As pretty and talented of an actress that she may be… in her natal chart she has some troublesome squares. The main one causing her difficulty right now is natal Mars at 24 degrees of Scorpio square to Jupiter at 23 degrees of Aquarius.
This is an intense placement for Mars… these natives are often very determined… will not back down… fight to the end… like the recent movie about the legendary 200 Spartan warriors that held back the entire invading Persian Army. They can be quite blunt and direct with people as well… domineering, and can hold a grudge for years.
…when square to Jupiter (expands)… it makes for a rather nasty aspect when negatively expressed… using one’s fame or ‘star’ status to gratify every whim of the moment… even demanding instant gratification from others… and with her Sun square Pluto she can be quite pushy about it when she wants her way…
For the past couple weeks the current transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct at 25 degrees of Aquarius, which we’ve seen can be fatal …with a half a dozen or so recent deaths of Hollywood celebrities during this transit… is sitting smack exact on top of her natal Mars square Jupiter aspect… thus activating (even enlarging it with the Jupiter influence) and confusing and malicious (negative side of Neptune) …perhaps drug or alcohol abuses as well, with the Neptune influence.
…so… we have an angry (Mars) confused (Neptune) young woman acting erratic… making threats… threatening suicide, etc… There is a law here in California… police code 5150… when acting in such a ‘crazy’ manner, and if the word ‘suicide’ is mentioned, and a relative is the witness and making the report… the individual can be involuntarily locked up for psychiatric observation for 72 hours… for everyone’s protection to include their own.
Unfortunately this is an all too familiar pattern in Lalaland… young people are instantly famous, have obscene amounts of money… all the drugs, booze, and fun they want… and then they get obnoxious… shoot their mouth off, or worse… and get locked up.
Chiron (the Planetoid) rules wounding and healing… and it is transiting right along with Jupiter/Neptune and it is at 25 degrees of Aquarius... thus, making it a triple conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron! …and here is the key to getting around this transit… If this article reaches you by some miracle of synchronicity… know this, Mischa… yes, you are wounded and in pain… and when wounded, one often lashes out at imagined ‘threats’ which is part of the Neptune confusion and paranoia…
…the saving grace is the healing side of Chiron… With this transit you are seeing yourself and those around you for what they really are… especially the ‘bad company’… This transit, though very uncomfortable can make one question who and what you are… Yes, you’re a star and you have money… but… you’re not what you do… that’s just putting on costumes and playing pretend before the camera…
…and that’s the inner turmoil right now… a ‘who am I really?’ moment in one’s life… and you’re the only one who can search within and find out… And when you do… yes, you might take an entirely different direction in life… or return to your craft of acting as a more mature and settled actress.
I didn’t say it will be easy… it never is with these transits… But you do have determination with Mars in Scorpio… use it a positive way… own your mistakes, we all make them… pick yourself up and go on… a stronger and better person…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Mischa…
This is an intense placement for Mars… these natives are often very determined… will not back down… fight to the end… like the recent movie about the legendary 200 Spartan warriors that held back the entire invading Persian Army. They can be quite blunt and direct with people as well… domineering, and can hold a grudge for years.
…when square to Jupiter (expands)… it makes for a rather nasty aspect when negatively expressed… using one’s fame or ‘star’ status to gratify every whim of the moment… even demanding instant gratification from others… and with her Sun square Pluto she can be quite pushy about it when she wants her way…
For the past couple weeks the current transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct at 25 degrees of Aquarius, which we’ve seen can be fatal …with a half a dozen or so recent deaths of Hollywood celebrities during this transit… is sitting smack exact on top of her natal Mars square Jupiter aspect… thus activating (even enlarging it with the Jupiter influence) and confusing and malicious (negative side of Neptune) …perhaps drug or alcohol abuses as well, with the Neptune influence.
…so… we have an angry (Mars) confused (Neptune) young woman acting erratic… making threats… threatening suicide, etc… There is a law here in California… police code 5150… when acting in such a ‘crazy’ manner, and if the word ‘suicide’ is mentioned, and a relative is the witness and making the report… the individual can be involuntarily locked up for psychiatric observation for 72 hours… for everyone’s protection to include their own.
Unfortunately this is an all too familiar pattern in Lalaland… young people are instantly famous, have obscene amounts of money… all the drugs, booze, and fun they want… and then they get obnoxious… shoot their mouth off, or worse… and get locked up.
Chiron (the Planetoid) rules wounding and healing… and it is transiting right along with Jupiter/Neptune and it is at 25 degrees of Aquarius... thus, making it a triple conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron! …and here is the key to getting around this transit… If this article reaches you by some miracle of synchronicity… know this, Mischa… yes, you are wounded and in pain… and when wounded, one often lashes out at imagined ‘threats’ which is part of the Neptune confusion and paranoia…
…the saving grace is the healing side of Chiron… With this transit you are seeing yourself and those around you for what they really are… especially the ‘bad company’… This transit, though very uncomfortable can make one question who and what you are… Yes, you’re a star and you have money… but… you’re not what you do… that’s just putting on costumes and playing pretend before the camera…
…and that’s the inner turmoil right now… a ‘who am I really?’ moment in one’s life… and you’re the only one who can search within and find out… And when you do… yes, you might take an entirely different direction in life… or return to your craft of acting as a more mature and settled actress.
I didn’t say it will be easy… it never is with these transits… But you do have determination with Mars in Scorpio… use it a positive way… own your mistakes, we all make them… pick yourself up and go on… a stronger and better person…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Mischa…
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