Sunday, May 30, 2010


“Kendra Wilkinsen: Sex Tape Broke My Heart”

…oh, give the kid a break … we… all of us who have video toys… play naughty games with them at one time or another… just remember to erase the tape... and sadly, the passing of two actors, Gary Coleman and Dennis Hopper, and both deaths fall within the orb of the Mars opposition to Neptune (rules infections, tumors, etc) aspect.

…and another coal mine explosion has just been reported in China, as Uranus (Explosions) is at 0 degrees of Aries (Mars ruled, force) and Saturn (rules coal mines) is opposite Uranus (explosions, accidents) and both Square to Pluto (rules catastrophes)…

The stress of this Saturn/Uranus/Pluto ‘T-Bar’ will be in influence throughout the month… and the summer… because it involves three very slow moving planets, with all three going retrograde a various times… which keeps this aspect around for some time to come…

…I’m glad now that I followed my intuition …and posted the June Predictions three days early …they’re already starting to happen …now even before the first week of the month! …will I ever get this cosmic timing thing figured out?!?

…check your kits.

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