Thursday, July 2, 2009


I am researching the recently revealed affair-scandal of SC Gov. Mark Sanford and his alleged Argentine girlfriend Maria Belén Chapur… but it’s not in protest of yet another corrupt politician using taxpayer money for airline tickets and hotel rooms for clandestine affairs… that’s simply what politicians do.

As an astrologer, I find it a fascinating confirmation of my recent… ‘hot aspect for romance’ prediction in my June 1st post;

I advised that sensuous adventures were quite possible with the transiting Venus and Mars making an exact conjunct at 15 degrees of Taurus on the June 21st …and they stay within the 8 degree orb allowance for a conjunct until July 14th.

According to the current Wikipedia article;

Gov Mark disappeared from June 18th to the 24th …and then arrived back at the Atlanta airport the 24th… and the hot sensuous romance aspect of the Venus/Mars conjunct was exact on the 21st! …and scandal researchers will eventually dig out the details with records of the motel/hotel/plane tickets, etc… that will reveal Mark and Maria having a fun time together on the 21st of June… at taxpayer expense.

I pass no judgement… He’s separated from his wife, going through a mid-life crisis… has an affair… a very old story that many of us play out… and astrologically, it is often very predictable.

What his astrologer (if he does not have one maybe he should get one) did not warn him about was the square angle that transiting Venus and Mars are now making to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius… indicating disillusionment and… scandals!

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