Friday, October 1, 2010


Finally the troublesome ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition Uranus and both square to Pluto is beginning to separate into wider orbs. However, it still left us with some violent weather and seismic activity this past month. Hurricane Igor reached class 4 with winds of 150 mph and was the largest thus far this season. There were also a few 6+ magnitude earthquakes and volcano activity with the Shiveluch Volcano in Kamchatka… in the northeastern part of Russia just across from Alaska… and currently gusty storms pummel the east coast.

The ongoing violence throughout the world unfortunately continues with the torching of NATO tankers in Pakistan, terrorists setting off bombs during the Nigerian independence celebrations, and the country of Ecuador is under siege after their President Rafael Correa is rescued by the military after being kidnapped by rebellious police.

The DJIA average continues its up trend now at the 10,800 level… far from my bottom predictions. The well known astrologer Richard Nolle attributes it to the on going conjunct of transiting Venus and Mars.

I’m not going to make anymore market or sports predictions for about a year or so… as both are ruled by the 5th House (sports, speculation) and currently I personally have difficult aspects making transits through my natal 5th House… involving squares from slow moving Saturn…which means for me personally… I won’t be that accurate in those areas and it is time for me to re-evaluate a lot of things. So… for a time… I shall focus more on public mundane events, historical events, celebrities, sex astrology… and various other philosophic and esoteric wiseacreings.

Again the New and Full Moon dates are the key stress periods… as it is another close orbit passage… what Richard Nolle has termed a “Super Moon.” I have followed his work for a few years now and my work and charts are in total agreement… such close passage does make a significant influence of ‘increase’ in tensions… simply because it pulls on the entire ocean which covers the majority of the planet… and if 70% of our body is water, it’s going to pull on us too… simple gravity… also the subconscious is ruled by planets like the Moon, Neptune, and Pluto… and they are the rulers of the water signs Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio… ergo, it pulls at these subconscious things in us… and often some individuals go a little bit ‘loony tunes.’… during these stressful transits.

The New Moon will occur on the 7th… allow three to four days either way for its influence. The Full Moon occurs on the 22nd and at 29 degrees of Aries and of course opposite the Sun at 29 degrees of Libra… not only are they both on the power points of the sign, 29 degrees… they are Cardinal points. Something of global significance may happen around that time. Also, transiting Mars makes a nice trine to the conjunct of Jupiter and Uranus… there may explode onto the world scene a new invention that will be of significant influence some years into the future… like Edison’s invention of the light bulb.

…transiting Venus and Mars are still doing their conjunct Tango through the sign of Pluto ruled sexy Scorpio …and the ‘lucky’ ones whose charts are so harmoniously aligned may be enjoying some hot romance… and others not so harmoniously aligned may be involved in crimes of passion… do be careful and discreet… enjoy it while it lasts… I will be doing an article later in the month about the aftermath of it all.

Though the stressful transits are separating… we will be having later aftershocks here and there as delayed events whose cause will be the past stress… like a crack in the bridge… it may not fall for ten years… but if left in disrepair… it will eventually fall… as we witness now and then on the evening news… or experience it as an unfortunate commuter driving on it when it does.

So… check your kits… a lot can and probably will happen in the storms, earthquake, and volcano areas…

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