Friday, November 20, 2009


“Bomber kills 16 outside Pakistan courthouse”

…yet amidst the madness and violence …these transiting energies take new directions in politics and the media industries… the current ‘Saturn opposition Uranus effect’ as I refer to it…

…for instance the new directions of the ‘media industry’… as I see it from a media specialist technician’s view point from inside the illusion machine… Media stars like Howard Stern, Bill Mahr, Jon Stewart, Colbert… and now Oprah… go cable and cater to their audience of followers by subscription (basically back to theatre tickets in principal)… thus being free of the meddlesome spread sheet profit/loss ratings mentality of advertiser sponsors… and thus more in control of their creativity… which is always good for the arts.

The Oprah effect: Winners and losers

...and now a new European leader… without a war?

“Is the new EU President a good choice?”

Whether or not, this ‘appointed’ president of the European Union, a Belgian, Herman van Rompuy, is a good idea remains to be seen. What surprises me is the fact that there is a leader of all Europe now… without there having been a world war fought about it. European countries have been trying to dominate one another since the dark ages.

Perhaps we’re witnessing the beginning of a major change in world attitude as predicted by these recent major life changing transits such as the triple transiting conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune and the five time opposition transits of Saturn and Uranus that are still occurring and will continue on through 2010-11.

Perhaps the people of Europe want results… from people who know what they’re doing. Instead of a corporate political parties fronting charismatic actors to be elected in staged elections to be the front man and or fall guy for their personal and profitable agendas. The corporate powers that be have made hundreds of billions of profits off of the Bush administration’s insane Middle East war policies.

…or perhaps, the conspiracy theorists are right …the secret corporate powers aren’t bothering with rigged elections anymore and will simply ‘appoint’ leaders. Instead of bungling inept ‘straw men’ like George ‘W’… and Tony Blair being elected in a rigged ballyhoo circus of primaries, conventions, and voter fraud allegations… simply appoint an efficient clerk and administrator of policy and get on with business.

…Is this the new world order? …interesting times that we’re living in, dear reader…

…may the and love of the cosmos be with you…

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