"Jupiter 'struck by large object'
The disturbance (spot) pictured at infrared wavelengths"
…long time readers will get the joke that I’ve written about on occasion that was originated by the world famous and current astrologer Robert Hand. When one of his projections did not quite work out as he had predicted, he said to his client, “Maybe it was a bad aspect from Bogus.”
…and the client says, “I’ve never heard of the planet Bogus.”
…to which Robert deadpans, “It’s a hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet that rules everything that astrologers can not explain.”
…I will add to the theory that it also has rings of debris and flotsam similar to Saturn… that throw off pieces now and then… ergo, a chunk of Bogus slams into Jupiter… (luck)… and wham!… my bookie account gets dinged $5… the Astros blow the good aspects and lose to the Dodgers 7-5… what was I thinking?!… betting between two eclipses?!
…and a dip in the batting average …now 4 hits 3 outs …since my July 6th post and start of this season’s baseball game predictions… now at .571 …this is not good, back to the lab and tweak these theories a bit more… maybe an intuitive flash during the eclipse?…
…another $5 lesson in Mason’s School of Hard Knocks Horary Astrology Wagering Course*… DO NOT BET DURING ECLIPSE CYCLES! …erratic and unpredictable energies… not a good time to ponder it all… just hang on and enjoy the ride.
* Soon to be presented in lecture format as a new Blog from the MASON GARRETT ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
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