Since the current media frenzy is still swirling around Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin… and laid off Gorillas… what the hey… let’s check out the mundane astrology of it all.
We’ve noted throughout the past month’s posts how the still current transiting conjuncts of Venus/Mars and Jupiter/Neptune have been prominent in many world events… and the deaths of so many entertainers and notable figures in just one month… and they are also notable in their transits to Michael Jackson’s natal chart.
The signature of Michael’s natal chart is the major 5 planet Stellium at the top of the chart spreading over both sides of the Mid Heaven at 22 degrees of Leo…
This powerful Stellium at the MC indicates his natal potentials of Mega public fame… and potential infamy… with Pluto involved in the Stellium at 2 degrees of Virgo conjunct the Sun at 5 degrees in the 10th House (public acclaim, position, ‘King of Pop’, scandal and fall from grace, etc)…
Murder? …or heart attack? Where is the motive for murder? …to most around him… he was a benefactor… a ‘cash cow’ that everybody milked. Even for his enemies… you can’t sue Michael and settle out of court for millions if he’s dead… no, I think all involved would want him to live as long as possible.
From malpractice… by many physicians over the years through over medication… his body simply reached its saturation point and the accumulated toxins and the stress of the rehearsals caused heart failure… If he had not over dosed on some drug or other… the planned tour would have probably killed him anyway.
…so… perhaps malpractice/manslaughter… but I don’t see premeditation in the chart transits… just stressful transits with Mars at 17 degrees of Taurus conjunct with his natal bad luck spot of natal Mars conjunct Part of Fortune at 18 degrees… by orb allowance it… squares the entire stellum at the Mid Heaven… to include Uranus (sudden attack) in Leo ruled by the Sun which rules the heart chakra… ergo, sudden heart attack… and in opposition to the natal Stellum and Square Mars is the Jupiter/Neptune transiting conjunct… excess drugs… thus making it a stressful ‘T-Bar’ formation… again indicating a sudden stress/drug related heart attack.
Greed is the culprit… promoters wanted to cash in again with a ‘comeback tour’… and if that meant keeping Michael well supplied with drugs… so be it… when you have fame and money in ‘LaLaland’… there is usually a ‘Doctor Feel Good’ in the entourage… who will happily and profitably oblige the want/need…
If foul play were involved Pluto and Neptune would be more involved in the aspects… here it is Uranus and Mars… heart failure… also with Jupiter/Neptune, drug related…
We’ve seen this Neptune influence in past celebrity deaths… like Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith, with mysterious drugs, alcohol, and/or violence implications… unanswered questions… contradictions… and speculations of possible suicide/accidental/homicide scenarios…
…that is the nature of Neptune, illusion, foggy, mysterious, bizarre… the entire entertainment industry… the Carnival of life… and thus, we may never really know the truth of it all… and it all passes into the realm of legend and fantasy… Neptune’s Kingdom… where Michael’s Pisces Moon… and emotions… reside… the self proclaimed Peter Pan… of Neverland…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Michael…
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