Friday, July 16, 2010


A half an hour ago… approximately 7 AM here in Long Beach, California… I’m sitting in my canvas director’s chair in peaceful morning meditation in my small yard… and drops of a light rain begin to fall. It’s refreshing… It doesn’t bother me… and I begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all. It’s raining in southern California… in the middle of JULY!

…and for the past decade a small group (maybe 50) of lying corrupt scientists on the take for money from the other politician and corporate members of the UN Climate Council …put forth as fact one of the biggest lies of the past couple of centuries… that of global warming due to carbon emissions… and they award their propaganda stooges… like Al Gore, a Nobel peace prize.

It has become a major political driver of policies that will keep the third world countries poor and undeveloped and starving… no politician dares to speak against it… and honest scientists who speak the truth have their funding cut and the corporate controlled media is used to discredit them.

The weather is always in a flux of change… since day one… and it is primarily due to cyclic Sun spot activity. If you want to know the real truth about climate cycles from real scientists check out one of the many videos they are beginning to circulate among the alternate media… the internet… which is constantly being undermined by various human made computer hacks and viruses… from the small secret group of egomaniacs who think they have the right to rule the world. Man made carbon emissions are but 2% of the total… the other 98% of carbon emissions come from the evaporating ocean water, plants, and continuous volcano emissions throughout the world… open your eyes and minds to truth, here’s one such video,

…it is a proven hoax …yet there is no media uproar …and it is still being pushed as UN policy …if anything the establishment media is the stage magician …distracting the audience with the latest antics of their movie stars like Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, and Roman Polanski… while the manipulation of markets, energy supplies, manufactured diseases, profitable weapons and war production, etc… continues unabated…

Why do they want to keep third world countries poor? …because it’s getting harder for them to control and exploit the third world countries! Just last week I had an interesting conformation of this. As I’ve mentioned before in this column… at the age of 65 I still have a ‘day job’ at a broadcast studio in Los Angeles where I quality control inspect movies from all over the planet before they are broadcast via cable and satellite. I reviewed an interesting documentary by Canadian film makers, Ben Addelman and Samir Mallal, entitled, “Nollywood Babylon” …about films produced in Nigeria… by Nigerians.

We all know of the ‘Hollywood’ movie empire… and its rival the second largest producer of movies ‘Bollywood’ the movie industry of India… and the third largest producer of movies is now ‘Nollywood’ the movie industry of Nigeria… and for the benefit of Sarah Palin and other geography ignorant folks… Nigeria is a third world under developed poor country in Africa and they rank 8th among the ten most populated countries of the world with 154,729,000 people.

Their movie industry began to grow in the 1980s with the development of VHS video cameras and now DVD distribution. Yes, they’re grainy… more sophisticated movie reviewers would say they’re ‘corny’ etc… But they are improving rapidly as does the technology and they now have 30 years of production experience… which now produces 2500 titles per year… at an average cost of less than $15,000 per feature… and many are the same old scary monsters, Jesus and Voodoo, gangsters vs. good guys, and romance, etc… But, the important point is… they are Nigerian movies… with Nigerian actors… made by Nigerian directors and production crews.

They simply got tired of watching white people movies about white people… and they started making their own movies about Africans made by Africans. They have an enthusiastic and supportive audience of 154 million people… and they could care less about the antics of Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan… or the opinions of 1st world movie critics.

They are making money with their own product in their own country without the control or influence of any of the 1st and 2nd world powers that be… These people may be poor… some lack formal education… but… they’re not stupid… and that is what scares the secret world power people silly… the 3rd world is ditching the ‘system’ and doing their own thing more and more every day.

In my opinion… it is within these third world countries where the solutions to the world energy problems will be found… such as Brazil running their cars on sugar cane refined gasoline for a couple of decades now…

Because of the emissions control hoax… and attempts at world regulation of industry… other nations will develop wind, solar, water turbine power, and other sources of cheap and sometimes … ‘free’… (corporate and political interests hate that word and they are trying very hard to abolish it from thinking and language all together) energy for all…

…that is ..if …BP and other greedy oil mongers …don’t drill into and ignite maybe the world’s largest methane gas bubble beneath the Gulf of Mexico ocean floor …and thus blow up the entire planet …or significant parts of it …

I’m not an advocate of the psychic, Edgar Cayce… some of his predictions have come to pass… and some not…. however, he did once see Kansas as beach property in 2015…

…we shall see…

How does all this relate to mundane astrology? It is part of the ongoing transit of Neptune (rules film industry)… through the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, which rules pioneers, invention, revolutionary thinking, independence, etc)… thus, new independent and innovative film makers emerge to challenge the status quo.

Check out the free 2 minute preview;

Search engine around for it… it’s available via cable and satellite (as of last Tuesday night when I passed it for broadcast)… It’s an inexpensive documentary movie rent… and a very inspiring watch… I enjoyed it.

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