We are still under the influence of the stressful aspects that formed exact on the 28th of April… thus this first week may be another violent and explosive one. I’m trying another 1st of the month chart as a ‘Horary’ chart of the month to come, thus

[click chart for detail]
For the next two days the transiting Moon will approach its conjunction with Pluto and will also be the focal point and possible ‘trigger’ in the ‘T-Bar’ it forms with the transiting Saturn Uranus opposition… which is now being intensified by approaching Jupiter to conjoin with Uranus… Trigger for what?
Transiting Mars is on the Ascendant and square to the Sun and both are in square now… very powerful energies… on the positive side, a lot of work can get done… on the negative side, temper tantrums, violence, aggression, etc. This could be another bloody first week of the month, be alert.
The ‘T-Bar’ may tilt the market into a slide for awhile… and with Neptune still in stressful aspect… more may surface in the Wall Street scandals… and now along with Greece… Spain, Portugal, and Italy are on the financially troubled country list…
The continuing and now late degree (28-29) of the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius indicates perhaps more repetition of last months scandals… and or they reveal more… and of course possible new ones in government, banking, stocks, church, and celebrities…
With both the New (14th) and Full Moon (27th) making stressful aspects to these points… which may bring about some 6+ earthquakes, volcano activity, and severe storms, tornados… perhaps an early hurricane… which could be disastrous for the oil spill clean up.
Another stressful period will be from the 23rd to the end of the month… Jupiter and Saturn form an exact opposition on the 23rd… Jupiter also adds its exuberance to the ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn and Uranus to Pluto… and the 28th Uranus transits into the Mars ruled sign of Aries… and we may see revolutions start to get more violent.
It’s not the end of the world yet… just an eventful year.
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