JULY 24, 2009
“Chinese Scientists Reprogram Cells to Create Mice
Two teams of Chinese researchers working separately have reprogrammed mature skin cells of mice to an embryonic-like state and used the resulting cells to create live mouse offspring.”
…YES! …of course they will clone a human! …if they haven’t already …Dr. Frankenstein won’t rest until his creature walks …you’ve all seen the movie. There is always the positive and the negative expression of the energies… and choose we must… for we have free will…
Nuclear fission is a powerful energy source… or a weapon of unbelieveable mass destruction… Chemicals combined different ways can make all manner of useful things like plastic… and deadly things like nerve gas… Cloning can provide massive cheap food reproduction… and perhaps geneticly engineered ‘Super Soldiers’ …that follow orders to the letter and are fast, strong, lethal, and expendable killer ‘Rambo robots’
…of course they would be innocent of any war crimes… being that they are only ‘following their programing that was bred into them.’ …and of course there would be the ‘sex toy’ versions …perv scientists always have a hard one for that idea… shades of the classic scifi future movie BLADE RUNNER…
…with Decker… tracking down rebel replicants… ‘super clones’ who are searching for their creator to find out the truth about their ‘expiration dates’…
…what can you expect from a society corrupt and greedy enough to sell political office… religious leaders who launder dirty money through charities… while dealing used human organs on the black market… and people who dig up graves to be resold…
It’s been a strange month… with the government preaching, ‘you will be insured… and healthy… it will be a law… and you will be fined if you’re not!’ …and the rich will have their bodies rebuilt from poor people’s ‘donated’ organs… and they’ll live past one hundred years or more …in the putrid squalor of an over heated, over populated, stirpped bare of natuaral resources, and thus… dying planet…
…it’s a strange time that we live in… indeed.
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