Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I mentioned in the October Predictions of the 1st that there might be significant discoveries or happenings that could very well significantly influence the future. I think the recent Supreme Court Judge’s ruling on ending the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policies of gays and bisexuals serving in the military might be one of those historic moments… it won’t happen overnight… but it probably will happen. The transiting planets fit the signature of such an influence… Mars (military) trine (supportive) Jupiter (expansion, optimistic, higher courts) conjunct Uranus (change, sudden)... in the sign of Pisces, ruling empathy and compassion.

In my opinion… if we are to survive as a nation representing equality and freedom… it has to change. We have to stop living in this hateful paranoid hypocrisy. Gays have been in the military since the first battle of two Neanderthal tribes over a water hole… as depicted in the movie, 2001: A SPACE ODESSY.

A certain percentage of the population is gay …ergo, a certain percentage of the military is gay …and always has been. In different times and armies it has been more open… the Roman army not only tolerated gays but encouraged it… the reasoning being you wouldn’t abandon your lover in a battle.

But… the sign of Pisces… is a water sign… and the influence can vacillate and be a bit wishy washy at times… thus President Obama’s and others request to stay the decision for awhile. I won’t say that other administrations had more courage… it’s simply always slow… President Truman signed into law a bill to desegregate the military on July 26th 1948… it didn’t actually begin to happen until the Korean War in 1950-53 when the military had no other choice due to the high casualty rates in the all white units… and finally African American troops were assigned to the previously all white units in the combat areas as casualty replacements
…when it comes down to the real issue …when bullets are flying …you’re covering their back and they’re covering yours …gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political views, etc. …are all irrelevant… all that matters is… are you both good shots and is there plenty of ammo?

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