Sling shots… and fire crackers… vs. armed troops in Thailand…
When I saw this picture of a protester in Bangkok I relived a moment in my youth… a very sharp memory with clear images… I was 12 years old and I was sitting on the front porch steps folding my newspapers for delivery on my bicycle paper route… and I was reading the headline story and looking at the photos of the 1956 Hungarian revolutionaries throwing gasoline filled glass bottle bombs at the Soviet Union tanks…
…and again …angry people …with nothing more to lose …who simply want their government and country back.

Soviet Tanks in Hungary 1956
…despots and empires come and go …as the planets transit on and repeat the same patterns millennia after millennia …and people and nations make the same choices.
…and there’s the Korean situation that is not looking very peaceful,

Various articles about the sinking of the South Korean Corvette warship, Cheonan… describe the mounting evidence of a North Korean made torpedo being used to sink the ship in a deliberate submarine attack… and each article states the fact that North and South Korea never signed a peace treaty in 1953… and technically they’re still at war… and as Uranus enters the sign of Mars (war) ruled Aries on the 28th of this month… new war may escalate very quickly.
Under pressure from the recent exact aspect of transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus… as predicted on the 1st… the DJIA continues its downward tilt, now below 10,500… no ‘glitch’ this time… millions of nervous investors are beginning to exit the obviously manipulated and rigged stock market game…
…and wars have been historically very profitable for the secret few who orchestrate them through their political puppets …and then they convince the populace with their manipulated and controlled media that it is all very necessary for ‘security’ reasons…
…I’ve been on this planet for 65 years now …and I have never really felt ‘secure’ about anything… somehow there’s always a ‘them’ threatening ‘us’… and groups and individuals in your face with… ‘you’re either with us… or them’…
…and I’ve learned through the School of Hard Knocks …to check my kit, my stashed ‘get outa town’ money, have a change of clothes and boots in a backpack with a sleeping bag… keep the gas tank topped off, and stay alert… and try as best I can to choose… not to participate… in the general madness of it all… and to maintain an impartial ‘in this world… but not of it…’ point of view… I didn’t say it was easy… it’s just my effort and intent… in the here and now of it all…
...these are interesting times, indeed.
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Later after work… 11:30 PM
…again things are happening so fast …I can’t keep up with posting about it all,
The Red Shirts have been dispersed after setting the downtown district of Bangkok on fire… but they’re not gone… and will more than likely be back,

“Bangkok in flames as protesters refuse to back down”
…and now the predicted foul weather starts up with a cyclone about to hit India,
“Indian state braces for fierce storm; 15 killed”
…more later …as it happens
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