“Kendra Wilkinsen: Sex Tape Broke My Heart”
…oh, give the kid a break … we… all of us who have video toys… play naughty games with them at one time or another… just remember to erase the tape... and sadly, the passing of two actors, Gary Coleman and Dennis Hopper, and both deaths fall within the orb of the Mars opposition to Neptune (rules infections, tumors, etc) aspect.
…and another coal mine explosion has just been reported in China, as Uranus (Explosions) is at 0 degrees of Aries (Mars ruled, force) and Saturn (rules coal mines) is opposite Uranus (explosions, accidents) and both Square to Pluto (rules catastrophes)…
The stress of this Saturn/Uranus/Pluto ‘T-Bar’ will be in influence throughout the month… and the summer… because it involves three very slow moving planets, with all three going retrograde a various times… which keeps this aspect around for some time to come…
…I’m glad now that I followed my intuition …and posted the June Predictions three days early …they’re already starting to happen …now even before the first week of the month! …will I ever get this cosmic timing thing figured out?!?
…check your kits.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
“June is busting out all over…” But this year it may not be the same old happy song and dance musical… as possible hurricanes… volcanoes, earthquakes… and more chaos… looms again…
…and again the Horary mundane chart for the 1st of June starts off with the same difficult ‘T-Bar” formation of transiting Saturn at 27 degrees of Virgo in opposition to Uranus now at 0 degrees Aries… and both square to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn…

We can expect more of the same… with more events added… like now very possible severe hurricanes… with the notable opposition between Mars (action, force) opposition to Neptune (water) in Aquarius (Air sign) ruled by Uranus (sudden) …sudden forceful water and air = hurricane. Hurricanes are ruled by Uranus… which is now at the power point of 0 degrees of Aries (Mars)… thus it’s like a Mars Uranus conjunction = sudden force…
…add to that the current conjunction of transiting Jupiter to Uranus… which expands the problem. Jovial expansive Jupiter in this scenario… is like a big crazy drunk smashing into things… Jupiter is not always a good influence… and with volcanoes, oil spills, and earthquakes… ‘more’ does not equate to better…
Mars at 27 degrees of Leo (celebrities) opposition Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius (glamour, entertainment) …may also bring on some more sudden celebrity scandals …involving drugs, death, gossip, sex, etc.
The current tense transits that are forming do not let up for a few months yet… The stressful ‘T-Bar’ of transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto… that we’ve been dealing with for the past couple of months… is now further exacerbated by the forming of another ‘T-Bar’ of the transiting Sun at 4 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury square to Saturn and Uranus. These two ‘T-Bars’ form a ‘Grand Cross’… (the big red ‘X’ in the chart) which is activated the 25-26th with the transit of the Full Moon over Pluto… This is one of the major stressful transits of the year.
…something big …is going to go ‘bang!’ during the latter part of June …or maybe ‘whoooosh!’ …with a devastating hurricane. This stress may also bring on more major earthquakes (5M+) and volcanic activity that we’ve witnessed for the past two months…
…these stressful transits involving Neptune (water, oil, navies) and Mars (force) can also indicate more navel confrontations… and or pirate hostilities… and or severe weather complicating the Gulf oil spill cleanup efforts… even the possible hurricane blowing the oil inland along the Gulf coast states…
My February 12th prediction of the DJIA possibly hitting 8500 by the end of May in another stock market slide… made it down to 9774 from 11,274… so, I missed it by 1200 points… it was however a major 1500 point drop, with a historic one day drop of 1000 points… and the predicted slide came right on time… with the exact formation of the Saturn Uranus opposition that occurred on the 1st. Now at 10,000… it will more than likely test this support level in a volatile 400-500 point range… perhaps a rally for a of couple weeks… until the big ‘X’ of the 26th …have your protective stop loss orders in place …and be ready for another possible big slide.
The technically on going war between North and South Korea can escalate at anytime throughout this year. I see more sanctions and saber rattling for the moment… with very explosive possibilities in August… as Mars joins up with the on going stressful ‘T-Bars’
…and the Middle East will continue it’s madness ...lately with 90 or more killed in Pakistani Mosques bombings… and a suspected separatist Maoist sabotage bombing of a passenger train in India… with 70 some killed and 200 injured on the predicted very stressful dangerous day of May 28th… the day Uranus transited into the Mars ruled sign of Aries. It will park there on the 0 and 1 degree point until August 14th when it retrogrades back into Pisces.
…with Uranus moving to Aries, besides possible revolts and war at any time …the on going scandals and media rhetoric may get just a tad more vicious…
Yesterday… May’s Full Moon conjunction ‘trigger’ to Pluto… the focal point of the Saturn, Uranus, Pluto ‘T-Bar’ …sets off the predicted end of the month volcano activity again… now in two other locations. Two are reported dead and 1000’s are fleeing eruptions of the Pacaya volcano in Guatemala and the Tungurahura volcano in Ecuador as I write this on the 29th of May.
These may very well be historic times… myself, and many other mundane astrologers, have been pointing out that the current transits are indications or major world, social, and climate change… similar to circa 536-7 CE, the times of the last Roman Emperor, and the beginning of the ‘Dark Ages,’ with major weather pattern and social structure changes throughout the world.
The ‘exact day predicting’ of these events is difficult… stress builds slowly… one sees the dangerous loose snow piling up… just which last snow flake triggers the avalanche… and exactly which way it will fall and how much… is not so predictable… However, as we see month after month… these events do occur within a week or two of the date that these exact stressful aspects are formed.
…check your kits and be alert.
The Big Red ‘X’ day, June 26th may bring more of the same volatility, explosions, eruptions, crashes, violence, war…etc.

[click charts for detail]
I’m posting the June predictions a couple of days early so as to have some of the holiday weekend for myself…
…and again the Horary mundane chart for the 1st of June starts off with the same difficult ‘T-Bar” formation of transiting Saturn at 27 degrees of Virgo in opposition to Uranus now at 0 degrees Aries… and both square to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn…

We can expect more of the same… with more events added… like now very possible severe hurricanes… with the notable opposition between Mars (action, force) opposition to Neptune (water) in Aquarius (Air sign) ruled by Uranus (sudden) …sudden forceful water and air = hurricane. Hurricanes are ruled by Uranus… which is now at the power point of 0 degrees of Aries (Mars)… thus it’s like a Mars Uranus conjunction = sudden force…
…add to that the current conjunction of transiting Jupiter to Uranus… which expands the problem. Jovial expansive Jupiter in this scenario… is like a big crazy drunk smashing into things… Jupiter is not always a good influence… and with volcanoes, oil spills, and earthquakes… ‘more’ does not equate to better…
Mars at 27 degrees of Leo (celebrities) opposition Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius (glamour, entertainment) …may also bring on some more sudden celebrity scandals …involving drugs, death, gossip, sex, etc.
The current tense transits that are forming do not let up for a few months yet… The stressful ‘T-Bar’ of transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto… that we’ve been dealing with for the past couple of months… is now further exacerbated by the forming of another ‘T-Bar’ of the transiting Sun at 4 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury square to Saturn and Uranus. These two ‘T-Bars’ form a ‘Grand Cross’… (the big red ‘X’ in the chart) which is activated the 25-26th with the transit of the Full Moon over Pluto… This is one of the major stressful transits of the year.
…something big …is going to go ‘bang!’ during the latter part of June …or maybe ‘whoooosh!’ …with a devastating hurricane. This stress may also bring on more major earthquakes (5M+) and volcanic activity that we’ve witnessed for the past two months…
…these stressful transits involving Neptune (water, oil, navies) and Mars (force) can also indicate more navel confrontations… and or pirate hostilities… and or severe weather complicating the Gulf oil spill cleanup efforts… even the possible hurricane blowing the oil inland along the Gulf coast states…
My February 12th prediction of the DJIA possibly hitting 8500 by the end of May in another stock market slide… made it down to 9774 from 11,274… so, I missed it by 1200 points… it was however a major 1500 point drop, with a historic one day drop of 1000 points… and the predicted slide came right on time… with the exact formation of the Saturn Uranus opposition that occurred on the 1st. Now at 10,000… it will more than likely test this support level in a volatile 400-500 point range… perhaps a rally for a of couple weeks… until the big ‘X’ of the 26th …have your protective stop loss orders in place …and be ready for another possible big slide.
The technically on going war between North and South Korea can escalate at anytime throughout this year. I see more sanctions and saber rattling for the moment… with very explosive possibilities in August… as Mars joins up with the on going stressful ‘T-Bars’
…and the Middle East will continue it’s madness ...lately with 90 or more killed in Pakistani Mosques bombings… and a suspected separatist Maoist sabotage bombing of a passenger train in India… with 70 some killed and 200 injured on the predicted very stressful dangerous day of May 28th… the day Uranus transited into the Mars ruled sign of Aries. It will park there on the 0 and 1 degree point until August 14th when it retrogrades back into Pisces.
…with Uranus moving to Aries, besides possible revolts and war at any time …the on going scandals and media rhetoric may get just a tad more vicious…
Yesterday… May’s Full Moon conjunction ‘trigger’ to Pluto… the focal point of the Saturn, Uranus, Pluto ‘T-Bar’ …sets off the predicted end of the month volcano activity again… now in two other locations. Two are reported dead and 1000’s are fleeing eruptions of the Pacaya volcano in Guatemala and the Tungurahura volcano in Ecuador as I write this on the 29th of May.
These may very well be historic times… myself, and many other mundane astrologers, have been pointing out that the current transits are indications or major world, social, and climate change… similar to circa 536-7 CE, the times of the last Roman Emperor, and the beginning of the ‘Dark Ages,’ with major weather pattern and social structure changes throughout the world.
The ‘exact day predicting’ of these events is difficult… stress builds slowly… one sees the dangerous loose snow piling up… just which last snow flake triggers the avalanche… and exactly which way it will fall and how much… is not so predictable… However, as we see month after month… these events do occur within a week or two of the date that these exact stressful aspects are formed.
…check your kits and be alert.
The Big Red ‘X’ day, June 26th may bring more of the same volatility, explosions, eruptions, crashes, violence, war…etc.

[click charts for detail]
I’m posting the June predictions a couple of days early so as to have some of the holiday weekend for myself…
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Almost six months into the predicted eventful year we’ve seen major earthquakes, a volcano erupt and shut down Europe, significant civilian uprisings and revolts, increased terrorist attacks, a record one day drop in the stock market… weekly celebrity, political, church, and financial scandals… catastrophic coal mine accidents… the current explosion of the off shore oil rig and on going record oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico… and an outright act of war with the North Korean sinking of a South Korean navel ship…
…and now more of the predicted severe weather is just around the corner,
“US Govt warns of worst hurricane season since 2005”
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association have predicted 8-14 hurricanes this season… which begins next Tuesday June 1st.
The record for the most in one season was 2005 with 15. The average hurricane season brings 11 tropical storms with 6 hurricanes of which 2 are major.
…the up coming mundane astrology based on the current planetary transits on through August-October supports NOAA’s 2010 season prediction…
The main current aspect working is the “T-Bar” of Saturn opposition Uranus (now with Jupiter conjunct) and all square to Pluto… and Neptune (Water related storms) Inconjunct to Saturn (adjustment, clean up, etc) in late degrees of Uranus (sudden) ruled Aquarius… and soon Uranus in Aries (Mars ruled, explosive)
…while some continue to ballyhoo the alleged economic recovery… and others advise buying gold on price dips… I’m accumulating cans of Spam, Potted Meat, fruit, big bag of rice, bottled water, etc… who knows? …people might be paying an ounce of gold for a can of Spam before it’s all over.
…on the brighter side …it’s the nice time of year to go out in the yard …pick and eat an apple from the tree …and in August eat grapes from the vine that is taking over my fence again.
…may the peace and love of the Cosmos be with you…
…and now more of the predicted severe weather is just around the corner,
“US Govt warns of worst hurricane season since 2005”
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association have predicted 8-14 hurricanes this season… which begins next Tuesday June 1st.
The record for the most in one season was 2005 with 15. The average hurricane season brings 11 tropical storms with 6 hurricanes of which 2 are major.
…the up coming mundane astrology based on the current planetary transits on through August-October supports NOAA’s 2010 season prediction…
The main current aspect working is the “T-Bar” of Saturn opposition Uranus (now with Jupiter conjunct) and all square to Pluto… and Neptune (Water related storms) Inconjunct to Saturn (adjustment, clean up, etc) in late degrees of Uranus (sudden) ruled Aquarius… and soon Uranus in Aries (Mars ruled, explosive)
…while some continue to ballyhoo the alleged economic recovery… and others advise buying gold on price dips… I’m accumulating cans of Spam, Potted Meat, fruit, big bag of rice, bottled water, etc… who knows? …people might be paying an ounce of gold for a can of Spam before it’s all over.
…on the brighter side …it’s the nice time of year to go out in the yard …pick and eat an apple from the tree …and in August eat grapes from the vine that is taking over my fence again.
…may the peace and love of the Cosmos be with you…
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
As we have seen in past posts… “T-Bar” formations can be rather disrupting… and the current Saturn transit at 27 degrees of Virgo opposed to Uranus at 29 degrees of Pisces… and both squared (by 6-8 degree orb allowance) to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn… and this formation is now turbo charged by transiting Jupiter (Expansive) at 27 degrees of Pisces, which conjuncts Uranus and is opposed to Saturn…
The exact opposition of Jupiter and Saturn occurred on Sunday the 23rd… and Monday the DJIA continued on its down slide another -119… and may very well continue its downward movement throughout the remainder of the month…
There is also a stressful Inconjunct (150 degrees) from transiting Neptune at 27 degrees of Aquarius to the Saturn side of the ‘T-Bar’…
This is an aspect of ‘adjustment to a problem or an attitude’ and here Neptune (oil) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled = accident, explosions)… and Inconjunct = adjustment = cleanup of spilling oil…
…and the 28th …Uranus ingresses into the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars… which rules war… and things are very tense between North and South Korea now… Uranus will park on the 0 degree of Aries from the 28th to August 13th 2010… This could be a very violent and revolutionary Summer… possibly quieting down during the fall and winter as Uranus goes into retrograde motion back into Pisces… and then returns to the sign of Aries March 29th 2011.
…very explosive possibilities …on through the remainder of the month. Be alert… check your kits.
The exact opposition of Jupiter and Saturn occurred on Sunday the 23rd… and Monday the DJIA continued on its down slide another -119… and may very well continue its downward movement throughout the remainder of the month…
There is also a stressful Inconjunct (150 degrees) from transiting Neptune at 27 degrees of Aquarius to the Saturn side of the ‘T-Bar’…
This is an aspect of ‘adjustment to a problem or an attitude’ and here Neptune (oil) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled = accident, explosions)… and Inconjunct = adjustment = cleanup of spilling oil…
…and the 28th …Uranus ingresses into the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars… which rules war… and things are very tense between North and South Korea now… Uranus will park on the 0 degree of Aries from the 28th to August 13th 2010… This could be a very violent and revolutionary Summer… possibly quieting down during the fall and winter as Uranus goes into retrograde motion back into Pisces… and then returns to the sign of Aries March 29th 2011.
…very explosive possibilities …on through the remainder of the month. Be alert… check your kits.
Monday, May 24, 2010
All I was trying to do was gather some information and photos of the torpedo fragments that had been found during the investigation… and everything suddenly froze up… with a couple of dozen red flags popping up on my security alert… it’s taken the week or so for me and all my computer geek friends to get things back together again… and things still aren’t quite up to speed yet… but a least I can write and post now.
All par for the course during these stressful ‘T-Bar’ transits… the oil is still spewing in the Gulf… terrorists continue their bombing… Thailand rebels want the PM to step down… the Iceland volcano shuts down various European airports off and on… and another celebrity scandal, a husband found dead… and the DJIA average slides to 10,000… with a few tornadoes and a cyclone thrown in as well…
…hopefully things will keep running and the column makes it through until the end of this rather eventful month thus far…
All par for the course during these stressful ‘T-Bar’ transits… the oil is still spewing in the Gulf… terrorists continue their bombing… Thailand rebels want the PM to step down… the Iceland volcano shuts down various European airports off and on… and another celebrity scandal, a husband found dead… and the DJIA average slides to 10,000… with a few tornadoes and a cyclone thrown in as well…
…hopefully things will keep running and the column makes it through until the end of this rather eventful month thus far…
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sling shots… and fire crackers… vs. armed troops in Thailand…
When I saw this picture of a protester in Bangkok I relived a moment in my youth… a very sharp memory with clear images… I was 12 years old and I was sitting on the front porch steps folding my newspapers for delivery on my bicycle paper route… and I was reading the headline story and looking at the photos of the 1956 Hungarian revolutionaries throwing gasoline filled glass bottle bombs at the Soviet Union tanks…
…and again …angry people …with nothing more to lose …who simply want their government and country back.

Soviet Tanks in Hungary 1956
…despots and empires come and go …as the planets transit on and repeat the same patterns millennia after millennia …and people and nations make the same choices.
…and there’s the Korean situation that is not looking very peaceful,

Various articles about the sinking of the South Korean Corvette warship, Cheonan… describe the mounting evidence of a North Korean made torpedo being used to sink the ship in a deliberate submarine attack… and each article states the fact that North and South Korea never signed a peace treaty in 1953… and technically they’re still at war… and as Uranus enters the sign of Mars (war) ruled Aries on the 28th of this month… new war may escalate very quickly.
Under pressure from the recent exact aspect of transiting Saturn opposition to Uranus… as predicted on the 1st… the DJIA continues its downward tilt, now below 10,500… no ‘glitch’ this time… millions of nervous investors are beginning to exit the obviously manipulated and rigged stock market game…
…and wars have been historically very profitable for the secret few who orchestrate them through their political puppets …and then they convince the populace with their manipulated and controlled media that it is all very necessary for ‘security’ reasons…
…I’ve been on this planet for 65 years now …and I have never really felt ‘secure’ about anything… somehow there’s always a ‘them’ threatening ‘us’… and groups and individuals in your face with… ‘you’re either with us… or them’…
…and I’ve learned through the School of Hard Knocks …to check my kit, my stashed ‘get outa town’ money, have a change of clothes and boots in a backpack with a sleeping bag… keep the gas tank topped off, and stay alert… and try as best I can to choose… not to participate… in the general madness of it all… and to maintain an impartial ‘in this world… but not of it…’ point of view… I didn’t say it was easy… it’s just my effort and intent… in the here and now of it all…
...these are interesting times, indeed.
- - -
Later after work… 11:30 PM
…again things are happening so fast …I can’t keep up with posting about it all,
The Red Shirts have been dispersed after setting the downtown district of Bangkok on fire… but they’re not gone… and will more than likely be back,
“Bangkok in flames as protesters refuse to back down”
…and now the predicted foul weather starts up with a cyclone about to hit India,
“Indian state braces for fierce storm; 15 killed”
…more later …as it happens
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So, far this month we’ve had the predicted oil, financial, and with more on Roman… entertainment scandals… and now before the month is up… we draw a fourth suit of scandal, a politician… and are now holding four of a kind… another politician resigns amid the scandal of an affair with a female of his staff… and with the ‘Joker’… he’s another hypocrite ‘Evangelical Christian’ and one against… sex education…
“Republican Rep Souder admits affair, resigns”
This type of hypocrisy is an example of what transiting Pluto squares will root out… so that better can replace it…
Though earthquakes haven’t made the headlines of late… they are there… Earthquakes occur everyday throughout the planet. When I predict increased activity I use a bar of 5+M as a significant size, especially in populated areas. Our latest earthquake disasters have been at the 7+M and higher, in Haiti, China, Mexico, and Chile. It hasn’t been in the news… but in the past seven days there have now been 19 earthquakes around the world in a range of 5.0 to 5.8M… as these aspects tighten throughout the month the chances of another 7.0 are increasing…
…check your kits …and be alert
“Republican Rep Souder admits affair, resigns”
This type of hypocrisy is an example of what transiting Pluto squares will root out… so that better can replace it…
Though earthquakes haven’t made the headlines of late… they are there… Earthquakes occur everyday throughout the planet. When I predict increased activity I use a bar of 5+M as a significant size, especially in populated areas. Our latest earthquake disasters have been at the 7+M and higher, in Haiti, China, Mexico, and Chile. It hasn’t been in the news… but in the past seven days there have now been 19 earthquakes around the world in a range of 5.0 to 5.8M… as these aspects tighten throughout the month the chances of another 7.0 are increasing…
…check your kits …and be alert
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It almost seems unavoidable,
“Death toll rises as anti-government protests escalate in Thailand”

…and things continue to swing back and forth in Kyrgyzstan,
“Government Buildings Retaken in Kyrgystan’
…and the market slide continues a bit,
“Markets Slump as Euro Falls and Greece Jitters Return”
…and amidst the ‘economic recovery,’ …two more banks fail, with a total at 70 for year so far,
A stressful weekend is coming up with the New Moon ‘triggering’ the Current ‘T-Bar’ of Jupiter conjunct Uranus opposition Saturn and all sqauare to Pluto… ergo, earthquake and or volcano activity may start up again…
…check your kits and be alert.
--- 9:38 AM P.S. A dear reader has provided a link to a video of the violence in Thailand,
“Death toll rises as anti-government protests escalate in Thailand”

…and things continue to swing back and forth in Kyrgyzstan,
“Government Buildings Retaken in Kyrgystan’
…and the market slide continues a bit,
“Markets Slump as Euro Falls and Greece Jitters Return”
…and amidst the ‘economic recovery,’ …two more banks fail, with a total at 70 for year so far,
A stressful weekend is coming up with the New Moon ‘triggering’ the Current ‘T-Bar’ of Jupiter conjunct Uranus opposition Saturn and all sqauare to Pluto… ergo, earthquake and or volcano activity may start up again…
…check your kits and be alert.
--- 9:38 AM P.S. A dear reader has provided a link to a video of the violence in Thailand,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Here is a perfect example of why the USA is falling… and probably will continue to fall in world prominence. This brilliant man, Yet-Ming Chiang has given the world a 100 mpg hybrid car and new type of battery… He is an American citizen from Taiwan since the age of 6… and he invented it all here in the USA… yet his company has to start up in China… because of the corporate greedy pig and treasonous attitudes here in the USA… who have no interest whatsoever in rebuilding the USA economy,
“The obstacles here are rooted in the sad history of manufacturing's decline in the United States: Despite the promise of Chiang's batteries, many on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley were incredulous when he and other leaders at A123 asked for capital to build factories in America — Asia, yes, but Michigan, why would you want to?”
…and sadly, Michigan …and other places like it …and what could have been done there …will haunt them someday.
I predicted last month that the Goldman Sachs scandal would open the financial world’s can of corrupt ugly worms… now the banks and ratings analysts are being investigated for conflict of interests… and that’s a nice way of saying they are all involved in the world wide market manipulating corruption… up to their eyeballs,
“Ratings Agencies Face Curbs”
“U.S. bank probes expanding with new investigations.”
With Uranus edging closer to the cusp of Aries… the main flash point right now for a very possible civil war is in Thailand,
“Thai General Shot; Army moves to Face Protesters”

The first dangerous flash point will be the New Moon of the 14th… then the ‘T-Bar’ of the 16th… and from the 23rd on through the end of the month with the Full Moon and a ‘T-Bar’ alignment.
These dates and aspects apply to the entire planet… and we all know the current trouble spots… Be aware of the effects of the repeating stressful energies and the very possible earthquakes, volcano activity, random violence, and severe weather that may well continue throughout the month.
“The obstacles here are rooted in the sad history of manufacturing's decline in the United States: Despite the promise of Chiang's batteries, many on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley were incredulous when he and other leaders at A123 asked for capital to build factories in America — Asia, yes, but Michigan, why would you want to?”
…and sadly, Michigan …and other places like it …and what could have been done there …will haunt them someday.
I predicted last month that the Goldman Sachs scandal would open the financial world’s can of corrupt ugly worms… now the banks and ratings analysts are being investigated for conflict of interests… and that’s a nice way of saying they are all involved in the world wide market manipulating corruption… up to their eyeballs,
“Ratings Agencies Face Curbs”
“U.S. bank probes expanding with new investigations.”
With Uranus edging closer to the cusp of Aries… the main flash point right now for a very possible civil war is in Thailand,
“Thai General Shot; Army moves to Face Protesters”

The first dangerous flash point will be the New Moon of the 14th… then the ‘T-Bar’ of the 16th… and from the 23rd on through the end of the month with the Full Moon and a ‘T-Bar’ alignment.
These dates and aspects apply to the entire planet… and we all know the current trouble spots… Be aware of the effects of the repeating stressful energies and the very possible earthquakes, volcano activity, random violence, and severe weather that may well continue throughout the month.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So why did the Pope and others spend the last two decades or more covering it up?
“Sin within the Church” threat to Catholicism: Pope Benedict”
…and the weather gets deadly again,
“5 dead, dozens injured as tornadoes hit Plains”
In remote areas of Northern Sumatra there was a 7.2 Earthquake …with perhaps more to come around the New and Full Moon (14th, 28th) …check your kits.
…and perhaps another ‘short’ manipulator,
“Morgan Stanley Investigated Over Mortgage Securities, WSJ Says”
Investigators may have found someone who sold fist fulls of Market Index Futures (an option to ‘short’)… ten minutes before the 1000 point drop in the DJIA last week,
…and the big oil (Neptune) spill scandal (Neptune) is revealing the attitudes of BP Petroleum… and Haliburton,
“BP Pic (BP.L), Transocean Ltd (RIG.N) and Haliburton Co (HAL.N) are all in the hot seat for their roles in what could be the worst oil spill in U.S. history”
The good news? …Mercury goes into direct motion today …now maybe communications will improve and we can get busy fixing all this mess?
“Sin within the Church” threat to Catholicism: Pope Benedict”
…and the weather gets deadly again,
“5 dead, dozens injured as tornadoes hit Plains”
In remote areas of Northern Sumatra there was a 7.2 Earthquake …with perhaps more to come around the New and Full Moon (14th, 28th) …check your kits.
…and perhaps another ‘short’ manipulator,
“Morgan Stanley Investigated Over Mortgage Securities, WSJ Says”
Investigators may have found someone who sold fist fulls of Market Index Futures (an option to ‘short’)… ten minutes before the 1000 point drop in the DJIA last week,
…and the big oil (Neptune) spill scandal (Neptune) is revealing the attitudes of BP Petroleum… and Haliburton,
“BP Pic (BP.L), Transocean Ltd (RIG.N) and Haliburton Co (HAL.N) are all in the hot seat for their roles in what could be the worst oil spill in U.S. history”
The good news? …Mercury goes into direct motion today …now maybe communications will improve and we can get busy fixing all this mess?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Everything directly ruled by Saturn and of the Earth are under heavy stress from these current transits of Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto… and Pluto is in its station cycle for a week or so… thus ‘cooking’ this ‘T-Bar’ of stress…
Coal mines are ruled by Saturn, explosions are ruled by Uranus, and Pluto rules disasters… thus, coal mines everywhere are under tremendous stress… West Virginia, China, and now Russia,
“MOSCOW, May 10 (Reuters) – Underground explosions killed 30 people and trapped 60 more in Russia’s worst mine disaster in three years…”
…and Iceland’s volcano is puffing off and on …and may get worse around New Moon and later in the month,
“Airports reopen after volcanic ash cloud air disruption”
As I mentioned a couple of days ago… with Neptune always in the mix… due to its on going mutual reception with Uranus… and Uranus in the late degrees of Neptune ruled Pisces, will bring about sudden severe weather, storms, etc., and now one threatens the oil spill cleanup efforts in the Gulf,
…and as always …some new scandal …maybe French Government kickbacks from Pakistan?,8599,1987459,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
“Did a French Kickback Scheme Lead to a Car Bombing in Pakistan?”
…will it ever end?
“Bombings, Shootings Kill Dozens in Iraq”
…and the stock market? …the predicted slide certainly did occur …almost a 1000 point drop last week …and as I write today the swing is 400+ back up …It’s either being whipped around by its own computerized logic …or the financial world is setting it up to short it again …as now Europe proceeds with to bail out their debt with the same principals that the USA uses… that of speeding up the Euro printing presses and filling the investment community with more ‘hot air’ …and markets rise …as the world falls apart around them.
It the meantime everyone’s nerves will be wracked as the markets whip saw back forth now in the few hundred point ranges… until later in the summer when the planets all line up again in massive squares and oppositions. That may be the time of the really big second world wide stock market crash.
…it is certainly an eventful year thus far.
Coal mines are ruled by Saturn, explosions are ruled by Uranus, and Pluto rules disasters… thus, coal mines everywhere are under tremendous stress… West Virginia, China, and now Russia,
“MOSCOW, May 10 (Reuters) – Underground explosions killed 30 people and trapped 60 more in Russia’s worst mine disaster in three years…”
…and Iceland’s volcano is puffing off and on …and may get worse around New Moon and later in the month,
“Airports reopen after volcanic ash cloud air disruption”
As I mentioned a couple of days ago… with Neptune always in the mix… due to its on going mutual reception with Uranus… and Uranus in the late degrees of Neptune ruled Pisces, will bring about sudden severe weather, storms, etc., and now one threatens the oil spill cleanup efforts in the Gulf,
…and as always …some new scandal …maybe French Government kickbacks from Pakistan?,8599,1987459,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
“Did a French Kickback Scheme Lead to a Car Bombing in Pakistan?”
…will it ever end?
“Bombings, Shootings Kill Dozens in Iraq”
…and the stock market? …the predicted slide certainly did occur …almost a 1000 point drop last week …and as I write today the swing is 400+ back up …It’s either being whipped around by its own computerized logic …or the financial world is setting it up to short it again …as now Europe proceeds with to bail out their debt with the same principals that the USA uses… that of speeding up the Euro printing presses and filling the investment community with more ‘hot air’ …and markets rise …as the world falls apart around them.
It the meantime everyone’s nerves will be wracked as the markets whip saw back forth now in the few hundred point ranges… until later in the summer when the planets all line up again in massive squares and oppositions. That may be the time of the really big second world wide stock market crash.
…it is certainly an eventful year thus far.
Friday, May 7, 2010

From the Ryder-Waite Tarot Deck
Within a week of the exact aspect of the Saturn opposition Uranus… and today a loss of another -138 points… down almost 900 points for the week
“U.S. Stocks Tumble on Concern Over Europe, Trading Systems”
…yesterday, “Thursday after an afternoon meltdown had the Dow Industrials plunging 992.6 points, its biggest intraday drop on record.”
Last month I posted the number “0” Tarot Card, THE FOOL… representing the careless attitude of the markets at the edge of a precipice… and this 1st week of May the Tarot Card I would deal out… would be card number XVI, THE TOWER,
…the synchronicity of it? …the 16th of this past April was the 1st announcement of the SEC investigating Goldman Sachs trading practices… and that was the beginning… then the situation in Greece becoming glaringly obvious… then Spain, Portugal… Italy… maybe even the euro… possibly all going belly up… and today this 16th card of the Ryder-Waite Tarot Deck foretells of the market troubles to come… as the illusory icons… and international ‘Ponzi’ schemes come tumbling down…
…or was it just another retrograde Mercury computer glitch?'s_Most_Popular
“Market Plunge Baffles Wall Street”
“Trading Glitch Suspected in ‘Mayhem’ as DOW Falls Nearly 1000, Then Bounces”
That’s an interesting confirmation of the ‘retrograde’ Mercury influence… which rules ‘glitches’… However, I suspect this is much more than just a systems glitch… we shall see…
…these are interesting times, indeed.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another bomber… Mars is still within square orb to the Sun,
A big part of the current negative Neptune influence is the fraud scandals… and water, gas, oil problems and accidents. Unfortunately, the greed mentality of the corporate world rarely has a backup or emergency plan… until it starts to cost them a lot of money… then they start to pay attention.
“Insurance industry braces for liability hit from oil spill,
Cost of Deepwater Horizon could exceed $10 billion.”
…and the scandal of poisoning the ocean.
Now ships are being outfitted with ‘safe rooms’ …secure and well stocked with provisions …which gives the marines and special forces of cooperating nations access to pirates without risk to the hostages… and Russian Special Forces kicked some butts… and freed one of their ships taken over by Somali pirates,
…and the on going scandal of the financial scam that I’ve been warning about… that is world wide …and now the air is leaking from the ‘bubble’ of Europe and the Euro… ">
“Many possible triggers for wider euro debt crisis”
…and people are angry about it in Greece, Mars squares the Sun …and Mercury retrograde brings on strikes,'s_Most_Popular

“Three Killed in Fire as Strikes Grip Greece”
…and Iceland’s volcano fires up again,
“Volcanic ash snarls Scottish, Irish air services”
…and the DIJA average has tilted some -400 points.
…And there’s the aftermath of foul weather in the south, and midwest… and again a lot of this month’s predictions are occuring in the first week of the month… ‘Yod’ and ‘T-Bar’ formations are quite powerful… and when involving inharmonious planet combinations… negative things will predictably happen…
The timing is the hard part… again my volcano is early… and the stock market tilt down… is late again… sticky planets…
A big part of the current negative Neptune influence is the fraud scandals… and water, gas, oil problems and accidents. Unfortunately, the greed mentality of the corporate world rarely has a backup or emergency plan… until it starts to cost them a lot of money… then they start to pay attention.
“Insurance industry braces for liability hit from oil spill,
Cost of Deepwater Horizon could exceed $10 billion.”
…and the scandal of poisoning the ocean.
Now ships are being outfitted with ‘safe rooms’ …secure and well stocked with provisions …which gives the marines and special forces of cooperating nations access to pirates without risk to the hostages… and Russian Special Forces kicked some butts… and freed one of their ships taken over by Somali pirates,
…and the on going scandal of the financial scam that I’ve been warning about… that is world wide …and now the air is leaking from the ‘bubble’ of Europe and the Euro… ">
“Many possible triggers for wider euro debt crisis”
…and people are angry about it in Greece, Mars squares the Sun …and Mercury retrograde brings on strikes,'s_Most_Popular

“Three Killed in Fire as Strikes Grip Greece”
…and Iceland’s volcano fires up again,
“Volcanic ash snarls Scottish, Irish air services”
…and the DIJA average has tilted some -400 points.
…And there’s the aftermath of foul weather in the south, and midwest… and again a lot of this month’s predictions are occuring in the first week of the month… ‘Yod’ and ‘T-Bar’ formations are quite powerful… and when involving inharmonious planet combinations… negative things will predictably happen…
The timing is the hard part… again my volcano is early… and the stock market tilt down… is late again… sticky planets…
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Due to the current Mercury retrograde… I’m a day late… computer problems… just because astrologers know about this Mercury retrograde stuff doesn’t mean their computers are immune to it.
We are still under the influence of the stressful aspects that formed exact on the 28th of April… thus this first week may be another violent and explosive one. I’m trying another 1st of the month chart as a ‘Horary’ chart of the month to come, thus

[click chart for detail]
For the next two days the transiting Moon will approach its conjunction with Pluto and will also be the focal point and possible ‘trigger’ in the ‘T-Bar’ it forms with the transiting Saturn Uranus opposition… which is now being intensified by approaching Jupiter to conjoin with Uranus… Trigger for what?
Transiting Mars is on the Ascendant and square to the Sun and both are in square now… very powerful energies… on the positive side, a lot of work can get done… on the negative side, temper tantrums, violence, aggression, etc. This could be another bloody first week of the month, be alert.
The ‘T-Bar’ may tilt the market into a slide for awhile… and with Neptune still in stressful aspect… more may surface in the Wall Street scandals… and now along with Greece… Spain, Portugal, and Italy are on the financially troubled country list…
The continuing and now late degree (28-29) of the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius indicates perhaps more repetition of last months scandals… and or they reveal more… and of course possible new ones in government, banking, stocks, church, and celebrities…
With both the New (14th) and Full Moon (27th) making stressful aspects to these points… which may bring about some 6+ earthquakes, volcano activity, and severe storms, tornados… perhaps an early hurricane… which could be disastrous for the oil spill clean up.
Another stressful period will be from the 23rd to the end of the month… Jupiter and Saturn form an exact opposition on the 23rd… Jupiter also adds its exuberance to the ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn and Uranus to Pluto… and the 28th Uranus transits into the Mars ruled sign of Aries… and we may see revolutions start to get more violent.
It’s not the end of the world yet… just an eventful year.
We are still under the influence of the stressful aspects that formed exact on the 28th of April… thus this first week may be another violent and explosive one. I’m trying another 1st of the month chart as a ‘Horary’ chart of the month to come, thus

[click chart for detail]
For the next two days the transiting Moon will approach its conjunction with Pluto and will also be the focal point and possible ‘trigger’ in the ‘T-Bar’ it forms with the transiting Saturn Uranus opposition… which is now being intensified by approaching Jupiter to conjoin with Uranus… Trigger for what?
Transiting Mars is on the Ascendant and square to the Sun and both are in square now… very powerful energies… on the positive side, a lot of work can get done… on the negative side, temper tantrums, violence, aggression, etc. This could be another bloody first week of the month, be alert.
The ‘T-Bar’ may tilt the market into a slide for awhile… and with Neptune still in stressful aspect… more may surface in the Wall Street scandals… and now along with Greece… Spain, Portugal, and Italy are on the financially troubled country list…
The continuing and now late degree (28-29) of the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius indicates perhaps more repetition of last months scandals… and or they reveal more… and of course possible new ones in government, banking, stocks, church, and celebrities…
With both the New (14th) and Full Moon (27th) making stressful aspects to these points… which may bring about some 6+ earthquakes, volcano activity, and severe storms, tornados… perhaps an early hurricane… which could be disastrous for the oil spill clean up.
Another stressful period will be from the 23rd to the end of the month… Jupiter and Saturn form an exact opposition on the 23rd… Jupiter also adds its exuberance to the ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn and Uranus to Pluto… and the 28th Uranus transits into the Mars ruled sign of Aries… and we may see revolutions start to get more violent.
It’s not the end of the world yet… just an eventful year.
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