The world was lucky this past month with only a half dozen Earthquakes of 6+M or higher… and occurring in remote areas during the Eclipse stretch period of July 7th and the 22nd …however, it is energy and it has to go somewhere…
Perhaps these eclipse energies went into the stock market which has had a 1000 point or so rise to the 9200 level… at the top of my predicted possible range for July…
…and with another close Prenumbral Eclipse on August 6th the stock market rally may continue on up to the DJIA 10,000 range… as investors chase euphoric hopes and deny reality due to the continuing energies of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunct… at 24 degrees of Aquarius… that continues to blur the reality of things.
I think an example is the current ‘cash for clunkers’ program… with euphoria over a great idea… promoting fuel efficient cars and helping out the bankrupt car industry… but the reality is… it’s already running out of money because no one bothered to count the millions of clunkers on the road…
…or to consider the reality that most people can not afford the purchase of $20,000+ cars without such a program… which is basically using the clunker as down payment on another 60 month high interest rate payment plan… for a 28 mpg car that in 60 months will be just another 14 mpg clunker… and is just more scam on the financial hamster tread wheel that goes nowhere but deeper into debt…
…unless of course… they are a bank executive who just received a ‘stimulus package’ bonus for basically bilking the public out of billions of dollars with bad loans… and then repossessing their houses… and are now the only ones who can afford to buy a car for cash…
…or maybe a religious charity leader/organizer who launders dirty political money and deals in the used kidney black markets… or a celebrity Doctor/drug dealer… or a digger up and re-seller of graves… This Jupiter/Neptune conjunct has recently brought out some nasty scandals… with some really… slimy people…
There can be continuing celebrity, drug, flu, and political scandal with the continuing Jupiter/Neptune conjunct influence… and conspiracies and/or theories of such…
The pressure of the Prenumbral eclipse of the 6th adds to the accumulating stress on continental plates… which will eventually bring on some big shakers… maybe volcanic activity and severe storms… this may be one of those mouths… check your kits.
The other potentially dangerous date I see is July 26th, when the transiting Mars is at 0 degrees of Cancer in opposition to Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn, both Cardinal and power points… there can be ruthless violence with any Mars/Pluto contact… and on the North/South axis of the Zodiac this could indicate world wide violence, rebellion… perhaps more violent demonstrations in Iran, China, and other places as well…
…the last square of Mars to Pluto this past late December was the start of the Hamas and Israel war …new war …or new intensity of on going war and terrorist attacks are definite possibilities with this Mars Pluto opposition aspect… These aspects are similar to those in effect when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on December 27th, 2007…
…also at that time late this month …the returning opposition of Saturn and Uranus tightens to a 2-3 degree orb and may be setting up the stock markets for another serious drop in September…
…with Pluto at the 0 point of Capricorn …some rather earth shaking events can happen this month… be alert…
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
AMAZING SYNCHRONICITY!... It makes your head spin!

Andre Roy
vs. Brad Norton
October 7, 2006
In my recent post of last week I presented the aspect of Mars square Pluto in the natal chart of my client and friend the famous Hockey player, Brad Norton… as an example of how an individual puts this often difficult aspect to a positive use in the extreme sport of professional Ice Hockey.
I also posted a video clip of one his more famous brawls on October 7th, 2006 with André Roy of the Pittsburgh Penguins when Brad played with the Detroit Red Wings… as an example of the explosive nature of this energy… and as how events like professional sports are a harmless outlet for this kind of energy… for both the player and spectator… instead of going to war and wasting life…
I sent him a copy of the article and a thank you note for his permission and support in my writing the article about him, and I mentioned that it had inspired me do further research… to find André Roy’s DOB in the NHL stats web sites and to do his chart… and then to do the comparative transit charts to the game of that evening of their fight… to see if there are any sort of confirmations in the daily transits.
Two days later… by amazing synchronicity… we cross paths at the studios again… and I ask him if he liked the article, and he answered with really curious enthusiasm,
“yeah, it was great… did you do Andre Roy’s chart?”
…and suddenly what was a ‘on the back burner’ research project became a priority!… when a client asks, that’s the astrologer’s trigger… and I’m up until 3 AM… in a state of wonderment and euphoria …such incredible data!
It turns out Brad and Andre where born six days apart… Brad on February 2nd and Andre on the 8th … ergo, they BOTH have the natal aspect of Mars at 9 degrees (Brad) and 13 degrees (André) of Capricorn SQUARE to Pluto at 9 degrees of Libra… Brad’s aspect is exact and André’s is within a 4 degree orb.
…but wait! …there’s more! …the mundane chart of the planetary transits of October 7th, 2006… reveals a Full Moon… in the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars… which then triggers the Mars square Pluto aspect in their mutual natal charts… and at 11 degrees of Aries it is in opposition to the natal Pluto making a stressful ‘T-Bar’ formation, thus that evening… they’re both in a mood for a scrap!
…but wait! …there’s still more! Two weeks prior there was a Solar Eclipse on September 22nd… An eclipse has an energizing effect on everyone. Wherever the various planets are that day… and where they line up in one’s natal chart… will activate those areas of one’s life… and on that day transiting Mars was at 9 degrees of Libra! …right smack on top of both of their natal Pluto locations… thus activating and charging the aspect for the year… until the next eclipse…
…what we have here… is a dry brush condition that any Park Ranger would post as “Extremely Hazardous”… that takes just one little spark… and whoosh!… wildfire!
Watch the video clip again…
…even the commentator mentions that there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary happening… they just suddenly went at it… all it took was a slight bump, a comment, a gesture, a look… and all that Mars Pluto force explodes! …for about a minute…
…and then it’s over …the fans are on their feet. …and it’s a therapeutic release for all …the two skate off to the penalty box …a cut lip …a bloody nose …for Brad and André …it’s just part of the fun …and the game.
…there doesn’t have to be a stupid war …let’s just play and watch a game of it… and have fun with it.
…and for me …the miraculous synchronicity of it all! …by chance I meet Brad …by chance I choose that particular video clip among dozens that are available… by chance I find a matching set of charts of two legendary professional Ice Hockey players?
…no… not chance… I often intuit the guidance from spiritual mentors… perhaps they are supportive spirits of past great astrologers like William Lilly, Evangeline Adams, Grant Lewi, and many others who smile down… and on occasion they will visit my mind’s ear… with helpful hints,
‘Check out the aspects of the most recent Solar Eclipse to that date, Hotshot… it will blow your mind…’
The awe of it all humbles one …and you simply raise your hands and give thanks… More to come… as I get feed back from Brad.
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all…
I also posted a video clip of one his more famous brawls on October 7th, 2006 with André Roy of the Pittsburgh Penguins when Brad played with the Detroit Red Wings… as an example of the explosive nature of this energy… and as how events like professional sports are a harmless outlet for this kind of energy… for both the player and spectator… instead of going to war and wasting life…
I sent him a copy of the article and a thank you note for his permission and support in my writing the article about him, and I mentioned that it had inspired me do further research… to find André Roy’s DOB in the NHL stats web sites and to do his chart… and then to do the comparative transit charts to the game of that evening of their fight… to see if there are any sort of confirmations in the daily transits.
Two days later… by amazing synchronicity… we cross paths at the studios again… and I ask him if he liked the article, and he answered with really curious enthusiasm,
“yeah, it was great… did you do Andre Roy’s chart?”
…and suddenly what was a ‘on the back burner’ research project became a priority!… when a client asks, that’s the astrologer’s trigger… and I’m up until 3 AM… in a state of wonderment and euphoria …such incredible data!
It turns out Brad and Andre where born six days apart… Brad on February 2nd and Andre on the 8th … ergo, they BOTH have the natal aspect of Mars at 9 degrees (Brad) and 13 degrees (André) of Capricorn SQUARE to Pluto at 9 degrees of Libra… Brad’s aspect is exact and André’s is within a 4 degree orb.
…but wait! …there’s more! …the mundane chart of the planetary transits of October 7th, 2006… reveals a Full Moon… in the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars… which then triggers the Mars square Pluto aspect in their mutual natal charts… and at 11 degrees of Aries it is in opposition to the natal Pluto making a stressful ‘T-Bar’ formation, thus that evening… they’re both in a mood for a scrap!
…but wait! …there’s still more! Two weeks prior there was a Solar Eclipse on September 22nd… An eclipse has an energizing effect on everyone. Wherever the various planets are that day… and where they line up in one’s natal chart… will activate those areas of one’s life… and on that day transiting Mars was at 9 degrees of Libra! …right smack on top of both of their natal Pluto locations… thus activating and charging the aspect for the year… until the next eclipse…
…what we have here… is a dry brush condition that any Park Ranger would post as “Extremely Hazardous”… that takes just one little spark… and whoosh!… wildfire!
Watch the video clip again…
…even the commentator mentions that there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary happening… they just suddenly went at it… all it took was a slight bump, a comment, a gesture, a look… and all that Mars Pluto force explodes! …for about a minute…
…and then it’s over …the fans are on their feet. …and it’s a therapeutic release for all …the two skate off to the penalty box …a cut lip …a bloody nose …for Brad and André …it’s just part of the fun …and the game.
…there doesn’t have to be a stupid war …let’s just play and watch a game of it… and have fun with it.
…and for me …the miraculous synchronicity of it all! …by chance I meet Brad …by chance I choose that particular video clip among dozens that are available… by chance I find a matching set of charts of two legendary professional Ice Hockey players?
…no… not chance… I often intuit the guidance from spiritual mentors… perhaps they are supportive spirits of past great astrologers like William Lilly, Evangeline Adams, Grant Lewi, and many others who smile down… and on occasion they will visit my mind’s ear… with helpful hints,
‘Check out the aspects of the most recent Solar Eclipse to that date, Hotshot… it will blow your mind…’
The awe of it all humbles one …and you simply raise your hands and give thanks… More to come… as I get feed back from Brad.
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you all…
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Since the current media frenzy is still swirling around Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin… and laid off Gorillas… what the hey… let’s check out the mundane astrology of it all.
We’ve noted throughout the past month’s posts how the still current transiting conjuncts of Venus/Mars and Jupiter/Neptune have been prominent in many world events… and the deaths of so many entertainers and notable figures in just one month… and they are also notable in their transits to Michael Jackson’s natal chart.
The signature of Michael’s natal chart is the major 5 planet Stellium at the top of the chart spreading over both sides of the Mid Heaven at 22 degrees of Leo…
This powerful Stellium at the MC indicates his natal potentials of Mega public fame… and potential infamy… with Pluto involved in the Stellium at 2 degrees of Virgo conjunct the Sun at 5 degrees in the 10th House (public acclaim, position, ‘King of Pop’, scandal and fall from grace, etc)…
Murder? …or heart attack? Where is the motive for murder? …to most around him… he was a benefactor… a ‘cash cow’ that everybody milked. Even for his enemies… you can’t sue Michael and settle out of court for millions if he’s dead… no, I think all involved would want him to live as long as possible.
From malpractice… by many physicians over the years through over medication… his body simply reached its saturation point and the accumulated toxins and the stress of the rehearsals caused heart failure… If he had not over dosed on some drug or other… the planned tour would have probably killed him anyway.
…so… perhaps malpractice/manslaughter… but I don’t see premeditation in the chart transits… just stressful transits with Mars at 17 degrees of Taurus conjunct with his natal bad luck spot of natal Mars conjunct Part of Fortune at 18 degrees… by orb allowance it… squares the entire stellum at the Mid Heaven… to include Uranus (sudden attack) in Leo ruled by the Sun which rules the heart chakra… ergo, sudden heart attack… and in opposition to the natal Stellum and Square Mars is the Jupiter/Neptune transiting conjunct… excess drugs… thus making it a stressful ‘T-Bar’ formation… again indicating a sudden stress/drug related heart attack.
Greed is the culprit… promoters wanted to cash in again with a ‘comeback tour’… and if that meant keeping Michael well supplied with drugs… so be it… when you have fame and money in ‘LaLaland’… there is usually a ‘Doctor Feel Good’ in the entourage… who will happily and profitably oblige the want/need…
If foul play were involved Pluto and Neptune would be more involved in the aspects… here it is Uranus and Mars… heart failure… also with Jupiter/Neptune, drug related…
We’ve seen this Neptune influence in past celebrity deaths… like Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith, with mysterious drugs, alcohol, and/or violence implications… unanswered questions… contradictions… and speculations of possible suicide/accidental/homicide scenarios…
…that is the nature of Neptune, illusion, foggy, mysterious, bizarre… the entire entertainment industry… the Carnival of life… and thus, we may never really know the truth of it all… and it all passes into the realm of legend and fantasy… Neptune’s Kingdom… where Michael’s Pisces Moon… and emotions… reside… the self proclaimed Peter Pan… of Neverland…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Michael…
Monday, July 27, 2009
In this individual we find a person who by good fortune of environment, parental guidance, and wise intuitive choices… has made the most of a difficult and astrologically challenging aspect in his birth horoscope… the natal Mars at 9 degrees of Capricorn in exact SQUARE to Pluto at 9 degrees of Libra.
Some posts back we studied the example of the natal Mars Pluto square as it was lived out by General George Patton of WWII fame. Brad is another example of an individual who has found a useful outlet for this tremendously powerful aspect… as a professional Ice Hockey player… who is as famous for fighting as he is for scoring!
In the sport of professional Ice Hockey… fighting is just part of the game… and of course the entertainment… and it’s one of the few sports… other than boxing and martial arts… in which it’s allowed… with penalties of course…
In one of our conversations Brad confirmed,
“Oh, yeah… it always felt good getting on the ice… and letting it all out… always therapeutic…”
“And is it just as therapeutic of a release for the fans?” I asked.
“Oh, sure!... they have a couple of beers… and they yell at the players… they get to release it too… We all enjoy it.”
“…they yell at you… and then later they want an autograph?”
“…sure… everybody has fun…”
“It is my theory… that with more professional sports… we might have less war… it can be a more harmonious release of the energies of our collective social tensions.”
“Right on!… I totally agree…”
In that conversation, Brad revealed the important key… it is a valuable and therapeutic outlet for all. Every hour 1500 or so, souls are born… all having the same astrological aspects in their birth charts… but not all of them, by genetic makeup… will end up professional athletes. Many of them will however, be dedicated fans of the sports that reflect this energy within them. For them it is a vicarious and harmless release of this otherwise often troublesome natal aspect.
Being that Brad is a client and a friend, I will not publicly reveal anymore of the personal aspects of his natal horoscope…
However, dear reader, we have agreed to share this with you… follow the link to see a video clip of one of Brad’s famous brawls… as an example of just how explosive an energy this Mars square Pluto can be… and as an example of how it can be contained and released in a harmless manner…
…well, maybe not so harmlessly for Andre Roy of the Pittsburgh Penguins… when Brad played for the Detroit Red Wings… check it out the link…
…it’s a great web site with video clips of Brad’s, and other player’s, famous fights… where you can witness… and feel, if you’re an empathic sensitive… the explosive Mars square Pluto energy… in a vicarious and harmless manner… with a famous hockey player, and a really nice guy… Brad Norton.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
JULY 24, 2009
“Chinese Scientists Reprogram Cells to Create Mice
Two teams of Chinese researchers working separately have reprogrammed mature skin cells of mice to an embryonic-like state and used the resulting cells to create live mouse offspring.”
…YES! …of course they will clone a human! …if they haven’t already …Dr. Frankenstein won’t rest until his creature walks …you’ve all seen the movie. There is always the positive and the negative expression of the energies… and choose we must… for we have free will…
Nuclear fission is a powerful energy source… or a weapon of unbelieveable mass destruction… Chemicals combined different ways can make all manner of useful things like plastic… and deadly things like nerve gas… Cloning can provide massive cheap food reproduction… and perhaps geneticly engineered ‘Super Soldiers’ …that follow orders to the letter and are fast, strong, lethal, and expendable killer ‘Rambo robots’
…of course they would be innocent of any war crimes… being that they are only ‘following their programing that was bred into them.’ …and of course there would be the ‘sex toy’ versions …perv scientists always have a hard one for that idea… shades of the classic scifi future movie BLADE RUNNER…
…with Decker… tracking down rebel replicants… ‘super clones’ who are searching for their creator to find out the truth about their ‘expiration dates’…
…what can you expect from a society corrupt and greedy enough to sell political office… religious leaders who launder dirty money through charities… while dealing used human organs on the black market… and people who dig up graves to be resold…
It’s been a strange month… with the government preaching, ‘you will be insured… and healthy… it will be a law… and you will be fined if you’re not!’ …and the rich will have their bodies rebuilt from poor people’s ‘donated’ organs… and they’ll live past one hundred years or more …in the putrid squalor of an over heated, over populated, stirpped bare of natuaral resources, and thus… dying planet…
…it’s a strange time that we live in… indeed.
JULY 24, 2009
“Chinese Scientists Reprogram Cells to Create Mice
Two teams of Chinese researchers working separately have reprogrammed mature skin cells of mice to an embryonic-like state and used the resulting cells to create live mouse offspring.”
…YES! …of course they will clone a human! …if they haven’t already …Dr. Frankenstein won’t rest until his creature walks …you’ve all seen the movie. There is always the positive and the negative expression of the energies… and choose we must… for we have free will…
Nuclear fission is a powerful energy source… or a weapon of unbelieveable mass destruction… Chemicals combined different ways can make all manner of useful things like plastic… and deadly things like nerve gas… Cloning can provide massive cheap food reproduction… and perhaps geneticly engineered ‘Super Soldiers’ …that follow orders to the letter and are fast, strong, lethal, and expendable killer ‘Rambo robots’
…of course they would be innocent of any war crimes… being that they are only ‘following their programing that was bred into them.’ …and of course there would be the ‘sex toy’ versions …perv scientists always have a hard one for that idea… shades of the classic scifi future movie BLADE RUNNER…
…with Decker… tracking down rebel replicants… ‘super clones’ who are searching for their creator to find out the truth about their ‘expiration dates’…
…what can you expect from a society corrupt and greedy enough to sell political office… religious leaders who launder dirty money through charities… while dealing used human organs on the black market… and people who dig up graves to be resold…
It’s been a strange month… with the government preaching, ‘you will be insured… and healthy… it will be a law… and you will be fined if you’re not!’ …and the rich will have their bodies rebuilt from poor people’s ‘donated’ organs… and they’ll live past one hundred years or more …in the putrid squalor of an over heated, over populated, stirpped bare of natuaral resources, and thus… dying planet…
…it’s a strange time that we live in… indeed.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
As I’ve mentioned a few times in past posts in regard to the present on going Jupiter/Neptune conjunct at 25 degrees of Aquarius… a lot (Jupiter) of political and religious scandal (Neptune) would probably surface to public attention…
This recent FBI sting operation has got to be the acme of what the negative expressions of this alignment tend to create…,0,922290.story
“44 arrested in New Jersey corruption probe
Three mayors, two state assemblymen, several city councilmen and five rabbis are among those accused of taking bribes or laundering money.”
By Geraldine Baum 7:50 PM PDT, July 23, 2009
…daily it seems our culture sinks lower into greed and depravity… with politicians and religious leaders involved in bribes, laundering illegal money through charities, black marketing of used kidneys, etc…
…and like the Bernie Madoff and other ‘Ponzi’ scammers… it’s just the tip of the iceberg…
This recent FBI sting operation has got to be the acme of what the negative expressions of this alignment tend to create…,0,922290.story
“44 arrested in New Jersey corruption probe
Three mayors, two state assemblymen, several city councilmen and five rabbis are among those accused of taking bribes or laundering money.”
By Geraldine Baum 7:50 PM PDT, July 23, 2009
…daily it seems our culture sinks lower into greed and depravity… with politicians and religious leaders involved in bribes, laundering illegal money through charities, black marketing of used kidneys, etc…
…and like the Bernie Madoff and other ‘Ponzi’ scammers… it’s just the tip of the iceberg…
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"Asia set for total solar eclipse
Millions of people in Asia will see the longest total solar eclipse this century on Wednesday as swaths of India and China are plunged into darkness"
Today is longest eclipse of the year that will pass for 6 minutes and 39 seconds… there may be some big 6+M shakers during the week that follows… check your kits…
I’m suspending all baseball game horary charts and wagers until this coming weekend… between now and then it’s truly like… as the saying goes, “hey… it’s ball game… anything can happen.”
…especially during an eclipse cycle like this one…
"Asia set for total solar eclipse
Millions of people in Asia will see the longest total solar eclipse this century on Wednesday as swaths of India and China are plunged into darkness"
Today is longest eclipse of the year that will pass for 6 minutes and 39 seconds… there may be some big 6+M shakers during the week that follows… check your kits…
I’m suspending all baseball game horary charts and wagers until this coming weekend… between now and then it’s truly like… as the saying goes, “hey… it’s ball game… anything can happen.”
…especially during an eclipse cycle like this one…

"Jupiter 'struck by large object'
The disturbance (spot) pictured at infrared wavelengths"
…long time readers will get the joke that I’ve written about on occasion that was originated by the world famous and current astrologer Robert Hand. When one of his projections did not quite work out as he had predicted, he said to his client, “Maybe it was a bad aspect from Bogus.”
…and the client says, “I’ve never heard of the planet Bogus.”
…to which Robert deadpans, “It’s a hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet that rules everything that astrologers can not explain.”
…I will add to the theory that it also has rings of debris and flotsam similar to Saturn… that throw off pieces now and then… ergo, a chunk of Bogus slams into Jupiter… (luck)… and wham!… my bookie account gets dinged $5… the Astros blow the good aspects and lose to the Dodgers 7-5… what was I thinking?!… betting between two eclipses?!
…and a dip in the batting average …now 4 hits 3 outs …since my July 6th post and start of this season’s baseball game predictions… now at .571 …this is not good, back to the lab and tweak these theories a bit more… maybe an intuitive flash during the eclipse?…
…another $5 lesson in Mason’s School of Hard Knocks Horary Astrology Wagering Course*… DO NOT BET DURING ECLIPSE CYCLES! …erratic and unpredictable energies… not a good time to ponder it all… just hang on and enjoy the ride.
* Soon to be presented in lecture format as a new Blog from the MASON GARRETT ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
Long time readers of my column will recall my occasional mention of the famous English astrologer of the 17th Century, William Lilly, who predicted the great London Fire of 1666 fourteen years before it happened… and after it happened he was arrested and put on trial for it… and he beat the rap from a lack of evidence and perhaps intervention by royalty who were clients.
…and when it comes to ignorant fear and prejudice towards astrology …nothing has changed in 343 years,
“Sri Lanka arrests astrologer for predicting president's fall
Chandrasiri Bandara's arrest raises concerns government broadening crackdown on dissent after victory over Tamil Tigers”
You hang in there, Chandrasiri… we're with ya, pal… all sorts of mystics, shaman, and magick workers all over the world are sending loving, protection, and liberation energies your way. Be strong, Brother… you are loved.
...they got nothing on you but astrology charts... you'll beat the rap... and when you do, publish and share those charts with us... and show us your technique.
…and when it comes to ignorant fear and prejudice towards astrology …nothing has changed in 343 years,
“Sri Lanka arrests astrologer for predicting president's fall
Chandrasiri Bandara's arrest raises concerns government broadening crackdown on dissent after victory over Tamil Tigers”
You hang in there, Chandrasiri… we're with ya, pal… all sorts of mystics, shaman, and magick workers all over the world are sending loving, protection, and liberation energies your way. Be strong, Brother… you are loved.
...they got nothing on you but astrology charts... you'll beat the rap... and when you do, publish and share those charts with us... and show us your technique.
Friday, July 17, 2009

As pretty and talented of an actress that she may be… in her natal chart she has some troublesome squares. The main one causing her difficulty right now is natal Mars at 24 degrees of Scorpio square to Jupiter at 23 degrees of Aquarius.
This is an intense placement for Mars… these natives are often very determined… will not back down… fight to the end… like the recent movie about the legendary 200 Spartan warriors that held back the entire invading Persian Army. They can be quite blunt and direct with people as well… domineering, and can hold a grudge for years.
…when square to Jupiter (expands)… it makes for a rather nasty aspect when negatively expressed… using one’s fame or ‘star’ status to gratify every whim of the moment… even demanding instant gratification from others… and with her Sun square Pluto she can be quite pushy about it when she wants her way…
For the past couple weeks the current transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct at 25 degrees of Aquarius, which we’ve seen can be fatal …with a half a dozen or so recent deaths of Hollywood celebrities during this transit… is sitting smack exact on top of her natal Mars square Jupiter aspect… thus activating (even enlarging it with the Jupiter influence) and confusing and malicious (negative side of Neptune) …perhaps drug or alcohol abuses as well, with the Neptune influence.
…so… we have an angry (Mars) confused (Neptune) young woman acting erratic… making threats… threatening suicide, etc… There is a law here in California… police code 5150… when acting in such a ‘crazy’ manner, and if the word ‘suicide’ is mentioned, and a relative is the witness and making the report… the individual can be involuntarily locked up for psychiatric observation for 72 hours… for everyone’s protection to include their own.
Unfortunately this is an all too familiar pattern in Lalaland… young people are instantly famous, have obscene amounts of money… all the drugs, booze, and fun they want… and then they get obnoxious… shoot their mouth off, or worse… and get locked up.
Chiron (the Planetoid) rules wounding and healing… and it is transiting right along with Jupiter/Neptune and it is at 25 degrees of Aquarius... thus, making it a triple conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron! …and here is the key to getting around this transit… If this article reaches you by some miracle of synchronicity… know this, Mischa… yes, you are wounded and in pain… and when wounded, one often lashes out at imagined ‘threats’ which is part of the Neptune confusion and paranoia…
…the saving grace is the healing side of Chiron… With this transit you are seeing yourself and those around you for what they really are… especially the ‘bad company’… This transit, though very uncomfortable can make one question who and what you are… Yes, you’re a star and you have money… but… you’re not what you do… that’s just putting on costumes and playing pretend before the camera…
…and that’s the inner turmoil right now… a ‘who am I really?’ moment in one’s life… and you’re the only one who can search within and find out… And when you do… yes, you might take an entirely different direction in life… or return to your craft of acting as a more mature and settled actress.
I didn’t say it will be easy… it never is with these transits… But you do have determination with Mars in Scorpio… use it a positive way… own your mistakes, we all make them… pick yourself up and go on… a stronger and better person…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Mischa…
This is an intense placement for Mars… these natives are often very determined… will not back down… fight to the end… like the recent movie about the legendary 200 Spartan warriors that held back the entire invading Persian Army. They can be quite blunt and direct with people as well… domineering, and can hold a grudge for years.
…when square to Jupiter (expands)… it makes for a rather nasty aspect when negatively expressed… using one’s fame or ‘star’ status to gratify every whim of the moment… even demanding instant gratification from others… and with her Sun square Pluto she can be quite pushy about it when she wants her way…
For the past couple weeks the current transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct at 25 degrees of Aquarius, which we’ve seen can be fatal …with a half a dozen or so recent deaths of Hollywood celebrities during this transit… is sitting smack exact on top of her natal Mars square Jupiter aspect… thus activating (even enlarging it with the Jupiter influence) and confusing and malicious (negative side of Neptune) …perhaps drug or alcohol abuses as well, with the Neptune influence.
…so… we have an angry (Mars) confused (Neptune) young woman acting erratic… making threats… threatening suicide, etc… There is a law here in California… police code 5150… when acting in such a ‘crazy’ manner, and if the word ‘suicide’ is mentioned, and a relative is the witness and making the report… the individual can be involuntarily locked up for psychiatric observation for 72 hours… for everyone’s protection to include their own.
Unfortunately this is an all too familiar pattern in Lalaland… young people are instantly famous, have obscene amounts of money… all the drugs, booze, and fun they want… and then they get obnoxious… shoot their mouth off, or worse… and get locked up.
Chiron (the Planetoid) rules wounding and healing… and it is transiting right along with Jupiter/Neptune and it is at 25 degrees of Aquarius... thus, making it a triple conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron! …and here is the key to getting around this transit… If this article reaches you by some miracle of synchronicity… know this, Mischa… yes, you are wounded and in pain… and when wounded, one often lashes out at imagined ‘threats’ which is part of the Neptune confusion and paranoia…
…the saving grace is the healing side of Chiron… With this transit you are seeing yourself and those around you for what they really are… especially the ‘bad company’… This transit, though very uncomfortable can make one question who and what you are… Yes, you’re a star and you have money… but… you’re not what you do… that’s just putting on costumes and playing pretend before the camera…
…and that’s the inner turmoil right now… a ‘who am I really?’ moment in one’s life… and you’re the only one who can search within and find out… And when you do… yes, you might take an entirely different direction in life… or return to your craft of acting as a more mature and settled actress.
I didn’t say it will be easy… it never is with these transits… But you do have determination with Mars in Scorpio… use it a positive way… own your mistakes, we all make them… pick yourself up and go on… a stronger and better person…
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Mischa…
Thursday, July 16, 2009

We recently crossed paths at the studios and after an affectionate hug, I asked her straight out, “say, sweetheart… ya want some free publicity? How about I write up your chart in my astrology column… are you game?”
“Will you say nice things about me?”
“…hey… now who loves ya? …huh”
“…you do, Baby… okay, go for it. But I get to read it first!...I gota run now…”
…and off she ran down the hall to the radio booth for her afternoon broadcast… a typical busy… run here, and run there, and just everywhere… Gemini.
She is also a classic example of a person who… either led by wise mentors… or by intuitive positive choices… has taken advantage of the supportive aspects in her chart… by choice and personal efforts… and ends up doing a lot of fun things like, modeling, guest features in television shows,… and currently has the textbook Gemini fun job of… talking on the radio!.. and in my opinion… she’s a lot more fun to listen to than Rush Limbaugh.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury which rules communication of all kinds… and Gemini folks are known to chat, gossip, discuss endlessly, multi task, juggle, flirt, enjoy verbal banter, talk on the phone, etc… but for Tiffany a phone is not enough… she talks to thousands of people simultaneously over the radio! …as the effervescent witty hostess of the Sirius-XM live radio call-in program… AFTERNOON ADVICE.
In many charts of entertainers that I have researched I have found that a high percentage of them have an aspect between Venus (beauty, talents) and Neptune (fantasy, entertainment, film, etc)… Tiffany has an opposition of Venus at 27 degrees of Taurus (sensuous) to Neptune (glamour, model, entertainment) at 24 degrees of Scorpio.
Sometimes this aspect can be problematic in substance abuse… which many entertainers do encounter… or wisely used, as in Tiffany’s case… the opposition can be played as a ‘separation’ …of one’s true values and personal life, the Venus side…
…and on the other side of the opposition is the ‘persona’ (illusion, Neptune) that entertains the public… it’s just their job… to put on the costumes and play pretend before the camera… or be witty on radio and television shows… while at home they wear their jeans, sweatshirt, tennis shoes, and plant flowers in the yard… just like the rest of us.
Just like in real-estate… location is an important factor with the planets in one’s natal chart. She has both Venus (beauty, glamour) and the Moon (public) in the 10th House… indicating public prominence… and they both trine (luck, beneficial) Uranus (rules radio!) in the 3rd House (rules, communication)… and then Uranus sextiles (supportive) Neptune… thus, softening the stress of the opposition.
…and the bright bow on the package is the Leo (flashy, performer) Ascendant… with lucky Jupiter in the 1st House… the persona…
…just a quick astrological sketch of a beautiful multi-talented Lady… tune in to her program… AFTERNOON ADVICE... at 2:00 PM ET… Sirius-XM channel 99… It’s always a fun listen… better yet, call in…
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fortunately they’re occurring in remote areas… but they’re increasing in magnitude… daily,
2009/07/15 09:22:29
2009/07/13 18:05:03
2009/07/12 06:12:48
2009/07/08 19:23:38
…and the weather is still delaying the space shuttle launch,
“mission managers are hoping seasonal thunderstorms skirt the area around the nation's shuttle homeport during a 10-minute window that will open at 5:58 p.m. ET.”
…and another assassination,
“Russian rights activist kidnapped, found dead”
As posted on the 1st, these will be especially stressful times through the remainder of the month as we are sandwiched in between two Eclipses, the Prenumbral eclipse of the 7th and the Solar eclipse of the 22nd, with both at their extreme declinations.
…check you kits… and be alert.
On the lighter side… tomorrow’s baseball game of the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros may be a close one… I got a fiver that says the Dodgers take it…
…we shall see…
2009/07/15 09:22:29
2009/07/13 18:05:03
2009/07/12 06:12:48
2009/07/08 19:23:38
…and the weather is still delaying the space shuttle launch,
“mission managers are hoping seasonal thunderstorms skirt the area around the nation's shuttle homeport during a 10-minute window that will open at 5:58 p.m. ET.”
…and another assassination,
“Russian rights activist kidnapped, found dead”
As posted on the 1st, these will be especially stressful times through the remainder of the month as we are sandwiched in between two Eclipses, the Prenumbral eclipse of the 7th and the Solar eclipse of the 22nd, with both at their extreme declinations.
…check you kits… and be alert.
On the lighter side… tomorrow’s baseball game of the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros may be a close one… I got a fiver that says the Dodgers take it…
…we shall see…
Sunday, July 12, 2009
"News of zoos’ financial woes stuns
Residents cite long history in Hub"

"News of zoos’ financial woes stuns
Residents cite long history in Hub"

Gigi, one of the gorillas at Franklin Park Zoo, celebrated her birthday early yesterday. She is 37. (David L. Ryan/Globe Staff)
...what is a laid off …and maybe homeless …800 pound 37 year old Gigi Gorilla going to do? …humm …she does take a nice picture… it’s that natural innocent look… who knows?… with the right agent?…this could end up being her lucky break …one door closes, another one opens …and with the current crazy Jupiter (lucky breaks) conjunct Neptune (Photograhy, modeling, entertainment industry) aspect, it’s certainly a definite ‘possible,’ ...maybe update your portfolio and resume… and then... you go, girl! …Good luck, Gigi!… we love ya, sweetheart!
...what is a laid off …and maybe homeless …800 pound 37 year old Gigi Gorilla going to do? …humm …she does take a nice picture… it’s that natural innocent look… who knows?… with the right agent?…this could end up being her lucky break …one door closes, another one opens …and with the current crazy Jupiter (lucky breaks) conjunct Neptune (Photograhy, modeling, entertainment industry) aspect, it’s certainly a definite ‘possible,’ ...maybe update your portfolio and resume… and then... you go, girl! …Good luck, Gigi!… we love ya, sweetheart!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Photo & article sources:
Naburimannu, a Chaldean astronomer and mathematician ...and his partner, the astrologer Rammanu-sumauser,
…were the dynamic duo astology research team of …Rammanu & Naburimannu… and they lived very well at the palace… delivering reports of planetary transits and predictions to King Ashurbanipal of Assyria 668 – 625BC… who then used this information politically and militarily… as discribed in the above linked article,
Naburimannu, a Chaldean astronomer and mathematician ...and his partner, the astrologer Rammanu-sumauser,
…were the dynamic duo astology research team of …Rammanu & Naburimannu… and they lived very well at the palace… delivering reports of planetary transits and predictions to King Ashurbanipal of Assyria 668 – 625BC… who then used this information politically and militarily… as discribed in the above linked article,
“Using Astrology, for the interpretation of omens, some of Asurbanipal's astrologers, such as Rammanu-sumausar and Naburimannu, became so adept at interpreting omens from daily movements of the planets that a system of making periodical reports to the king came into being.
Receiving swift messengers detailing 'all occurrences in heaven and earth' throughout his kingdom, and the results of his astrologer's examinations of them, Asurbanipal used the information as a political weapon, for the practical day-to-day running of his kingdom.”
Their records were kept on clay cuneiform tablets in a library at Nineveh. After the king died, Nineveh fell to the invading Medians and they destroyed the library… and all the ancient documents of astrology, history, mythology, and science… an early example of the conquering government’s malicious… ‘media control’…
…not to worry… astrologers are a crafty lot… they always have a cave, or a small remote castle, or mountain cabin, or high desert chaparral hideout… where they stash secret copies of their really important stuff… and despite the sudden changes in the ‘political’ wind… which they predict anyway… the science survives… you just have to really prospect and dig for the ‘lost info’
…and in my natal chart Jupiter, and then Mercury conjunct Chiron, are all in the sign of Virgo (details, analytical, investigative, research… and Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Chiron!) …ergo, for me… in my reality… that makes it a big part of the fun adventure… searching for lost esoteric knowledge! …sort of a ‘Indiana’ Garrett astrologer, the senior fellow, and field researcher, of the Mason Garrett Astrological Institute… which, by the way now has LECTURE 2 posted at MASON GARRETT ASTROLOGY COURSES. (It is now a Blogit subscription blog site but it will soon be re-posted as a Blogger site free to all)
…just an interesting historical bit that I ran across while on my cyber bike search engine tracking down the ancient origins of Planetary Declinations and prediction theories…
…which seem to be working quite well tonight …as they did for Rammanu & Naburimannu 2634 years ago… and now thanks to my ancient pals Ram & Naburi… whose spirits I feel smiling nearby… I cash a win ticket. HOOYAH! …Dodgers 12! Brewers 8!
Friday, July 10, 2009
“U.S. government to pay for flu vaccine campaign”
Government (Jupiter) hypes flu scare (Neptune)… and pays taxpayer money to hype medication to the panicked public… …who profits if I fall for it? …the government (Jupiter) lobbying pharmaceutical (Neptune) companies! …convenient little partnership there… you scare them… we sell the cure... and everybody profits… everybody has a share… in the “United States of Advertising”… (quote from Bill Hicks)
…meanwhile, in my reality …I chose to continue to sleep with Quartz generator crystals and pieces of Bloodstone …with the bed aliened on a magnetic north/south axis …put on the shaman drums CD …burn a little sage… drink some warm green tea… and chill out… get out the ego out of the way… and let the natural healing forces of the cosmos do their work… all you have to do is sincerely ask… they’re always there for you…
…yeah, I’m eccentric …maybe even bonkers …but I still don’t have the flu… and I haven’t had it for a decade or more.
Check out the late brilliant and very insightful standup comedian Bill Hicks
“U.S. government to pay for flu vaccine campaign”
Government (Jupiter) hypes flu scare (Neptune)… and pays taxpayer money to hype medication to the panicked public… …who profits if I fall for it? …the government (Jupiter) lobbying pharmaceutical (Neptune) companies! …convenient little partnership there… you scare them… we sell the cure... and everybody profits… everybody has a share… in the “United States of Advertising”… (quote from Bill Hicks)
…meanwhile, in my reality …I chose to continue to sleep with Quartz generator crystals and pieces of Bloodstone …with the bed aliened on a magnetic north/south axis …put on the shaman drums CD …burn a little sage… drink some warm green tea… and chill out… get out the ego out of the way… and let the natural healing forces of the cosmos do their work… all you have to do is sincerely ask… they’re always there for you…
…yeah, I’m eccentric …maybe even bonkers …but I still don’t have the flu… and I haven’t had it for a decade or more.
Check out the late brilliant and very insightful standup comedian Bill Hicks
It’s a bizarre scam (Neptune) of greed and more money (Jupiter) and as this transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct occurs at 26 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, and Uranus = shocking news)… four people are arrested in Chicago for allegedly digging up bodies and then reselling the graves (Cancer, 4th House) as the Prenumbral eclipse occurs at 15 degrees of Cancer!
“4 accused of digging bodies, reselling grave plots”
...all the words that I have in parenthesis are ‘keywords’ from an excellent astrology reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, by Rex E. Bills,
…it’s like my daily crossword puzzle… I read the news, check the aspects of the daily planet transits chart… and then look up the words of the headlines… and then start dropping keywords down on the aspects… and quite often it presents a clear picture of what the energies are behind the event…
I often refer to astrology as ‘God’s mechanics’… what makes the creator’s vast cosmic machine work… and if you know the mechanics of the machine… you can sometimes predict in which direction it will go… and what may happen when it gets there…
…yes… me and therapists have discussed this at length… it started at an early age… I was one of the wearisome kids always bugging adults… “…but …why?” …and I finally found the answer with astrology… in my natal chart Jupiter squares Uranus = wiseacre. …and my Sun trines Uranus = astrologers often have this aspect… ergo, Jupiter (a lot) in Virgo (details, analytical) square (wiseacre) Uranus trine Sun (astrologer)… it’s just the way I’m ‘wired’…
Baseball predictions? …today’s transits are a muddle! …but I like the transits and declinations to the LA Dodger’s starting pitcher, Chad Billingsley’s (DOB July 29, 1984) natal chart which has some powerful conjuncts and trines …so, it’s time to test this Declination theory in the field… I just bet a fiver with my online bookie that the Los Angeles Dodgers will win their game with the Milwaukee Brewers tonight…
…we shall see…
“4 accused of digging bodies, reselling grave plots”
...all the words that I have in parenthesis are ‘keywords’ from an excellent astrology reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, by Rex E. Bills,
…it’s like my daily crossword puzzle… I read the news, check the aspects of the daily planet transits chart… and then look up the words of the headlines… and then start dropping keywords down on the aspects… and quite often it presents a clear picture of what the energies are behind the event…
I often refer to astrology as ‘God’s mechanics’… what makes the creator’s vast cosmic machine work… and if you know the mechanics of the machine… you can sometimes predict in which direction it will go… and what may happen when it gets there…
…yes… me and therapists have discussed this at length… it started at an early age… I was one of the wearisome kids always bugging adults… “…but …why?” …and I finally found the answer with astrology… in my natal chart Jupiter squares Uranus = wiseacre. …and my Sun trines Uranus = astrologers often have this aspect… ergo, Jupiter (a lot) in Virgo (details, analytical) square (wiseacre) Uranus trine Sun (astrologer)… it’s just the way I’m ‘wired’…
Baseball predictions? …today’s transits are a muddle! …but I like the transits and declinations to the LA Dodger’s starting pitcher, Chad Billingsley’s (DOB July 29, 1984) natal chart which has some powerful conjuncts and trines …so, it’s time to test this Declination theory in the field… I just bet a fiver with my online bookie that the Los Angeles Dodgers will win their game with the Milwaukee Brewers tonight…
…we shall see…
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Government spokes people from both Iran and China have made
accusations of “foreign provocateurs,” starting and influencing the recent riots in both countries.
Historically this has certainly occurred, and often… from both sides during the Democratic/Communist cold war years… with assassinations in Asia… the Middle East… numerous attempts on Fidel Castro of Cuba… and both sides are equally guilty of spying and stirring up trouble among populations of third world countries so as to implant a puppet leader… thus an ally and a source of resources and income… basically an imperialist colony… and very convenient for military bases.
The hidden ‘puppet masters,’ of the world pull the strings and create havoc wherever they plan… and the current Iranian and Chinese officials who make these recent accusations forget that these same ‘puppet masters’ were the ones organizing the riots and ‘revolutions’ that put them into power in the first place! …and can take them out …whenever they choose.
…now the Chinese and Iranian governments will initiate their own beefed up versions of ‘Homeland Security,’…and thus get all the world populations paranoid of one another… why? …frightened people are easily manipulated… thus, they can have some more lovely profitable wars… munitions, weapons, military equipment manufacturers and dealers… construction and re-construction contracts… loans and finance charges to keep it all going, etc.
…as Lieutenant Milo Minderbinder would say in Joseph Heller’s brilliant WWII satire novel, CATCH-22, “Don’t worry Yossarrian, everybody’s got a share.” …a classic read!…check it out,
Tomorrow, the 10th the conjunct of transiting Jupiter (expansion, a lot) and Neptune (illusion, propaganda) is exact at 26 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus = revolution, riots… and Neptune = ideologies, religious beliefs) …and the Sun is at 18 degrees of Cancer (ruled by the Moon = people’s emotions) and the approaching transiting Mercury (communications) is at 14 degrees and will be ‘combust’ by the Sun until around the 16th as it moves away from the Sun… this influence often causes various kinds of miscommunication, perhaps even deliberate disinformation…
These two aspects combined spell… some very possible slick propaganda, and setups… read between the lines of all big news events… and as the conspiracy advocate David Icke wisely suggests, “Ask yourself… who profits if I believe this?”
He has some interesting thoughts and theories, check it out,
…and these transits are NOT good for wagering on baseball games! …pooh, the Angels lost to the Rangers 8-5 on my last bet of 7/7… I’m still batting only .500-.600 on this season’s ‘research’ wagers… back to the lab and more research… maybe I should do the transit charts of the starting pitchers… and the leading hitters for that day’s game? …humm.. their DOBs are in the stat links…
…we shall see…
accusations of “foreign provocateurs,” starting and influencing the recent riots in both countries.
Historically this has certainly occurred, and often… from both sides during the Democratic/Communist cold war years… with assassinations in Asia… the Middle East… numerous attempts on Fidel Castro of Cuba… and both sides are equally guilty of spying and stirring up trouble among populations of third world countries so as to implant a puppet leader… thus an ally and a source of resources and income… basically an imperialist colony… and very convenient for military bases.
The hidden ‘puppet masters,’ of the world pull the strings and create havoc wherever they plan… and the current Iranian and Chinese officials who make these recent accusations forget that these same ‘puppet masters’ were the ones organizing the riots and ‘revolutions’ that put them into power in the first place! …and can take them out …whenever they choose.
…now the Chinese and Iranian governments will initiate their own beefed up versions of ‘Homeland Security,’…and thus get all the world populations paranoid of one another… why? …frightened people are easily manipulated… thus, they can have some more lovely profitable wars… munitions, weapons, military equipment manufacturers and dealers… construction and re-construction contracts… loans and finance charges to keep it all going, etc.
…as Lieutenant Milo Minderbinder would say in Joseph Heller’s brilliant WWII satire novel, CATCH-22, “Don’t worry Yossarrian, everybody’s got a share.” …a classic read!…check it out,
Tomorrow, the 10th the conjunct of transiting Jupiter (expansion, a lot) and Neptune (illusion, propaganda) is exact at 26 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus = revolution, riots… and Neptune = ideologies, religious beliefs) …and the Sun is at 18 degrees of Cancer (ruled by the Moon = people’s emotions) and the approaching transiting Mercury (communications) is at 14 degrees and will be ‘combust’ by the Sun until around the 16th as it moves away from the Sun… this influence often causes various kinds of miscommunication, perhaps even deliberate disinformation…
These two aspects combined spell… some very possible slick propaganda, and setups… read between the lines of all big news events… and as the conspiracy advocate David Icke wisely suggests, “Ask yourself… who profits if I believe this?”
He has some interesting thoughts and theories, check it out,
…and these transits are NOT good for wagering on baseball games! …pooh, the Angels lost to the Rangers 8-5 on my last bet of 7/7… I’m still batting only .500-.600 on this season’s ‘research’ wagers… back to the lab and more research… maybe I should do the transit charts of the starting pitchers… and the leading hitters for that day’s game? …humm.. their DOBs are in the stat links…
…we shall see…
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
…otherwise, this chart looks good for the Los Angeles Angels …so I bet a fiver with my online bookie that they will take the Texas Rangers tonight… we shall see… enough, I’m packing up the saddle bags and me and Baby Blu are going on the road for a few days… maybe hide out in a pal’s cabin in the mountains… later…
Monday, July 6, 2009
You love them… then come the scandals… because along with their talents… they’re human beings who ere like the rest of us… then you hate them… then they die… and then you love them again… and then you try to blame someone for their death… and then you fight over the estate… the money… and the custody…
“Lawyers set to square off over Jackson estate”
…where’s the love?
…instead of getting caught up in the hyped and hypocritical high idealism often projected in a Jupiter Neptune conjunct… perhaps step aside for a moment… and impartially look at the truth… it is what it is… and then forgive it all.
“Lawyers set to square off over Jackson estate”
…where’s the love?
…instead of getting caught up in the hyped and hypocritical high idealism often projected in a Jupiter Neptune conjunct… perhaps step aside for a moment… and impartially look at the truth… it is what it is… and then forgive it all.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
"Ex-MVP McNair found shot to death
Police say woman also slain
By David Elfin (Contact) Sunday, July 5, 2009"
From the descriptions of the multiple gunshot wounds, the murder of the witness, and the abandoned gun… it may well have been the work of an assassin… and it does fit within a close 2 degree orb of the transiting Mars at 24 degrees of Taurus approaching square to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius.
In my astrology research and theories I consider the square along with conjunct between Mars and Neptune to be ‘possible assassination’ aspects… and here it is… not a politician… but the famous and recently retired MVP Football player, Steve McNair
..OR PERHAPS MURDER-SUICIDE... STILL NEGATIVE MARS/NEPTUNE ASPECT... there is speculation that the girlfriend Shahel Kazemi may have committed the murder-suicide... which would still fit within the keywords... Neptune being one of the Planets associated with mysterious and suicide deaths.
…another tragic loss… May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Steve…
"Ex-MVP McNair found shot to death
Police say woman also slain
By David Elfin (Contact) Sunday, July 5, 2009"
From the descriptions of the multiple gunshot wounds, the murder of the witness, and the abandoned gun… it may well have been the work of an assassin… and it does fit within a close 2 degree orb of the transiting Mars at 24 degrees of Taurus approaching square to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius.
In my astrology research and theories I consider the square along with conjunct between Mars and Neptune to be ‘possible assassination’ aspects… and here it is… not a politician… but the famous and recently retired MVP Football player, Steve McNair
..OR PERHAPS MURDER-SUICIDE... STILL NEGATIVE MARS/NEPTUNE ASPECT... there is speculation that the girlfriend Shahel Kazemi may have committed the murder-suicide... which would still fit within the keywords... Neptune being one of the Planets associated with mysterious and suicide deaths.
…another tragic loss… May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Steve…
Saturday, July 4, 2009
…and she resigns,
“A Shooting Star Crashing To Earth?”
In my post of September 19th 2008,
…I predicted,
“My astrology charts and intuition tells me that Barack Obama will probably win this election. The recent Sarah Palin euphoria will pass and as transiting Mars and Neptune conjunct with her natal Mars and Neptune square indicating more scandal… perhaps even an assassination attempt (by a ‘lone nut’ radical feminist?). Another possibility would be that she becomes such a verbal ‘loose cannon,’ of controversy, she will be asked to step down as the Republican VP nominee.”
…now ten months later… as the transiting Venus and Mars (values and energy drive) 24 and 28 degrees of Taurus are square to her natal Saturn (reality) at 25 degrees of Aquarius… which the transiting Jupiter/Neptune (bubble hype life style) conjunct is now sitting on as well… All together it indicates that she is feeling extremely restricted and wants now to simply break free from it all… and she’s doing just that… resigning as Governor of Alaska… and probably ending her political career.
Despite the nation’s current problems… the voters did well… in electing the Democratic ticket this time around. Had they elected McCain and Palin… she would probably be resigning the Vice Presidency post now while under the stress of these current transits. …and so we have a bit more political scandal and shock under these current transits… that the news media and comedians will hype for awhile… more Jupiter (a lot) conjunct Neptune (hysteria).
“A Shooting Star Crashing To Earth?”
In my post of September 19th 2008,
…I predicted,
“My astrology charts and intuition tells me that Barack Obama will probably win this election. The recent Sarah Palin euphoria will pass and as transiting Mars and Neptune conjunct with her natal Mars and Neptune square indicating more scandal… perhaps even an assassination attempt (by a ‘lone nut’ radical feminist?). Another possibility would be that she becomes such a verbal ‘loose cannon,’ of controversy, she will be asked to step down as the Republican VP nominee.”
…now ten months later… as the transiting Venus and Mars (values and energy drive) 24 and 28 degrees of Taurus are square to her natal Saturn (reality) at 25 degrees of Aquarius… which the transiting Jupiter/Neptune (bubble hype life style) conjunct is now sitting on as well… All together it indicates that she is feeling extremely restricted and wants now to simply break free from it all… and she’s doing just that… resigning as Governor of Alaska… and probably ending her political career.
Despite the nation’s current problems… the voters did well… in electing the Democratic ticket this time around. Had they elected McCain and Palin… she would probably be resigning the Vice Presidency post now while under the stress of these current transits. …and so we have a bit more political scandal and shock under these current transits… that the news media and comedians will hype for awhile… more Jupiter (a lot) conjunct Neptune (hysteria).
The media sharks smell blood and are circling... a headline and
story from the Miami Herald,
“How Sanford spent state money on last year's Argentina trip”
Have you ever noticed how the first wave of media scandal attack is about… what they did. …and the second wave is about… how they spent the taxpayer’s money doing it? …it’s like a romance pulp or soap opera standard formula script… sin, suffer, repent… Yes, politics and Hollywood are both ruled by Neptune…
…and ‘as the planets spin’ in our cosmic drama… transiting Mars at 29 degrees and Venus at 24 degrees of Taurus are now at square angles to the Jupiter Neptune conjunct at 26 degrees of Aquarius.. more of the same as last month…
…and sadly, the passing of another Hollywood icon… the great Oscar winning character actor Karl Malden at the age of 92.
The influenza is in the news daily, but now there is investigation into the mysterious (Neptune) sudden death of Michael Jackson and possible drug and/or medications (Neptune) abuse (Mars).
…with an orb allowance of 8 degrees for these influences... they will persist… due to the strong influences of the eclipses on the 7th and the 22nd of this month.
story from the Miami Herald,
“How Sanford spent state money on last year's Argentina trip”
Have you ever noticed how the first wave of media scandal attack is about… what they did. …and the second wave is about… how they spent the taxpayer’s money doing it? …it’s like a romance pulp or soap opera standard formula script… sin, suffer, repent… Yes, politics and Hollywood are both ruled by Neptune…
…and ‘as the planets spin’ in our cosmic drama… transiting Mars at 29 degrees and Venus at 24 degrees of Taurus are now at square angles to the Jupiter Neptune conjunct at 26 degrees of Aquarius.. more of the same as last month…
…and sadly, the passing of another Hollywood icon… the great Oscar winning character actor Karl Malden at the age of 92.
The influenza is in the news daily, but now there is investigation into the mysterious (Neptune) sudden death of Michael Jackson and possible drug and/or medications (Neptune) abuse (Mars).
…with an orb allowance of 8 degrees for these influences... they will persist… due to the strong influences of the eclipses on the 7th and the 22nd of this month.
Friday, July 3, 2009
MORE ABOUT THE CURRENT VENUS MARS CONJUNCT is a re-print of a post I entered on the 21st of June,
...when the conjunct was exact... and the news of the scandal was making the media news rounds...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Using my Noon birth time theory… of it being a general destiny chart for all those born that day… I‘ve stumbled across an astounding bit of research data in the recent Sen. John Ensign/Cindy Hampton sex scandal…
The Noon birth chart of 3/25/58 Roseville, CA … has a perfect “Yod” or “Finger of God” destiny formation…
The Sun (male) at four degrees of Aries forms a sextile (60 degrees) to the Moon (female) at 4 degrees of Gemini… They both then form Inconjunct (150 degrees) angles to Neptune (scandal) at 4 degrees of Scorpio (sex)… keywords = man, woman, scandal, sex…
…it’s all just a matter of scale… politics is the one of the major leagues… one of your local corporate office scandals are the minor leagues… it’s still the same game… ‘sex scandal’
…astrology is the galactic search engine of the cosmos…
…and today transiting Venus conjuncts Mars, the most sensuous transit of the year… enjoy your ‘scandal’… in whatever league you play in.
posted by MasonGarrett at 12:01 PM
...when the conjunct was exact... and the news of the scandal was making the media news rounds...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Using my Noon birth time theory… of it being a general destiny chart for all those born that day… I‘ve stumbled across an astounding bit of research data in the recent Sen. John Ensign/Cindy Hampton sex scandal…
The Noon birth chart of 3/25/58 Roseville, CA … has a perfect “Yod” or “Finger of God” destiny formation…
The Sun (male) at four degrees of Aries forms a sextile (60 degrees) to the Moon (female) at 4 degrees of Gemini… They both then form Inconjunct (150 degrees) angles to Neptune (scandal) at 4 degrees of Scorpio (sex)… keywords = man, woman, scandal, sex…
…it’s all just a matter of scale… politics is the one of the major leagues… one of your local corporate office scandals are the minor leagues… it’s still the same game… ‘sex scandal’
…astrology is the galactic search engine of the cosmos…
…and today transiting Venus conjuncts Mars, the most sensuous transit of the year… enjoy your ‘scandal’… in whatever league you play in.
posted by MasonGarrett at 12:01 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
In order for my dear readers to better understand my interpretation methods, I will post a link to a book that I refer to on almost a daily basis, THE RULERSHIP BOOK by Rex E. Bills, available at;
Everything in this current reality is ruled by the various planets, signs, and houses. When I put parenthesis around a word it is from his Dictionary of astrological correspondences. When you drop these 'keywords' onto the various aspects in a chart... a picture of what is going on in the chart forms... and one can better understand what is being effected, and where, and how.
Everything in this current reality is ruled by the various planets, signs, and houses. When I put parenthesis around a word it is from his Dictionary of astrological correspondences. When you drop these 'keywords' onto the various aspects in a chart... a picture of what is going on in the chart forms... and one can better understand what is being effected, and where, and how.
I am researching the recently revealed affair-scandal of SC Gov. Mark Sanford and his alleged Argentine girlfriend Maria Belén Chapur… but it’s not in protest of yet another corrupt politician using taxpayer money for airline tickets and hotel rooms for clandestine affairs… that’s simply what politicians do.
As an astrologer, I find it a fascinating confirmation of my recent… ‘hot aspect for romance’ prediction in my June 1st post;
I advised that sensuous adventures were quite possible with the transiting Venus and Mars making an exact conjunct at 15 degrees of Taurus on the June 21st …and they stay within the 8 degree orb allowance for a conjunct until July 14th.
According to the current Wikipedia article;
Gov Mark disappeared from June 18th to the 24th …and then arrived back at the Atlanta airport the 24th… and the hot sensuous romance aspect of the Venus/Mars conjunct was exact on the 21st! …and scandal researchers will eventually dig out the details with records of the motel/hotel/plane tickets, etc… that will reveal Mark and Maria having a fun time together on the 21st of June… at taxpayer expense.
I pass no judgement… He’s separated from his wife, going through a mid-life crisis… has an affair… a very old story that many of us play out… and astrologically, it is often very predictable.
What his astrologer (if he does not have one maybe he should get one) did not warn him about was the square angle that transiting Venus and Mars are now making to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius… indicating disillusionment and… scandals!
As an astrologer, I find it a fascinating confirmation of my recent… ‘hot aspect for romance’ prediction in my June 1st post;
I advised that sensuous adventures were quite possible with the transiting Venus and Mars making an exact conjunct at 15 degrees of Taurus on the June 21st …and they stay within the 8 degree orb allowance for a conjunct until July 14th.
According to the current Wikipedia article;
Gov Mark disappeared from June 18th to the 24th …and then arrived back at the Atlanta airport the 24th… and the hot sensuous romance aspect of the Venus/Mars conjunct was exact on the 21st! …and scandal researchers will eventually dig out the details with records of the motel/hotel/plane tickets, etc… that will reveal Mark and Maria having a fun time together on the 21st of June… at taxpayer expense.
I pass no judgement… He’s separated from his wife, going through a mid-life crisis… has an affair… a very old story that many of us play out… and astrologically, it is often very predictable.
What his astrologer (if he does not have one maybe he should get one) did not warn him about was the square angle that transiting Venus and Mars are now making to Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius… indicating disillusionment and… scandals!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The current transiting Jupiter and Neptune conjunct stays within a 1 degree orb all month… and due to the current retrograde motion of Jupiter the conjunct will be exact again on July 10th When Jupiter made its station, appearing to ‘stop’ from our view on Earth… the big election fraud and violence began in Iran… so… we can expect more of the same this month… to include financial, media, and political scandals… perhaps more deaths of public figures… more suicide and terrorist bombing, riots…
I see significant dangers coming from the stressful energies of two eclipses this month… the first is a Penumbral Lunar eclipse (partial shadow and with a -23 degree Declination, making it the farthest eclipse from the Earth for the year) occurring 0n July 7th …then on July 22nd there is a Total Solar Eclipse at +19 Declination, making it the closet eclipse to the Earth for the year.
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Sun and Moon are in opposition) on July 7th has the Sun at 15 degrees of Cancer… the Total Solar eclipse of July 22nd occurs at 29 degrees of Cancer… this is the most intense point of the sign… and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. These are powerful energies stretching through this month… especially the latter half… which can bring significant volcanic, earthquake, hurricane, flooding, tsunamis, etc… due to this tremendous pull of the Moons elliptic orbit at its extreme Declinations… -23 to +18 …with fireworks on both ends… eclipses!
…more yet… in between these two eclipses there is once again the exact conjunct of Jupiter (big) and Neptune (water storms) on July 10th at 26 degrees of Aquarius (sudden)… if not… and/or… more of what we saw last month…
As Venus and Mars continue their conjunct (by 8 degree orb allowance) through the first week of July… they make a square aspect to the approaching exact conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune… Venus here can be disillusionment with what was perhaps a ‘hot romance’ of last months exact Venus/Mars conjunct on June 15th.
But more dangerous is transiting Mars square to Neptune (exact July 6th) …this is a potential assassination aspect …and that’s all the farther I want to go with that. …why? …if I name someone I’ll have police SWAT, FBI, NSA, etc… kicking my door down wanting to know what I had to do with it!
The famous English astrologer William Lilly predicted the Great London Fire of 1666 fourteen years before it happened… and he was arrested and put on trail by Parliament! …he beat the rap due to a lack of evidence …and some of the higher ups were his clients.
…so… I am not going to name anyone… if it happens we’ll certainly examine the charts after the fact…
Mars and Neptune in square can bring on more infections, food poisoning, viruses, flu, etc…
I think the market rally is over… more drifting and edging down. If there is a brief rally… I don’t see it (DJIA) going higher than 9000.
Baseball? …my current research is batting about .500… not quite good enough yet… we shall see…
Check your kits… it will be an interesting month…
I see significant dangers coming from the stressful energies of two eclipses this month… the first is a Penumbral Lunar eclipse (partial shadow and with a -23 degree Declination, making it the farthest eclipse from the Earth for the year) occurring 0n July 7th …then on July 22nd there is a Total Solar Eclipse at +19 Declination, making it the closet eclipse to the Earth for the year.
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Sun and Moon are in opposition) on July 7th has the Sun at 15 degrees of Cancer… the Total Solar eclipse of July 22nd occurs at 29 degrees of Cancer… this is the most intense point of the sign… and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. These are powerful energies stretching through this month… especially the latter half… which can bring significant volcanic, earthquake, hurricane, flooding, tsunamis, etc… due to this tremendous pull of the Moons elliptic orbit at its extreme Declinations… -23 to +18 …with fireworks on both ends… eclipses!
…more yet… in between these two eclipses there is once again the exact conjunct of Jupiter (big) and Neptune (water storms) on July 10th at 26 degrees of Aquarius (sudden)… if not… and/or… more of what we saw last month…
As Venus and Mars continue their conjunct (by 8 degree orb allowance) through the first week of July… they make a square aspect to the approaching exact conjunct of Jupiter/Neptune… Venus here can be disillusionment with what was perhaps a ‘hot romance’ of last months exact Venus/Mars conjunct on June 15th.
But more dangerous is transiting Mars square to Neptune (exact July 6th) …this is a potential assassination aspect …and that’s all the farther I want to go with that. …why? …if I name someone I’ll have police SWAT, FBI, NSA, etc… kicking my door down wanting to know what I had to do with it!
The famous English astrologer William Lilly predicted the Great London Fire of 1666 fourteen years before it happened… and he was arrested and put on trail by Parliament! …he beat the rap due to a lack of evidence …and some of the higher ups were his clients.
…so… I am not going to name anyone… if it happens we’ll certainly examine the charts after the fact…
Mars and Neptune in square can bring on more infections, food poisoning, viruses, flu, etc…
I think the market rally is over… more drifting and edging down. If there is a brief rally… I don’t see it (DJIA) going higher than 9000.
Baseball? …my current research is batting about .500… not quite good enough yet… we shall see…
Check your kits… it will be an interesting month…
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