Taiwan, China, Philippines, India… all bracing for fierce storms… during the waxing of the current Full Moon… and Jupiter (a lot)… still conjuncts Uranus (sudden, storms)… and both are back in the sign of Pisces (water sign)… check you kits.
…another interesting manifestation is the current media storm over Juan Williams being fired for saying airline passengers in ‘Muslim garb’ make him nervous last Wednesday on FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly show… and all the usual 1st Amendment ballyhoo… NPR fires him… and FOX News gives him a three year $2 million dollar contract… what a country! …anything can and does happen in LaLaland. and the entertainment world.

Juan may have been voicing an honest human reaction… but what he fails to see… is that the media are the ones who created all this national paranoia in the first place! …and he and Bill O’Reilly are part of it …a controlled farce of media clowns who keep fanning the fires of hate instead of digging for facts and getting to the real truth of things… instead of buying into the latest WMD, war on drugs, global weather cons, and eminent disease scams… perpetrated by special interest, political, and money monger groups.
…it’s all hot air to keep us scared silly …and watching the 24/7 news of left, right, and middle views …trying to figure out what’s really going on …from 3 or 4 minutes of sound bites, flying videos, and teleprompter scripts read by pretty people… in between feel good/spend/call toll free commercials for 3 or 4 minutes… in what the late great comedian Bill Hicks referred to as the United States of Advertising.
…it’s simple really …you get paid to voice the script the particular station, producer, holder of the money, advertiser wants… for whatever reasons… or you get fired… and if that creates a pop in ratings… the other side will hire you… they have advertisers who can make a buck off the controversy you’re stirring up… and all the channels are getting rating boosts airing the latest developments… of what Sarah Palin just said… and what Paris Hilton is up to these days… but first a word from our sponsors… blah, blah, buy, buy, eat, eat… call toll free…
…the solution to your harried mind? …CLICK! …turn off the TV and go outside and meet reality,
‘…hum, storm clouds …better check the kit …and pick up extra candles on the next trip to the market…’
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