Thursday, July 8, 2010


This past month’s experience with the North Korean ‘worm’ computer virus is teaching me to be much more portable… and showing me that technology is finally catching up with what I want to do. For only $546… which I just happen to have laying around in my paypal account from ‘penny’ clicks from dear readers and email client fees over the past three years… I can now publically post my prognostications and wiseacring from any location on the planet… with the nifty built in wireless gizmo… and in future writings North Korea will not be given any editorial slack whatsoever from this writer.

So far this month the predictions are in line… with plenty of violence, revolution, bombings, etc… and another 5.2 earthquake in my area… last Tuesday in Boreiggo Springs, about 30 miles or so east of my little house… and my kit is ready, and my laptop battery charged… and as always, dear reader… I remind you to check yours…

The stock market did the predicted slide to 9700 or so… and is now rallying back toward the 10,500 level. For this recovery to be real it needs to move past and close strongly above that point. If it fails to close above 10,500… then the 11th ‘T-bar’ New Moon may send it on down again. I still see the DJIA at 8500 by the end of August.

Let us all do what we can to support the condemned woman in Iran who has been sentenced to ‘stoning’… How more in ‘stone age’ morality and thinking… can a country be? …and these idiots want to play with atomic energy?!

…no need to dwell on the BP disaster …except to remind the world that it was all caused by cost cutting, rule bending, irresponsible leadership… and just plain greed. Justice would be criminal prosecution of those causing the failures, the total cleanup bill to be paid by BP, to include lifetime compensation to fishermen whose livelihood is being destroyed… and if it bankrupts them… so be it. Don’t hold your breath on any of that coming to pass… there will be no justice… and there will be on going oil wars… until there is a Constitutional Amendment written and passed into law… for the separation of… Oil and State.

1 comment:

  1. Good to have you back. Everything you say makes a lot of sense. How long will the world have to put up with the morons in Iran? They want to stone some poor woman, and legistrate hair cuts.
