…and again the Horary mundane chart for the 1st of June starts off with the same difficult ‘T-Bar” formation of transiting Saturn at 27 degrees of Virgo in opposition to Uranus now at 0 degrees Aries… and both square to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn…

We can expect more of the same… with more events added… like now very possible severe hurricanes… with the notable opposition between Mars (action, force) opposition to Neptune (water) in Aquarius (Air sign) ruled by Uranus (sudden) …sudden forceful water and air = hurricane. Hurricanes are ruled by Uranus… which is now at the power point of 0 degrees of Aries (Mars)… thus it’s like a Mars Uranus conjunction = sudden force…
…add to that the current conjunction of transiting Jupiter to Uranus… which expands the problem. Jovial expansive Jupiter in this scenario… is like a big crazy drunk smashing into things… Jupiter is not always a good influence… and with volcanoes, oil spills, and earthquakes… ‘more’ does not equate to better…
Mars at 27 degrees of Leo (celebrities) opposition Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius (glamour, entertainment) …may also bring on some more sudden celebrity scandals …involving drugs, death, gossip, sex, etc.
The current tense transits that are forming do not let up for a few months yet… The stressful ‘T-Bar’ of transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto… that we’ve been dealing with for the past couple of months… is now further exacerbated by the forming of another ‘T-Bar’ of the transiting Sun at 4 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury square to Saturn and Uranus. These two ‘T-Bars’ form a ‘Grand Cross’… (the big red ‘X’ in the chart) which is activated the 25-26th with the transit of the Full Moon over Pluto… This is one of the major stressful transits of the year.
…something big …is going to go ‘bang!’ during the latter part of June …or maybe ‘whoooosh!’ …with a devastating hurricane. This stress may also bring on more major earthquakes (5M+) and volcanic activity that we’ve witnessed for the past two months…
…these stressful transits involving Neptune (water, oil, navies) and Mars (force) can also indicate more navel confrontations… and or pirate hostilities… and or severe weather complicating the Gulf oil spill cleanup efforts… even the possible hurricane blowing the oil inland along the Gulf coast states…
My February 12th prediction of the DJIA possibly hitting 8500 by the end of May in another stock market slide… made it down to 9774 from 11,274… so, I missed it by 1200 points… it was however a major 1500 point drop, with a historic one day drop of 1000 points… and the predicted slide came right on time… with the exact formation of the Saturn Uranus opposition that occurred on the 1st. Now at 10,000… it will more than likely test this support level in a volatile 400-500 point range… perhaps a rally for a of couple weeks… until the big ‘X’ of the 26th …have your protective stop loss orders in place …and be ready for another possible big slide.
The technically on going war between North and South Korea can escalate at anytime throughout this year. I see more sanctions and saber rattling for the moment… with very explosive possibilities in August… as Mars joins up with the on going stressful ‘T-Bars’
…and the Middle East will continue it’s madness ...lately with 90 or more killed in Pakistani Mosques bombings… and a suspected separatist Maoist sabotage bombing of a passenger train in India… with 70 some killed and 200 injured on the predicted very stressful dangerous day of May 28th… the day Uranus transited into the Mars ruled sign of Aries. It will park there on the 0 and 1 degree point until August 14th when it retrogrades back into Pisces.
…with Uranus moving to Aries, besides possible revolts and war at any time …the on going scandals and media rhetoric may get just a tad more vicious…
Yesterday… May’s Full Moon conjunction ‘trigger’ to Pluto… the focal point of the Saturn, Uranus, Pluto ‘T-Bar’ …sets off the predicted end of the month volcano activity again… now in two other locations. Two are reported dead and 1000’s are fleeing eruptions of the Pacaya volcano in Guatemala and the Tungurahura volcano in Ecuador as I write this on the 29th of May.
These may very well be historic times… myself, and many other mundane astrologers, have been pointing out that the current transits are indications or major world, social, and climate change… similar to circa 536-7 CE, the times of the last Roman Emperor, and the beginning of the ‘Dark Ages,’ with major weather pattern and social structure changes throughout the world.
The ‘exact day predicting’ of these events is difficult… stress builds slowly… one sees the dangerous loose snow piling up… just which last snow flake triggers the avalanche… and exactly which way it will fall and how much… is not so predictable… However, as we see month after month… these events do occur within a week or two of the date that these exact stressful aspects are formed.
…check your kits and be alert.
The Big Red ‘X’ day, June 26th may bring more of the same volatility, explosions, eruptions, crashes, violence, war…etc.

[click charts for detail]
I’m posting the June predictions a couple of days early so as to have some of the holiday weekend for myself…
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