Thursday, May 27, 2010


Almost six months into the predicted eventful year we’ve seen major earthquakes, a volcano erupt and shut down Europe, significant civilian uprisings and revolts, increased terrorist attacks, a record one day drop in the stock market… weekly celebrity, political, church, and financial scandals… catastrophic coal mine accidents… the current explosion of the off shore oil rig and on going record oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico… and an outright act of war with the North Korean sinking of a South Korean navel ship…

…and now more of the predicted severe weather is just around the corner,

“US Govt warns of worst hurricane season since 2005”

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association have predicted 8-14 hurricanes this season… which begins next Tuesday June 1st.

The record for the most in one season was 2005 with 15. The average hurricane season brings 11 tropical storms with 6 hurricanes of which 2 are major.

…the up coming mundane astrology based on the current planetary transits on through August-October supports NOAA’s 2010 season prediction…

The main current aspect working is the “T-Bar” of Saturn opposition Uranus (now with Jupiter conjunct) and all square to Pluto… and Neptune (Water related storms) Inconjunct to Saturn (adjustment, clean up, etc) in late degrees of Uranus (sudden) ruled Aquarius… and soon Uranus in Aries (Mars ruled, explosive)

…while some continue to ballyhoo the alleged economic recovery… and others advise buying gold on price dips… I’m accumulating cans of Spam, Potted Meat, fruit, big bag of rice, bottled water, etc… who knows? …people might be paying an ounce of gold for a can of Spam before it’s all over.

…on the brighter side …it’s the nice time of year to go out in the yard …pick and eat an apple from the tree …and in August eat grapes from the vine that is taking over my fence again.

…may the peace and love of the Cosmos be with you…

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