has announced her bid for the Republican nomination for the US Senate seat held by Sen. Christopher Dodd… what next in Congress?… rehearsed and staged drop kicks and body slams?!
…and now Kanye West …after his rude interruption of the VMA awards is doing a daily tap dance with both feet in his mouth! …and the once darling of the professional Tennis, Serena Williams has shown the world that she is a fallible and sometimes rude human after all… blowing it under pressure and threatening a referee… which is not appropriate behavior for a tennis goddess.
Rude seems to rule this particular Mercury retrograde cycle… with the additional squares by Pluto to Saturn and Uranus… making things a bit more nasty than usual… and all about ‘ME’ …the egos in this world are really getting a little out of control …and social etiquette is dead… and still boring and not so funny anymore, Jay Leno… is back with high ratings hosting these rude jerks…
Leno’s program has launched during this retrograde cycle… It will interesting to see if it bombs…
…it gets funnier yet …World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon has announced her bid for the Republican nomination for the US Senate seat held by Sen. Christopher Dodd… what next in Congress?… rehearsed and staged drop kicks and body slams?!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
“Bernanke: Recession 'Likely Over'”
Fifty point moves up or down in the DJIA daily average… does not a recovery make… nor the bored volume of trading lately… as the markets hover in the mid range from the 07’ highs and the 09’ lows… like a herd of Wildebeest that pauses in it’s grazing and looks around… scenting some possible threat nearby…
Today transiting Saturn (at 24 degrees of Virgo) is in exact opposition to Uranus (at 24 degrees of Pisces). The past two big drops in DJIA occurred when this opposition occurred in 08’ and 09’… Due to retrograde movement of both planets, this opposition occurs five times within this two year period. This is the third one and the last one of this series will occur in July of 2010.
This is powerful separating and opposing energy… as we’ve witnessed it pull markets, the earth, and social order apart this past year… The question is of course, in which direction will the Wildebeest investor herd stampede to?
Will their Bull greed cause sudden inflationary surges up… based on illusory hopes and expectations, setting things up to drop again in 2010?… or will the influence simply dampen the surge and cause the markets to drift sideways in a unsure 500 point range? …or will it be another horrendous Bear drop within a week or two?
In my opinion… I don’t see much progress to even justify the levels that it has gone to lately… yet it may drift for a while and then head up again in another ‘hype’ bubble… that then would face the opposition again in April of 2010… for the big drop. I may be wrong, but I see a double bottom ‘W’ pattern forming in the stock market bar charts… with real recovery and/or revolutions beginning in 2010-2012.
There may also be significant earthquake activity in a 6.0+M range within the next couple of weeks. I hope I’m wrong about that… as I live within range of a major fault line …San Andreas… and I have experienced a couple of big earthquakes over the years…
…on the more fun side …these transits might provide some interesting upsets and good underdog bets in the football games… I’m working on some interesting charts for this next weekend… I’m liking the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers lately… we shall see…
“Bernanke: Recession 'Likely Over'”
Fifty point moves up or down in the DJIA daily average… does not a recovery make… nor the bored volume of trading lately… as the markets hover in the mid range from the 07’ highs and the 09’ lows… like a herd of Wildebeest that pauses in it’s grazing and looks around… scenting some possible threat nearby…
Today transiting Saturn (at 24 degrees of Virgo) is in exact opposition to Uranus (at 24 degrees of Pisces). The past two big drops in DJIA occurred when this opposition occurred in 08’ and 09’… Due to retrograde movement of both planets, this opposition occurs five times within this two year period. This is the third one and the last one of this series will occur in July of 2010.
This is powerful separating and opposing energy… as we’ve witnessed it pull markets, the earth, and social order apart this past year… The question is of course, in which direction will the Wildebeest investor herd stampede to?
Will their Bull greed cause sudden inflationary surges up… based on illusory hopes and expectations, setting things up to drop again in 2010?… or will the influence simply dampen the surge and cause the markets to drift sideways in a unsure 500 point range? …or will it be another horrendous Bear drop within a week or two?
In my opinion… I don’t see much progress to even justify the levels that it has gone to lately… yet it may drift for a while and then head up again in another ‘hype’ bubble… that then would face the opposition again in April of 2010… for the big drop. I may be wrong, but I see a double bottom ‘W’ pattern forming in the stock market bar charts… with real recovery and/or revolutions beginning in 2010-2012.
There may also be significant earthquake activity in a 6.0+M range within the next couple of weeks. I hope I’m wrong about that… as I live within range of a major fault line …San Andreas… and I have experienced a couple of big earthquakes over the years…
…on the more fun side …these transits might provide some interesting upsets and good underdog bets in the football games… I’m working on some interesting charts for this next weekend… I’m liking the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers lately… we shall see…
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
“Up in smoke: Forgetting your troubles the Santa Fe Way”
Despite all the gloom and doom, residents of Santa Fe, New Mexico, have a delightful and harmless way of releasing the negative of the past… with a little shamanism borrowed from the Yaqui Indians… The community has an annual ritual bonfire sacrfice of a marionette effigy… “Zozobra”… The local custom was started by an artist, Will Shuster 85 years ago… and continues to this day
I share the article as an example of how stressful energies can be released… Observe that ‘release’ it is one of those ‘RE’ words so appropriate during these retrograde Mercury weeks… a community stuffs all their bitter memories of the year like divorce papers, bad debts, tragedies, etc. …what they want to forget so they can get on with their lives …into an effigy that is then burned… and together as a community …they watch …and let it all go.
Try it… under safe conditions… a written statement burned in a large astray… or divorce papers burned in a fire place… whatever, just do it with intent… and then forget about it… let the magick work… you might be surprised at the effectiveness… if it makes you feel better and it doesn’t hurt anyone… why not?
“Up in smoke: Forgetting your troubles the Santa Fe Way”
Despite all the gloom and doom, residents of Santa Fe, New Mexico, have a delightful and harmless way of releasing the negative of the past… with a little shamanism borrowed from the Yaqui Indians… The community has an annual ritual bonfire sacrfice of a marionette effigy… “Zozobra”… The local custom was started by an artist, Will Shuster 85 years ago… and continues to this day
I share the article as an example of how stressful energies can be released… Observe that ‘release’ it is one of those ‘RE’ words so appropriate during these retrograde Mercury weeks… a community stuffs all their bitter memories of the year like divorce papers, bad debts, tragedies, etc. …what they want to forget so they can get on with their lives …into an effigy that is then burned… and together as a community …they watch …and let it all go.
Try it… under safe conditions… a written statement burned in a large astray… or divorce papers burned in a fire place… whatever, just do it with intent… and then forget about it… let the magick work… you might be surprised at the effectiveness… if it makes you feel better and it doesn’t hurt anyone… why not?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Through these posts over the past year I’ve tried to show from daily current events… that reflect the nature of the energies… that there is the positive and the negative side in all these planetary energies… at whatever positions they are in… It’s all a matter of free will choice.
Currently we’re all dealing with the retrograde movement of Mercury until the 29th of this month.
If we have rushed along for months now, or years, putting off something… like replacing a worn fan belt… now is the time that retrograde Mercury makes you deal with it… the belt breaks, your car over heats immediately, and your plans are interrupted and you’re stuck at the side of the road waiting for a tow truck.
…and you re-think while sitting there at the side of the road …and you may vow to yourself that in the future you will have your car serviced more often …or perhaps you re-think keeping the old car versus buying a new car. Or maybe you just sit there stewing in frustration and anger… or fearful if you’re alone…
It can be a time of re-direction, re-view, re-pair… What’s wrong in my life and how do I fix it? …whatever answers you find and plans that you make will work out better if you wait until after the 29th to initiate them. Now is the time to repair and rethink things.
One of the main things in our country that we’re trying to sort out is this universal health care question…
At this point in my life I can be impartial… for once… in one thing… I’ve got all the bases covered… I’m employed and have a company provided PPO which costs me around $10 a paycheck which is reasonable… and if I get laid off or fired, I am 65 next month and I now have a Medicare Card… and when I die I’ve got my Veterans Card to get buried with.
Most of the time I don’t need any of them… as I keep myself healthy with homeopathic methods. However, there are other things like cataracts and broken bones that require surgery and allopathic methods… so… it’s good to be insured.
Many years ago I was visiting a girlfriend in Sweden and witnessed socialized medicine. I went with her to a neighborhood clinic where she had a minor out patient surgery for the removal of a cyst on her foot.
She paid a reasonable Co-pay fee at the office equivalent (adjusted for inflation) to the $15 co-pay I make when I see my PPO eye doctor. Later she told me that I could go their clinic… just show my passport… and the Co-pay would be about $20… because I was a foreigner…
So what’s the big problem with socialized medicine? It’s already here… it’s called Medicare… why not have it for everybody?
It would put doctors on an honest payroll… It seems to me that all the noise is being made by the lobbyists and bought politicians of the insurance sharks, the pharmaceutical pushers, and the ‘Doctor Feel Goods’…who are the drug dealers for people like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Jackson… and for all the other rich junkies and hypochondriacs who believe they need them.
…my solution? …stay active, resist and try to transform negative emotions, eat smaller meals (we don’t need as much as we think we do) ...have as many loving relationships as you can …and read and think more …you have to exercise the brain …which someday mainstream science may figure out is probably the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease, the brain atrophies from lack of use… so turn off the TV …or at least limit the viewing to only a few hours a week instead of a few hours a night…
…alright …enough ranting …on to more fun things
HOOYAH! The Philadelphia Eagles 38 – Carolina Panthers 10! …the chart indicated a slight edge, at least enough to make the -3 point spread… and they certainly made that! If you check the scores there were 6 games today in which the winners scored 28 or more points… due to (my theory) the powerful squared up energy…
When there are a lot of easy trines and sextiles that seems to be when we see the last minute touchdown and a one point win… or the last few seconds three point field goal winning games…
Nothing like a win bet to cheer one’s mood …now on to next week’s charts …humm, more squares …this is going to take some brain stretching …I love it …it’s fun! …almost as much fun as riding a motorcycle.
Currently we’re all dealing with the retrograde movement of Mercury until the 29th of this month.
If we have rushed along for months now, or years, putting off something… like replacing a worn fan belt… now is the time that retrograde Mercury makes you deal with it… the belt breaks, your car over heats immediately, and your plans are interrupted and you’re stuck at the side of the road waiting for a tow truck.
…and you re-think while sitting there at the side of the road …and you may vow to yourself that in the future you will have your car serviced more often …or perhaps you re-think keeping the old car versus buying a new car. Or maybe you just sit there stewing in frustration and anger… or fearful if you’re alone…
It can be a time of re-direction, re-view, re-pair… What’s wrong in my life and how do I fix it? …whatever answers you find and plans that you make will work out better if you wait until after the 29th to initiate them. Now is the time to repair and rethink things.
One of the main things in our country that we’re trying to sort out is this universal health care question…
At this point in my life I can be impartial… for once… in one thing… I’ve got all the bases covered… I’m employed and have a company provided PPO which costs me around $10 a paycheck which is reasonable… and if I get laid off or fired, I am 65 next month and I now have a Medicare Card… and when I die I’ve got my Veterans Card to get buried with.
Most of the time I don’t need any of them… as I keep myself healthy with homeopathic methods. However, there are other things like cataracts and broken bones that require surgery and allopathic methods… so… it’s good to be insured.
Many years ago I was visiting a girlfriend in Sweden and witnessed socialized medicine. I went with her to a neighborhood clinic where she had a minor out patient surgery for the removal of a cyst on her foot.
She paid a reasonable Co-pay fee at the office equivalent (adjusted for inflation) to the $15 co-pay I make when I see my PPO eye doctor. Later she told me that I could go their clinic… just show my passport… and the Co-pay would be about $20… because I was a foreigner…
So what’s the big problem with socialized medicine? It’s already here… it’s called Medicare… why not have it for everybody?
It would put doctors on an honest payroll… It seems to me that all the noise is being made by the lobbyists and bought politicians of the insurance sharks, the pharmaceutical pushers, and the ‘Doctor Feel Goods’…who are the drug dealers for people like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Jackson… and for all the other rich junkies and hypochondriacs who believe they need them.
…my solution? …stay active, resist and try to transform negative emotions, eat smaller meals (we don’t need as much as we think we do) ...have as many loving relationships as you can …and read and think more …you have to exercise the brain …which someday mainstream science may figure out is probably the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease, the brain atrophies from lack of use… so turn off the TV …or at least limit the viewing to only a few hours a week instead of a few hours a night…
…alright …enough ranting …on to more fun things
HOOYAH! The Philadelphia Eagles 38 – Carolina Panthers 10! …the chart indicated a slight edge, at least enough to make the -3 point spread… and they certainly made that! If you check the scores there were 6 games today in which the winners scored 28 or more points… due to (my theory) the powerful squared up energy…
When there are a lot of easy trines and sextiles that seems to be when we see the last minute touchdown and a one point win… or the last few seconds three point field goal winning games…
Nothing like a win bet to cheer one’s mood …now on to next week’s charts …humm, more squares …this is going to take some brain stretching …I love it …it’s fun! …almost as much fun as riding a motorcycle.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
“9/11 panic on Potomac”
Fortunately nothing major happened… just a bunch cable TV journalists trying to get the ‘scoop’ on an anniversary terrorist attack story… and the Coast Guard’s lack of forethought in picking a somewhat sensitive day to have a terrorist attack drill… and only a few hundred yards from where the President is giving a memorial address!
It was simply a lack of clear thinking and confused or no communication …and thus a typical retrograde Mercury misunderstanding. You would think with President Obama nearby… even with retrograde Mercury… that there would some sort of communication between the Secret Service and the Coast Guard on that particular day?!? …perhaps I expect too much?
Be alert… there will be all sorts of miscommunication and confusion like this until the 29th when Mercury goes direct again.
The football charts for the first week of the regular season are an equal muddle …nothing really clear cut …just squared up energies that can explode or fizzle either way… So, don’t bet the farm on this one… I’m treating this like a fiver that fell out of my pocket… maybe I find it and more… or maybe I don’t… I put down a fiver to win on the Philadelphia Eagles over the Carolina Panthers this Sunday…
…we shall see…
“9/11 panic on Potomac”
Fortunately nothing major happened… just a bunch cable TV journalists trying to get the ‘scoop’ on an anniversary terrorist attack story… and the Coast Guard’s lack of forethought in picking a somewhat sensitive day to have a terrorist attack drill… and only a few hundred yards from where the President is giving a memorial address!
It was simply a lack of clear thinking and confused or no communication …and thus a typical retrograde Mercury misunderstanding. You would think with President Obama nearby… even with retrograde Mercury… that there would some sort of communication between the Secret Service and the Coast Guard on that particular day?!? …perhaps I expect too much?
Be alert… there will be all sorts of miscommunication and confusion like this until the 29th when Mercury goes direct again.
The football charts for the first week of the regular season are an equal muddle …nothing really clear cut …just squared up energies that can explode or fizzle either way… So, don’t bet the farm on this one… I’m treating this like a fiver that fell out of my pocket… maybe I find it and more… or maybe I don’t… I put down a fiver to win on the Philadelphia Eagles over the Carolina Panthers this Sunday…
…we shall see…
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Transiting Uranus (exploration and discoveries) is at 24 degrees of Pisces (Neptune ruled) and we have the discovery (Uranus) of a mysterious lost world (Pisces and Neptune ruled) in an ancient volcano crater.
This is not some cheesy 1960’s Jules Verne… ‘Lost Continent’ Roger Corman movie… This is the real deal! …with adventurous courage, great difficulty, and humid stinking sweat, scientific explorers have climbed their way over the jungle ridge of and into the hidden valley of an ancient volcano that erupted some 200,000 years ago… in a remote jungle of Papua New Guinea.
…no dinosaurs, yet …but dig this, fanged frogs! …and small bear sized rats! …and a kangaroo that lives in the trees! …check out the articles for a fascinating read, and pictures,
…after maybe a 10,000 year cooling off period …life begins to evolve again in the volcanic ash rich valley and by various ‘free will’ choices… within 190,000 years we have a kangaroo that hangs out in the trees…
…just goes to show ya… species come and go… will we be one of them? …we shall see.
…humm …I wonder how fanged-frog legs would taste …basted and barbequed with Louisiana style Cajun sauce? …and maybe some bear rat roasted over a fire pit?
…I can see it now …maybe a decade into the future …only $9,995.00! …a 3 day Papua New Guinea tour package… with a three day camp out, in luxurious air-conditioned native style huts, with modern plumbing …and ‘all you can eat'… locally prepared gourmet meals of newly discovered exotic species…
…”Enjoy your wild side in the fabulous and mysterious jungles of Papua New Guinea! …with Worldwide Acme Adventure Tours! …call within the next 15 minutes and you’ll get two for the price of one! …a terrific tour package for a Honeymoon… or your Anniversary… or just a fun getaway trip!... call now! …our operators are ready to make your reservations… visa and master cards accepted… Call now for the adventure of your life!”
…it will probably happen …you wait and see …and you heard it here first.
This is not some cheesy 1960’s Jules Verne… ‘Lost Continent’ Roger Corman movie… This is the real deal! …with adventurous courage, great difficulty, and humid stinking sweat, scientific explorers have climbed their way over the jungle ridge of and into the hidden valley of an ancient volcano that erupted some 200,000 years ago… in a remote jungle of Papua New Guinea.
…no dinosaurs, yet …but dig this, fanged frogs! …and small bear sized rats! …and a kangaroo that lives in the trees! …check out the articles for a fascinating read, and pictures,
…after maybe a 10,000 year cooling off period …life begins to evolve again in the volcanic ash rich valley and by various ‘free will’ choices… within 190,000 years we have a kangaroo that hangs out in the trees…
…just goes to show ya… species come and go… will we be one of them? …we shall see.
…humm …I wonder how fanged-frog legs would taste …basted and barbequed with Louisiana style Cajun sauce? …and maybe some bear rat roasted over a fire pit?
…I can see it now …maybe a decade into the future …only $9,995.00! …a 3 day Papua New Guinea tour package… with a three day camp out, in luxurious air-conditioned native style huts, with modern plumbing …and ‘all you can eat'… locally prepared gourmet meals of newly discovered exotic species…
…”Enjoy your wild side in the fabulous and mysterious jungles of Papua New Guinea! …with Worldwide Acme Adventure Tours! …call within the next 15 minutes and you’ll get two for the price of one! …a terrific tour package for a Honeymoon… or your Anniversary… or just a fun getaway trip!... call now! …our operators are ready to make your reservations… visa and master cards accepted… Call now for the adventure of your life!”
…it will probably happen …you wait and see …and you heard it here first.
Friday, September 11, 2009
“You lie!”
I won’t go into the politics of it all… that would take up another book. It is, however… a classic example of how retrograde Mercury can cause one to say things that one later regrets…
We go searching for his date of birth,
…and not too surprising we find a bombastic Leo born July 31, 1947 …and at this time retrograde Mercury (rules public speaking) is at 8 of degrees of Libra and retrograde Mercury conjuncts his Natal Neptune (scandal) as transiting Uranus (rebellious) squares his natal Mars that conjuncts Uranus (reckless behavior)… ergo, a sudden verbal and emotional outburst during the President's speech.. and we have a scandalous outburst,
“You lie!”
From one of the standard astrology reference books by the brilliant astrologer Robert Hand, PLANETS IN TRANSIT,
“Mercury square Uranus = …Also be very careful not to make rash, impulsive judgments or hasty statements to others that you might regret later on.”
So… watch you words during this transit that is on going now thru the 29th… sometimes it doesn’t quite come out right… and we should be equally concerned with the current ‘foot in mouth’ disease… as we are with the pig flu…
“You lie!”
I won’t go into the politics of it all… that would take up another book. It is, however… a classic example of how retrograde Mercury can cause one to say things that one later regrets…
We go searching for his date of birth,
…and not too surprising we find a bombastic Leo born July 31, 1947 …and at this time retrograde Mercury (rules public speaking) is at 8 of degrees of Libra and retrograde Mercury conjuncts his Natal Neptune (scandal) as transiting Uranus (rebellious) squares his natal Mars that conjuncts Uranus (reckless behavior)… ergo, a sudden verbal and emotional outburst during the President's speech.. and we have a scandalous outburst,
“You lie!”
From one of the standard astrology reference books by the brilliant astrologer Robert Hand, PLANETS IN TRANSIT,
“Mercury square Uranus = …Also be very careful not to make rash, impulsive judgments or hasty statements to others that you might regret later on.”
So… watch you words during this transit that is on going now thru the 29th… sometimes it doesn’t quite come out right… and we should be equally concerned with the current ‘foot in mouth’ disease… as we are with the pig flu…
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You may have noticed that I’ve missed a daily post… all due to typical Mercury retrograde influence… my internet connection was shut off… a misunderstanding in the billing system… often a complaint among millions of customers stuck with the services of the telephone behemoth company… Verizon.
…their attitude …if you got a problem with the service, call the toll free number, and listen to the robot voice and pick a number… then talk to someone on the other side of the planet (the cheapest slave labor they can find)… whose English you have difficulty understanding… yet, if you owe them money… a very clear English speaking collector with an attitude will be harassing you about it.
They just want your money… they charge expensive and noncompetitive prices for the cheapest (for them) and most minimal service (for you)… and they get away with it… because various regulations (which could be changed) allow them a total monopoly of certain county and state areas… and if you happen to live there and you want/need internet connection… you’re just stuck with them…
Yes… this is another among millions of rants against Verizon… they’re crooks and they stink! …if there was another competitor in my area …I would have been with them long ago.
…it’s all part of the Mercury retrograde cycle (rules Phones, the internet, communication, etc)… which started last Tuesday… So, check and double check everything, be attentive… don’t buy any new appliances (they’ll probably be lemons)… and it’s not a good time to sign contracts… and try to not get too upset with missed appointments… and or people standing you up… in short, communication problems world wide…
Just because astrologers know about all this stuff doesn’t mean they’re immune to it… my life is just as hectic as yours… and we all will just have to deal with it until the 29th of the month…
…more later …now that I’ve got the internet back …I’ve got to go pay some bills.
…their attitude …if you got a problem with the service, call the toll free number, and listen to the robot voice and pick a number… then talk to someone on the other side of the planet (the cheapest slave labor they can find)… whose English you have difficulty understanding… yet, if you owe them money… a very clear English speaking collector with an attitude will be harassing you about it.
They just want your money… they charge expensive and noncompetitive prices for the cheapest (for them) and most minimal service (for you)… and they get away with it… because various regulations (which could be changed) allow them a total monopoly of certain county and state areas… and if you happen to live there and you want/need internet connection… you’re just stuck with them…
Yes… this is another among millions of rants against Verizon… they’re crooks and they stink! …if there was another competitor in my area …I would have been with them long ago.
…it’s all part of the Mercury retrograde cycle (rules Phones, the internet, communication, etc)… which started last Tuesday… So, check and double check everything, be attentive… don’t buy any new appliances (they’ll probably be lemons)… and it’s not a good time to sign contracts… and try to not get too upset with missed appointments… and or people standing you up… in short, communication problems world wide…
Just because astrologers know about all this stuff doesn’t mean they’re immune to it… my life is just as hectic as yours… and we all will just have to deal with it until the 29th of the month…
…more later …now that I’ve got the internet back …I’ve got to go pay some bills.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

…and my client.
Nicki is another marvelous example of a person who by shear determination over comes and uses the power in the harsh aspects in her natal horoscope …to her advantage …and for the benefit of others.
The main aspect in her natal chart that relates to involvement in the adult entertainment industry is the Venus (arts, beauty, glamour) at 25 degrees of Capricorn (practical, steady, determined) SQUARE to Pluto (sex, erotica, pornography) at 21 degrees of Libra… a very strong aspect… and often this aspect has strong sexual expressions.
Other examples of people with a natal Venus square Pluto aspect would be Larry Flynt …the “King of Porn and Publisher of HUSTLER magazine …Woody Allen, of film and sex scandal fame …all his classic films have strong and humorous sexual themes …Irving Klaw, the pioneer bondage photographer who made Bettie Page famous as the “Pinup and Bondage Queen” of the 1950’s… and the writer of this article… a sex astrologer…
It’s just energy… and it will find an outlet for its expression… we are given the marvelous gift of free will… what do you choose to do with it? …Nicki chose to become involved in the adult film industry as a performer…sort of like a professional sexual athlete …its just another job …and she’s very good at it.
It is a difficult aspect… even with fame and fortune… as it has been in the personal lives of all those that I’ve mentioned… and it also brings about their eventual transformation…
Larry Flynt, crippled at an early age by an assassin’s bullet, dealt with political harassment, lawsuits, prison, etc …and yet continues on …and now has often been a guest lecturer at universities …truly a survivor with incredible determination!
In the aftermath of all the scandal Woody Allen eventually married his former adopted step daughter… they have a child and he claims now that as it has worked out… it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Irving Klaw was forced out of business at it’s peak by government and political persecution… and died a few years later from untreated appendicitis… and Bettie Page went into seclusion.
…and I’ve had my adventures with the aspect as well… to include near death experiences… which eventually led me to the practice of Tantric Sexual Meditation… as a means of using the energy for spiritual awakening… a point to which many of us with the Venus square Pluto natal aspect are eventually led to.
Nicki has courageously met and dealt with her Pluto challenge… in early 2007 at the age of 27… at the peak of her career which was then going into producing and directing… she was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma… a form of cancer that attacks the lymph system.
The harsh transit at the time was transiting Pluto conjunct to her natal Sun (vitality and life force) and Moon… this is a powerful and often threatening transit aspect… an example being when Pluto transited over the natal Sun of the natal chart of the former Soviet Union in 1997… their Communist government collapsed… and a much better Russia is now emerging.
The transit struck Nicki physically… as it often does in some individuals … but she is a survivor… and she takes advantage of another stressful natal aspect, her Sun square Saturn… though often challenged, she is determined. She did recover and is currently the co-hostess with Christy Canyon of Playboy Radio’s Sirius – Xm channel 99… evening call-in program, NIGHT CALLS.
…and the transformation? Her medical bills went into the hundreds of thousands… and the adult entertainment industry pulled together and held fund raisers for her… an example of how often socially ostracized groups pull together in mutual support… they have to… and it is with genuine love and compassion for each other… an example that the politicians of the world should take note of… they might learn something of true value…
She was deeply moved by this… and after her recovery she created the non-profit organization C.A.R.E., a non-profit organization which assists other cancer survivors in the adult entertainment industry.
World, put your hypocrisy aside… if you didn’t watch those adult cable channels and web sites… these people wouldn’t be doing it for you… they’re just entertainers… and often they are very courageous, passionate, and loving people.
…just like the rest of us …it is what it is …in the moment of now.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all.
Biography sources;
Monday, September 7, 2009
…says Phillip Marlowe …one of the archetype characters that reside in my mental universe… Raymond Chandler’s classic private detective character Phillip Marlowe… which I sometimes therapeutically play out… with trench coat and a Fedora hat… as an astrological shamus solving the crimes of the world.
I’ve been looking at how the current troublesome transits line up with the nation’s natal chart based on what is known in the astrology community as the “Sibley chart,” with the DOB being July 4th, 1776, 5:10 PM Philadelphia, PA. There are many theoretical charts with various times… however, late historical events like 9/11 are proving the Sibley version to be rather accurate.
Who’s Sibley? Dr. Ebenezer Sibley was an English Astrologer living and practicing at the time… and his chart is based on information he received later… that the signing of the Declaration of Independence was finished around 5:00 PM.
…why did he add ten minutes? …It probably wasn’t officially announced until Sam Adam’s ale wagon arrived and they opened a couple of kegs… and then they probably celebrated with a summer evening barbeque, music… and some fire works…
Which is still part of the spirit of the U.S.of A. …and it’s still a part that most of us enjoy… say what you will about the political and world mess… go to any hardware store and you’ll find that the USA makes the finest outdoor barbeque grills on the planet!
…whoa… I do get side tracked now and then… and again…
...applying the same individual natal astrology principals to nations gives us an interesting hypothesis… currently transiting Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn is now approaching exact oppositions to the USA natal Venus at 3 degrees of Cancer and Natal Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer…
The conjunct of Venus and Jupiter (luxury and abundance, wasteful if negatively expressed) is in the early degrees of Cancer which both then conjunct by orb allowance to the Sun at 13 degrees of Cancer… and that triplet trines to both Saturn and the Moon… which has given the USA up and down… but over all… prosperity for a couple hundred years now…
This powerful conjunct occurs in the 7th House (significant others, also open enemies)… and the USA has shared its luxuries and wealth development in various ‘mistress’ states (allies who love money) throughout the world for decades now…
….now as Pluto transits into opposition to the USA natal Venus and Jupiter… there will be a separation from excess and luxuries… cut backs in aid money simply because it’s not there anymore… no more war toys… etc… ‘Sugar Daddy’ USA is broke, sweetheart…
…and what do abandoned mistresses do? …they find another ‘Sugar Daddy’ …maybe they’ll cuddle with China …or have a sudden interest in India …or a romance with Russia …and the melodrama of life goes on… as the planets spin…
…so …keep you sense of humor …we’re going to need it …pull up a chair… and have a shot of rye with me and Phil.
I’ve been looking at how the current troublesome transits line up with the nation’s natal chart based on what is known in the astrology community as the “Sibley chart,” with the DOB being July 4th, 1776, 5:10 PM Philadelphia, PA. There are many theoretical charts with various times… however, late historical events like 9/11 are proving the Sibley version to be rather accurate.
Who’s Sibley? Dr. Ebenezer Sibley was an English Astrologer living and practicing at the time… and his chart is based on information he received later… that the signing of the Declaration of Independence was finished around 5:00 PM.
…why did he add ten minutes? …It probably wasn’t officially announced until Sam Adam’s ale wagon arrived and they opened a couple of kegs… and then they probably celebrated with a summer evening barbeque, music… and some fire works…
Which is still part of the spirit of the U.S.of A. …and it’s still a part that most of us enjoy… say what you will about the political and world mess… go to any hardware store and you’ll find that the USA makes the finest outdoor barbeque grills on the planet!
…whoa… I do get side tracked now and then… and again…
...applying the same individual natal astrology principals to nations gives us an interesting hypothesis… currently transiting Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn is now approaching exact oppositions to the USA natal Venus at 3 degrees of Cancer and Natal Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer…
The conjunct of Venus and Jupiter (luxury and abundance, wasteful if negatively expressed) is in the early degrees of Cancer which both then conjunct by orb allowance to the Sun at 13 degrees of Cancer… and that triplet trines to both Saturn and the Moon… which has given the USA up and down… but over all… prosperity for a couple hundred years now…
This powerful conjunct occurs in the 7th House (significant others, also open enemies)… and the USA has shared its luxuries and wealth development in various ‘mistress’ states (allies who love money) throughout the world for decades now…
….now as Pluto transits into opposition to the USA natal Venus and Jupiter… there will be a separation from excess and luxuries… cut backs in aid money simply because it’s not there anymore… no more war toys… etc… ‘Sugar Daddy’ USA is broke, sweetheart…
…and what do abandoned mistresses do? …they find another ‘Sugar Daddy’ …maybe they’ll cuddle with China …or have a sudden interest in India …or a romance with Russia …and the melodrama of life goes on… as the planets spin…
…so …keep you sense of humor …we’re going to need it …pull up a chair… and have a shot of rye with me and Phil.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
President Obama advised our children to pursue their educations and to learn to be responsible… and some Republicans are accusing him of using taxpayer money to indoctrinate the youth with ‘Socialist Ideology’?! …
…look at the current mess the entire planet is in …because of lack of education… like Bush with his ‘C’ average… and somewhere along the line too many of our current adults missed the lectures on accepting responsibility and commitment to improving oneself as a human being… and other little things… like honesty and ethics… the Bill of Rights… and the Geneva Convention Military Code of Conduct.
In all the administrations that my 64 years have witnessed …there’s has never been such a bunch… of any party… like these desperate frantic fringe Republicans …who, almost on a daily basis …shoot themselves in the foot …and then stick their bloody foot in their mouth!
The inspiration of this rant comes from a good article… and an opinion that I agree with… by Clarence Page of the Houston Chronicle,
“Politics, not race, likely behind Obama speech uproar”
…astrologically? …I see it as the over all trend of the current, now only 3 degrees from exact, ‘shaker breaker’ transit of Saturn in opposition to Uranus… The corrupt and obsolete… are beginning to crumble and fall… and it is necessary… if we are to survive as a species.
…and as Uranus (revolution) transits into Aries (action) ruled by Mars (war) …there will be more and more revolts. The last time Pluto transited through Capricorn was 1763 thru 1780… the years of the American Revolution (1776-1781)…
…yes, there will be revolutions …let’s hope for and start a revolution in higher consciousness and awareness… and start using what is already there… like Nikola Tesla’s patents on totally free energy by harnessing the positive charge of the atmosphere and the negative of the earth… the planet and it’s atmosphere are an unlimited battery… there to be tapped by all…
…look at the current mess the entire planet is in …because of lack of education… like Bush with his ‘C’ average… and somewhere along the line too many of our current adults missed the lectures on accepting responsibility and commitment to improving oneself as a human being… and other little things… like honesty and ethics… the Bill of Rights… and the Geneva Convention Military Code of Conduct.
In all the administrations that my 64 years have witnessed …there’s has never been such a bunch… of any party… like these desperate frantic fringe Republicans …who, almost on a daily basis …shoot themselves in the foot …and then stick their bloody foot in their mouth!
The inspiration of this rant comes from a good article… and an opinion that I agree with… by Clarence Page of the Houston Chronicle,
“Politics, not race, likely behind Obama speech uproar”
…astrologically? …I see it as the over all trend of the current, now only 3 degrees from exact, ‘shaker breaker’ transit of Saturn in opposition to Uranus… The corrupt and obsolete… are beginning to crumble and fall… and it is necessary… if we are to survive as a species.
…and as Uranus (revolution) transits into Aries (action) ruled by Mars (war) …there will be more and more revolts. The last time Pluto transited through Capricorn was 1763 thru 1780… the years of the American Revolution (1776-1781)…
…yes, there will be revolutions …let’s hope for and start a revolution in higher consciousness and awareness… and start using what is already there… like Nikola Tesla’s patents on totally free energy by harnessing the positive charge of the atmosphere and the negative of the earth… the planet and it’s atmosphere are an unlimited battery… there to be tapped by all…
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The squared up planets of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto continue their havoc… too much to go into right now… with my current over time work schedule…
I’ve had to take a break for a couple of days… and I may take a couple of more… it just gets to depressing to wade through all the on going violent news, of killings, terrorist attacks, election frauds, innocents killed in bombing raids, the world wide financial quagmire that governments are slogging into…
…and again like last year around this time …I find myself surrounded by distressed people that have been evacuated during the biggest fire in Southern California’s history …one of the reasons that I’ve had to work over time lately… some members of our crew have been out due to the evacuations.
…and again ...the fire was started by arson …and in the future greedy developers will build in the brush covered hills again …nothing changes, nothing learned… and again Israel begins building new settlements in Palestine …which will be targets of future rocket and terrorist attacks…
Yet… it all seems to be settling down into a tolerable level of existence… odd, that a certain amount of deadly violence, failing businesses, unemployment rising, slavery, piracy on the high seas, and trillions of dollars of increasing debt… is beginning to be accepted as ‘the norm’…
…it doesn’t have to be that way …these are impartial and very powerful energies manifesting right now… there could be choices made to constructively use these energies to clear out the obsolete and debris from our lives and houses… especially the ‘special interests’ and the political agenda run ‘White House’… and then rebuild to higher standards and with fairness to all… or at least try to pursue our lives in that spirit…
…enough… me and Baby Blu are going for a long motorcycle ride along Pacific Coast Highway… have a chili cheese burger at the diner down by the refinery… mind our own business… chill out… cool off… and breathe in some fresh air by the ocean…
I’ve had to take a break for a couple of days… and I may take a couple of more… it just gets to depressing to wade through all the on going violent news, of killings, terrorist attacks, election frauds, innocents killed in bombing raids, the world wide financial quagmire that governments are slogging into…
…and again like last year around this time …I find myself surrounded by distressed people that have been evacuated during the biggest fire in Southern California’s history …one of the reasons that I’ve had to work over time lately… some members of our crew have been out due to the evacuations.
…and again ...the fire was started by arson …and in the future greedy developers will build in the brush covered hills again …nothing changes, nothing learned… and again Israel begins building new settlements in Palestine …which will be targets of future rocket and terrorist attacks…
Yet… it all seems to be settling down into a tolerable level of existence… odd, that a certain amount of deadly violence, failing businesses, unemployment rising, slavery, piracy on the high seas, and trillions of dollars of increasing debt… is beginning to be accepted as ‘the norm’…
…it doesn’t have to be that way …these are impartial and very powerful energies manifesting right now… there could be choices made to constructively use these energies to clear out the obsolete and debris from our lives and houses… especially the ‘special interests’ and the political agenda run ‘White House’… and then rebuild to higher standards and with fairness to all… or at least try to pursue our lives in that spirit…
…enough… me and Baby Blu are going for a long motorcycle ride along Pacific Coast Highway… have a chili cheese burger at the diner down by the refinery… mind our own business… chill out… cool off… and breathe in some fresh air by the ocean…
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The 13th of September may be another eventful period this month. On the 11th Pluto makes its station at 0 degrees of Capricorn… which means from our point of view here on Earth it appears to stop and reverse direction… it’s an optical illusion as the speed of the orbiting planets vary… and the faster will pass the slower ones.
Though it is an optical illusion… the planet making its ‘station’ will sort of sit and cook one particular degree of the Zodiac map for a few days to weeks… even a month or more with the slow moving planets.
This is the current problem with transiting Pluto… it will be mid October before it moves to 1 degree of Capricorn and off the Cardinal power point of Capricorn… It is also squaring both Saturn and Uranus that will be in exact opposition on the 15th… thus the 13th will receive the full force of the powerful ‘T-Bar of Saturn and Uranus square to Pluto.
In the meantime we will have to deal with the havoc that may occur during this stressful transit… which is now on through October… and here are a few examples,
“Powerful earthquake kills 34 in Indonesia, dozens feared dead”
This was a 7.0M and there may be more in the 6-7M during this stressful period,
…and more violence and assassinations…,0,6164886.story
“Suicide bomber kills Afghan intelligence deputy at mosque”
…and the storms will continue to come and go,
“Weak, soggy Tropical Storm Erika nears Leewards”
...still burning here but progress is being made,
“Firefighter Push Back Blaze in California”
…and with Uranus involved there may be more aircraft problems,
“India leader’s helicopter missing”
Eventful times… indeed… be careful, dear reader…
Though it is an optical illusion… the planet making its ‘station’ will sort of sit and cook one particular degree of the Zodiac map for a few days to weeks… even a month or more with the slow moving planets.
This is the current problem with transiting Pluto… it will be mid October before it moves to 1 degree of Capricorn and off the Cardinal power point of Capricorn… It is also squaring both Saturn and Uranus that will be in exact opposition on the 15th… thus the 13th will receive the full force of the powerful ‘T-Bar of Saturn and Uranus square to Pluto.
In the meantime we will have to deal with the havoc that may occur during this stressful transit… which is now on through October… and here are a few examples,
“Powerful earthquake kills 34 in Indonesia, dozens feared dead”
This was a 7.0M and there may be more in the 6-7M during this stressful period,
…and more violence and assassinations…,0,6164886.story
“Suicide bomber kills Afghan intelligence deputy at mosque”
…and the storms will continue to come and go,
“Weak, soggy Tropical Storm Erika nears Leewards”
...still burning here but progress is being made,
“Firefighter Push Back Blaze in California”
…and with Uranus involved there may be more aircraft problems,
“India leader’s helicopter missing”
Eventful times… indeed… be careful, dear reader…
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Today the DJIA dipped down again and closed off 49 points at 9496. I said the potential of the rally might reach 10,000 but no higher… and it got as high as 9600 something.
The up coming probable drop in the markets will be coming again as the opposition of transiting Saturn at 24 degrees of Virgo to Uranus at 24 degrees of Pisces becomes exact on the 15th …this is the same aspect that occurred during the past market slides of November 08’ and this last February…
If you’re in the markets… now is the time to have your protective stop-sell orders in place… 300 to 500 point daily drops may be seen again… soon…
…the conjunct of Jupiter (over optimistic, inflationary) with Neptune (illusion, fraud, fantasy, wishful idealistic thinking) has been swelling the bubble again… with world wide money printing and bailouts with this fictitious money… with nothing of value backing it up… as I’ve often ranted about in past posts…
Now this hot air balloon of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunct separates… and the shaker breaker opposition of Saturn and Uranus forms again… and reality comes back… hard and fast…
Not only does the Emperor not have any clothes… he may end up broke, unemployed, homeless… and living in his car… like many of his subjects… or maybe, if they find a lot of his dirty money in a Swiss bank account… he’ll be cell mates with Bernie Madoff…
…adding to the possible mess is the up coming Mercury retrograde cycle from the 7th thru the 29th… lot’s of RE-doing of a lot of things, communication problems, lack of focus accidents… in short the acme of ‘Murphy’s Law’…if something can go wrong… it probably will… it is not a good time to sign contracts or purchase appliances…
The fires here continue… and they got worse today… it may go on for a week or more… The fierce ‘T-Bar formed by Uranus square to the opposition of Mars and Pluto… is the ignition influence… and these planets move slowly… Mars moves about a degree every two or three days. These aspects are similar to those we saw a few posts back in the chart of the Great Fire of London in 1666… which the famous English astrologer William Lilly predicted would happen… fourteen years before it did!
Every decade we have a generation of stupid greedy developers in California… who build expensive homes in the hills around here… with the careless attitude… ‘…oh, it’s safe… there hasn’t been a fire here in over 30 years…’ …and now that’s the fuel that’s causing the problem… 30 to 40 years of piled up dry brush…
They can’t take care of their forests… but all their golf courses are watered, trimmed, and green year round… to include the one in Palm Springs… which is in the middle of the desert! …so it is… in LaLaland…
Pluto is just doing its job… clearing decaying things out… so the new can resurrect and grow back in a few years… One of the symbols of Pluto is the Phoenix… who burns in the fire… and then raises from the ashes… an even more beautiful bird…
The world wide violence and mayhem may ease for a week or so as the Grand Cross begins to separate a bit… but then things may suddenly flare up again as Pluto makes its station (stops and begins to go forward again) at 0 degrees of Capricorn on the 11th …unfortunately I don’t see world peace in the picture for a long while yet…
…as always… check you kits, water, and batteries… be alert… and be calm… it’s not the end of the world despite what some may think the Mayan calendar says… however, it may a little bumpy for a while… so hold on…
I noticed this article this morning and was a bit surprised …even the mainstream economist guys are agreeing with mundane astrology! …amazing, maybe they’ve been reading my column the past few months?
“U.S. stock market set for shift as investor sentiment falls”
The up coming probable drop in the markets will be coming again as the opposition of transiting Saturn at 24 degrees of Virgo to Uranus at 24 degrees of Pisces becomes exact on the 15th …this is the same aspect that occurred during the past market slides of November 08’ and this last February…
If you’re in the markets… now is the time to have your protective stop-sell orders in place… 300 to 500 point daily drops may be seen again… soon…
…the conjunct of Jupiter (over optimistic, inflationary) with Neptune (illusion, fraud, fantasy, wishful idealistic thinking) has been swelling the bubble again… with world wide money printing and bailouts with this fictitious money… with nothing of value backing it up… as I’ve often ranted about in past posts…
Now this hot air balloon of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunct separates… and the shaker breaker opposition of Saturn and Uranus forms again… and reality comes back… hard and fast…
Not only does the Emperor not have any clothes… he may end up broke, unemployed, homeless… and living in his car… like many of his subjects… or maybe, if they find a lot of his dirty money in a Swiss bank account… he’ll be cell mates with Bernie Madoff…
…adding to the possible mess is the up coming Mercury retrograde cycle from the 7th thru the 29th… lot’s of RE-doing of a lot of things, communication problems, lack of focus accidents… in short the acme of ‘Murphy’s Law’…if something can go wrong… it probably will… it is not a good time to sign contracts or purchase appliances…
The fires here continue… and they got worse today… it may go on for a week or more… The fierce ‘T-Bar formed by Uranus square to the opposition of Mars and Pluto… is the ignition influence… and these planets move slowly… Mars moves about a degree every two or three days. These aspects are similar to those we saw a few posts back in the chart of the Great Fire of London in 1666… which the famous English astrologer William Lilly predicted would happen… fourteen years before it did!
Every decade we have a generation of stupid greedy developers in California… who build expensive homes in the hills around here… with the careless attitude… ‘…oh, it’s safe… there hasn’t been a fire here in over 30 years…’ …and now that’s the fuel that’s causing the problem… 30 to 40 years of piled up dry brush…
They can’t take care of their forests… but all their golf courses are watered, trimmed, and green year round… to include the one in Palm Springs… which is in the middle of the desert! …so it is… in LaLaland…
Pluto is just doing its job… clearing decaying things out… so the new can resurrect and grow back in a few years… One of the symbols of Pluto is the Phoenix… who burns in the fire… and then raises from the ashes… an even more beautiful bird…
The world wide violence and mayhem may ease for a week or so as the Grand Cross begins to separate a bit… but then things may suddenly flare up again as Pluto makes its station (stops and begins to go forward again) at 0 degrees of Capricorn on the 11th …unfortunately I don’t see world peace in the picture for a long while yet…
…as always… check you kits, water, and batteries… be alert… and be calm… it’s not the end of the world despite what some may think the Mayan calendar says… however, it may a little bumpy for a while… so hold on…
I noticed this article this morning and was a bit surprised …even the mainstream economist guys are agreeing with mundane astrology! …amazing, maybe they’ve been reading my column the past few months?
“U.S. stock market set for shift as investor sentiment falls”
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