Saturday, July 4, 2009


…and she resigns,

“A Shooting Star Crashing To Earth?”

In my post of September 19th 2008,

…I predicted,

“My astrology charts and intuition tells me that Barack Obama will probably win this election. The recent Sarah Palin euphoria will pass and as transiting Mars and Neptune conjunct with her natal Mars and Neptune square indicating more scandal… perhaps even an assassination attempt (by a ‘lone nut’ radical feminist?). Another possibility would be that she becomes such a verbal ‘loose cannon,’ of controversy, she will be asked to step down as the Republican VP nominee.”

…now ten months later… as the transiting Venus and Mars (values and energy drive) 24 and 28 degrees of Taurus are square to her natal Saturn (reality) at 25 degrees of Aquarius… which the transiting Jupiter/Neptune (bubble hype life style) conjunct is now sitting on as well… All together it indicates that she is feeling extremely restricted and wants now to simply break free from it all… and she’s doing just that… resigning as Governor of Alaska… and probably ending her political career.

Despite the nation’s current problems… the voters did well… in electing the Democratic ticket this time around. Had they elected McCain and Palin… she would probably be resigning the Vice Presidency post now while under the stress of these current transits. …and so we have a bit more political scandal and shock under these current transits… that the news media and comedians will hype for awhile… more Jupiter (a lot) conjunct Neptune (hysteria).

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